Militarizing the Police: Army Guard deputized as Capitol Police!

On 06JAN2025, about 5-hundred Army National Guard personnel from Maryland, Pennsylvania and District of Columbia (DC), were deputized by Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, for the Counting and Certification of the Electoral Votes, and the transfer of the U.S. Office of The President, which is a National Security event.

The induction took place in the Washington DC Armory. Video via Second Lieutenant Paige Bodine, and the 60th Presidential Inauguration Joint Information Center:

Actually, military personnel, both part-time and active duty, have routinely been deputized for various civilian and military events around the United States, and even in other countries.

In June 2024, U.S. Marines (Combat Logistics Battalion 13-Combat Logistics Regiment 17-1st Marine Logistics Group) were deputized by the Palau Bureau of Public Safety, in order to allow them to be ‘weapons-ready’ during an international wargame called Valiant Shield.

During the night of 16-17JAN2021, more than 2-thousand Air and Army National Guard personnel were deputized as Capitol Police in front of the Capitol building in Washington, DC.

National Guard: End of year operations, 2024.

Mega Taxpayer Project: What is USACE doing with the Upper Ohio River, in Pennsylvania?