Italian officials reporting that Libyan Catholic Bishop, Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, says Gaddafi has left Triopli, and is wounded.
For weeks the Italian media reported that Gaddafi was dead. Libyan government denies both claims.
Italian officials reporting that Libyan Catholic Bishop, Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, says Gaddafi has left Triopli, and is wounded.
For weeks the Italian media reported that Gaddafi was dead. Libyan government denies both claims.
In the rebel controlled city of Berga, at least 16 civilians were killed, 40 wounded, after NATO planes bombed them.
Witnesses say most of the victims were Muslim clerics. They were holding a religious meeting at a home in the city. Many rebels now doubt that NATO is acting to protect civilians in rebel held territory. They point out that NATO rarely acts when they need them, and, as in the recent airstrike on Berga, NATO has bombed civilians on several occasions.
“In a post-Gaddafi era, I think we will still have a role to play in assisting a new Libyan government in a transition to a sustainable democracy.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary General
Rasmussen explained that NATO will focus on rebuilding Libya’s security and military units.
Basically what Rasmussen is saying is that U.S. led NATO plans on setting up shop in Libya, after they kill off Gaddafi. What was that Obama said about this not being a long term adventure?
“It’s probably at this point somewhere in the ballpark of $750 million.”-Robert Gates, U.S. Defense Secretary
Pentagon officials originally said the operation against the Libyan government, would cost $604 million. Now Pentagon officials predict the ongoing war will cost U.S. taxpayers $40 million per month, if it doesn’t escalate.
Italian media is claiming that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is dead. They point out that it’s been nine days since he was seen in public, since the time a NATO airstrike killed one of his sons.
Several foreign envoys are also spreading the rumor by saying there is talk within the Libyan government about who will take charge. If Gaddafi is dead, then it is proof that he was not in total control of the Libyan government, because the Libyan military continues to pound rebel positions. It might also explain why NATO leaders stated, a second time, that there is no military solution to Libya.
U.S. led NATO warplanes bombed Libyan rebels, yet again.
Dr Hasan Malitan, who witnessed the accident, said Wednesday’s air strike hit a building where the rebels were holed up, killing 12 of them. This is at least the third time NATO has bombed the very people they’re supposed to be supporting.
China’s Xinhuanet news is reporting that the Libyan government is arming civilians, to counter a possible invasion by NATO.
Most of the population in the western half of Libya supports the government. It also happens to be the half of Libya with very little oil production. The rebellion/civil war started in the oil rich eastern half.
The Libyan government accused NATO of intercepting an oil tanker that was operating for the Libyan government. That act is not authorized under UNSCR 1973.
In an interview on al Jazeera NATO secretary-general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said the solution to the civil war in Libya will come only through political discussions.
For some reason al Jazeera (who supports the UNSCR 1973) did not mention the statement in the text of their posting. You have to watch the video of the interview. It’s about 1:50 into the interview.
“I hope to see a political solution, sooner rather than later. Obviously there’s no military solution, solely.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Al Jazeera then pointed out that despite the arms embargo, which is part of the UNSCR 1973, Libyan rebel leaders openly state they are getting weapons from the UN coalition (which includes NATO). Rasmussen was asked why, seemingly, NATO was not enforcing the UN arms embargo when it came to the rebels.
“We participate in the arms embargo, and to my knowledge there has been no bridge to the arms embargo.”-Rasmussen
Al Jazeera pressed the NATO leader about the arms embargo, while showing video of rebels receiving new weapons. They also pointed out that UN coalition member Qatar (which is Wahhabi Arab, same as al Qaeda), is openly providing weapons to the rebels. They tried to get a simple yes or no answer, this is what they got: “We participate in the enforcement of the arms embargo in strict conformity with the text of UNSCR 1973.”-Rasmussen
The U.S. general in charge of the United States Africa Command, Gen Carter Ham, says Libyan rebels probably will not win, even with NATO help.
General Ham also says we should not be arming the rebels until there is “a better understanding of exactly who the opposition force is”. There is evidence that some of the rebels are al Qaeda, the group we’re supposed to be at war with.
“NATO are liars. They are siding with Gaddafi.”-Salem Mislat, Libyan rebel
Once again U.S. led NATO has bombed the very people they’re supposed to be supporting. Rebels say five of their troops were killed.
The latest “friendly fire” incident happened in almost the same spot as a “friendly fire” incident last week. NATO says they are investigating.