Tag Archives: israel

Egypt defies Israel, will open Gaza border

A day after Israel invades northern Gaza, Egypt says it will open its border with Gaza.

Egypt will allow aid convoys to enter Gaza.  Prior to the Egyptian Revolution, Egyptian President Mubarak closed the border, in cooperation with Israel.

Mubarak’s government also worked with Israel to keep Hamas and Fatah separated.  The new transitional government of Egypt worked to bring Hamas and Fatah together, which greatly angered Israel.

The first aid convoys are planned to cross the Gaza border on May 15 (the anniversary of the Nakba, Israeli occupation of Palestinian land).

Israel invades Gaza

Israeli ground troops have invaded the northern half of Gaza, Wednesday, May 11.  Reports say troops, tanks and armored bulldozers are advancing towards Gaza City.

Israeli officials say they are destroying “possible tunnels”.  Palestinians think the Israelis are trying to provoke action by Gazans, that would then be used to justify a larger military operation.

Recently Hamas and Fatah unified, a move deplored by the Israeli government.  Israel responded by withholding Palestinian taxes (which Israel controls) from the government of Palestine.


Argentina says slave trade being run by U.S.

Argentina is demanding help from the United Nations, in helping to fight slave trades, run mainly by organizations from the United States.

Argentina claims that U.S. organized crime is using Argentina as a recruiting grounds, and transit point, for human trafficking.  Poor people are promised well paying jobs in the U.S., but end up working for little pay, if any, and long hours.

The workers, men, women and children, not only work in industries like textiles, but, according to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics 80% end up as sex workers in the United States.

Other countries that are destination points for human trafficking are Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Israel, Japan and Thailand.

Israel cuts off tax moneys for Palestinians, punishment for Fatah & Hamas unifying

Talk about taxation without representation, Israel collects most of the customs fees, and taxes for the Palestinian territories.  It’s another way the Israelis make life hell for the Palestinians.

Now Israel says they will not turn that tax money over to the Palestinian government, in retribution for Fatah and Hamas unifying.  The money Israel is withholding is more than have of what the Palestinian government needs to operate.  Palestinian officials say they’re now forced to ask for donations from the international community.

Iran claims U.S. and Israel smuggling Crack & Meth into Iran from Afghanistan

Iranian investigator Majid Abhari, says he has proof that drugs being brought into Iran, through Afghanistan, are being run by the CIA and Mossad.  He has some convincing evidence.

First, traditionally opium, and marijuana/hash, were the drugs that came through.  Now, Iranian drug police are confiscating morphine, crack and meth.  Those drugs are considered “western” drugs and are not normally used by addicts in the region.

Second, Iranian police have discovered that transactions connected to the “western” drugs are being made with credit cards.  Traditional drug dealers operate “cash only” businesses.

Iran claims to be the most active anti-drug enforcers in the world.  Last year they seized 85% of the world’s illegal opium.  In the past five years Iran has spent $50 million to fight drug trafficking from just Afghanistan.  Iran also claims thousands of their anti-drug police have been killed.

Iranian police say drug trafficking from Afghanistan has jumped 40 times higher after the U.S. invaded .  According to the UN, Afghan opium production was at 185 metric tons (204 U.S. tons) per year, before the U.S. invaded.  The United Nations says opium production is now at 3,400 tons (3748 U.S. tons) per year (in 2007 it hit a record of 8,200 metric tons [9039 U.S. tons]).

Iran should know how the CIA and Mossad operates, after all, during the reign of the pro-U.S. Shah the CIA, and Mossad, trained Iran’s intelligence agencies (especially the infamous SAVAK).


Iraqis say Israeli warplanes seen on U.S. base in Iraq

A source close to prominent Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sader, say they have seen Israeli aircraft on the al-Asad air base in Iraq.

The aircraft have been taking part in night time training exercises.  The unnamed source says the exercises are part of preparations to attack Iran.

This is not the first time that Israeli aircraft have operated in Iraq.  In 2008 Iraqi government officials reported that the U.S. was allowing Israeli planes to land and take off form bases in Iraq.

Hamas and Fatah to form new Palestinian government, Israel already making threats

In a surprise announcement, officials from West Bank’s Fatah, and Gaza’s Hamas, say they will reconcile and form a new Palestinian government.

Recently Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, of Fatah, lost support after Arab media reports showed that his administration actually worked for Israel.

More recent Arab reports showed that, along with Israel and the United States, the Egyptian government under Hosni Mubarak worked to keep Hamas and Fatah at each others throats.

Now that Mubarak is gone, and because Palestinians have been demonstrating against Fatah, it looks like there could be a unified Palestinian government.

An agreement was signed back in October 2009, but Hamas had concerns, and then Abbas of Fatah (headquartered in West Bank) withheld foreign aid money for Gaza.  It’s being reported that Abbas says he will finally release the foreign aid money for Gaza.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening the alliance of Hamas and Fatah, saying: “You can’t have peace with both Israel and Hamas. Choose peace with Israel.”

Netanyahu’s threats will fall on deaf ears, because in the past few weeks Israeli troops have been terrorizing West Bank Palestinians, after a Jewish settler family was found stabbed to death. The amazing thing is that the Israelis have no proof of who did the murders, they just automatically assumed it was the West Bank Palestinians.  Why?  Because the Israelis admit the land the settlers were on was stolen from local Palestinians and they think the murders were retribution.  Aren’t the Israelis wonderful,  steal your land, then accuse you of murder without any proof, round up hundreds of men and women, torture them, take blood samples for DNA data banks, then use the whole incident to justify taking more of your land!

Hamas is expecting more action from Fatah, such as a release of hundreds of Hamas prisoners locked up in the West Bank, re-opening closed Hamas charities, and the removal of a ban on Hamas activities in the West Bank.

Considering the damaging reports of Fatah’s complicity with Israeli policies, and to save face with the Palestinian people, and the fact that the Israelis are storming all over Fatah controlled West Bank, Fatah will have to give into Hamas.