Government & Corporate Evil: Fukushima Daiichi radiation levels jump, Bilderberg in charge! People dying from cancer!

09 July 2013 (13:51 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Ramadan 1434/18 Tir 1392/02 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“We all grew up with the Simpsons, a cartoon that said for 20 years that the owner of the power plant was the evil person…..radiation is scary. It’s like magic, it’s mystical, invisible. You can’t….hide from it.”-Lady Barbara Judge, Bilderberger now in charge of TEPCo’s safety program

For weeks now, Tokyo Electric Power Company has been reporting unexplained increases in strontium and tritium contamination.   Now a spike in cesium levels over the weekend, and TEPCo now admits increased radiation in the Pacific Ocean.

Since Friday TEPCo detected a 90 fold increase in cesium in groundwater.  They also detected an increase in tritium spilling into the Pacific Ocean.  Tritium levels in groundwater are ten times the government safe limits, and in the ocean around the GE designed disaster reactors tritium levels are the highest since June 2011.

In June 2013, TEPCo announced that strontium levels in groundwater were 30 times the government safe limits.  At that time TEPCo claimed the Pacific Ocean was not being contaminated by the strontium or tritium.   However, a study (conducted in 2011) published in Biogeosciences stated that strontium levels had jumped 100 fold, compared to levels recorded prior to the March 2011 melt downs.

The new cesium increases are being detected in groundwater testing wells around the GE designed Reactor 1.  The strontium and tritium increases are being found in wells around Reactor 2.   TEPCo officials say they don’t know the source of the contamination, but suggested that contamination of groundwater was being caused “…by construction works…”

I’ve notice some pro-nuke bloggers have been spreading lies that no body in Japan has been affected by the ongoing nuke disaster.  The Nuclear Safety Commission report says at least 45% of children in Fukushima Prefecture are suffering from thyroid problems because of the radiation.  These children are considered to have been exposed to levels of radiation below the government maximum safe limits.   The testing was conducted in April 2011, not even a full month after the melt downs.  National government officials ordered that no more thyroid testing was necessary!  In other words the reason we don’t hear any official reports of humans contaminated with radiation is that government officials stopped all government testing!

The other problem is that Japan is actually a failed state.  Japan has not had a stable national government since 2006.  Japan has had a change in national government leaders every year for the past seven years!

How about the former manager of Fukushima Daiichi, Yoshida Masao, who stayed at his post to try and fight the March 2011 melt downs?  He died today, of esophageal cancer!  Yoshida was hospitalized with cancer in November 2011.  TEPCo arrogantly argued that his cancer was not the result of the melt downs.  Officially it was said that Yoshida was exposed to 70 millisieverts of radiation.

To show you how deceptive TEPCo is, they’ve hired a British-U.S. elitist to remake the image of nuclear power.  Lady Barbara Judge chairs TEPCo’s Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee and has just been tasked to manage its safety program as well.  Barbara Judge used to be known as Barbara Singer Thomas, who was revealed in 1998 to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg through the Interamerican Foundation.