Category Archives: Business/Economics

Hayao Miyazaki’s latest Anime may be what’s needed for Japan

Famous Japanese animator, Hayao Miyazaki (Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, etc), says his latest anime should be right for the time.

The new movie, a co-production with his son, Goro Miyazaki, is called ”Kokurikozaka Kara”.  It is based on a 30 year old comic book series (Manga) about teenagers trying to do well in Japan’s 1960s economy.

”The heroine’s desire and the boy’s will to live in the film are definitely needed in our time from now on,”-Hayao Miyazaki

The 1960s was when Japan’s economy finally started to take off, especially for their heavy industries, like cars. Prior to that Japan really was struggling, and believe it or not, Japan’s products were considered junk. Miyazaki believes Japan is facing a similar situation after the March 11 disasters.

The new movie is schedualed to be released in Japan July 16.  (Expect a long delay for release in the U.S. thanks to the greedy control freaks at Disney)


Chrysler joins Ford in cancelling color options

Thanks to the ongoing nuclear power plant disaster in Japan, Chrysler is now limiting color options on their cars.

Ford already announced the unavailability of Tuxedo Black, and three shades of red. They rely on pigments from Japan.

Chrysler is also doing the same thing, except they haven’t specified which colors are going to be affected, only that it will affect ten color options.

Effects of parts shortage in Japan will hit United States hard in April, the Dominoes are falling

“This is the biggest impact ever in the history of the automobile industry.”-Koji Endo, Advanced Research Japan

Parts, from electronics, to mechanical parts for cars, to paint pigments, are shipped by slow boat. That means that the U.S., Europe and other parts of Asia have NOT begun to feel the true impact of the Japanese shut down.

Warehouses in Japan are almost out of the parts they had on hand at the time of the March 11 earthquake/tsunami, and the ongoing nuclear power plant disaster.  Since then, Japanese factories have had trouble after trouble trying to get their factories restarted.

The United States, Europe and the rest of Asia can expect the full impact of Japan’s shut down to begin in April.

Many factories in Japan are without power to operate. Some factories have lost employees to the disaster.

This disaster in Japan reveals the weakness of a truly global economy.  If one part of the chain breaks, it’s in trouble. It should be viewed more like dominoes, if one domino falls, others will be brought down with it. Japan has become the trigger domino, because it has basically become the parts supplier to the world.

Here’s why this is so bad for the worldwide auto industry: About 3,000 parts can go into one car. Those parts come from dozens of factories, and most are in Japan. But it gets worse, some of the “parts” are made up of many tiny parts. And, you guessed it, those tiny parts also come from dozens of other factories. It’s a friggin’ logistical nightmare, it’s a wounder the auto industry didn’t collapse because of parts supply issue sooner!

It’s not just cars. Get ready to see shortages of computers, video game systems, printer ink and even batteries. So much for a global economy! Can you say idiot in Japanese? It’s Baka!

Iran declares “Year of Economic Jihad”

“I call this year the ‘Year of Economic Jihad’ and I expect the officials of the country and also our dear nation to work in a jihadi way in the economic areas.” -Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, announced on March 21 (the beginning of the new year in the Iranian calendar) a year of Economic Jihad.  This is the year 1390 under the Iranian calendar system.

His reasoning for declaring an Economic Jihad is the continued efforts by the “West” to place more economic sanctions against Iran.  

Europeans surround EU Parliament, demanding to know where their taxes went to

Recently in Brussels, Belgium, the EU parliament was surrounded by about 20,000 protesters. They wanted to know where the taxes they paid went to.

“This money was made to be used for social security. It was meant to be used for social health, not to help the banks.”-Serge Monsieur, protester

Governments across Europe are dealing with what they claim is no money for their budgets. Europeans pay outrageously high taxes. Just look at their sales tax, in some countries it’s more than 20%! And now more war, this time against Libya.

Protesters say in the past few years they’ve seen the social programs, that they thought their taxes were going to, being slashed and burned.  Jobs keep disappearing. Yet, there seems to be plenty of money for bank bailouts, government bailouts and war.

Isn’t that happening here in the United States? Wake up people!

Britain facing larger and more violent protests, thanks to budget cuts and war with Libya

Thousands of people took to the streets in London, on March 26. Police were attacked with paint bombs and ammonia bombs.  Businesses were attacked, even delivery trucks.  The Cause? Huge budget cuts for schools and health care, and War.

“It’s been ten years now that we’ve been intervening in wars. We had the war in Afghanistan, then we had Iraq, now suddenly is a third theater of war. At the same time [the British government] says it hasn’t got enough money for the welfare that people in this country need. And they say everybody has to make sacrifices. Well may be we should not be spending 800,000 pounds per missile. How many libraries, how many nurseries, how many young people sent to school we could fund?”-Lindsey German, protester

CNN has incorrectly reported that the protests were organized by trade unions. The truth is that Saturday’s protests had been planned for a while. The trade unions decided to join in after the U.K. government decided to attack Libya. Saturday’s protest was made up of people from college students to health care providers to skilled laborers. What all the protesters want to know is; if the government doesn’t have the money for schools and hospitals, or to promote job growth, where is the money coming from for the war against Libya?

Police say they arrested 157 people. 35 people, including 5 police officers, were injured.

Want that new Ford in Black, or Red? You’ll have to wait, even paint supplies are running short

It was looking like Ford would escape supply problems from Japan, nope.  Ford announced that specific colors for their new vehicles will be in short supply, due to the disasters in Japan.

Yes, even paint comes from Japan.

An ingredient used to make Ford’s Tuxedo Black, and three shades of red, come from Japan.  That ingredient is called Xirallic.

Ford is trying to find a substitute ingredient.