Category Archives: International

BBC beggars U.S. for money, while U.S. Congress mulls cutting PBS

More proof that the British Empire (aka British Commonwealth) is taking over the United States.

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is asking for money from the U.S. taxpayer (Department of State). This while Congress debates cutting major funding from our own PBS (Public Broadcasting Service).

BBC is dealing with huge cuts from the government of United Kingdom (aka Britain).  U.S. State Department likes the BBC because of it’s world wide audience. It’s possible that the BBC might be used to spread U.S. propaganda (isn’t that what Voice of America is for?).

Is this what Hillary Clinton meant when she asked Congress to increase funding for a stronger “American” media presence around the world?

Britain taking over U.S. oil industry. Britain taking over U.S. municipal water systems. Now Britain taking over U.S. public television!  Our founding fathers would commit suicide if they were alive today!

Ring of Fire Seismic Events part 4 Largest Deadliest

The United States Geological Survey has vast data on earthquakes.  I looked at their “Largest and Deadliest Earthquake” list, which spans 1990 to 2011.

I looked at just those quakes on the Pacific Ring of Fire. I was looking to see if there was an increase in frequency and/or magnitude over the past 21 years.

There were a total of 31 “largest/deadliest” earthquakes on the Pacific Ring of Fire. The magnitudes ranged from 6.3 to 9.1 Richter scale. It looks like the amount of activity is spread evenly over the past 21 years, but it’s deceptive.  From year to year the pattern of activity is interesting.

1990 one,  1991 two, 1992 one, 1993 one, 1994 two, 1995 three, 1996 one, 1997 two, 1998 one, 1999 one.  At this point it looks like there is a loose pattern; 1/2/1/1/2/3/1/2/1/1.

2000 two, 2001 one, 2002 one, 2003 one, 2004 two, 2005 one, 2006 two, 2007 two, 2008 zero, 2009 two, 2010 one, 2011 two.  The pattern is different; 2/1/1/1/2/1/2/2/0/2/1/2.

Where the most quakes hit changes as well.  In the 1990s Japan was hit by one large/deadly quake.  From 2000 to 2011, Japan has been hit by two large/deadly quakes.  But check out Indonesia. In the 1990s the Indonesian islands were hit with two large/deadly quakes.  From 2000 to 2010 the Indonesian islands suffered six large/deadly quakes.  On the Americas side of the Pacific Ring it looks like quakes are more evenly spread out over the years.  From 1990 to 2011 a total of eight large/deadly earthquakes were spread from Alaska to Chile.

What is clear is that the activity is more frequent, and stronger, on the Asian side of the Pacific Ring (probably because that’s where the Pacific plate slams under the Eurasian plate).  But that’s no reason not to prepare, if you don’t live on the Asian side.

Note: The Japanese islands and the Indonesia islands are affected by several plates. Japan sits on the Eurasian plate, which is being hit by the Pacific plate and Philippine plate.  Indonesia straddles the Eurasian and Philippine plates, which are getting hit by the Pacific plate.



Brazil demands ceasfire in Libya

Brazil, China, India, Germany and Russia abstained from passing UNSCR 1973.

Now Brazil wants a ceasefire: “After regretting the loss of lives because of the conflict in the country, the Brazilian government hopes that an effective cease-fire be implemented as soon as possible to allow the protection of civilians and the start of dialogue.”

The statement was made hours after President Barack Obama left Brazil.

While our government has no budget, Obama spending money around the world

The U.S. government continues to pass temporary budgets.  Political leaders have stated “We’re broke”.  State governments continue to enact austerity measures, cutting funding for social programs.  Yet, President Obama is tripping around the world starting fights and making promises of money.

The current attacks on Libya are costing the Unite States hundreds of millions of dollars every day.  It’s expected to cost a billion dollars in one months time.

On his Latin American trip Obama just promised the Central American countries $200 million dollars to fight drugs trafficking.   Obama signed a deal with Brazil that involves $1 billion dollars of financing. From where, us?

Critics say Obama’s promises to Latin America have to be false because we’re broke.

Many people in Latin American countries say they don’t trust what Obama said anyway. They point to the UN approved, and currently U.S. lead,  attacks on Libya as proof that you can’t trust the United States.

Obama wants NATO to take lead in Libyan War, Turkey is Wild Card

President Obama is trying hard to convince France and the United kingdom to give NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) the command and control role for the war against Libya.

Obama is up against the wall after he insisted to Congress that direct U.S. involvement would be over in days.  It’s been several days.

The British and French agree to NATO’s role in the war with Libya, but they point out that Turkey is a member of NATO, and is opposed to military action against Libya.  Turkey is currently acting as a diplomatic go between, for Libya and the anti-Libyan UN coalition.

Obama is now busy trying to convince Turkey of the justification of military action.

I believe this is what planning and coordination is for.  At least Bush Jr understood that much.

Qatar helping to bomb Libya because of Bribes?

Qatar is the only Arab League country that will take part in the attacks on Libya (so far), even after the Arab League changed their mind on supporting UNSCR 1973.  Is this because of the $1 billion Qatar beggared from U.S. and European companies back in 2008?

Reuters says it’s gotten hold of leaked diplomatic documents (thanks to WikiLeaks), that show U.S. and European companies were shocked when Qatar hit them up for $1 billion to help build a state of the art hospital (gee it’d be nice if U.S. companies would spend that much on health care here in the U.S.).  The shock was due to the fact that Qatar is supposed to be rich, and in fact the Qatar Foundation is funding the hospital to a tune of $7.9 billion, the most for any hospital in the world. Sidra Medical Center is set to open in 2012.

Reuters says each company doing business in Qatar was hit up for anywhere from $80 million to $240 million.  “The IOCs (international oil companies) are shocked and angered by the request. None of the U.S. IOCs are considering donations … and they are aware the perception of a quid pro quo could be construed as violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.”  -leaked document

Reuters says a few companies did not donate. Others say they are still in discussions over the donations (more than 2 years later?), but most, like several oil companies and even Microsoft, are declining comment.  Mmmm, have payments been made, and is Qatar’s involvement with UNSCR 1973 quid pro quo, or just international political ambition?


Japan still being hit by aftershocks, Iran getting hit by quakes

During live NHK broadcast, early today in Japan, they were hit by an aftershock, which caused the anchor to apologize for it.

Today Iran announced that two mild quakes hit in quick succession in southeastern Iran.  Iran has several major fault lines running through the country, producing many major quakes.

The worst in recent times hit Bam in southeastern Kerman province in December 2003, killing 31,000 people.  In December 2010, southeastern Iran was hit by a 6.5 quake.  Fault lines in southeaster Iran have been highly active for the past 10 years.