World War 3: Al Qaeda says kill all Shi’a in Saudi Arabia, bomb explodes at Saudi embassy in Yemen, Saudi forces attack women

March 15, 2012, the U.S. supported al-Qaeda has ordered the killing of all Shi’a Muslims in Saudi Arabia!

Said al-Shihri, who leads al-Qaeda militants in the Salafi/Wahab dominated Arabian Peninsula, has ordered the killing of Shi’a protesters, and the stealing of their property!

Shihri said the Saudi government, and Wahhabi extremist leaders, have not done enough to repress the Shi’a uprising!

A 2008 BBC documentary proved that al-Qaeda was a creation of the United States, that relied on Salafi/Wahab extremists. That documentary is called The Power of Nightmares, you can watch it here.

“There is also no evidence bin Laden used the term ‘al Qaeda‘ to refer to a name of a group, until after September 11th when he realized that this was the name the Americans had given him.”-Power of Nightmares, Part 3, The Shadows in the Cave

Since March 2011, people in Saudi Arabia have been protesting their U.S. supported government.  In the past few weeks those protests have been increasing.

On March 7, 2012, as many as one thousand female students protested at the King Khalid University in Abha, Asir Province. U.S. supported Saudi police cracked down, killing one woman, wounding 50, and causing one pregnant protester to miscarry.  30 university professors resigned in disgust!

Also, on March 1, 2012, protestors in cities along the Persian Gulf, attacked major oil pipelines at Awamiyah. There were reports of explosions, and there are pics of fires at the oil port facilities.

Oil prices went up, then back down after the Saudi government denied any attacks on oil facilities.  U.S. media blamed the initial report on Iranian media, however it was actually Arab media sources that first reported it!

Also on March 15, 2012, Saudi officials say a car bomb exploded at their embassy in Yemen.  This is not the first time Saudi officials have been targeted in Yemen, as they are helping the United States support the government there.