Tag Archives: nato

‘Democracy & Inclusion’ equal new anti-Iran/Russia military pact!

On 14JAN2025, during the last days of the Biden regime, a Strategic Partnership ‘agreement’ was signed between Armenia and United States of America. It includes, among other things, “nuclear cooperation”. Armenia sits on the southern border of Georgia (which itself sits on the southern border of Russia) and the northern border of Iran.

Video via U.S. Department of State, U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, in the Harry S. Truman building, Washington DC:

U.S. Embassy Armenia: Charter on Strategic Partnership Between the United States of America and the Republic of Armenia

2021: USACE spends your money building fire stations for Armenia!

Vehicle I-D: Armenian Armor Հայկական զրահ

Gaza? Lebanon? Syria? It has always been about Iran!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States Secretary of State Marco A. Rubio conduct press conference on 16FEB2025, blaming Iran for the regional wars launched by Israel.

Video via U.S. Department of State, Jerusalem, Israel:

May 2024: U.S. DoS halts weapons deliveries to Israel! Says Israel has killed too many civilians!

April 2024: False Flag? Israel bombs ex-U.S. base in Iraq?

Task Force-DC: Massive National Guard mobilization for the U.S. Capital City!

Since the beginning of January 2025, Air & Army National Guard units have been pouring into the U.S. Capital of Washington-District of Columbia (DC).  Never mind all the other government security organizations who are also deploying there.  This is just a little bit of what the National Guard is doing.

New York National Guard in-process for Joint Task Force-District of Columbia (JTF-DC) at the DC Armory, Washington DC. Photo via Sergeant First Class Steven Eaton, 18JAN2025.

As many as 8-thousand militia personnel, from at least 40 states, deployed to Washington DC for Joint Task Force District of Columbia (JTF-DC), as part of the 60th Presidential Inauguration.

On 18JAN2025, Idaho based 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team (wearing ‘Snake River Brigade’ patch) gets sworn in as deputies, along with other Guard units from other states. I edited from a video via Technical Sergeant Missy Sterling:

Connecticut National Guard discuss preparations for assigned Joint Task Force-District of Columbia (JTF-DC), 17JAN2025. Photo via Private First Class Emmanuel Gibson.

On 17JAN2025, Virginia Army National Guard used buses and HMMWV to deploy to Washington DC, video via Staff Sergeant Marc Heaton:

17JAN2025, about 1-hundred Oklahoma National Guard personnel deployed for the 60th Presidential Inauguration. Video interviews, via Matthew Hilborn, explains why:

On 17JAN2025, a Kentucky Air National Guard C-130 delivered Idaho Army National Guard personnel to Joint Base Andrews, in Maryland.  About 350 Idahoans deployed.  Video via Technical Sergeant Andrew Enriquez:

District of Columbia Army National Guard inspect their dress uniforms as part of the 60th Presidential Inauguration. Photo via Staff Sergeant Simone Sampson.

On 17JAN2025, Tennessee Air National Guard Security Police and Army National Guard Military Police deployed, video interviews via Sergeant Olivia Gum:

National Guard board a C-17 Globemaster-3, Photo by Sergeant N.W. Huertas, 16JAN2025. About 500 Florida militia personnel will take part in JTF-DC.

On 16JAN2025, Maryland Army National Guard personnel reported for duty in the DC Armory, video via Thomas Lamb:

Pennsylvania Army National Guard gets food from the USO, after arriving for JTF-DC, 16JAN2025. Photo via Sergeant First Class Shane Smith.

Massachusetts Army National Guard helps to in-process other Guard units, in the DC Armory, 16JAN2025. Photo via Staff Sergeant Tyrone Williams.

Wyoming National Guard takes part in riot control training, in preparation for Joint Task Force-District of Columbia, 15JAN2025. Photo via Staff Sergeant Cesar Rivas.

On 15JAN2025, Virgin Islands deployed Army National Guard personnel to the upcoming 60th Presidential Inauguration. Video via Technical Sergeant Andrew Enriquez:

I edited together videos via Vincent De Groot and Technical Sergeant Adam Welch; on 15JAN2025, Iowa deployed Air National Guard medics to the upcoming 60th Presidential Inauguration:

South Carolina Army National Guard board busses bound for Washington DC, 15JAN2025. Photo via Sergeant Duran Jones.

On 15JAN2025, Alaska National Guard C-17 Globmaster-3 delivered National Guard militia personnel from Puerto Rico, I edited video via Staff Sergeant Natalie Filzen:

I edited down a long video (via Staff Sergeant Katherine M. Jacobus); on 15JAN2025, about 140 Illinois Air National Guard Security Police and Army National Guard Military Police deployed, they explain why:

06JAN2025: Militarizing the Police: Army Guard deputized as Capitol Police!

Militarizing the Police: Army Guard deputized as Capitol Police!

On 06JAN2025, about 5-hundred Army National Guard personnel from Maryland, Pennsylvania and District of Columbia (DC), were deputized by Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, for the Counting and Certification of the Electoral Votes, and the transfer of the U.S. Office of The President, which is a National Security event.

The induction took place in the Washington DC Armory. Video via Second Lieutenant Paige Bodine, and the 60th Presidential Inauguration Joint Information Center:

Actually, military personnel, both part-time and active duty, have routinely been deputized for various civilian and military events around the United States, and even in other countries.

In June 2024, U.S. Marines (Combat Logistics Battalion 13-Combat Logistics Regiment 17-1st Marine Logistics Group) were deputized by the Palau Bureau of Public Safety, in order to allow them to be ‘weapons-ready’ during an international wargame called Valiant Shield.

During the night of 16-17JAN2021, more than 2-thousand Air and Army National Guard personnel were deputized as Capitol Police in front of the Capitol building in Washington, DC.

National Guard: End of year operations, 2024.

Mega Taxpayer Project: What is USACE doing with the Upper Ohio River, in Pennsylvania?

NATO cover-up: Brutal overthrow & murder of Libyan leader was to hide illegal funding of NATO members!

From 2007, when Sarkozy was buds with Gaddafi. Notice the anti-U.S.A. statue in the background.

A former president of NATO-France is now on trial for corruption involving illegal payments from long dead Libyan leader Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi.  Interesting as the former president of NATO-France was the first to call for Gaddafi’s overthrow, which lead to Gaddafi’s brutal murder, in 2011, which was shown live on social media.

In December 2024, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy had already been given a piddly sentence in a different corruption case connected to Libya.  This new trial includes 12 additional defendants.

France24 report, 07JAN2025:

The revelations which show that several NATO countries (including France, United Kingdom and United States) were taking bribes ‘in the millions’ from Gaddafi, were the result of years of investigative journalism, spurred-on by leaked government documents detailing the cash payments. Sarkozy allegedly used most of the bribes to finance his re-election campaign, if convicted in this new trial he could get a piddly ten years in prison.

2017: NATO-Italy & Libya form united navy to block migrants?

2014: Obama regime insurgents in Libya, Syria and Egypt! Wearing U.S. military camo body armor!

2012: Now there’s a porn connection! FBI cancels trip to Libya! Libya attacks were set up!

U.S. Navy SEALs killed in Libya!

U.S. ambassador to Libya assassinated, blowback for assassinating Gaddafi! 

Arab League tries to shut down Syrian TV, same thing happened in Libya!

March 2012: Libyan rebel leader says Western Powers wanted Gaddafi killed, because of his knowledge of the evil secrets of Europe & United States

NATO-Poland’s 1st F-35s arrive in Arkansas!

“The arrival of Poland’s first F-35s is a significant milestone for our state, the nation, and our allies who will train on this fifth-generation fighter at Ebbing Air National Guard Base. I’m extremely proud of the whole team in the 188th Wing, and the staffs at Razorback Range and Fort Chaffee Joint Maneuver Training Center for the planning and work that has resulted in the sound of freedom returning to the River Valley today. They’ve partnered with the active-duty Air Force to go from concept to jets being parked on the ramp in a compressed timeframe. We are thankful for the dedicated teamwork of those in Fort Smith, Sebastian County, our entire Congressional delegation, and state elected officials who have moved mountains to make this mission possible in Arkansas.”Brigadier General Chad Bridges, Arkansas National Guard

Polish F-35A flybys, edited from videos via Airman First Class Miles Chrisman, of the Air National Guard’s 188th FW:

On 23DEC2024, a couple of ‘firsts’ took place; the first of several Lockheed-Martin F-35A Lightning-2 (named after the P-38 Lightning) for NATO-Poland were delivered, and secondly, the training for Polish pilots will take place on an Air National Guard base.

In July 2024, the United States Air Force (USAF) 85th Fighter Group (FG) was re-activated by the 33rd Fighter Wing (FW) specifically to train Polish pilots to fly the F-35A.  The 85th FG will conduct the training on Ebbing Air National Guard Base (ANGB), in Arkansas. When the 85th FG was deactivated, in 2006, its last assignment was in Iceland. The 85th FG is now part of the 33rd Fighter Wing (FW), which is part of the USAF’s Air Education and Training Command (AETC).

In May 2024, officials with the U.S. Foreign Military Sales, USAF and NATO-Poland, met on Ebbing ANGB, on Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Polish F-35A gets hosed, edited from videos via Airman First Class Miles Chrisman, Air National Guard 188th FW:

Ebbing ANGB is also home to Arkansas Air National Guard’s 188th Wing.

The decision to use Ebbing ANGB to train foreign pilots was made in 2023, after almost three years of comparing eligible air bases, both USAF and National Guard. Future F-35 training will include pilots from NATO-Finland, NATO-Germany, Singapore (one of several East Asian countries being wooed by NATO) and Switzerland (a NATO ‘partner’ but not a full member).

In November 2024, the USAF admitted it was all about supporting taxpayer subsidized Foreign Military Sales.

NATO-Belgium: First F-35A arrives in Arizona!

National Guard end of year operations, 2024.

Of course, this is just a fraction of what happened in December 2024.

The U.S. National Guard Bureau claims the National Guard is older than the United States, tracing its claim back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which organized three permanent militia regiments on 13DEC1636.

ALASKA: Army National Guard’s 207th Aviation Troop Command airlifted paratroopers, with the Regular Army’s 11th Airborne Division, using their UH-60 Black Hawks and CH-47 Chinooks, during training on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. Video via Seth LaCount andAlejandro Peña, 11DEC2024:

On 18DEC2024, the National Guard, and Salvation Army, delivered Santa Claus to the children of the tiny town of Yakutat (video by Sergeant Marc Marmeto):

ARKANSAS: Many of the part-time National Guard medical personnel are also full-time silly-vilian (civilian, private sector) medical personnel. On 08DEC2024, the Army National Guard opened its first dental treatment facility on Camp Robinson, making Arkansas only the fourth U.S. state to authorize Army Guard dentists to treat militia-personnel during normal weekend and Summer training drills. Video via First Sergeant Jim Heuston:

LOUISIANA: Air and Army Guard CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive) units went to Perry, Georgia, to take part in C-ERFP (CBRN-Enhanced Response Force Package) disaster response training. Video report via Garrett Dipuma, recorded on 06DEC2024, released on 11DEC2024:

MICHIGAN: The Air Guard’s 127th Wing looks back at a year of deployments & vaccinations.

MINNESOTA: On 11DEC2024, the first of more than 550 Minnesota ‘Red Bull’ militia personnel (34th Infantry Division) returned home after a ten months long deployment to The Middle East (Operation Spartan Shield-Operation Inherent Resolve).

MISSISSIPPI: The 172nd Airlift Wing held its 18th annual ‘Operation Angel Tree’ for the Salvation Army’s Flight to the North Pole, on 17DEC2024. Airman First Class Dawson Carter explains:

MONTANA: 120th Airlift Wing and 219th Red Horse Squadron boast of accomplishments. Video released on 04DEC2024:

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Despite Congress not officially declaring war (which means Martial Law and loss of Constitutional Rights), this year in review says we are ‘officially’ at war, video via Sergeant Kelly Boyer, edited 06DEC2024, released 11DEC2024:


Waterford, New York, photo via Stephanie Butler.

The National Guard reports that Empire State Air & Army Guard Honor Guard personnel provided at least 8-thousand-7-hundred funeral services by the end of 2024!

NORTH DAKOTA: Air & Army Guard year-in-review, drones and mass-casualties, video released 23DEC2024:

OHIO: Air Guard Colonel Andy Powers explains Ohio’s role in body recovery after Hurricane Helene hit North Carolina. This was taken from a Ohio Air Guard ‘Buckeye Guard’ newscast, released on 31DEC2024:

Ohio’s military planning with Serbia and NATO-Hungary (State Partnership Program), this was taken from a Ohio National Guard ‘Buckeye Guard’ newscast, released on 31DEC2024:

OKLAHOMA: Year-in-review video from Oklahoma National Guard, via Sergeant Haden Tolbert, 11DEC2024:

OREGON: Army National Guard’s Delta Company-1st Battalion-186th Infantry Regiment-41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team was on Camp McGregor, New Mexico, training with remote controlled weapons (Containerized Weapon System, CWS) as part of their upcoming deployment to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Video by Major Wayne Chris Clyne, recorded/edited 14DEC2024, released on 27DEC2024:

Army National Guard 3rd Battalion snipers (who are part of the Idaho based 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team) took part in the Winston P. Wilson Sniper Championship, on Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. Video via Major Wayne Chris Clyne, recorded/edited on 11DEC2024, released on 30DEC2024:

PENNSYLVANIA: Air National Guard’s 111th Attack Wing looks back at 2024, video by Master Sergeant Tyrone Mitchell (released 27DEC2024):

SOUTH DAKOTA: It was revealed that the South Dakota Air National Guard’s 114th Fighter Wing was going to train its tactical aircraft maintenance personnel by having them rebuild a ‘mystery’ F-89 found on Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California.

TENNESSEE: Air Guard boasts about a year of Reaper drone ops!

Air & Army Guard operations for 2024, video via Sergeant Olivia Gum:

UTAH: The day before the Gregorian Xmas (24DEC2024), the Army National Guard’s 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade return from a nine-month deployment to the ‘Horn of Africa’, arriving home on Roland Wright Air Base, Salt Lake City. Video via Robert Harnden:

VERMONT: The Air Guard’s 158th Fighter Wing issued its year-n-review for the “action packed” year of 2024:

Washington DC:

Photo via Sergeant Noel Williams, 16DEC2024.

District of Columbia National Guard Drug Demand Reduction Outreach (DDRO) warned “Seniors are rising in the percentage of overdoses, especially in DC. It’s interesting because you would think it would be the younger people, but because of so many factors such as pain management, multiple medications or drug interactions, seniors are vulnerable.”-Staff Sergeant Belita Lynum, DDRO

To back that statement up, the DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), reported that from 2017 through October 31, 2023, approximately 72% of all fatal opioid overdoses are between the ages of 40-69 years old!

Super-Bowl 2024: CAP & Air Guard will cover your ass during Super Bowl-58!

Cold War era BMP-2 continues to stay alive via never ending ‘Berezhok’!

BMP=Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty-Боевая Машина Пехоты, literally Combat Vehicle Infantry

‘Standard’ BMP-2s destroyed in combat.

The BMP-2 was first born during the ‘Cold War’, developed from the BMP-1 during the late 1970s, going into service in 1980.  It, along with the even older BMP-1, stays in service with never ending upgrades.

Russian forces trying out their new BMP-2M, somewhere in Belarus, December 2022.

The modern all-inclusive upgrades (armor, armament, power-pack, etc) for the BMP-2 are referred to, in Russian, as berezhok (бережок), and were first revealed at the end of 2019.  

By August 2021, the first BMP-2Ms entered service, with the Western Military District, Leningrad Region.

‘M’ series upgrades for weapons & targeting systems, on public display.

In addition to the BMP-2M’s 30-milimeter(mm) 2A42 gun, a long barreled 30mm AGS-17 (Avtomaticheskiy Granatomot Stankovyy, automatic grenade launcher), 7.62mm machine guns and four launchers for the 9M133 anti-tank ‘Kornet’ missiles, the targeting system is using second generation thermal sights for the gunner, and the TC (tank commander) now has a panoramic sight. 

BMP-2M without the armor upgrade, supposedly in the Northern Military District, sometime in 2023.

Also, the power-pack (motor/transmission) now uses a more powerful turbocharged diesel motor, and don’t forget the extra armor protection.

Armor upgrade being made in the field.

This ‘standard’ BMP-2 is being upgraded in the field with the newest armor protection.

At least it is getting the ‘M’ series armor?

In this video report, published on 20DEC2024, reporter Alexander Stroganov goes for a ride in the latest berezhok/upgrade:

Surprise! This BMP-2M berezhok turret is mounted on a BMP-3 hull.

How about on a BTR-90?

Forever Wars, 2023: Baptism-of-Fire for New ‘Berezhok’ BMP, in Ukraine!

Forever Wars, 2022: One month’s worth of abandoned or destroyed armor!

Vehicle I-D: Indian BMP-2, Cold War and beyond!

F-89 Scorpion: 1950s Cold War interceptor still in use?

The Northrop F-89 Scorpion was developed after a 1945 U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) request for an all-weather, radar guided, twin jet powered bomber interceptor.  The only competitor was the XP-87 (aka XF-87) Blackhawk, which was nixed for being too slow.  The F-89 was first known as the N-24, as development progressed it was changed to XP-89, then to XF-89 when the Air Force become independent of the Army (after 1947).

Photo dated 26FEB1952, F-89 radar undergoing testing in freezing temperatures.

The F-89 entered service in 1950, but despite having advanced radar and turbines the production Scorpion was rapidly upgraded, from ‘A’ version to ‘J’ version by 1954.  Some of the final upgrades included radar guided Falcon anti-aircraft missiles and Genie nuclear armed rockets (first tested during Operation Plumbbob in 1957).

Date/location not known, poor quality silent film of F-89s in flight and launching rockets from the wingtip pods:

Poor quality silent film of 1958 William Tell fighter/interceptor competition over Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida. I edited the film to show only the F-89J, some are being loaded with the AIR-2 Genie (MB-1 Ding-Dong) nuclear rocket:

Quick silent film of F-89J launching Falcon missile over Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1958(?):

Scorpion was quickly retired from full-time active duty by 1961 (still serving in National Guard and Reserve units, at least until 1965).

Oregon Air National Guard F-89J Scorpion, November 1962.

Michigan Air National Guard F-89C ‘Gate Guard’.

Montana Air National Guard’s Scorpion ‘Gate Guard’.

Vermont Air National Guard promotional poster from January 2021.

In 2024, it was revealed that the South Dakota Air National Guard’s 114th Fighter Wing was going to train its tactical aircraft maintenance personnel by having them rebuild a ‘mystery’ F-89 found on Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California. Video interview by Airman First Class Kyle St. Pierre, recorded on 05DEC2024, released for public use on 19DEC2024:

Gate Guards: How to sling load your 1:1 scale F-80 Gate Guard with a CH-47.

NATO-Belgium’s 1st F-35A arrives in Arizona!

“It’s a historic day for the Belgian air force. Our first jet just landed at Luke Air Force Base, marking the start of our training period. A lot of work has gone into making this moment possible and we are excited to begin flying and complete our training.”-Lieutenant Colonel Pierre-Yves Libert, 312th Fighter Squadron, 03DEC2024

The first Belgian Lockheed-Martin F-35A Lightning-2 arrived on Luke Air Force Base (AFB), Arizona,  03DEC2024.

Video interview by Senior Airman Mason Hargrove recorded on 03DEC2024, released for public use on 19DEC2024:

Video van Senior Airman Mason Hargrove opgenomen op 3DEC2024, uitgezonden op 19DEC2024:

Vidéo du Senior Airman Mason Hargrove enregistrée le 03DEC2024, diffusée le 19DEC2024:

More F-35As for Belgium are expected on Luke AFB as it will be where the Belgian Air Force/Air Component will build its new ‘5th generation’ F-35 Lightning-2 squadron, eventually replacing their Cold War era F-16s.

NATO, December 2024: New U.S. MLRS arrives in NATO-Europe