Category Archives: Opinion

World’s largest oil producer, Russia, halts fuel exports, could drive up gas prices

Russia has stopped exporting refined fuel, officially to deal with fuel shortages in Russia.

Russian officials hope the export ban will last  only through May, but after that Russia will increase to costs of exporting their fuel.  In any event, this move by Russia should add to the increasing fuel prices the world is paying.

I can’t help wonder if Russian leaders are taking advantage of a domestic situation to make things worse for the West, in retaliation for what the West is doing in Libya, and what the West is trying to do in Syria.



Most “Americans” will NOT watch royal wedding, U.S. media all over it, proof U.S. media controled by British Empire

A CNN poll said 75% of U.S. citizens will not watch the royal wedding.  ABC’s own online poll currently shows (as I write this) 427 are not “excited about the royal wedding”, 185 said yes they were “excited”.

Here in eastern Idaho a local TV station (KIFI, Idaho Falls) did their own local poll, the results: 54% said they will NOT watch the royal wedding, 15% answered “what royal wedding”?

Yet U.S. media is going to spend most of the day covering a foreign event.  In fact CNN, apparently in hopes of getting more favorable results, tried a new poll: still, 62% said “Not at all” interested in the royal wedding.

This is the United States, not the United Kingdom, or any other part of the commonwealth/empire (at least officially).  We are anti-royalty, anti-monarchy, we fought a Revolution against the British (today’s United Kingdom) for that reason (as well as unfair taxation).

Why is the U.S. media so bent on covering a foreign spectacle?  Lets see, Fox News is really owned by commonwealther/imperialist Australian Rupert Murdoch.  He only got U.S. citizenship to placate U.S. laws that said only U.S. citizens could own TV stations.  He became a U.S. citizen one year before he created Fox.  And he’s bought out many other U.S. media venues, including the Wall Street Journal.

Murdoch is in regular communication with the evil British Empire: “…were in regular communication……there is nothing unusual in the prime minister talking to Rupert Murdoch.”-Former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s official spokesman

Is Fox News going to cover the royal wedding? You bet!  When are the loyal viewers of Fox, who think they’re true blue conservative Americans, going to wake up and realize that their precious Fox News is run by a red coat limey Imperialist!

Will ABC (American Broadcasting Company, not to be confused with Australian Broadcasting Corporation), NBC and CBS cover the wedding? Yes!

Our own mainstream media conducts polls that show most Americans don’t care about a so called royal wedding, yet our mainstream media is going to blast us with royal wedding crap. That should tell you who they really work for, and who their true target audience is!

U.S. to violate sanctions against Libya, will sell Libyan oil

The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control is going to use a loophole in the sanctions against Libya, to oversee oil sales by the rebels.

That means the U.S. will be directly involved in all oil deals will the Libyan rebels.

This is on top of the $25 million in aid Obama is sending, and on top of another $45 million Obama already sent.  Just remember that Obama, and Congress, wants to cut your taxpayer funded domestic programs, while sending your money to Libya.

Hamas and Fatah to form new Palestinian government, Israel already making threats

In a surprise announcement, officials from West Bank’s Fatah, and Gaza’s Hamas, say they will reconcile and form a new Palestinian government.

Recently Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, of Fatah, lost support after Arab media reports showed that his administration actually worked for Israel.

More recent Arab reports showed that, along with Israel and the United States, the Egyptian government under Hosni Mubarak worked to keep Hamas and Fatah at each others throats.

Now that Mubarak is gone, and because Palestinians have been demonstrating against Fatah, it looks like there could be a unified Palestinian government.

An agreement was signed back in October 2009, but Hamas had concerns, and then Abbas of Fatah (headquartered in West Bank) withheld foreign aid money for Gaza.  It’s being reported that Abbas says he will finally release the foreign aid money for Gaza.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening the alliance of Hamas and Fatah, saying: “You can’t have peace with both Israel and Hamas. Choose peace with Israel.”

Netanyahu’s threats will fall on deaf ears, because in the past few weeks Israeli troops have been terrorizing West Bank Palestinians, after a Jewish settler family was found stabbed to death. The amazing thing is that the Israelis have no proof of who did the murders, they just automatically assumed it was the West Bank Palestinians.  Why?  Because the Israelis admit the land the settlers were on was stolen from local Palestinians and they think the murders were retribution.  Aren’t the Israelis wonderful,  steal your land, then accuse you of murder without any proof, round up hundreds of men and women, torture them, take blood samples for DNA data banks, then use the whole incident to justify taking more of your land!

Hamas is expecting more action from Fatah, such as a release of hundreds of Hamas prisoners locked up in the West Bank, re-opening closed Hamas charities, and the removal of a ban on Hamas activities in the West Bank.

Considering the damaging reports of Fatah’s complicity with Israeli policies, and to save face with the Palestinian people, and the fact that the Israelis are storming all over Fatah controlled West Bank, Fatah will have to give into Hamas.




























Europe calling refugees “migrants”, proof that war in Libya not about protecting people

According to international law a refugee is a person who’s been forced to leave their home, due to war or other violence in their home country.  They are supposed to be given certain protections under international law.

The Europeans, along with the United States, were so keen on escalating the violence in North Africa (Libya), yet they don’t want to deal with the flood of refugees that are a natural result of war!  Instead the Europeans are calling the people fleeing the war, “migrants”.  In this way the Europeans don’t have the same legal requirements as they would if they called them refugees.

In fact, the Europeans are scrambling to figure out how to get rid of these refugee/migrants. The Europeans are even going so far as to dismantle one of the corner stones of the European Union, free travel across borders.  The EU is now considering adopting a law that would allow them to close their borders.

How hypocritical is this?  The “Western world” launches a war against North African countries, in the name of supporting freedom and democracy, and then they refuse to help any of the people fleeing the violence!

For those people out their who think the military action of U.S. led NATO is still about “protecting civilians”, please explain why refugees, ooops, I mean migrants are being treated like sh*t by the Europeans.

Obama ready to change line up, the result will not change much

There are rumors that President Barack Obama is ready to change his military and national security staff.

Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to leave.  He could be replaced by current CIA chief Leon Panetta.   The position of chief of the CIA could go to current Army General David Petraeus, who is about to finish his tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Petraeus’ old job, Commander of Coalition Forces in Afghanistan, could go to Marine Lieutenant General John R. Allen.

There seems to be a clear pattern of ladder climbing.  Obama is expected to name a new ambassador to Afghanistan, someone who is from the Bush Jr camp (as is Robert Gates); Ryan C. Crocker.

Crocker has lots of experience being an ambassador.  Obama even gave him the highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  Crocker is currently the dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service.  Guess who else was dean of that school?  Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

So even with all the staffing changes there might not be much change to U.S. foreign policy.

Iranian Vice President shows ignorance of History

First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi has shown his ignorance of world history, in statements made regarding Japan.

Rahimi said Japan should not bow to imperialist countries.  Hello, Japan is an imperialist country, they have an Emperor!

Rahimi also said Japan “…should not pursue the wrong policies of the bullying governments because the same powers hindered the progress of the Japanese nation by conducting atomic bombings against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Hello, it’s called the Second World War! Japan bombed Pearl Harbor first. By the way what Japan was doing in World War 2 was attempting to expand its Empire (reference above).   

Want to know what’s really going on in Mexico’s Drug War, another front in the Control through Chaos war

Notice how little coverage of the Drug War in Mexico gets in the main stream media?  After all, more people have been killed in Mexico, in the last three years, than in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Mexico is just “south of the border” from the U.S.

If you don’t mind the Spanish language, or gory pictures and video, then go to Narco Blog.

This “war” in Mexico is not about drugs, but about controlling the people of Mexico through chaos.

One of the interesting things I’ve noticed is that most of the victims of mass killings are poor migrant workers, many not even from Mexico.  I often wondered at the logistics of some of the mass killings, because it would take a lot of personnel, and organization to pull it off, you know like a military or police force.

One mass killing involved hitting the people in the head with a sledge hammer!  How do you get 20-30 people to stand still while you hit them with a sledge hammer?  For one thing you’d need a lot of people of your own, with weapons, to intimidate the victims.  On top of that investigators say heavy equipment was used to bury many of the mass killing victims.  Sounds like an organized operation involving a lot of logistical planning. Well, several weeks ago a Police chief and at least 25 police officers were arrested in connection with one mass killing.  Mmmm

The “drug gangs” are blamed for the mass killings, but what about the continuing arrests of police and military personnel for their connection to many killings?  This could indicate that the “drug gangs” are so powerful that they’ve taken over government agencies.  Or it could be that this really isn’t about “drugs”.

Several survivors of kidnappings say they were being used as ransom to raise money for the gangs, or being forced to join them.  This goes against the idea that the drug gangs are making money from drug trafficking.  If they’re making billions every year from trafficking drugs into the United States, why do they need to hold poor people hostage for money?   One farmer could only pay half a ransom, so the gangs returned to him only half of his son.

Logic will tell you the main reason why people get involved in drug trafficking is to get lots of money.  It doesn’t make sense to waste that money going around killing a lot of poor people, and it makes even less sense to kidnap poor people for money they don’t have!

The other concern is why would gangs want to impress poor people into their ranks?  The more personnel you have in your illegal drug trafficking operation, the more you have to divide any profit from your sales.

This thing in Mexico is starting to look and sound like whats going on in parts of the Middle East and North Africa, only on a bigger scale.  In the predominantly Muslim world, so called al-Qaeda is kidnapping for ransom, forcing people to join them, and committing seemingly random and illogical attacks and bombings.  And by the way, notice that most of the “religious radical” attacks are against the very people of the region (mainly poor people), not the foreign occupiers?

Is the Mexican “Drug War” just another front in the sinister global “Control through Chaos” operation being run by the Elites?   If you’re a Christian you should remember the story of the statue with the feet of clay.  The leader of Babylon was concerned with taking on a certain enemy.  He had a dream about a statue.  The head was gold, and symbolized the elite.  The statue’s make up changed as you moved towards the feet.  The feet are made of clay, they represent the poor people of any society. Nebuchadnezzar was told in the dream that if he wanted to bring down his enemy, he had to attack the poor people of his enemy’s territory.

Notice that the majority of people being targeted, around the world in the “War on Terror” and in “Drug Wars”, by both the government forces and the terrorists/drug gangs, are poor people.

Italy will now bomb Libya, the order came from Obama, more lies

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced that Italy will now take part in air strikes against Libya.  He says the order came from U.S. President Obama.

Italy previously said it would not join bombing raids, because of its “friendly” relationship with its former colony.  But Obama, in a phone call, convinced Berlusconi to take military action.  What was that Obama said about this NOT being a U.S. led operation?

After dissing African Union, over Libya, Obama now asking for their help

The United States, the Europeans, even the United Nations, ignored the African Union when they expressed concerns about military action being taken against one of their own; Libya.  Now, the U.S. wants the AU’s help.

“In addition, we seek the African Union’s assistance in arriving at a political solution in Libya.”-Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State

So now the Obama administration wants a political solution to Libya?  Why didn’t they do that to begin with!  Is this just part of the U.S. plan to move on to attacking Syria?