Of course, this is just a fraction of what happened in December 2024.
The U.S. National Guard Bureau claims the National Guard is older than the United States, tracing its claim back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which organized three permanent militia regiments on 13DEC1636.
ALASKA: Army National Guard’s 207th Aviation Troop Command airlifted paratroopers, with the Regular Army’s 11th Airborne Division, using their UH-60 Black Hawks and CH-47 Chinooks, during training on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. Video via Seth LaCount andAlejandro Peña, 11DEC2024:
On 18DEC2024, the National Guard, and Salvation Army, delivered Santa Claus to the children of the tiny town of Yakutat (video by Sergeant Marc Marmeto):
ARKANSAS: Many of the part-time National Guard medical personnel are also full-time silly-vilian (civilian, private sector) medical personnel. On 08DEC2024, the Army National Guard opened its first dental treatment facility on Camp Robinson, making Arkansas only the fourth U.S. state to authorize Army Guard dentists to treat militia-personnel during normal weekend and Summer training drills. Video via First Sergeant Jim Heuston:
LOUISIANA: Air and Army Guard CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive) units went to Perry, Georgia, to take part in C-ERFP (CBRN-Enhanced Response Force Package) disaster response training. Video report via Garrett Dipuma, recorded on 06DEC2024, released on 11DEC2024:
MICHIGAN: The Air Guard’s 127th Wing looks back at a year of deployments & vaccinations.
On 11DEC2024, the first of more than 550 Minnesota ‘Red Bull’ militia personnel (34th Infantry Division) returned home after a ten months long deployment to The Middle East (Operation Spartan Shield-Operation Inherent Resolve).
MISSISSIPPI: The 172nd Airlift Wing held its 18th annual ‘Operation Angel Tree’ for the Salvation Army’s Flight to the North Pole, on 17DEC2024. Airman First Class Dawson Carter explains:
MONTANA: 120th Airlift Wing and 219th Red Horse Squadron boast of accomplishments. Video released on 04DEC2024:
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Despite Congress not officially declaring war (which means Martial Law and loss of Constitutional Rights), this year in review says we are ‘officially’ at war, video via Sergeant Kelly Boyer, edited 06DEC2024, released 11DEC2024:

Waterford, New York, photo via Stephanie Butler.
The National Guard reports that Empire State Air & Army Guard Honor Guard personnel provided at least 8-thousand-7-hundred funeral services by the end of 2024!
NORTH DAKOTA: Air & Army Guard year-in-review, drones and mass-casualties, video released 23DEC2024:
OHIO: Air Guard Colonel Andy Powers explains Ohio’s role in body recovery after Hurricane Helene hit North Carolina. This was taken from a Ohio Air Guard ‘Buckeye Guard’ newscast, released on 31DEC2024:
Ohio’s military planning with Serbia and NATO-Hungary (State Partnership Program), this was taken from a Ohio National Guard ‘Buckeye Guard’ newscast, released on 31DEC2024:
OKLAHOMA: Year-in-review video from Oklahoma National Guard, via Sergeant Haden Tolbert, 11DEC2024:
OREGON: Army National Guard’s Delta Company-1st Battalion-186th Infantry Regiment-41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team was on Camp McGregor, New Mexico, training with remote controlled weapons (Containerized Weapon System, CWS) as part of their upcoming deployment to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Video by Major Wayne Chris Clyne, recorded/edited 14DEC2024, released on 27DEC2024:
Army National Guard 3rd Battalion snipers (who are part of the Idaho based 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team) took part in the Winston P. Wilson Sniper Championship, on Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. Video via Major Wayne Chris Clyne, recorded/edited on 11DEC2024, released on 30DEC2024:
PENNSYLVANIA: Air National Guard’s 111th Attack Wing looks back at 2024, video by Master Sergeant Tyrone Mitchell (released 27DEC2024):
SOUTH DAKOTA: It was revealed that the South Dakota Air National Guard’s 114th Fighter Wing was going to train its tactical aircraft maintenance personnel by having them rebuild a ‘mystery’ F-89 found on Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California.
TENNESSEE: Air Guard boasts about a year of Reaper drone ops!
Air & Army Guard operations for 2024, video via Sergeant Olivia Gum:
UTAH: The day before the Gregorian Xmas (24DEC2024), the Army National Guard’s 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade return from a nine-month deployment to the ‘Horn of Africa’, arriving home on Roland Wright Air Base, Salt Lake City. Video via Robert Harnden:
VERMONT: The Air Guard’s 158th Fighter Wing issued its year-n-review for the “action packed” year of 2024:
Washington DC:

Photo via Sergeant Noel Williams, 16DEC2024.
District of Columbia National Guard Drug Demand Reduction Outreach (DDRO) warned “Seniors are rising in the percentage of overdoses, especially in DC. It’s interesting because you would think it would be the younger people, but because of so many factors such as pain management, multiple medications or drug interactions, seniors are vulnerable.”-Staff Sergeant Belita Lynum, DDRO
To back that statement up, the DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), reported that from 2017 through October 31, 2023, approximately 72% of all fatal opioid overdoses are between the ages of 40-69 years old!
Super-Bowl 2024: CAP & Air Guard will cover your ass during Super Bowl-58!