Chrome in the Dome, 2025!

In 1970 (Cold War), the first in the U.S. fully enclosed colligate sports arena opened; the ASISU (Associated Students of Idaho State University) Minidome.

In 1988 (Cold War), the name was changed to Holt Arena to honor the athletic director who pushed for the creation of the Minidome.

In January 2024 the name was officially changed, again, to ICCU (Idaho Central Credit Union) Dome, due to the arena’s recent refreshment being funded mostly by the financial institution.  However, the signage on the arena wasn’t changed until later in the year.

On the 7th-8th of March 2025, Idaho State University (ISU)-College of Technology Automotive Program held its yearly ‘Chrome in the Dome’ car show.

Cold Friday afternoon, waiting for the car show to open, 07MAR2025:

A tale of two Chargers, Dodge that is, 07MAR2025:

Goldilocks said “This rice burner is too long, and this rice burner is too little!”:

2024: Motorcycles at the Chrome in the Dome

I had a challenging time getting into this Challenger, but I still want it (somebody buy it for me, please):

A couple of Hot Rods:

Dr. Pepper & Rutbeer Ford pickups:

Chevy 350 powered 1968 Toyota Land Cruiser:

Hippie-Dippie van and electric King-mobile:

A couple of tri-five princes of Bel-Air:

One hundred and eleven years old 1914 Ford Touring survivor:

1971 AMC Javelin SST (Super Sonic Transport? No, Super Sports Touring):

1950 Plymouth Deluxe:

‘Proud’ Fiero with a fiery V8:

Chevy Super Mod:

Cabin Over Engine:

A super Nova called Mayhem:

Awards were issued, even to the little ones:

The hundred and one years old ‘Depot Hack’ needed some help.

Time to head ’em up and move ’em out, even the little ones:

For more of my Chrome Dome videos check out my ‘Cars Showing Off’ playlist on my YouTube channel (and subscribe!):

2024: Part-5 Chrome in the Dome