Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: Israel warns of war (again) if Palestine is recognized as a member of the UN

“The moment has not yet come to give details of what will happen. What I can say with the greatest confidence is that from the moment they pass a unilateral decision there will be harsh and grave consequences.”-Avigdor Lieberman,  Foreign Minister of Israel

For the second time, Israel has officially hinted at major confrontations if Palestine is recognized by the United Nations.

Back in August, Israeli officials threatened war with Syria, if Palestine became a UN member.  Now they are directly threatening the Palestinians.

World War 3: Syrian internet hackers find documents showing plans by Turkey, Britain, France & the U.S. to attack Syria

Unconfirmed report that the Arabic language website Syria Steps says hackers (known as Syrian Cyber Army) found documents that show that France and Britain have grand ambitions of retaking their former mandates of Syria, Lebanon, and Israel/Palestine.   I wonder if this has anything to do with the new oil and gas fields discovered off the Lebanese coast?

Apparently the French have offered Turkey guaranteed membership in the European Union, and ensure that Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, remains in power for along time.  In exchange Turkey will help topple the Syrian government.

The documents go on to detail how the region would be split up between France, United Kingdom and United States.  Basically France and the U.K. would regain control of their old post World War 1 mandates, and the U.S. would get bases in the eastern area of Syria known as Deir ez-Zor.

The report also claims that Turkey will allow Israel to do what it wants.  This makes the report suspicious given the current relations between Turkey and Israel.  However, if the report is true it suggests that Turkey is putting on a big front acting like it’s ready to go to war with Israel, which could be a red herring operation.


World War 3: United Kingdom says Syria’s Assad is no longer legitimate, France says it’s too late for Assad’s reforms

September 12, joining the United States, British Prime Minister David Cameron said the Syrian government was not legitimate and has no future.

This after the Syrian government announced that new elections could be held by the end of the year. But, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said it was too late for elections: “We think the regime has lost its legitimacy, that it’s too late to implement a program of reform.”

France, Britain and the U.S. are pushing for a UN Security Council resolution against Syria, but Russia is countering with their own proposal: “We are ready to support different approaches, but they must not be based on one sided condemnations of the actions of the government and President Assad.”-Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia

World War 3: Israel bans Druze from annual pilgrimage to Syria, hundreds of Druze protesting

Hundreds of Druze residents, in the Israeli occupied Golan Heights, were waiting for United Nations buses to take them to Syria, early on September 11.

The buses never showed up, and the Druze were told Israel denied their annual pilgrimage, because of security concerns.  Now hundreds of Druze are protesting in the city Kuneitra.

The Druze religion is influenced by Shi’a Islam, Gnostic Christianity and Jewish beliefs.  It was founded by an Iranian mystic in 1017.  The majority of Druze are in Syria (including the Israeli occupied Golan Heights) and Lebanon (which was part of Syria).

World War 3: Syrian protestors calling for direct international intervention, wants no-tank & no-fly zones

“Calling for outside intervention is a sensitive issue that could be used by the regime to label its opponents as traitors.  We are calling for international observers as a first step.  If the regime refuses it will open the door on itself for other action, such as no-tank or no-fly zones.”-Syrian Revolution General Commission

World War 3: Red Cross confirms that Syrian government is protecting civilians, Rebel admits to faking crack down videos

September 4, ICRC boss Jakob Kellenberger, announced that the International Committee of the Red Cross is satisfied with the Syrian government’s attempts to protect civilians.  This comes after a Syrian military bus was ambushed by ‘democracy loving’ rebels.

There is plenty of evidence that there is an all out war against the Syrian government, not people demonstrating for pro-democracy reforms.  Several mass graves have been found with the bodies of Syrian police and military personnel.

Also, a 45-year-old Syrian national admitted to joining a foreign funded media group that fabricated videos of so called peaceful demonstrations and violent repressions by the Syrian security forces.

The fabricated videos were sold to pro-U.S. news outlets like al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya and Orient TV, for U.S.$100 each.

On September 2, Syrian officials say a captured terrorist confessed that he had been a part of a group that received instructions on how to kidnap people and blame it on the Syrian government.

What’s happening in Syria is almost a textbook reenactment of the 1953 U.S. backed coup in Iran.

World War 3: BRICS working to stop the United States from attacking Syria

“We cannot remain indifferent to the way Resolutions Number 1970 and 1973 of the UN Security Council are being fulfilled. The attaining of the main goal, proclaimed by the UN Security Council, should be started, which is the protection of the civilian population.”-Antonio Patriota, Brazilian Foreign Minister

September 4, the countries with the most powerful economies in the world, known as BRICS, announced they will work against any efforts by the United States and Europe, to launch military attacks on Syria.

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, is in Brazil and just made a joint announcement, along with Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota, saying the BRICS will not allow another “Libya” to happen in Syria.

Lavrov said it’s obvious the NATO mission in Libya is a failure: “Unfortunately, what is happening in Libya cannot satisfy us. The main objective as mandated by the UN Security Council is to defend the civilian population but they are dying in large numbers.”

U.S. led War on Syria: Russia threatens UN Veto, says the U.S. will sidestep the UN and use NATO to attack Syria

“We are afraid that the resolution could push the most radical Syrian opposition forces to more active operations to topple the government. Just because of that, we categorically do not accept the aims our Western colleagues try to attain with that resolution.”Vitali Churkin, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations

Russia, as well as China, have stated that they oppose any UN Security Council resolution against Syria.

Russian officials say they have information that the United States, and European Union, will sidestep the UN Security Council, because they can not get enough votes of support for their planned attack on Syria.  Instead it is highly likely that the U.S. and EU will use language under NATO rules to justify an attack on Syria.  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is not part of the United Nations.

Europe shoots self in foot by imposing oil embargo on Syria

The European Union has banned the importation of oil from Syria.  This is supposed to hurt Syria, but it will only hurt Europe.

90% (some sources say 95%) of the oil that comes from Syria, goes to Europe, so you can see it will only hurt Europe.  Unless this is part of some conspiracy to drive oil prices back up to $100.00 per barrel?

The EU decision was not unanimous, several European countries, like Cyprus, Greece and Italy expressed concerns that the embargo would not hurt the Syrian government.

U.S. Media never reported the weeks of Israeli attacks on Gaza, West Bank, and Lebanon, now Israel kills Egyptian soldiers, cry me a river Israel!

For several weeks Israeli air forces have been bombing Gaza and West Bank, the U.S. media ignored it.  Israeli ground forces have conducted several raids into Lebanon, the U.S. media ignored it.

Then Israel say eight Israelis were killed in an attack on a bus, carrying Israeli soldiers and civilians, north of the Red Sea resort of Eilat. They use that attack to justify their current escalation of attacks against Gaza.  They claim it was Hamas who attacked the tour bus.  The U.S. media was all over it.

Here’s the problem, Gaza is nowhere near the resort of Eliat.  Secondly, those who were attacked say the attackers were Egyptian soldiers, not Palestinians.

U.S. media went along with Israeli claims that the attackers were from Gaza.  Again, an Israeli media interview with the driver of the tour bus, said that the attackers definitely came from an Egyptian border post, and were wearing Egyptian army uniforms.

Israel killed dozens of Palestinians in their attacks prior to the August 18th attack on the tour bus, and Israel has killed dozens more since they launched their “retaliatory” attacks on Gaza.  Many of those killed by Israel are women and children.

The latest reports say that Israel has also attacked Egyptian troops, killing three.  The report was made by the Egyptian government.

Of course Palestinians are now responding with their own rocket attacks against Israel.  International journalists in the area say it looks like it could escalate into a full blown war.  Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak is vowing a “full force” attack against Palestinians.

Just last week, I posted that Israeli officials stated they were going to go to war in September, to stop Palestine from becoming a recognized member of the United Nations, and to attack Syria.

When you look at the casualties that Israel has suffered, compared to the casualties Israel has caused, you’ll know who the real terrorist is.  Cry me a river U.S. media, cry me a river Israel!!!