Tag Archives: Libya

U.S. to violate sanctions against Libya, will sell Libyan oil

The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control is going to use a loophole in the sanctions against Libya, to oversee oil sales by the rebels.

That means the U.S. will be directly involved in all oil deals will the Libyan rebels.

This is on top of the $25 million in aid Obama is sending, and on top of another $45 million Obama already sent.  Just remember that Obama, and Congress, wants to cut your taxpayer funded domestic programs, while sending your money to Libya.

Former Ronald Reagan official says this is all about World War 3

“Washington is all for invading Libya and is putting more and more pressure to intervene in Syria because we want to… clear China and Russia out of the Mediterranean.”

“Those two countries are just in the way of American hegemony in the Mediterranean and certainly the Americans do not want a powerful Russian fleet stationed there and they certainly don’t want China drawing energy resources.”

“Once Russia and China come to the conclusion that the Americans simply cannot be dealt with in any rational way and are determined to somehow subdue them and do them damage, all kinds of escalations can result. This is the real danger and we’re risking a major war.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, and former editor of the Wall Street Journal

Europe calling refugees “migrants”, proof that war in Libya not about protecting people

According to international law a refugee is a person who’s been forced to leave their home, due to war or other violence in their home country.  They are supposed to be given certain protections under international law.

The Europeans, along with the United States, were so keen on escalating the violence in North Africa (Libya), yet they don’t want to deal with the flood of refugees that are a natural result of war!  Instead the Europeans are calling the people fleeing the war, “migrants”.  In this way the Europeans don’t have the same legal requirements as they would if they called them refugees.

In fact, the Europeans are scrambling to figure out how to get rid of these refugee/migrants. The Europeans are even going so far as to dismantle one of the corner stones of the European Union, free travel across borders.  The EU is now considering adopting a law that would allow them to close their borders.

How hypocritical is this?  The “Western world” launches a war against North African countries, in the name of supporting freedom and democracy, and then they refuse to help any of the people fleeing the violence!

For those people out their who think the military action of U.S. led NATO is still about “protecting civilians”, please explain why refugees, ooops, I mean migrants are being treated like sh*t by the Europeans.

Details of German led EUFOR operation in Libya

The German EUFOR plan is not finalized, and will be refined as the situation demands.

1: The European Union force (EUFOR) will operate seaports and airports, to evacuate civilians and bring relief supplies into the country. In addition, protect aid agencies and supply them with fuel.

2: A maximum of four months is expected to reach full operational capability.

3: Risk assessment for EUFOR troops is High to Critical. Terrorist attacks, mine and bomb attacks, similar to Iraq and Afghanistan.

4: The “Joint Operation Area” refers to Libya’s borders with Sudan, Niger, Chad, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.  In other words the EUFOR will be patrolling all of Libya’s land borders.

5: Current plans for EUFOR involves, but not limited to, several company sized elements (about 80-100 people each company). Will include specialists in demining, combat diver, air traffic controllers, and rescue operations for the evacuation of injured soldiers or downed pilots.

6: Other elements used for operation to include escort ships, helicopters, amphibious vehicles and mobile clinics.  EUFOR soldiers will be issued an initial supply of 23 days of rations and ammunition.

Source: Bild (in German)

German EUFOR plans revealed for Libya

German newspaper Bild, has revealed plans for European Forces (EUFOR) ground troops in Libya.  The plans are described as a 60 page “humanitarian” operation on the ground.

Germany will be in charge of the proposed four month operation.  No troop numbers are given.  German Defense Minister, Thomas de Maizière, says the situation is still to tense to send in ground forces, but they expect a similar situation as in Iraq and Afghanistan; IED, mines, small attacks by tribes.

De Maizière also says the European Union asked for such a plan earlier in April.


Russia issues more warnings against NATO, over Libya, willing to officially oppose UNSCR 1973

“If a resolution leads to a further escalation of a civil war by any means, including outside intervention, we will not be able to support this.”-Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister

Russia is demanding that military strikes stop, and that peace talks begin following a ceasefire.  Russian officials indicate that they will move from a neutral stance on UNSCR 1973 (Russia abstained from voting on it), to officially opposing it, if NATO doesn’t back off.

Here we go, Obama’s anti-Syria speech (rewritten anti-Libya speech), now sanctions against Syria, get ready

After President Obama’s anti-Syrian speech, that was so similar to his anti-Libyan speech that it had to be a rewrite, he now is calling for sanctions.  I told you…

White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday, April 25, the U.S. is pursuing a range of possible options, including targeted sanctions, such as freezing assets held by senior Syrian leaders.  Can you say “cookie cutter” war policy?