Category Archives: U.S.

U.S. Nuclear Power Plants NOT required to have disaster plans

In the 1980’s the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled 5-4 that there was no reason to require nuclear plants to create earthquake disaster plans.

In 2003, an earthquake in California, prompted the Diablo Canyon plant officials to come up with a plan.  But, for some unknown reason, they have yet to publish that plan. The plant operators were not required to include earthquakes in its emergency response plan, when the plant was first licensed.

In fact according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, nuclear plants in the U.S. are required to have only a general emergency response plan.  In other words they don’t plan for specific types of disasters.

Some officials say no planning is needed because the plants were supposedly built to withstand earthquakes.  Tell that to the Japanese.  Two workers at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, who survived the 9.0 quake/tsunami, say the plant was falling apart.  One of those workers said he was surprised because everyone had been told the plant was earthquake proof.

Ignored by Main Stream Media, guns taken by police after Hurricane Katrina

Not reported by the main stream U.S. media was the fact that New Orleans police took guns from law abiding residents.

Bar owner Joann Guidos, said if it wasn’t for her shotgun her business would have been looted.  “There were vans with thugs in them. They were breaking into any businesses where there was no sign of anyone around in them. They didn’t mess with us in here because I stood out front with my shotgun,” yet, when she finally decided to leave to escape the flooding, the local police took her guns.

I was in California during the Rodney King riots, and there were many similar stories of business owners, and individuals, protecting themselves in a similar way.  In fact, by the time the National Guard came in, most neighborhoods, and businesses, that did not suffer looting were those who had guns!!!

My sister, when living in San Diego, experienced an attempted break in to her apartment by a criminal that was being chased by cops.  She pulled out a gun and chased off the criminal who was caught by the police.  Until then she wasn’t secure with guns, but our dad insisted she have the gun when she moved to San Diego.

Back to the issue of cops taking guns from people in New Orleans.  So many people had their guns taken that they sued the city.  A book was published documenting the incident called “The Great New Orleans Gun Grab”.

Obama wants your guns Biden making plans with gun control advocates

There are reports that President Barak Obama is looking into the possibility of issuing an executive order, to over ride the Second Amendment.

Reportedly he has asked the Justice Department to look into the legalities of such a move.  President Obama has made statements recently in which he expressed desires to make current gun control laws tougher.

On March 15, 2011, Aides to Vice President Joe Biden met with Justice Department officials, and gun control advocates, to discuss options.  Apparently no pro-gun advocates were present.  Biden’s aides said this was the beginning stage, “…we are just gathering ideas…”.

Obama ready to attack Libya, Libya ready to attack international shipping

President Barak Obama said he was ready to take military action, along side France, Italy and Britain, against Libya.

The Libyan government responded by saying that if they are attacked by foreign forces they will launch attacks against international shipping, air traffic and civilian targets.

The UN Security Council decision to use military force was influenced by support for a no fly zone from the Arab League.

GM joins Toyota in reducing U.S. production

General Motors (GM) has announced that due to auto parts shortages, caused by the disasters in Japan, they will have to shut down some production in the United States.

A GM plant in Louisiana is the first to be closed, for a week, as a result.

Toyota had announced that it would slow production in its U.S. factories. Officials say production will not be affected at their engine plants. Instead of closing plants altogether, Toyota has eliminated overtime work.

Ford says so far their U.S. operations are not affected, Honda said the same thing.

With attention focused on Japan, U.S. closer to War with Libya

While most American’s attention has been focused on the disasters in Japan, the governments of the United States, France and several other countries, have been pushing for military action against Libya.

The first step towards that has been accomplished, with the UN (United Nations) passing a security resolution which will result in air strikes against Libyan government troops; a no fly zone.

The Libyan government has been making progress against rebels in the past week.  Rebels watching the UN Security Council, cheered at hearing the results of the voting.

French officials say action could begin within hours.  France, United Kingdom (Britain), United States and one or two unnamed Arab countries, are said to be ready to take part in enforcing the no fly zone.

Preparing for Disaster

How do you prepare for natural disaster?

First you need to know what kind of natural disaster/disasters is/are most likely in your area.  Tornado, flood, earthquake, hurricane, volcano, wild fire?  All the above?

Second you need to figure out the chances of your survivability, based on the level of the disaster.   Example:  I live about 130 miles (222km) from the super volcano at Yellowstone National Park.  The last time I read about the expected eruption (a massive explosion) of Yellowstone, I learned that I live within the “kill zone” of 200-600 miles.  However, the rest of North America would be subject to the highly toxic, and abrasive, ash cloud.

That is an extreme example, but geologist keep saying a catastrophic eruption of Yellowstone is overdue.

The next step is: Do you have the ability to prepare?  The main problem in a capitalist society is money.  I do not have the amount of money it would take to prepare to survive the catastrophic eruption of Yellowstone, given how close I am.  The best I can do is prepare to survive the ash cloud (seal doors & windows, wear respirator, along with the usual stockpile of survival goods).  People will say, move!  That takes money as well, and I currently do not have enough money to even move (thank you Corporate America!).  I spent a decade “going where the jobs are”, but after I did some math, I realized that I had lost money with all the moving (I never made enough to make itemized deductions on my taxes, so no deduction for moving. And, one company I worked for actually reneged on its promise to pay my moving expenses).

The best that most people can do, is to prepare as if they will end up on the periphery of a natural disaster.  Stock up on food (mainly canned and dry), water, medicals and fuel, these are the basics.  Do not discount having a gun, just be sure you know how to use it.  And one last thing, if you have pets/livestock you need to make preparations for them as well.


U.S. Dollar crashing against Japanese Yen

The U.S. dollar has fallen in value against the Japanese Yen.  This is because Japanese government and corporations are cashing in their chips. They are cashing in the foreign bonds they hold, in order to raise cash to help deal with the disasters. Corporations, including insurance companies which expect pay out huge claims, are trying to acquire as much Japanese Yen as they can. This is called “repatriation” in the financial markets.

The Bank of Japan will take advantage of the rising value of the Yen, by selling Yen to foreign buyers in order to bring in foreign cash to the national bank.

Japan has been one of the most prolific buyers of U.S. debt, in the form of U.S. bonds.  Japan itself is in huge debt, but until now was able to continue buying U.S. bonds, helping the U.S. government.  The disasters have forced Japan to sell back bonds in order to raise cash to help deal with ongoing crisis, and for rebuilding.  Japanese corporations have to raise cash due to the fact that most factories have shut down, which means they’re not making anything to sell.  So Japanese corporations have to sell the foreign bonds they hold.

This is the beginning of a possible economic dominoes affect on the World Economy.

U.S. Military issuing Iodide Pills to Aircrews, U.S. taking Radiation Readings

The United States military is issuing Potassium Iodide pills to helicopter crews flying operations in Japan.  The crews take the pills before their missions.

U.S. nuclear experts now in Japan will start taking their own radiation readings.  Officially this is to “help” Japan with the Fukushima nuclear disaster, but I think it’s because U.S. officials don’t trust what TEPCo, and Japanese officials, are reporting.