Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 05 to 06 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.
So much for vaccinations, report says old diseases are now more deadly
Doctor says masks and gloves actually spread disease!
Vietnam ramps up production of face masks
United Nation’s WHO finally to hold special forum on coronavirus, but not until five days from now! WHO officials remind UN member nations it’s time to pay ‘donations’, needs at least U.S.$675-million to fund current missions!
As of 05FEB2020, the UN’s World Health Organization still does not list the novelcornavirus (Novel-CoV) in any of its three categories of “emergencies”.
3-thousand-7-hundred foreigners quarantined on cruise ship in Japan, disease spreading
Japan establishes Tokyo Olympics coronavirus committee
Russian economy slowing due to cornavirus, hackers targeting public health data
1-thousand-7-hundred Russians waiting for evacuation from China
Malaysia confirms human coronavirus transmission arising from Singapore meeting
Taiwan halts visas from Hong Kong, Macau as global coronavirus deaths hit 565
Macau economy crashing due to coronavirus
Thai economy crashing due to coronavirus
Boy dies due to care givers being quarantined, officials who made the call are fired
Coronavirus to become the new influenza?
Sri Lanka reports 10-thousand-89 cases of dengue
Philippines Province of Pangasinan reports 313 cases of dengue in past month
Revealed; Huge increase (28-million more) in vaccinations of Norwegian farmed salmon, you’re eating it!
UNICEF, along with the Gates Foundation’s vaccination arm GAVI, announces yet another global measles vaccination drive (notice that GAVI’s global measles vaccination campaigns coincide with the global outbreak of measles, which came first?)
Yet another scientific explanation on how you can get sick with the flu after getting the flu vaccination (including admission that each season’s flu vaccine does not cover all types of influenza, and is only based on previous season’s flu strains)
56 people in Taiwan die from H1N1 swine flu
Vietnam reports human H1N1 swine flu infections
Indian state of Odisha reports human H1N1 swine flu infection
Proof the U.S. government is expecting a genocidal flu season: Food and Drug Administration approves H5N1 bird flu pandemic vaccine!
H5N1 bird flu ticking time bomb?
Oregon to review grade school students’ vaccination records this month
Texas conducts yet another rabies vaccine air drop
Parvovirus shutting down dog parks in Montana
Lack of hunting in the U.S. being blamed for spread of viruses in wild animals?
More proof vaccines are money makers: Influenza Medication Market has potential to be worth U.S.$993.7-Million by 2026
Going Viral, 03-04 February 2020:AT LEAST 10,000 DEAD, JUST IN THE U.S.!