Category Archives: International

Mother Earth erased humans from her surface, Tsuanmi death toll will be much higher say Japanese Police

The official death toll from the March 11 tsunami went over 10,000 on March 26.  The number of missing is more than 16,000.  These numbers are misleading because they are based on “reported” cases.

The Japanese National Police are saying that actual numbers will be much higher, because those numbers being officially reported are only those bodies that have been identified by family members, or, reported missing by family members.  Police know that there are thousands of bodies not being identified, and even more people not being reported as missing. Why? Because, according to police, entire villages and towns were washed away, so there is no one, no relatives, alive to make the reports.  Also, official local records of residents were washed away as well.

It’s as if Mother Earth literally erased humans from her surface.

Iran declares “Year of Economic Jihad”

“I call this year the ‘Year of Economic Jihad’ and I expect the officials of the country and also our dear nation to work in a jihadi way in the economic areas.” -Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, announced on March 21 (the beginning of the new year in the Iranian calendar) a year of Economic Jihad.  This is the year 1390 under the Iranian calendar system.

His reasoning for declaring an Economic Jihad is the continued efforts by the “West” to place more economic sanctions against Iran.  

Florida Church leader lied, Burned Quran anyway

Last year a christian leader in Florida backed off the burning of a Quran.  Even General Petraeus was against it.

Last week the same Florida christian leader, and his followers, burned the Quran anyway.  He feels justified in that they held a 15 minute trial, and found the Quran “guilty”.

The christian leader lied about the burning, because, according to a 2010 Voice of America report, he said the Quran would “never” be burned at his church.

More proof Libya war is about oil, ‘Peaceful’ Rebels targeting oil towns

President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron, President Sarkozy all say the military action against Libya is about protecting peaceful civilians. It interesting that those peaceful civilians are attacking OIL towns.

That’s right, those peaceful rebels are not trying to implement regime change, they’re trying to take over all the oil towns.

Here’s a list of the cities ‘peaceful’ rebels have taken, or are attacking: Ajdabiya, Ras Lanuf, As Sidra, Benghazi, Brega and Misratah.  All these cities are connected to the oil industry in some way.

In Egypt, and Tunis, truly peaceful protesters focused their efforts in their country’s capitols. They wanted to be in the face of their unresponsive governments. Yet, almost from the start, what is happening in Libya is armed rebels attacking oil fields and oil cities. This is an all out military action, NOT peaceful protest!

In the last week of February China began evacuating their oil field workers from Libya, because they were being attacked by armed “gangs”.  These gangs deliberately destroyed all the Chinese equipment. These are not ‘peaceful’ protesters.

Rebel leaders, and Libyan arms dealers working in Egypt, have admitted that from early on they were being armed by the West.  President Obama, where are the peaceful Libyan protesters?

Reports now say Japan tsunami was more than 20 meters high

NHK reporting that after analysis of the range of destruction by the March 11 tsunami, plus the fact that most 10 meter tall sea walls failed,  the tsunami must have been more than 20 meters high.

Here in the U.S. that’s 65.5 feet.  To help understand how high that is, the average wooden telephone pole sticks out of the ground 30-40 feet high.  So the tsunami was as high as two wooden telephone poles.