Operation Odyssey Dawn is, according to President Barack Obama, going to be handed over to NATO on Thursday, April 1 (don’t be surprised if it’s an April Fools prank [heh, April Fools, Thursday is actually March 31]), so that the United States will no longer be in charge of attacking Libya. But who is in charge of NATO? The United States!
Already Obama has lied about U.S. involvement in Operation Odyssey Dawn, being just days, not weeks. When the official hand over to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) takes place on Thursday, it will be a week and a half since the coalition military action began. Remember, Obama swore to Congress it was only going to be “…days, not weeks.”
What about NATO? First of all, the United States created NATO in 1949. The United States has been behind the push to expand NATO since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991. By the way the Soviet Union was why NATO was created, so why is NATO still around 20 years after the Soviet Union ceased to exist? Because the United States wanted to keep it around.
Who runs NATO, literally? The United States. United States Navy Admiral James Stavridis is the current military commander of NATO. In other words; Obama is NOT handing off control of Odyssey Dawn, it is still under the control of the U.S.
By the way, this is why French President Sarkozy did not want NATO to take over. So far each “coalition” member has been doing their own thing. No real coordination. Sarkozy did not want France to lose direct control of their military action against Libya. By Sarkozy is the one who pushed everyone to pass the UNSCR 1973.
A Pentagon spokesperson explained that the real reason to turn things over to NATO, was money. The U.S. doesn’t have the money to continue most of the actual military action. By shifting to NATO, most of the military action will carried out, AND PAID FOR, by other members of NATO. NATO will still be run by the United States.
Now what about the name of this military action against the Libyan government? “Operation Odyssey Dawn”: Odyssey means a very long trip. Dawn usually refers to the start, or beginning, of something. Mmmm, beginning of a very long trip? Can you say Freudian slip?
Lies, lies and more lies!