Tag Archives: oil

Like Riceburners? Join the U.S. Air Force, see Japan!

To boost lagging recruitment (and apparent lack of desire to deploy to Japan), the U.S. Air Force is promoting its Auto Hobby Shop on Yokota Air Base. It is open seven days per week, with six self-service lift bays, an oil-change pit, and they provide the tools!

U.S. Armed Forces Network video report released 17MAR2025:

Cold War to Near Peer Threats:Japan’s ‘lowrider’ Type 74, finally retired?

Idaho: British Austin + Japanese Suzuki = The Duke!?

Idaho’s Bold Tigers invade Japan?

Saving Private Boeing, with a ‘Top Secret’ price tag?

On 21MAR2025, U.S. President Donald John Trump announced the purchase of a top secret fighter jet for the U.S. Air Force (USAF), called the F-47. He also revealed that the cost of the aircraft is ‘top secret’, ostensibly claiming that revealing the cost would also reveal the latest and greatest ‘top secret’ technologies used by the ‘6th Generation’ fighter:

A USAF news release revealed that “Over the past five years, in strong partnership between the Air Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, X-planes have been laying the foundation for the F-47.” 

The USAF news release also points out that the contract for the F-47 is for only “a small number of test aircraft”, a price for production aircraft is still up-in-the-air.

Education Revolution: Idaho among several states praised by Trump for the Education Revolution!

No more NATO-România MiG-21 ‘Fishbed/Lancer’!

Romania retired its last active Cold War era Mikoyan & Gurevich (MiG) 21s on 15MAY2023, officially replacing them with new versions of the Cold War era General Dynamics F-16s: Decommissioning of the MiG-21 LanceR aircraft and the accelerated transition to the operation of the F-16 aircraft of the Romanian Air Force.”Forțele Aeriene Române

Romanian Ministerul Apararii Nationale retirement video report:

Romanian F-16s; I edited this from a NATO video, non-disclosed location over Europe, released July 2023:

I edited together several NATO ‘walk-around’ videos (mostly silent videos) recorded between 2016 and 2020:

Serbian Armed Forces video from September 2018’s International Air Tactical Exercise Air Solution (involving Ohio National Guard, Romania and Serbia):

2020: NATO’s MiG-21 (with more videos of Romanian MiG-21s, including a report about Romanian pilot’s last flight in MiG-21)

For more MiG videos go to my ‘Forever Wars’ playlist on my YouTube variety-show channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkZrLGwZbnj93-HZy9E6tQvyrXyMi_-x7

20FEB2025, U.S. Secretary of Defense announcements.

U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth says main stream “woke” news media is lying about Defense Department cuts! Welcomes DOGE inspectors:

The actual physical location of the Pentagon is in Virginia, not Washington DC. Washington DC is the mailing address for the Pentagon.

14FEB2025: United States + NATO-Poland.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Peter Brian Hegseth reports on efforts to use Guantanamo Bay, on Cuba, to hold violent illegals.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Peter Brian Hegseth reports on the 29JAN2025 crash between U.S. Army UH-60 Black Hawk and American Eagle Flight 5342.

Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, in war-time color!

An early P-40 Warhawk.

AT-6 Texan versus P-40 Warhawk.

A row of early P-40s, no information came with the photo.

Somewhere in China, date not given.

26th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, somewhere in China.

A pilot and his P-40.

Maintaining in Panama.

I got this from a silent color film, recorded sometime in 1942.  It shows the nose-names applied to newly arrived P-40E Warhawks (to replace the P-40B/Cs that were destroyed by the Japanese) on Hickam Field, Territory of Hawaii:

Before the Second World War started France had ordered hundreds of Curtiss P-40 fighters, but did not receive them due to being invaded by Germany. After the United States invaded Morocco, U.S. General James Harold ‘Jimmy’ Doolittle presided over the official delivery ceremony of Warhawks to the newly ‘liberated’ French Groupe de Chasse GC II/5 (aka Lafayette Escadrille), on Casablanca-Cazas airfield in Morocco, on the African continent. I edited from a collection of color silent films recorded by B. O’Conner on 09JAN1943 (the date of the official ceremony, in reality the U.S. had already equipped the French unit in November 1942):

Casablanca-Cazas airfield in Morocco, 09JAN1943.

U.S. Army Photo Division personnel incorrectly listed the above photo as being in Algeria (Algiers), it is from the 09JAN1943 ceremony in Morocco.

P-40 Warhawk, Aleutian Islands, 11DEC1943.

The U.S. Army photo-info says this is a ‘E’ version, but the tail looks like the ‘K’ version.

P-40 Warhawk over Mount Vesuvius, supposedly before it erupted on 18MAR1944.

Uncle Sam preps for War: Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

‘Democracy & Inclusion’ equal new anti-Iran/Russia military pact!

On 14JAN2025, during the last days of the Biden regime, a Strategic Partnership ‘agreement’ was signed between Armenia and United States of America. It includes, among other things, “nuclear cooperation”. Armenia sits on the southern border of Georgia (which itself sits on the southern border of Russia) and the northern border of Iran.

Video via U.S. Department of State, U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, in the Harry S. Truman building, Washington DC:

U.S. Embassy Armenia: Charter on Strategic Partnership Between the United States of America and the Republic of Armenia

2021: USACE spends your money building fire stations for Armenia!

Vehicle I-D: Armenian Armor Հայկական զրահ

NATO cover-up: Brutal overthrow & murder of Libyan leader was to hide illegal funding of NATO members!

From 2007, when Sarkozy was buds with Gaddafi. Notice the anti-U.S.A. statue in the background.

A former president of NATO-France is now on trial for corruption involving illegal payments from long dead Libyan leader Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi.  Interesting as the former president of NATO-France was the first to call for Gaddafi’s overthrow, which lead to Gaddafi’s brutal murder, in 2011, which was shown live on social media.

In December 2024, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy had already been given a piddly sentence in a different corruption case connected to Libya.  This new trial includes 12 additional defendants.

France24 report, 07JAN2025:

The revelations which show that several NATO countries (including France, United Kingdom and United States) were taking bribes ‘in the millions’ from Gaddafi, were the result of years of investigative journalism, spurred-on by leaked government documents detailing the cash payments. Sarkozy allegedly used most of the bribes to finance his re-election campaign, if convicted in this new trial he could get a piddly ten years in prison.

2017: NATO-Italy & Libya form united navy to block migrants?

2014: Obama regime insurgents in Libya, Syria and Egypt! Wearing U.S. military camo body armor!

2012: Now there’s a porn connection! FBI cancels trip to Libya! Libya attacks were set up!

U.S. Navy SEALs killed in Libya!

U.S. ambassador to Libya assassinated, blowback for assassinating Gaddafi! 

Arab League tries to shut down Syrian TV, same thing happened in Libya!

March 2012: Libyan rebel leader says Western Powers wanted Gaddafi killed, because of his knowledge of the evil secrets of Europe & United States

NATO-Poland’s 1st F-35s arrive in Arkansas!

“The arrival of Poland’s first F-35s is a significant milestone for our state, the nation, and our allies who will train on this fifth-generation fighter at Ebbing Air National Guard Base. I’m extremely proud of the whole team in the 188th Wing, and the staffs at Razorback Range and Fort Chaffee Joint Maneuver Training Center for the planning and work that has resulted in the sound of freedom returning to the River Valley today. They’ve partnered with the active-duty Air Force to go from concept to jets being parked on the ramp in a compressed timeframe. We are thankful for the dedicated teamwork of those in Fort Smith, Sebastian County, our entire Congressional delegation, and state elected officials who have moved mountains to make this mission possible in Arkansas.”Brigadier General Chad Bridges, Arkansas National Guard

Polish F-35A flybys, edited from videos via Airman First Class Miles Chrisman, of the Air National Guard’s 188th FW:

On 23DEC2024, a couple of ‘firsts’ took place; the first of several Lockheed-Martin F-35A Lightning-2 (named after the P-38 Lightning) for NATO-Poland were delivered, and secondly, the training for Polish pilots will take place on an Air National Guard base.

In July 2024, the United States Air Force (USAF) 85th Fighter Group (FG) was re-activated by the 33rd Fighter Wing (FW) specifically to train Polish pilots to fly the F-35A.  The 85th FG will conduct the training on Ebbing Air National Guard Base (ANGB), in Arkansas. When the 85th FG was deactivated, in 2006, its last assignment was in Iceland. The 85th FG is now part of the 33rd Fighter Wing (FW), which is part of the USAF’s Air Education and Training Command (AETC).

In May 2024, officials with the U.S. Foreign Military Sales, USAF and NATO-Poland, met on Ebbing ANGB, on Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Polish F-35A gets hosed, edited from videos via Airman First Class Miles Chrisman, Air National Guard 188th FW:

Ebbing ANGB is also home to Arkansas Air National Guard’s 188th Wing.

The decision to use Ebbing ANGB to train foreign pilots was made in 2023, after almost three years of comparing eligible air bases, both USAF and National Guard. Future F-35 training will include pilots from NATO-Finland, NATO-Germany, Singapore (one of several East Asian countries being wooed by NATO) and Switzerland (a NATO ‘partner’ but not a full member).

In November 2024, the USAF admitted it was all about supporting taxpayer subsidized Foreign Military Sales.

NATO-Belgium: First F-35A arrives in Arizona!

NATO-Belgium’s 1st F-35A arrives in Arizona!

“It’s a historic day for the Belgian air force. Our first jet just landed at Luke Air Force Base, marking the start of our training period. A lot of work has gone into making this moment possible and we are excited to begin flying and complete our training.”-Lieutenant Colonel Pierre-Yves Libert, 312th Fighter Squadron, 03DEC2024

The first Belgian Lockheed-Martin F-35A Lightning-2 arrived on Luke Air Force Base (AFB), Arizona,  03DEC2024.

Video interview by Senior Airman Mason Hargrove recorded on 03DEC2024, released for public use on 19DEC2024:

Video van Senior Airman Mason Hargrove opgenomen op 3DEC2024, uitgezonden op 19DEC2024:

Vidéo du Senior Airman Mason Hargrove enregistrée le 03DEC2024, diffusée le 19DEC2024:

More F-35As for Belgium are expected on Luke AFB as it will be where the Belgian Air Force/Air Component will build its new ‘5th generation’ F-35 Lightning-2 squadron, eventually replacing their Cold War era F-16s.

NATO, December 2024: New U.S. MLRS arrives in NATO-Europe


Alpha-2: New U.S. MLRS arrives in NATO-Europe

The M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) was a creation of the Cold War, going into service in 1983.  It wasn’t until 2005 that the first big upgrade took place, creating the Alpha-1 MLRS (M270A1).  In 2019, the Alpha-2 (M270A2) upgrade began.

U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria, Grafenwöhr, NATO-Germany.

Alpha-2 supposedly has more accurate targeting for its rockets, a new diesel motor, upgraded transmission, increased armor protection, and can be adapted to any future next-generation rocket munitions.

U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria, Grafenwöhr, NATO-Germany.

Between October 2024 and mid-December 2024, the U.S. Army’s 41st Field Artillery Brigade became the first artillery unit to get the new M270A2.  The Alpha-2 MLRS took part in live-fire events during NATO’s Dynamic Front wargame, in November 2024.

Ravajärven Training Area, Rovaniemellä, Finland.

Preventive Maintenance Checks Services (PMCS) and loading rocket packs on new M270A2 MLRS, U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria, Grafenwöhr, NATO-Germany, 16DEC2024 (I edited together videos from Specialist Hunter Carpenter and Private First Class Sar Paw).

Bravo Battery-1st Battalion-77th Field Artillery Regiment-41st Field Artillery Brigade conduct PMCS:

Rocket loading:

1st Battalion-6th Field Artillery Regiment’s M270A2 MLRS during NATO’s Dynamic Front wargame, Ravajärven Training Area, Rovaniemellä, Finland, 17NOV2024 (I edited videos from Specialist Elijah Magaña and Senior Airman Joshua Fontenot), intermittent audio:

MLRS Alpha-1, 2018: British Red Coats invade U.S. Army base in Germany!

Syrian Collapse:

North Dakota B-52s and Idaho F-15Es over Syria, Truman strike group arrives!