Money is being made!: Climate Change, 06-11 January 2020

Incomplete list of links to news articles concerning climate change events during the second week of the Gregorian month of January 2020.

Never mind exhaust from combustion engines, refrigerant in your air conditioning system is a greenhouse gas, but is over a thousand times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Is global flooding going to increase?  The makers of FloodBreak Automatic Floodgates hopes to profit off it.

Money is being made in the Earthquake Valve (natural gas earthquake shutoff valve) Market

Follow the money

Mysterious global seismic humming explained

Storms cause flooding in southeast Europe, Levant


African swine fever spreads near Germany.

ANGOLA: Dozens killed by heavy rain in 12 of the 18 provinces

AUSTRALIA:  Minor quake, west side of continent, 11JAN2020

CANADA: Why Toronto’s Don Valley Parkway floods so often

EGYPT:  ExxonMobil to conduct petroleum exploration, including seismic testing 

Ports reopen after weather improves

IRAN: 4.9 magnitude earthquake hits near nuclear plant

ISRAEL:  Opens rainwater stores after freak storm, floods Gaza farmland

Two people drown inside elevator due to freak rainstorm

TURKEY:  4.8-magnitude quake strikes country’s biggest city

UNITED KINGDOM:  Flood warning MAP: 50 alerts as Met Office forecasts rain THIS WEEKEND

UNITED STATES:  Puerto Rico quake swarms create new communities of survivors who no longer want to ‘go home’

 Magnitude 5.9 earthquake rocks Puerto Rico and causes landslide in Peñuelas

 3.4 quake Oklahoma, 11JAN2020

 950 earthquakes have hit Puerto Rico since 01 January 2020!

In what I call Apocalypse according to NASA, the PBS Nova episode called The Planets: Inner Worlds reveals the true cause of climate change; our Sun, and we can’t stop it. “All of the planets are changing, including our own Earth and as it evolves life will have to change with it.”-Anjali Tripathi, Harvard University
“We have to realize that as stable as we think the Sun is and permanent we think the habitability of the Earth is, it’s not that way.”-Jonathan Lunine, Cassini-Huygens

Climate Change, 01-05 January 2020:  NO MORE GOATS?

Pacific Ring of Fire, 01-05 January 2020: ZOMBIE WHALES!