Tag Archives: israel

Egyptian Army blocking access to Sinai Peninsula, Egyptian government still pro-Israel

Despite demands by the people of Egypt to be allowed to protest the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the Egyptian Army is blocking access to the Sinai Peninsula, in order to keep Egyptians from reaching the Israeli border at Gaza.

Some Egyptian politicians have stated that the Egyptian blockade against Gaza is being done to support Israel and the United States, and have asked for its end.  But the fact that the Egyptian Army is stopping people from protesting the blockade, and Israel, is proof the so called “new” Egyptian government is still being controlled by the U.S. and Israel.

Israelis back off suing Former U.S. President Carter

At the beginning of 2011 a lawsuit was filed against Jimmy Carter, by Israelis upset by the facts in his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”.   They wanted $5 million in damages.

They claimed that Carter’s facts were false, but, according to some reports, as of May 5 they have dropped their claims.  I wounder if they realized Carter’s book is factual regarding Israel’s brutality towards Palestinians?

Egyptian military preventing Egyptians from marching on Israeli border

In a live report on Iranian TV, a reporter said that Egyptians who where planning on demonstrating on the Israeli border are being prevented by the Egyptian Army.

Egyptians say they chartered dozens of buses to take them to the border along Gaza. However, those bus companies say they have been ordered by the Egyptian Army not to do so.

In the past week many Egyptians made statements about protesting Israel on May 15.  They even asked for the Egyptian Army to support them in their demonstrations.  Reports that the new Egyptian government is trying to block such anti-Israel demonstrations shows that new government is not in line with the Egyptian people.  Egyptians say they will find other ways to get to the Israeli border.


Obama to announce new Middle East Policy

Israeli media reporting that U.S. President Barack Obama will announce a new U.S. Middle East policy, before his visit with the Israeli Prime Minister next week.

Reports say Obama’s new policy is in response to the drastic changes taking place in the Middle East, and North Africa.

When Obama became President he made promises about peace between Israel and Palestine, but some Israeli analysts say he failed to keep that promise. Any new policy he comes up with, they think will fall short:  “…will lay out some very well known parameters and call in the parties to negotiate, but it won’t be a full blown plan.”-Dr. Jonathan Rynhold, Bar-Ilan University


Obama’s peace envoy to the Middle East resigns, right before the anniversary of the Nakba

President Obama’s man for peace in the Middle East throws in the towel, just in time for a massive May 15 march on Israeli borders by Egyptians, Jordanians and Lebanese.

There are yet to be any official statements about George Mitchell’s resignation.  There is speculation that the unification of Palestinian political parties Hamas and Fatah (and other groups) is a factor.

The Israeli government recently said that with Fatah united with Hamas, there could be no more peace talks.


Idahoan interviewed by Iranian media, says U.S. foreign & domestic policy is two headed beast, not about democracy

An Idaho political commentator was interviewed by Iranian PressTV, which aired on May 13.

Controversial Mark Glenn, high school teacher turned political commentator,  stated that United States foreign policy is controlled by corporate America, and Israel: “…with Tel Aviv as well we have to keep in mind that this is a two-headed beast, it’s not just the U.S. and her political/business interests.”

Glenn also said that corporate capitalism and true democracy are not compatible: “Where there is freedom as far as capitalism goes where there is true freedom to choose, capitalism cannot thrive. Capitalism as much as we are told it is a supporter of a free market and competition, in true essence it is not. We do not want the people to have the opportunity to choose for themselves to make choices in their own best interests and so America at the highest political level is not in the least bit interested to have any form of democracy- it is the iron fist in a velvet glove.”

Events in the Middle East and North Africa will only make the U.S. government more aggressive:  “…if the U.S. and Israel manage to lose control of these governments in that part of the world they are going to up the ante as the saying goes and they are going to apply even more desperate measures to maintain the kind of control that they have enjoyed…”


Israel boosts border forces, bans access to Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli officials are concerned about upcoming Nakba demonstrations by Palestinians, Egyptians, Jordanians and Lebanese.  The demonstrations come one day after Israel celebrates its so called “Independence”.

Israelis are increasing military and police forces along their borders with Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. They have also banned access to Al-Aqsa Mosque (aka Temple Mount). Only men more than 45 years old, and having Israeli ID will be allowed in.

Israeli officials say intelligence has picked up a huge increase in internet and cell phone activity between Palestinians.  In Gaza alone, officials expect at least a quarter million demonstrators on May 15.