Japan’s nuclear family Myth busted: Family households now average less than 2 people, that’s a Record low. Young & old people living alone!

In the major metropolis known as Tokyo some interesting numbers have come out; the average number of people living in one household has dropped to less than two people (1.99)!

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government it’s the lowest number since the survey started been taken in 1957!

Tokyo’s population has seen a piddly 0.31% increase since 2011, but more and more people are choosing to live by themselves.  The survey showed that there’s been a huge increase in young people choosing not to get married and to live alone, and a huge increase in old people living alone.

Tokyo is the first city in Japan to report household sizes with less than two people.  But it’s a trend, last year Japan’s national average was only 2.36 people per household.