Tag Archives: wall street

Syria, 27 September 2015: Israel hits Syrian command posts! Islamic State bans ‘fun’! NATO France bombs Palm Trees, not Insurgents!

German immigration administrators have discovered that 30% of ‘refugees’ are not from Syria and are not fleeing war.

Lebanon reports their economy is suffering as a result of the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated proxy war in Syria.  Ships are stuck in Lebanese ports because the overland routes to Iraq, Jordan and points east run through Syria.

Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DawlA, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria])

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy and  al-Nairab Airport and Kweres (Quweires) airbase, at least 40 people killed.      Reports that  a vehicle exploded at a DAIISH checkpoint on the Damascus-Aleppo Highway, three people killed.  Kurdish news sources said three Kurds killed and 15 wounded by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Nusra Front insurgents who fired multiple artillery mortar rounds into Sheik Maksoud neighborhood of Aleppo City.

Insurgents using a Mac laptop to aim a mortar.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  In Damascus City, four people wounded after an insurgent artillery mortar round impacted near al-Sheikh Reslan Mosque in Bab Touma neighborhood.

Daraa Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army says they prevented Nusra Front insurgents from capturing the power plant in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood of Daraa City.

The French didn’t say but they probably used Rafales to bomb the shit out of the Palm Orchard in Deir Ezzor.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:   Reports that citizens might be rebelling against DAIISH control; masked men on motorcycles shot at DAIISH al-Hesbah (Islamic Police) in the city of al- Mayadin, possibly killing two of them.   The rebellion against DAIISH comes after al-Hesbah shutdown the al- Mayadin amusement park.  Two children killed by an explosion near the al- Siyasiyya Bridge.  Reports from witnesses that the NATO French airstrike wasted a palm orchard, despite French claims that they destroyed a DAIISH training camp: “We hit a training camp which could pose a threat to our national security.”-Francois Hollande, dip-noodle president of France

Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force battled Jaish a-Fateh insurgents.

Hasakah Governorate: Fierce battles continue between DAIISH and YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units).  Witnesses say it looks like DAIISH took territory today.  The video above is of YPG advances back in May.  It shows Toyota gun-trucks, T55 Russian made panzers and MTLB tracked armored transporter.

Homs Governorate:    Battles continued for control of the Tadmur (Palmyra) area, as well the Jazal and Sha’er oil fields.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force continued airstrikes against DAIISH, while Syrian Arab Army ground forces chased after Nusra Front insurgents.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted “at least 20” airstrikes. Two civilians killed, one wounded, in Homs City after an artillery rocket round impacted in the public park in Ekrima neighborhood.  Reports of 17 casualties after artillery rockets impacted the al-Waer neighborhood.

Idlib Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed Jaish a-Fateh convoys, destroying many U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks.   Jaish a-Fateh attacked the towns of al-Fouaa and Kefraya with artillery rockets, no reports of casualties.  Reports of four civilians killed during airstrikes across the governorate.   As part of the ceasefire agreement between non-DAIISH insurgents and  Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah), United Nations personnel began transporting wounded to neighboring Lebanon for treatment.

Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army says they killed 38 foreign insurgents, most from Chechnya.

U.S. made Israeli M109 Self Propelled 155mm Artillery Gun, supposedly on the occupied Golan Heights firing into Syria.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) lobed artillery rounds into Syria.  The IDF confirmed they targeted Syrian Arab Army command posts near al-Ba’ath City (aka New Quneitra City)!     Syrian Arab Army and Air Force conducted search and destroy missions.  They say they destroyed a 120mm cannon and numerous gun-trucks, many armed with mortars and 23mm guns.  Insurgents shot and wounded a nurse as she drove in her car, and they say they sniped and killed a Syrian Arab Army soldier.

Raqqa Governorate:  DAIISH al-Hesbah arrested three women at the Raqqa City amusement park for improper clothing.  Reports that that a supposed U.S. led NATO airstrike killed several DAIISH insurgents, however, no mention of it by U.S. led anti-Syria coalition.

Sweida Governorate: Local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) say they ambushed insurgents on the eastern sides of al-Lajat Plateau, killing four and capturing weapons and ammo.

Syria, 26 September 2015: Proof it’s not a Civil War, 30,000 foreign fighters prove it’s a Proxy War!

What U.S. Sanctions? Iranian tax revenues skyrocket past oil revenues!

28 September 2015 (22:24 UTC-07 Tango 01, 27 September 2015)/06 Mehr 1394/14 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/16 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“For the first time in 50 years, the government’s share of the oil revenue is less than what it is earning from tax, including VAT [Value Added Tax].  Only around 10% of Iran’s GDP is currently dependent on oil.”-Ali Kardor, National Iranian Oil Company, interviewed by theguardian

Even under sanctions Iran’s GDP is projected to skyrocket!

U.S. ally Japan drinks up Iranian oil despite sanctions!

Iran loans Syria $1-billion!

Obama reneges on ending sanctions “even if we reach a nuclear deal”! 

What do ya know, Iran!

Obama regime allows Boeing & GE to avoid Iran sanctions! 

Mormon bank caught violating U.S. sanctions against Iran! 

U.S. sanctions Iran over nuke industry, yet makes deal to sell nuclear tech to Vietnam! 

Iran oil revenues up 59% despite U.S. & EU sanctions! 

U.K. bank caught violating U.S. sanctions against Iran! It happened under Bush Jr’s watch!!! 

Russia announces financing deal to help Iran avoid U.S. & EU sanctions! 

More examples of Chock Full o’Crap western media!

Japan sues U.S. over Iran sanctions!

India launches purpose built Ballistic Nuclear Missile; where’s the outrage, where’s the sanctions, where’s the UNSC resolutions? 

Pakistan launches purpose built Ballistic Nuclear Missile; where’s the outrage, where’s the sanctions, where’s the UNSC resolutions?

South Korea reveals new Cruise Missiles aimed at North Korea; where’s the outrage, where’s the sanctions, where’s the UNSC resolutions? 

Syria, 26 September 2015: Proof it’s not a Civil War, 30,000 foreign fighters! NATO Turkey attacks refugees fleeing the Proxy War!

Reports out of Russia say Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq have agreed to establish a command center in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, with the goal of coordinating joint strikes against the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State).

The New York Times has revealed that the war in Syria is not a civil war as at least 30-thousand people from other countries, with ulterior motives, are doing the fighting.  That’s called a Proxy War!

Aleppo Governorate is one of several governorates sharing a border with U.S. led NATO Turkey. Turkey is a major inserter of foreign insurgents as part of the Proxy War in Syria.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report several battles with insurgents coming from NATO member Turkey.  The battles took place on the international highway in and out of Turkey.  Battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy and  al-Nairab Airport and Kweres (Quweires) airbase continued.  Reports of civilians killed after the Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed the insurgent controlled Hulk neighborhood of Aleppo city.   Reports that civilian POVs (Personally Owned Vehicle) have become collateral damage during fighting between YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) units and Nusra Front insurgents, as well as a woman wounded by a sniper.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted ten airstrikes on insurgent held areas of Aleppo City, with insurgents responding with artillery mortar fire, five civilians killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported that NATO member Turkey attacked Syrians who were fleeing the fighting in the town of Efrin.

Syrian Arab Army T72s retake farmland from insurgents in the Damascus area, earlier this year.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Insurgents fired artillery mortar rounds into Syrian Arab Army controlled  Dahiyat al-Assad, wounding several people.  Near al- Qadam, reports say DAESH and other insurgent groups reached a ceasefire agreement after days of fighting amongst themselves (the big sillies).

Daraa Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army claims to have destroyed a convoy of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  Reports say a Syrian anti-government rebel was blown up by his own motorcycle bomb, not sure if that was his intent.  Another claim that a man from the area was tortured to death in a prison in Damascus.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:   Reports that the DAESH commander,  who was a doctor from a Gulf Arab state, was killed while conducting the assault on Deir Ezzor airbase.  Reports that local militia (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) fought with DAESH over control of a radio station.

This female YPG fighter, manning a 12.7mm heavy machine gun on a T72 panzer, has more ‘balls’ than most ‘merican men!

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that an explosion caused by DAESH wounded a YPG fighter.  It happened during massive battles between YPG and DAESH, which included airstrikes that are not known if they were from the U.S. led NATO coalition or Syrian Arab Army Air Force.  At least five people were killed.

Russian made BM-21 Grad rocket launchers of the Syrian Arab Army.

Homs Governorate:   Reports that Syrian Arab Army fired artillery rockets into the insurgent controlled al-Wa’er neighborhood in Homs City, at least seven people killed, 20 wounded.  In al-Zahra neighborhood in Homs City, insurgents assassinated a retired Syrian Arab Army colonel by boobytrapping his POV with a bomb.  Battles continued for control of the Tadmur (Palmyra) area, as well the Jazal and Sha’er oil fields.  Two Syrian Arab Army personnel killed when DAESH detonated a remote control car bomb.

Even emergency responders like Red Crescent are targets. This ambulance in the city of Homs didn’t make it, I don’t know about the paramedics.

Idlib Governorate: Airstrikes reported on the town of Saraqeb, unknown number of people wounded.  The airstrikes came as people in the town began protesting the new ceasefire deal between non-DAESH insurgents and Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah).  The people aren’t against the ceasefire, they say they’re mad because Saraqeb town wasn’t included in it.  In other parts of the governorate hospitals, and Red Cross/Red Crescent personnel, prepared to accept mass casualties as part of the Iranian-Turkish brokered UN ceasefire agreement.

Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched airstrikes on Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents and their U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks.

Quneitra Governorate borders the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Israel has occupied Syria’s Golan since 1967, and it’s where Israeli backed insurgents cross into Syria.

Quneitra Governorate: Police report that Israeli backed insurgents conducted home invasions (Israeli settler style) in the al-Amal Farms, killing three civilians, one a seven years old girl along with her 70 years old grandmother.  There were reports of local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) engaging Israeli backed insurgents, one NDF personnel killed.  Reports that eight Syrian rebels were killed, including one that was a former Syrian Arab Army soldier.  At least three Syrian Arab Army personnel killed.

Syria, 25 September 2015: Children from around the world fight & die in Syria! 

Food Crisis: Remnant of Soviet Union driving minimum wage through the floor, blames hyper deflation!

27 September 2015 (01:31 UTC-07 Tango 01)/05 Mehr 1394/13 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/15 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

For the third year in a row the little known country of Transnistria is driving down the minimum wage.  This year it’s being dropped by the equivalent of $6 USD. (the report I read did not specify but I think that’s per month)

Transnistria just happens to sit on the border with NATO puppet Ukraine.

The Ministry of Social Protection and Labor blames the mandatory reduction in wages on what they’re acting like is hyper-deflation in the food markets (declining prices of food).  Basically the food markets are flooded with too much food, too much supply versus demand so the prices crash.  Administrators say the reduction of wages is inline with declining food prices and therefore shoppers should not notice a difference in their purchasing power.

Note Transnistria’s flag is the old Soviet Union flag with a horizontal green stripe down the middle.

Another thing, the ministry’s data shows food prices falling by less than 1% per quarter, that’s not hyper-deflation.  Apparently Transnistria is so small that the administrators are afraid of any little blip on their economic radar.  (when it comes to national economies geographic size and population density does matter)

I think what the administrators of Transnistria are really afraid of is hyper-inflation which could result if wages stayed the same, allowing people to buy way more than they need resulting in lack of supply, thus forcing prices up.

Anthrax kills 3 in India!

Major insurance company says prepare for World War F! 

Syria, 25 September 2015: NATO bombs Syrian refineries! Russia dumps refugees on NATO Norway! Children from around the world fight & die in Syria!

“It’s my deep belief that any actions to the contrary in order to destroy the legitimate government will create a situation which you can witness now in the other countries of the region or in other regions, for instance in Libya, where all the state institutions are disintegrated. We see a similar situation in Iraq……there is no other solution to the Syrian crisis than strengthening the effective government structures and rendering them help in fighting terrorism.”-Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

Police in NATO member Kingdom of Norway reports hundreds of refugees from Syria are flooding into their country via Russia.  The Syrians are given Russian travel visas in Syria, then once in Russia they head toward Norway.

U.S. backed insurgents with brand new Chevy (General Motors) gun-trucks. The U.S. DoD now admits U.S. trained rebels gave their brand new U.S. supplied equipment to DAESH!

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports they’ve discovered that many of the children being forced to fight and die in Syria, by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents, are actually from other countries.  They traced many child soldiers back to central Asia, specifically Kazakhstan and Turkistan.  Two DAESH (Islamic State) child soldiers reportedly executed two insurgents accused of being spies for Russia.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reports that many pro-government local militias (National Defense Forces) are using what they call cub-fighters, or young teenagers.  YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) are also accused of using child soldiers, however it should be noted that ‘humanitarian’ groups consider anybody younger than 18 a child soldier, that means I was a child soldier in the U.S. Army back in 1982.  I joined the U.S. Army the day I turned 17 years old.  One of my grandfathers joined the USMC when he was 16.  I had relatives younger than that fighting in the War Between the States (U.S. Civil War).  What matters is if the ‘child’ is being forced or tricked into fighting, or did they join up of their own free will?

More details on that reported ceasefire agreement. It was brokered by Iranian and Turkish diplomats through the United Nations.  It involves only Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) and non-DAESH (Islamic State) insurgents operating along the border between Lebanon and Syria.  Apparently the fighters who agreed to the ceasefire are tired of fighting each other and want to leave the areas they’ve occupied.  It also allows wounded civilians to leave so they can get medical help, and releases 5-hundred POWs.

Amazing, is this the Stairway to Heaven? A survivor of massive airstrikes in Syria.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army claims to have killed 60 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents along with an ammo depot. A civilian killed and several wounded. Battles raged between local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces) and Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) on one side and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra on the other.  There was a report that U.S. led NATO launched airstrikes in the northern area of the governorate after midnight, however, the only U.S. Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve mention of airstrikes on this day were against DAESH vehicles mainly in Iraq, claiming one DAESH vehicle in Syria’s Hasakah Governorate (on the Iraq border) was hit by coalition planes.  Reports that YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) units attacked DAESH (Islamic State) controlled Jarablis City, “killing and injuring dozens of terrorists”.  In Aleppo City, a report that a Syrian anti-government rebel was killed by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH insurgents.   Battles continue for control of the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles, of course that’s probably not what it’s called in Syria, but just think of all the personal records those insurgents will get their hands on if they capture the DMV) in Harasta City. Reports made it sound like various insurgent groups are also fighting each other to see who gets to control the DMV!

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force claims to have killed 14 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents in farm areas.  28 barrel bombs reportedly dropped around the Beit Jin farm.  Airstrikes and artillery bombardment of Douma City, at least three people killed.  DAESH chopped off the head of a wounded old man in Wadi Barada market.  They accused him of being a spy.

Daraa Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army claims to have destroyed a convoy of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) gun-trucks near the al-Sultan fuel refinery.  Insurgents were also attacked just to the south of the SyriaTel telecommunications building in al-Balad neighborhood of Daraa City.    Reports say U.S./U.K. backed Jordanian border guards shot and killed a Syrian as he was walking across the border.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Reports that U.S. led NATO bombed the Kuniko fuel refinery.  However, the only U.S. Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve mention of airstrikes on this day were against DAESH vehicles mainly in Iraq, claiming one DAESH vehicle in Syria’s Hasakah Governorate (on the Iraq border) was hit by coalition planes.

YPG T72 Russian made panzers defend Rojava against U.S. made DAESH (Islamic State)!

Hasakah Governorate:  DAESH attacked positions held by YPG near Tal Barak town.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched massive airstrikes against U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH around Tadmur (Palmyra).  Reports say besides dozens of DAESH killed or wounded, one civilian killed and dozens of civilians wounded.  A DAESH insurgent killed in the battle for Sha’er oil field.  Battles also raged for control of Syria’s largest airbase known as T4.

Idlib Governorate: Reports that 15 people were killed by Syrian Arab Army Air Force airstrikes.

Lattakia Governorate:  A wild fire was started in the Jabal al-Turkman area, by Syrian airstrikes.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report major battles across the governorate with insurgents being supplied by Israel (right across the border). Nusra Front insurgents came within 7km (4 miles) of Quneitra City.  Independent reports of major battles between pro-government militias and insurgents.

Sweida Governorate: The local secretary of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party has been kidnapped by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.  His POV (personally owned vehicle) was founded burnt out.

Syria, 24 September 2015: “the Americans have not delivered any weapons or ammunition to the YPG.”-Saleh Muslim, Kurdish Democratic Union Party

Dumbing Down the United States, 3rd Quarter 2015: “To save that kind of money, you have to do something drastic….It’s a necessary evil.”

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete list of publicly announced education layoffs & school shutdowns from July to September 2015:

Alaska: The University of Alaska Anchorage eliminating 203 jobs!  Administrators blame $13-million USD in taxpayer funding cuts caused by the crashing oil industry.

Arizona: The University of Arizona eliminating 320 jobs saying the new state budget is forcing them to cut $25-million USD in operating costs!  (this is actually less than the $43-million they were warning about earlier this year)

California:  In Petaluma, after eight years the Come Home to Cooking School forced to shutdown by A-hole city administrators who refuse to renew the license to operate!   In Monterey, McGraw Hill Education laid off 137 people!   In San Diego, Bridgepoint Education laid off 41 people.  Despite obvious signs of a death spiral economy, the administrators of the Elk Grove Teen Center claim they’re shutting down because of a great economy!  News reports say 4-hundred poor teenagers take advantage of the program, but the administrators are now claiming they can’t justifiably stay open because those poor teenagers are no longer considered poor!? However, administrators also admitted that many of the poor teenagers that come to them for help are not part of the Elk Grove School District and therefore cannot be officially counted in their program!  In Modesto, God refused to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 32 years old Grace Lutheran School.  ‘Christian’ administrators admitted they were in so much debt that the current student enrollment couldn’t cover the church mortgage payments!  In Santa Ana, Zenith Education Group laying off 18 people by the beginning of November.

Colorado: Troubled ECMC Group shutting down their Zenith Education Group student loan call center in Thornton, 137 jobs lost right before Xmas!   Local news reports say that at one time the call center had more than 3-hundred employees.

Connecticut: “Under a cloak of secrecy, the university’s board of trustees approved a spend-heavy budget. This was an irresponsible move, and it adds justification to calls to bring transparency to the budget process.”-rep-am.com, concerning the 50 layoffs at University of Connecticut

Delaware: Only one month after opening Delaware Met charter school says it might have to layoff employees, or even shutdown, due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome. The taxpayer funded school apparently lost 33 students since opening, and administrators are afraid they’ll lose more which will put them under the state required minimum enrolment limits.  The news has resulted in a downward spiral effect as even more parents are taking their students out for fear of a sudden shutdown!

Florida: Leon County’s Adult and Community Education service killed off by state ‘lawmakers’ who canceled funding, at least 15 jobs lost.

Georgia: Valdosta State University eliminating 33 jobs, blaming  Disappearing Students Syndrome, a 17% drop since 2011.

Idaho:  Once again, taxpayers are being raped in The Gem State!  It’s been revealed that the teacher’s union known as Boise Education Association is being funded with taxpayers dollars: “Every dollar that taxpayers are asked to put into public schools ought to go to public schools, not into feeding the union machine!”-Wayne Hoffman, Idaho Freedom Foundation

In order to generate more funding for public schools the state Department of Lands auctioned-off 35 Priest Lake vacation lots for $15.6-million USD.  They were trying for 38 lots.  They’re going to try and action off another nine.   Last year’s sale of lots statewide was supposed to generate more than $52-million for the permanent endowment, however, it’s been revealed that some of the cabins/lots are up for auction again because the previous bidders couldn’t make their payments.  It was also revealed the main reason the auctions aren’t going so well is because many of the properties are actually ocupado: “I know that people are hesitant to bid against a person that built it and currently occupies the structure and still wants it.”-Sid Anderson, Dept. of Lands

Illinois:  Springfield’s Hope Institute for Children and Families ending its autism education program due to the state ‘lawmakers’ suspending the taxpayer funding.  After eliminating more than 1-thousand 5-hundred jobs (after being forced to make a $634-million  ObamaCare retirement fund payment), the Obama regime controlled Chicago Public Schools (CPS) warned of 5-thousand more job cuts! The layoffs would take place right before Thanksgiving!  Obama regime CPS administrators claim that $480-million USD in state funding has never shown up (yeah right)!   By the way, school employees threaten massive civil “chaos” if the Obama regime goes through with the massive CPS layoffs!  Lincoln-Way District 210 decided to shutdown their Lincoln Way Community High School North.  They say that even with the 5% property tax hike each year for the next two years they still won’t have enough money!  In Forest Park, after 12 years the Flavour Cooking School shutting down by the end of the month.  The owner admits “…the business has been struggling for some time now.”  It’s been revealed that Eastern Illinois University eliminated 118 civil service jobs!  50 of those former employees were forced to quit or retire early.  In Chicago, God refuses to stop ‘his’ Catholic Church from using the excuse of lead contamination to suddenly shutdown the Saint Elizabeth School.  Southern Illinois University (SIU) reporting what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS).  Administrators say enrollment is down 3.9% and they’ll have to layoff employees.  Because of the DSS of 697 students SIU is short $5.2-million USD.  For-profit DeVry Education Group shutdown their Chicago office, 90 jobs lost.  The failing higher education outfit also returned $100-thousand of local taxpayer financing to the city.   Leonard Bo Peep Preschool Academy shutdown due to taxpayer funding cuts.  In Cook County, Community Development Institute Head Start will eliminate 215 jobs due to slashed federal taxpayer funding!   At least three camps leased by the Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois being shutdown due to crashing membership and increasing maintenance costs.  The camps in Salem, Makanda and Worden will shutdown by the middle of 2017: “We just have too many camps for the size of our council.”-Villie Apoo, Girl Scouts ceo

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, after 20 years Conser Music instrument store shutting down in October.  The owner said that demand for music lessons peaked between 2002-07, then crashed once the Great Recession started, with no recovery in sight.

Iowa: Iowa Student Loan lost their government contract, 60 jobs gone.   Administrators would only say that their “…administration of the program did not live up to goals described when the legislation was approved by Congress…”   The Ashford University shutting down its Clinton campus in May 2016, due to  Disappearing Students Syndrome: “Ashford’s Clinton campus has been unable to resolve its significant and ongoing enrollment shortfall, a trend that is especially troubling in today’s highly competitive environment.”-Gregory Geoffroy, board of trustees.

Kansas: Olathe School District warned layoffs were coming due to $2-million USD shortfall.  Administrators did not blame enrollment, but blamed increased costs (like ObamaCare insurance rates for employees) and reduced funding from the state and federal governments.

Kentucky: In Owensboro, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Precious Blood Catholic Church daycare center.  Church administrators say the daycare center is $60-thousand USD in debt.

Maine: In Rumford, after 40 years Maureen’s Preschool shutdown, the local news media didn’t explain why but the owner exclaimed “I still think there isn’t a richer woman in the world than me. Go Donald Trump! You’re nothing compared to me!” 

Maryland: After 37 years pre-school The Eyman Children Center shutdown, the owner said “It’s time to get serious about retirement and enjoying what years are left.”

Massachusetts: Gordon College added seven professors to the previously announced 14 layoffs.  Tufts University laid off four people, reports say more layoffs are in the planning.   In Boston Weak, sexist Simmons College shutting down their women’s only MBA program, blaming increased competition.  You know the saying; “If you can’t stand the heat……”  God refuses to stop ‘his’ 60 years old Saint Paul School in Wellesley from shutting down: “Over the past several years, St. Paul School has faced a steady decline in enrollment. An attempt to secure solid commitments from parents for the upcoming school year was not sufficient.”  

Michigan: In Detroit, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Quaker run Friends School.  Administrators say they’re “working hard” to find investors who’re willing to pump money into the 50 years old school so they can re-open for the 2016-17 school year.  Flint School District eliminated an additional 26 jobs, blaming a 10% drop in enrollment.  Grand Rapids Board of Education voted unanimously to layoff seven teachers. For every student the district loses it also loses $7,391 USD in funding.  The East China School District announced that Eddy Elementary school will shutdown for the 2016-17 school year.  Apparently the school needs to be refurbished but the district doesn’t have the money.   God refuses to stop ‘his’ Battle Creek Evangelical Friends Church from shutting down their Little Friends Child Care Center.  However, it’s not due to a loss of members but an explosion of church members requiring the use of the space taken up by the child care center.  Lincoln Consolidated Schools will eliminate 50 jobs and cut salaries over the next three years.  After eliminating more than 231 jobs Farmington Public Schools is now considering shutting down at least six schools, blaming Disappearing Students Syndrome.  Enrollment has crashed by 2-thousand since 2007, and administrators expect it to continue!   Davenport University shutting down several campuses due to crashing enrollment.  Some campuses will be merged while others will become two year colleges.  Disappearing Students Syndrome has resulted in Davenport losing 3,341 students since 2010!  Coldwater Board of Education eliminated 17 jobs, blaming the loss of 625 students since the 2000-01 school year!

Minnesota: The Boys & Girls Club eliminating its staff at its La Crescent Community Arena location. It’s blamed on a lack of boys and girls.

Mississippi: The Diamondhead Public Library shutting down after Xmas due to lack of taxpayer funding.  The Pisgah Headstart Center shutdown.  Parents are being told to send their kids to other Headstart education centers even though other Headstart ops are shutting down as well.  Many single parents relied on Headstart to watch their kids while they went to work, now they say they’ll have to quit their jobs because their jobs don’t pay them enough to afford child daycare.  In Tishomingo, the only Headstart education program shutting down apparently due to lack of funding (local news say Headstart administrators refuse to comment).  This pisses off many parents as they say “We worked hard to keep this place open. We volunteered hours and hours of our time, and our effort, and our money to keep this Headstart going!”-Santanna White

Missouri: A new study by the Federal Reserve Bank‘s Saint Louis regional office has concluded that getting a college degree does not do anything to improve your financial position, at least not if you’re ‘black’ or ‘hispanic’!

Nebraska: God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 47 years old Christ Child Society Center, blamed on The Rapture, I mean declining enrollment.

New Hampshire: God refuses to keep ‘his’ 50 years old Pelham Saint Patrick Catholic School from shutdown. It’s called The Rapture, I mean enrolment has crashed to just 32 students!  Mount Washington College (formerly known as Hesser College) shutdown suddenly due to Disappearing Students Syndrome.  3-hundred students must now transfer to Kaplan University.

New Jersey: More proof of public administrator incompetence.  Over the Summer Paterson School District laid off 3-hundred people, blaming what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome!  After you include protest resignations and early retirements at least 535 jobs went away! Now those same exalted school administrators are scrambling to hire on people because it turned out they weren’t losing students, in fact their enrollment went up by 7-hundred students!  School bus contractor First Student issued a WARN saying 135 people in Trenton will become unemployed!   Taxpayers are finding out the real reason for hundreds of layoffs at the Atlantic City School District; four new ‘director’ positions were created and the jobs went to employees who were supposed to be laid off, and who got huge pay raises as a result! District administrators justified their game by claiming the four new positions will be handling the work of 18 positions that were eliminated.  God refuses to stop ‘his’ Holy Family School in Lakewood, and ‘his’ Saint Denis School in Manasquan, from shutdown.  It’s blamed on DSS.

New Mexico: In Santa Teresa, the state Public Education Commission shutdown the Health Sciences Academy after only one year of operations.  State administrators claim the school was being operated fraudulently.  In Las Cruces, atheists and homosexual marriage are being blamed for the shutdown of the First Baptist Church’s daycare center.  God’s church administrators said they don’t want the government forcing them to hire “homosexuals and atheists”, but you have to blame the money grubbing false christians for violating the 1st Amendment and taking government taxpayer money to run their daycare: “When the government gives you money, they have the right to tell you how to run certain aspects of your organization. We understand that. It’s not one particular group…it’s the fact they get to dictate to us, across the board, how to run our organization or different organization or ministries.”-David Burrows, church leader just now waking up to the fact that they must “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s…..” (Matthew 22:21)

New York:  Evil News Corp conducted massive and surprise layoffs with Brooklyn based Amplify Education, 8-hundred jobs lost this morning!  News Corporation has been trying to sell-off Amplify, but nobody wants to buy it.   Union Springs Board of Education shutting down two elementary schools before the next school year, blaming DSS.  However, could the real reason be that the school board wants to spend $8.2-million USD on a new project?    The 126 years old (surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions) bankrupt busted New York Military Academy shutdown after a planned sale fell through. It’s blamed on DSS, in 2014 enrollment fell to less than 1-hundred.  Donald Trump was a student at the privately funded school but actually refused to bail out his alma mater on the grounds it was a losing business proposition!  In Poughkeepsie, school bus company Durham School Services issued a shutdown WARN for October, 76 jobs lost due to loss of contract.  After 52 years the Le Roy Nursery School shutdown.    The Big A-hole, I mean Big Apple New York Shitty, I mean City shutting down seven pre-kindergarten schools days before school starts! City administrators admitted the schools violated health codes, and claim they will place the children of the 175 families affected into other schools!  Interestingly three of the shutdown schools are Christian and one is Muslim.  God refuses to stop ‘his’ College of Saint Rose from instituting layoffs and program cuts due to a $9.3-million USD shortfall caused by The Rapture, I mean Disappearing Students Syndrome: “Like many institutions across the country, enrollment at the College of Saint Rose has declined….”-Lisa Haley Thomson

North Carolina: Corrupt Warren Wilson College promoted several people and created three new jobs but only after they laid off seven people.   The Beaufort County Board of Education laid off 16 teacher assistants due to lack of local tax funding.  Pitt County Schools eliminated 25 jobs, without warning.  It’s blamed on crashing taxpayer funding (which is a sure sign of a crashing economy).  Stokes County School Board voted to shutdown their Francisco Elementary School.  It’s blamed Disappearing Students Syndrome, enrollment is down to 50 students.  The state Board of Education shutdown the Carrboro PACE Academy due to “persistent patterns of noncompliance, low academic performance, and potential financial issues.” 

Ohio: God’s ‘christian’ president of Ashland University eliminated 23 faculty positions despite strong student enrollment numbers and a $3-million USD surplus at the end of the 2014 school year!  Owens Community College revealed massive Disappearing Students Syndrome.  In 2009 they had 23,606 students, by January 2015 they were down to 11,719!  Despite the crashing enrollment, administrators claim they will not layoff anymore employees (they’ve already eliminated 50 positions, and ask employees to take time off without pay).  The University of Akron announced a three years plan to eliminate at least 215 jobs!   Disappearing Students Syndrome has caused the university to lose $60-million USD.   Another factor is the skyrocketing costs of employee healthcare costs caused by ObamaCare.  Administrators say they will renegotiate healthcare benefits with employees, meaning it will cost the employees more money for the same benefits.

Oklahoma: The East Side Elementary School in Okmulgee shutting down due to a one third drop in enrollment and a $1-million shortfall: “To save that kind of money, you have to do something drastic and that’s what this is. It’s a necessary evil.”-Tod Williams, school superintendent

Pennsylvania: God refuses to stop administrators at ‘his’ Saint Joseph’s University from eliminating 172 jobs and cutting programs due to The Rapture, I mean Disappearing Students Syndrome.  Administrators hope the cuts will put them back into the ‘black’ next school year.  The Wilkinsburg School District shutting down its High School and shipping the 2-hundred students to another school district!  However, it was revealed the district is also going to spend $10-million renovating two elementary schools.  God refuses to stop Disappearing Students Syndrome at ‘his’ La Salle University, 23 employees laid off due to a $12-million USD shortfall caused partly by crashing freshmen enrollments.  The Education Plus Cyber Charter School in Abington shutdown without warning, 1-thousand families affected!  The state Department of Education did not like the charter school’s “education model”, even though parents reported great success with their ‘special needs’ children.  God refuses to stop ‘his’ Catholic Church from shutting down the Saint Patrick Grade School. Local news reports say Catholic leaders tried to secretly stop parents from protesting.  Green Tree & School Services shutdown their Philadelphia ops, 113 jobs lost!  Community Development Institute Head Start issued shutdown WARNs for Montgomery and Bucks counties, 168 jobs lost!   Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School laid off at least 21 virtual classroom teachers and 22 non-teaching employees.   After 15 years the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network shutting down.  Local news reports said the Network didn’t explain why.  Point Park University laid off 32 employees “in response to changing demands in the higher education market”, meaning crashing student enrollment.  Connellsville Area School Board jacked up property taxes, then took out a $5-million loan (tax anticipation note) from PNC Bank and killed 11 jobs.  News reports say Drexel University laid off “several dozens” of employees due to Disappearing Students Syndrome.

South Carolina: South Carolina State University shutting down nine buildings, including four dorms, in an attempt to save money. Obviously with less buildings to take care of there won’t be the need for all those building maintenance jobs. Administrators admit that struggles with enrollment resulted in not enough money to perform needed repairs and upgrades to the nine buildings.

Tennessee: The Jackson YMCA shutting down next week, 15 jobs lost.  Administrators blame a history of losing money.  Non-profit Rutherford County Family YMCA in Murfreesboro shutdown, due to crashing revenues.

Texas: In El Paso, Houchen Community Center shutting down their Child Care Development Center in Segundo Barrio by the middle of September, blaming “a lack of income and increasing costs.”  Local news reports say tax filings from the past few years show Houchen Community Center is losing money.  Kilgore College contracting out their entire maintenance department, employees forced to retire early or be laid off, at least 40 jobs affected. Is it because maintenance employees went to state officials reporting that college administrators deliberately ordered violations of environmental laws?

Utah:  State Charter School Board ordering the shutdown of Alianza Academy K-8 charter schools in West Valley City and South Salt Lake City. It’s blamed on DSS (Disappearing Students Syndrome) as enrollment has crashed below the state required minimum of 290.  In Saint George, Paul Mitchell the school shutting down in August.  A spokesperson said Saint George is “not able to support as large of a school as is needed for Paul Mitchell”.

Washington: The state Charter School Commission forced to shutdown after the state Supreme Court ruled charter schools “unconstitutional”!  In Seattle, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 33 years old Zion Preparatory Academy. At one point the school had 6-hundred students, but because of the bad economy people can’t afford to pay for private school: “We just basically ran out of funds.”-Doug Wheeler, owner

Washington DC:  In an interview with MSNBC U.S. Department of Education secretary Arne Duncan might have revealed an ulterior motive for shutting down fraudulent Corinthian Colleges; the Obama regime has now become the collector of all debts owed to the college by the ripped off students under the guise of “protecting taxpayers”!

Chris Hayes MSNBC: “The Department of Education has announced a loan forgiveness program, but…it requires onerous steps to jump through, why not just offer the students….a blanket debt forgiveness?”

Arne Duncan Obama regime Department of Education: “…we are thrilled to be able to close down Corinthian….despite stiff opposition from Congress…we’ve been working on this since 2009…we’re working with a number of students…we’ve also brought in a special ‘master’[he failed to explain this special master thing]...this is new work for us [wait, didn’t he just say they’ve been working on this since 2009?]”  Despite all the rehtoric Duncan used during the MSNBC interview he failed to actually explain why they’re treating students like crap.

Consumer groups suspect fraud on the part of the Obama regime: “Why would Secretary Duncan be thrilled to shut down Corinthian if there wasn’t systemic fraud? It tells you everything you need to know that his department continues to collect on Corinthian students’ debts when he could, under current law, erase it this very moment with a stroke of the pen.”– Debt Collective, representing 2-hundred former Corinthian students

West Virginia: William J. Raglin Community Education Center shutting down the Shawnee Daycare center due to “…losing approximately $10-thousand a year on that program.”-Bob Calhoun, Kanawha County Schools

Wisconsin: God can’t stop Right to Work (you over) Republicans from shutting down the Daughters of the Father Christian Academy.  Democrats are demanding an explanation. However, it seems the private ‘christian’ school was being funded with public secular tax dollars, which should be a violation of the 1st Amendment.  The YMCA shutdown their Wausau childcare center “due to unforeseen circumstances”.  University of Wisconsin‘s two year Colleges eliminating 83 jobs by consolidating administration jobs.  It’s blamed on Right to Work you over gov’na Scott Walker.

2nd Quarter 2015: “a brutal process”  “It’s not as though we have a hidden pot of money.” 

Cash hoarding by elites killing the economy! ObamaCare kills dry cleaning chain! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 26 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

For the second year in a row evil unAmerican corporate America has hoarded away $1.4-trillion USD in cash (reported 2nd highest cash balance [$1.43 trillion] in 10 years for Q2.)!  The amounts are record setting, it’s enough to run the countries of both Belgium and Sweden.   In the past I’ve written how cash hoarding by the elite is the true cause of recession/depressions.  (the .004% New World Ultra Wealthy are taking over!,  $20 trillion stolen away and hoarded by Global Elites! Money hoarding is a threat to National Security!  , the Elites are hoarding the cash, minimum wage earners are losing money by having a job,  Toyota cash hoarding …for economic collapse!Elites have been waging economic war on the rest of us,  Elites being told to hoard more Money,bailout loans part of plan to take over governments , the Elites are Money Hoarders, not Trickle Downers)

California: San Diego based Qualcomm issued mass layoff WARNs indicating that the thousands of layoffs previously announced will begin right before Thanksgiving! Bridgepoint Education issued a layoff WARN for 19 people in San Diego.  Kroger issued a WARN saying they will shutdown their Glendora Ralph’s grocery store right before Thanksgiving, 73 jobs lost.   TGI Friday’s issued a shutdown WARN for their Valencia restaurant, 62 jobs lost right before Thanksgiving.  In Woodland Hills, Intuit laying off 12 people before Thanksgiving.  Is ObamaCare the cause of AbilityFirst’s demise?  The developmental disabilities services company issued a shutdown WARN for its Woodland Hills operation, 105 jobs lost before Thanksgiving!  In Mira Loma, medical device company Medtronic Distribution laying off 21 people by January 2016.  Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forcing medical tech company CareFusion to issue layoff WARNs for two locations, 95 jobs lost by the end of the month.  What automotive industry recovery?  Illinois based Brake Parts issued a mass layoff WARN for their Chowchilla ops, 107 people jobless before Thanksgiving!  Tax-sucker Boeing eliminating another half dozen jobs before Thanksgiving.

Idaho: After earlier revealing that Mormons were at the top of political donations to corrupt ‘lawmakers’, the Idaho Statesman continues its investigation into who is really funding The Gem State’s Right to Work (you over) politicians. 75% of campaign donations went to false conservative republicans.  Gambling operations, specifically horse racing, were major donors.  This is interesting because the gov’na Otter regime is currently waging a war to shutdown Idaho horse racing outfits!   The Idaho Statesman also found out that the constantly re-elected ‘lawmakers’ (gov’na and federal level representatives), that most Idahoans hate, actually get a lot of campaign money from sources outside of the state!

Louisiana: Eight dry cleaning shops shutting down across The Pelican State.  The owners of the 115 years old (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Kean’s Fine Dry Cleaning directly blames casual clothing, labor shortages and the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). ObamaCare forced them to provide their employees with health insurance, which they say their sales cannot support.

Maryland: In Baltimore, after one year Red Parrot Asian Bistro quietly shutdown, according to former employees.  Cafe Tesfa shutdown without warning, the owners were upset but didn’t say why they had to shut it down.

Minnesota: In Owatonna, after 125 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Saint Clair’s for Men clothing store shutdown.  God can’t stop ObamaCare from shutting down ‘his’ Saint Olaf Lutheran nursing home right before Thanksgiving. The nursing home was already losing money before the Affordable Care Act was passed, and it needs millions of dollars in renovations.  The cut in ObamaCare insurance reimbursements was the final straw as the majority of the residents are low income.

Montana: The largest employer in Mineral County, Tricon Timber, laid off 90 people (an entire shift), due to the lack of a true housing construction recovery.

Nebraska:  In Columbus, clothing store Schweser’s shutting down after Xmas: “We have seen a drop in sales in some of our stores over the past few years that has been difficult to overcome. Our expenses continue to rise, including the cost of goods, and our sales have not kept pace in some locations.”-Tyler Smith 

New York: After 162 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Marilla Grill shutdown, the owner said “It’s time to do a job that isn’t so stressful.”   Described as the oldest jewelry store in Bronx, Freilich Jewelers shutdown.  God refuses to stop three of ‘his’ United Methodist churches from shutdown.  The Rapture, I mean lack of participation by those unrepentant heathens, forced United Methodist churches in Dorloo, Mineral Springs and Hyndsville to close up this weekend.  Vintage Out of the Closet clothing store shutdown after more than 20 years: “Traffic has been way down…..Our collection is better than ever, but we are not moving our inventory.”-Lucy Martin, cowner

North Dakota: The crashing oil market is crashing local mom-n-pops.  In Fargo, Dickey’s Barbecue Pit shutdown and for sale.  Also in Fargo, Long John Silver’s-A&W restaurant shutdown and for sale.  The owner of the A&W claims the past year was his best year for sales (over his 21 years of operations), he shut it down because he wanted to go out on top.

Pennsylvania:  Six National Penn bank offices shutting down due to the $1.8-billion USD takeover by evil BB&T(Branch Banking & Trust).

Texas: Still under construction cancer treatment center Dallas Proton Treatment now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  A billionaire backer wants out, and wants the money invested back, accusing the California based property developer of ripping everybody off!  In Longview, after five years Willy G’s Bar & Grill shutdown.  Employee Ronnie Esposito blames the suck-ass economy, saying the writing was on the wall: “I knew it was on its way out. When you don’t order food, liquor or other supplies, it’s kind of obvious.”

25 September 2015: “We cannot remain solvent” Haggen kills off 5,000 jobs! 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Sears Kmart update 25 September 2015: Lampert sues for the right to sublease existing stores! Merry Xmas shutdowns! Kmart frauds taxpayers!

Sears Canada has been busy shutting down Hometown Stores in Arnprior, Renfrew, Windsor, Sydney, Antigonish and Saint Anthony.

Kmart paid $1.4-million USD in fines over charges they tricked people on Medicare into buying more expensive name brand drugs, thus costing taxpayers more money than if they bought generics.   To show you what a sore loser Kmart is, they turned around and sued pharmacy benefit manager Catamaran for reducing insurance reimbursements to Kmart pharmacies.

In Florida, Dicks Sporting Goods revealed they are about to take over the second floor of the Gardens Mall Sears.  Eddie Lampert makes so much money off leasing out space in existing Sears stores that he sued the mall owner and the city of Palm Beach Gardens, because they claimed the lease does not allow him to sublease the property.  Apparently he won the lawsuit.

It’s been revealed that Lampert bought $66-thousand USD worth of Sears Hometown stocks, on 18 September.

Texas losing a Sears before the end of the year.  The Sikes Senter Mall Sears will shutdown right before Xmas!

update 26 August 2015: Proof Lampert makes money off store shutdowns only! 

Here’s the updated list of U.S. Sears/Kmart store closings that I’ve been compiling since the end of 2011:

Arizona: Scottsdale Sears/Great Indoors, Chandler Sears/Great Indoors. Recently revealed Arrowhead Towne Center Sears sold-off then rented back! Chandler Fashion Center Sears sold-off then rented back!

Alabama: Gadsden Kmart (50 jobs lost), Mobile Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Auburn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Anniston Kmart (no word yet on how many jobs lost), Birmingham Eastwood Kmart (70 jobs lost), Decatur Mall Sears (91 jobs lost), Fort Payne Kmart, Northport Kmart (68 jobs lost), Dothan Sears (68 jobs lost), Huntsville Kmart (73 jobs lost), Sears Store and Auto Center at the Bel Air Mall in Mobile (more than 100 jobs lost).

California: El Monte Sears (at least 40 jobs lost. Damien Arrula, El Monte’s economic development director, said the store manager had lied about what was going on: “The general manager of the store had just indicated to me that they were remodeling.”), two San Diego Sears (more than 80 jobs lost), Pleasant Hill Kmart (more than 50 jobs lost), Torrance Kmart, Fairfield Kmart (63 jobs lost), Lampert owned OSH taken over by Lowe’s home improvement in bankruptcy court, at least 17 of 99 stores to be closed down (935 jobs lost!), Rancho Cordova Kmart (97 jobs lost), San Clemente Kmart/Sears/Kmart on Camino de Estrella (58 jobs lost), placed on an official hit list in 2011 the Oceanside Kmart on College Boulevard finally being shut down, Banning Kmart (91 jobs lost) recently revealed that Sears Holdings is still paying rent on the abandoned property, Laguna Hills Mall Sears, San Diego Mid-City Kmart (73 jobs lost), Hemet Kmart (77 jobs lost), Oakland Sears repair center (75 jobs lost), San Mateo Kmart (82 jobs lost to an apartment building connected to public transportation), Hesperia Kmart building sold at a loss to a vulture capitalist REIT, no word on if the Kmart will be shutdown. Customers complain that the Kmart employees have a bad attitude, gee I wonder why? Yuba City Kmart (63 jobs lost), Rocklin Kmart (at least 63 jobs lost, the store had just posted “Now Hiring” signs), San Leandro Kmart (102 jobs lost), San Jose Mercury News says the El Centro Kmart to shutdown in January, the website Foursquare says the Covina Kmart is now shutdown (other sources say it will shutdown in December), Cupertino Sears and Auto Center (98 jobs lost), somebody posted on yelp* that the Diamond Bar Kmart was shutting down in December (confirmed by Armijo Newspapers), Westfield Topanga Sears (122 jobs lost), it looks like the Blythe Kmart is being slowly shutdown despite denial by Sears Holdings. San Mateo Kmart being demolished to make room for 599 unit apartment complex, as part of the the Hayward Park Caltrain Station project. Atwater Kmart (74 jobs lost), Los Banos Kmart (67 jobs lost).

Colorado: Broomfield Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Glenwood Springs Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lone Tree Sears/Great Indoors, Longmont Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Pueblos’ South Side Kmart (52 jobs lost), Denver Kmart (number of jobs lost have not been made public at this time, but could be at least 40), Colorado Springs Kmart at Powers and Palmer Park boulevards (57 jobs lost), Fort Collins Sears (67 jobs lost), Denver-Cherry Creek North Sears store & Auto Center (66 jobs lost).

Connecticut: Waterbury Big Kmart, Torrington Kmart (73 jobs lost), Enfield Sears Optical (no word on jobs lost), Wallingford Sears Appliance & Hardware (employees say the shutdown was a surprise, I guess they don’t read Blind Bat News), Wallingford Sears Appliance & Hardware (at least 13 jobs lost).

Delaware: Dover Kmart (at least 72 jobs lost, some reports said 100), Seaford Sears (30 jobs lost), Claymont Kmart (87 jobs lost).

Florida: Fernandina Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Callaway Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Orange City Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Deland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Stuart Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), West Palm Beach Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Port St. Lucie Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Crystal River Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), New Smyrna Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint Augustine Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Pompano Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Jacksonville Kmart on 5751 Beach Boulevard (71 jobs lost), second Kmart in Jacksonville on 4645 Blanding Boulevard (83 jobs lost), Ocoee Sears (102 jobs lost), Pensacola Kmart on Airport Boulevard closed in 2011, Pensacola Kmart on Mobile Highway closed in February 2013 (69 jobs lost), Pensacola Kmart on East 9 Mile Road will close in May (73 jobs lost), Hialeah Kmart (67 jobs lost), Bonita Springs Kmart (67 jobs lost), Mount Dora Kmart (100 jobs lost), Lake Mary Kmart, Panama City Beach Kmart (54 jobs lost), Winter Park Kmart (100 jobs lost), Niceville Kmart (59 jobs lost), Winter Haven Kmart (92 jobs lost), Palm Bay Kmart, Oakland Park Kmart (112 jobs lost), Clearwater Sears Auto Center (21 jobs lost), Zephyrhills Kmart (70 jobs lost), Winter Springs Kmart (69 jobs lost), Naples Kmart (72 jobs lost), New Port Richey Kmart (58 jobs lost), ‘redevelopment’ of Aventura Sears & Auto Center into an “open-air village” (unknown how many jobs affected), Kmart on Northeast 108 Street being annexed by Miami Shores, Sears Holdings threatens to shutdown Kmart as a result of higher local taxes. The property that’s home to an operating Kmart, on South Green Bay Road in Racine, was foreclosed by the local Sheriff and sold-off for $2.5-million, no word on what the new property owner will do with it. Fort Myers Kmart (67 jobs lost).  Recently revelaed Dicks Sportings Goods subleasing space in an existing Sears store in Palm Beach Gardens.

Georgia: Macon Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Buford Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Douglasville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Atlanta Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Columbus Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Jonesboro Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Cartersville Kmart (74 jobs lost), Hiram Kmart (53 jobs lost), Marietta-East Cobb Kmart, Warner Robins Kmart (77 jobs lost), Coweta County Kmart distribution center (164 jobs lost), one of the last two North Augusta Kmart to be torn down by new property owner from Canada, Sears Holdings denies the Kmart will shutdown.

Guam: Sears Hometown Store.

Hawaii: Honolulu Sears (owned by GGP, 372 jobs lost! GGP spending $573-million chopping it up into smaller store spaces), Kauai Sears (41 jobs lost), Iwilei-Honolulu Kmart for lease (no confirmation of store closing).

Idaho: Lewiston Sears (at least 60 jobs lost), Rexburg Kmart (63 jobs lost), Chubbuck Pine Ridge Mall Sears shutdown by the end of October/beginning of November 2014 (the remaining 28 jobs lost). Across the street, in Pocatello, the property where the Kmart is located has a “pad site available” sign, posted ever since the Kmart bankruptcy. The Kmart building takes up most of the ‘pad’. Latest news from inside sources say Sears Holdings will not comment on any plans to expand the small amount of Craftsman products already being sold at the Kmart, or shift the Kenmore products line, from the closing Chubbuck Sears to the Pocatello Kmart. In fact all plans for the Pokey Kmart are in a ‘holding pattern’.

Illinois: Alton Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Melrose Park Sears parts and repair center (50 jobs lost), Zion Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Lawn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), McHenry Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Peru Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lombard Sears/Great Indoors (at least 40 jobs lost), Fairview Heights Kmart (81 jobs lost), Freeport Kmart (45 jobs lost), Pontiac Kmart (more than 47 jobs lost), Homer Glen Kmart (82 jobs lost), Streator Kmart (45 jobs lost), Lombard Kmart (70 jobs lost), Naperville Kmart (98 jobs lost), Calumet Sears (164 jobs lost), two Sears stores in Grand Crossing area of Chicago (247 jobs lost!), Mount Vernon Sears (68 jobs lost), Moline Sears (at least 60 jobs lost), Homewood Kmart (185 jobs lost), Belvidere Kmart (91 jobs lost?) revealed is now a perpetual closing sale Kmart At A Discount store, Champaign’s Market Place Mall Sears (56 jobs lost), Sterling Kmart (60 jobs lost), Montgomery Kmart (81 jobs lost), Mattoon Sears (more than 40 jobs lost), Chicago Sears on North State Street (160 jobs lost), Chicago Sears Craftsman Experience store, Galesburg Sears (46 jobs lost), White Lake Township Kmart (42 jobs lost), Orland Park Sears Appliance, Collinsville Kmart (84 jobs lost), Crystal Lake Kmart (at least 77 jobs lost), Danville Sears store & Auto Center (63 jobs lost), Forsyth Sears store & Auto Center (45 jobs lost), Peoria Kmart (73 jobs lost), Forest Park Kmart (107 jobs lost), Chicago Sears on North and Harlem avenues, supposedly it’s being replaced (most likely at taxpayer expense) with a new building and it will become a Sears-Mariano’s store, Bloomington Kmart (79 jobs lost), Hoffman Estates Headquarters 100 jobs eliminated, another 15 corporate jobs eliminated elsewhere, Chicago-Wicker Park Kmart (106 jobs lost), abandoned Market Place Mall Sears location to be occupied by Dick’s Sporting Goods and Field & Stream. 58 Chicago area stores up for lease or sale. North Mayfair Kmart (99 jobs lost), Chicago Kmart at 5033 North Elston Avenue (99 jobs lost). By the way, Illinois elected officials gave Sears Holdings/Hoffman Estates a $150 million USD tax break to keep their headquarters in the state. The tax break was not tied to any promise not to close stores.

Indiana: Anderson Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint John Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Sears (49 jobs lost), South Anthony Kmart (70 jobs lost), Fort Wayne Kmart on South Anthony Boulevard (70 jobs lost), FairOaks Mall Kmart, Logansport Sears (43 jobs lost), Muncie Kmart (59 jobs lost), Fort Wayne Kmart on Coliseum Boulevard North (69 jobs lost), Decatur Kmart (49 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart on Madison Avenue (131 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart on Washington Street (139 jobs lost), Bedford Kmart (62 jobs lost), Indianapolis (Evansville) Sears & Auto Center at Washington Square Mall (91 jobs lost), Greenwood Kmart (78 jobs lost), Plymouth Kmart (68 jobs lost), Bloomington Sears to be replaced by Whole Foods grocery store.

Iowa: Cedar Rapids Kmart on 16th Ave (at least 40 jobs lost), Davenport Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Burlington Kmart (50 jobs lost), Coralville Sears (94 jobs lost, this is a store sold to GGP earlier in the year), Cedar Rapids Kmart on Collins Road NE (56 jobs lost), Mason City Kmart (50 jobs lost), Clive Kmart (at least 49 jobs lost), Ames Kmart (44 jobs lost), Fort Dodge Sears (no job loss numbers made public, yet. The Auto Center was secretly shutdown in September), 56 years old Mason City Sears & Auto Center (more than 100 jobs lost).

Kansas: Lawrence Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Merriam Kmart-then Sears-then Kmart (jobs lost unknown), Wichita Sears store & Auto Center (103 jobs lost), Manhattan Sears & Auto Center (number of jobs lost were never revealed).

Kentucky: Middlesboro Sears (in September 2012 the Sears store re-opened under independent ownership, official grand re-opening scheduled for November), Winchester Kmart, Hazard Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lexington Fayette Mall Sears (114 jobs lost!), Newport Kmart (81 jobs lost), Cannonsburg Sears and Sears Auto Center (no employee info given), Louisville Dixie Highway Kmart/Sears/Kmart shutdown and now being taken over by Kroger basically to sell the same crap the old Kmart did! Madisonville Kmart (39 jobs lost), Owensboro Sears store & Auto Center (52 jobs lost).

Louisiana: Slidell Sears (77 job lost), Gretna Kmart (94 jobs lost), Metairie Kmart secretly sold off, no word if it will be shutdown, Laplace Sears Hometown Store.

Maine: Lewiston Sears (60 to 70 jobs lost), Presque Isle Aroostook Centre Mall Sears (63 jobs lost), Aroostook Centre Mall Sears Auto Center leased out to VIP Tires & Service.

Maryland: Ellicott Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Gaithersburg Sears/Great Indoors, Landover Sears rebuild & call center (115 jobs lost), Baltimore Kmart on Wabash Avenue (107 jobs lost), Parkville Kmart (102 jobs lost), California Kmart (71 jobs lost), Sears Hometown Store in Perryville.

Massachusetts: North Reading Sears Hardware store closed, lease not renewed, Milford Kmart (80 jobs lost), Kingston Kmart (73 jobs lost).

Michigan: Novi Sears/Great Indoors, Brighton Sears Grand/Essentials, Harper Woods Sears Full line, Monroe Sears Full line, Adrian Sears Full line, Washington Township Kmart, Chesterfield Kmart, Woodhaven Kmart, Saginaw Kmart on Bay Road, Flint Kmart on Dort Highway (46 jobs lost), Gaylord Kmart (48 jobs lost), Sterling Kmart (58 jobs lost), Bloomfield Township Kmart and Sears, Bad Axe Kmart (61 jobs lost), Ypsilanti Township Kmart (83 jobs lost), Petoskey Kmart (45 jobs lost), Saint John’s Kmart (48 jobs lost), White Lake Township “Store of the Future” Kmart (42 jobs lost), Grand Blanc Kmart (49 jobs lost), Lapeer Kmart (56 jobs lost), Southgate Kmart (155 jobs lost), Detroit’s Telegraph Road Kmart (115 jobs lost), Waterford Township Sears (no word on how many jobs lost), Rochester Hills Kmart (77 jobs lost), ‘perfect Kmart town’ of Port Huron Kmart (188 jobs lost), Flint Kmart on Miller Road (81 jobs lost), Burton Kmart (85 jobs lost), Madison Heights Kmart (179 jobs lost), it’s now official the last remaining Saginaw Kmart (on Gratiot Road) will remain shutdown after its roof collapsed during a snowstorm back in January 2014 (Sears Holdings claims only 18 people worked there at the time of the collapse!), Ann Arbor Kmart (59 jobs lost), Iron Mountain Kmart (54 jobs lost), Bangor Township Sears aka Bay City Mall Sears, the Auto Center was already secretly shutdown some time ago (at least 47 jobs lost), Big Rapids Kmart (about 50 jobs lost). Vacant Wyandotte Sears Auto Center is being renovated at a cost to taxpayers of $1-million & 20-thousand, plus 15 years worth of tax breaks valued at $2-million! Shakopee Kmart distribution center shutdown and sold-off for $17-million in 2013, now it’s finally getting a new tenant; snowmobile and electric cart maker Polaris Industries will rent out a fraction of the building to use as their new parts warehouse. The Kmart Plaza in Sandusky sold to “A group of investors”, no word on what will happen to the Kmart store.

Minnesota: Willmar Kmart, Duluth Kmart, New Hope Kmart, White Bear Lake Kmart, Bemidji Kmart, Monticello Kmart, GGP owned Sears Auto Center in the Apache Mall closed (10 jobs lost), the entire Sears store in the Apache Mall being sold off, Fergus Falls Kmart (40 jobs lost), Fergus Falls Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Alexandria Kmart (46 jobs lost), Grand Rapids Kmart (61 jobs lost), Seritage is selling off three Sears Auto Centers in Minnetonka, Brooklyn Center and Saint Paul, Marshall Kmart (57 jobs lost), Oakdale Kmart (77 hourly wage employees losing their jobs, unknown how many salaried employees will become unemployed), Winona Kmart (67 jobs lost), Minneapolis city officials trying to shutdown profit making Nicollet Avenue Kmart, to make way for a new road. Anoka Kmart (47 jobs lost), Blaine Kmart (60 jobs lost), Burnsville Kmart (62 jobs lost), Waite Park Kmart (57 jobs lost), Northeast Minneapolis Sears Hometown & Outlet store now for sale, Coon Rapids Sears Hometown & Outlet store now for sale.

Mississippi: Jackson Sears Full line, McComb Sears Full line, Columbus Sears Full line, Gautier Sears (71 jobs lost), Waveland Gulfport Kmart (32 jobs lost), Pass Road Gulfport Kmart (52 jobs lost), Pascagoula Sears at the Singing River Mall, Olive Branch distribution center (unknown how many jobs lost).

Missouri: Lee’s Summit Sears Grand/Essentials, Saint Louis Sears Full line, High Ridge Kmart (59 jobs lost), Ellisville Kmart (55 jobs lost), Springfield Kmart on South Campbell Avenue (60 jobs lost), South Belt Kmart (64 jobs lost), Florissant Kmart (100 jobs lost), O’Fallon Kmart (76 jobs lost).

Montana: Missoula Kmart (50 jobs lost), Great Falls Kmart (closed “until further notice” due to fire, 63 jobs on hold), Great Falls Sears store & Auto Center (65 jobs lost) due to great sales (ironically) the shutdown date has been moved from 07 December 2014 to 23 November, Bozeman Kmart (37 jobs lost), Missoula Sears store and Auto Center (57 jobs lost).

Nebraska: Grand Island Kmart (55 jobs lost), Omaha Kmart near West Maple Road (50 jobs lost).

Nevada: Sparks Kmart distribution center (100 jobs lost).

New Hampshire: Nashau Sears Grand/Essentials, Keene Sears Grand/Essentials, Portsmouth Kmart (30 jobs lost), Claremont Kmart (59 jobs lost).

New Jersey: Lawnside Kmart (about 80 jobs lost), Howell Kmart (57 jobs lost), Berlin Kmart, Dover Kmart (92 jobs lost), Randolf Kmart (91 jobs lost), Paramus Kmart (74 jobs lost), Closter Kmart (102 jobs lost), Vineland Kmart (74 jobs lost).

New Mexico: Las Cruces Kmart (58 jobs lost), Albuquerque Kmart on Central SW (80 jobs lost), Rio Rancho Kmart (59 jobs lost).

New York: Lindenhurst Sears Hardware, North Babylon Sears Hardware, Hauppauge Sears Hardware, Depew (Lancaster?) Kmart (68 jobs lost), Colonie Kmart (72 jobs lost), Fulton Kmart (51 jobs lost), Clifton Park Kmart (74 jobs lost) now revealed to be turned into a Town Center with more than 200 apartments at an estimated cost of $50-million, Latham Kmart (61 jobs lost), East Greenbush-Rensselaer Kmart (70 jobs lost), Tonawanda Sears Appliance and Hardware, Bronx Sears (91 jobs lost), BBN reader reported that the Ithaca Sears and Auto Center shutdown and one month later it’s been officially confirmed (at least 37 jobs lost), DeWitt Kmart (92 jobs lost), Auburn Sears (51 jobs lost), Massena Sears and Auto Center (51 jobs lost), Staten Island Mall Sears leased out to Ireland’s Primark, Bay Shore Sears and Sears Auto Center (144 jobs lost), New Hartford Sears & Auto Center (109 jobs lost), Lancaster Kmart sold for $1.7-million to Dave’s Christmas Wonderland. Herkimer Sears Hometown, Saranac Lake Sears Hometown the ‘independent’ co-owners said Sears Holdings forced them to shutdown.    Melville Appliance Repair Division (31 jobs lost).

North Carolina: Cary Kmart (71 jobs lost), High Point Sears, Moorehead Sears, Rocky Mount Sears, Statesville Sears, Durham Kmart (79 jobs lost), Asheville Kmart (53 jobs lost), West Smithfield Kmart (59 jobs lost), Winston-Salem Kmart (69 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (58 jobs lost), South Ashville Kmart on Hendersonville Road, Raleigh Kmart (88 jobs lost), Garner Kmart, Cleveland County mall Sears (56 jobs lost), Charlotte Kmart (89 jobs lost), Conover Kmart (74 jobs lost), Raleigh Kmart on Capital Boulevard (53 jobs lost), High Point Kmart (71 jobs lost), Boone Kmart (41 jobs lost), Greensboro Kmart (96 jobs lost), Gastonia Sears store & Auto Center (65 jobs lost), Kinston Kmart (64 jobs lost), Cary Sears (66 jobs lost), Greensboro Kmart distribution center (130 jobs lost), Greenville Kmart (75 jobs lost), Kinston Sears Hometown Store shutdown with little notice,  Lexington Sears Hometown Store.

North Dakota: Jamestown Kmart (45 jobs lost), Dickinson Kmart (41 jobs lost, despite a “Now Hiring” sign on the front of the store).

Ohio: Chagrin Falls Kmart, Springfield Kmart, two Toledo Kmarts, Medina Kmart, Columbus Kmart, Columbus Sears/Great Indoors, Zanesville Sears (67 jobs lost), Trotwood Kmart (71 jobs lost), Austintown Sears auto parts and service on Interstate Boulevard, London Kmart (no word on number of jobs lost), Trotwood Sears (67 jobs lost), Westlake Kmart/Sears (at least 57 jobs lost), Xenia Kmart (at least 57 jobs lost), Norwalk Kmart (52 jobs lost), Blue Ash Kmart (77 jobs lost), Northwood Sears at Woodville Mall (36 jobs lost), Conneaut Kmart (43 jobs lost), Anderson Township Kmart (71 jobs lost), Brooklyn Kmart (200 jobs lost), Columbus Lockbourne Industrial Parkway Sears distribution center (200 jobs lost), also in Columbus, Sears Product Rebuild-Call Center (112 jobs lost), Marion Sears Auto Center (at least nine jobs lost), Springfield Kmart #3767 (68 jobs lost), Fairborn Kmart (66 jobs lost), Solon Sears & Auto Center (at least 53 jobs lost), Tiffin Sears Hometown Store. Also, Van Wert Sears franchise bought out by Kirk Berryman, owner of Computer & Networking Technologies (CNT), who plans on moving the store to a new location. Fairlawn Sears Appliance & Hardware, Macedonia Sears Appliance & Hardware, Lorain Sears Appliance & Hardware, Elyria Sears Appliance & Hardware, North Olmsted Sears Appliance & Hardware, Sheffield Village Sears Appliance & Hardware, Akron Sears Appliance & Hardware.

Oklahoma: Oklahoma City Sears (98 jobs lost, GGP owned, GGP wants a $2 million sales tax rebate, claiming it’s needed to offset capital investments needed to bring the space up to the standards for potential new tenants), Shawnee Sears (31 jobs lost), Sand Springs Kmart (52 jobs lost), Muskogee Sears (60 jobs lost), Enid Sears and Auto Center (at least 38 jobs lost), Tulsa BigKmart (51 jobs lost).

Oregon: Roseburg Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Tualatin Kmart Center (new property owner from California is tearing everything down for new shopping center, so far no indication the Kmart will be part of the new shopping center), Milwaukie Kmart (61 jobs lost), Coos Bay Kmart (25 jobs lost), Bend Sears (48 jobs lost), Klamath Falls Kmart (64 jobs lost), Albany Kmart (64 jobs lost), Portland Sears Homes Services (no notice), Albany Sears (57 jobs lost), in October a BBN reader warned that Oregon City Kmart was being quietly shutdown, confirmed on 06 November 2014 by Sears Holdings (70 jobs lost). Ontario Kmart (55 jobs lost).

Pennsylvania: Upper Darby Sears Full line, Pottstown Sears Full line, Pittsburgh Kmart, Wilkins Sears, Warminster Kmart (85 jobs lost), Shippensburg Kmart (46 jobs lost), Moon Kmart (143 jobs lost), Bethlehem Township Kmart (62 jobs lost), Philadelphia Gallery Mall Kmart (120 jobs lost), Philadelphia Kmart on Orthodox Street and Castor Avenue (169 jobs lost), Levittown/Middle Township Kmart (87 jobs lost), Waynesboro Kmart (43 jobs lost), Sanatoga-Lower Pottsgrove Kmart (65 jobs lost, the store was also advertising for new hires!), West Mifflin Sears store & Auto Center (88 jobs lost), Rochester Kmart (78 jobs lost), Frazer (Pittsburg Mills Mall) Sears and Auto Center (97 jobs lost), Bloomsburg Sears (57 jobs lost), Frackville Sears and Auto Center (84 jobs lost), North Cornwall Township Sears (51 jobs lost), King of Prussia Sears and Auto Center (no word on number of jobs lost), Lebanon Sears (51 jobs lost), Scotland Chambersburg Mall Sears and Auto Center (62 jobs lost), the upper level of the Willow Grove Mall Sears store to be leased by Primark, King of Prussia Sears store leased out to clothing retailer Primark, East Towne Mall Kmart (51 jobs lost), Frackville Kmart in the Skuylkill Mall (80 jobs lost), Mount Pocono Kmart (66 jobs lost), Fairless Hills Sears Hardware. Granite Run Mall shutdown, meaning the Sears and Sears Auto Center now apparently on a month to month (possibly day to day) lease are soon to follow. Brookhaven Kmart (89 jobs lost).

Puerto Rico: Vega Baja Kmart (206 jobs lost).

South Carolina: Sumter Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Orangeburg Sears (57 jobs lost), Columbia Kmart on Fort Jackson Boulevard in 2012, Columbia Kmart on Bush River Road in 2009, Columbia Kmart on St Andrews Road (66 jobs lost), Irmo Kmart (no info on how many jobs lost), both Greenville Kmarts (140 jobs lost between the two), Mount Pleasant Kmart (43 jobs lost), Harbison Sears & Sears Auto Center in the Columbiana Centre mall (97 jobs lost), Aiken Sears & Sears Auto Center (at least 54 jobs lost), Inlet Square Mall Kmart (50 jobs lost), West Ashely Kmart (69 jobs lost), Myrtle Beach Kmart (59 jobs lost), Easley Kmart (62 jobs lost).

South Dakota:  Spearfish Kmart (51 jobs lost),  Sturgis Kmart (57 jobs lost).

Tennessee: Antioch Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Cleveland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Ridge Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Morristown Sears (about 70 jobs lost), Clinton South Kmart, Franklin Cool Springs Galleria Sears (92 jobs lost), Memphis Hickory Ridge mall Sears (job loss data not revealed), 48 years old Nashville Kmart on Nolensville Pike to close by January 2014 (57 jobs lost), Franklin Kmart (33 jobs lost), Dickson Kmart (65 jobs lost), talks in progress to end lease for Bellevue (Nashville) Center Mall Sears, Nashville Bellevue Center Sears & Auto Center (at least 44 jobs lost).

Texas: Two Sears parts and repair centers closing in The Woodlands (117 jobs lost), rebuild center in Garland (58 jobs lost), Farmers Branch Sears/Great Indoors, Houston Sears Great/Indoors, Dallas Sears home appliance parts distribution center (77 jobs lost), Simon Property Group owned McAllen Sears store & Auto Center (so far no word on how many jobs will be lost), recently revealed Palestine Sears Hometown (franchise owner quit to work as assistant manager at a local Dollar General).  Recently revealed Wichita Falls Sears (56 jobs lost right before Xmas). 

Utah: Murray Sears (for some reason Mormon controlled news media in Utah never reported the closure, but they reported that the building was demolished), Orem Kmart (no details reported), Woods Cross Kmart (54 jobs lost), Provo Kmart demolished in anticipation of yet another AtHome furniture store.

Vermont: Rutland Sears store & Auto Center (65 jobs lost).

Virginia: Norfolk Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Midlothian Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lynchburg Sears (84 jobs lost), Fairfax Kmart (no word on how many jobs lost), Christiansburg Sears (59 jobs lost), Norfolk Kmart on East Little Creek Road (77 jobs lost), Manassas Kmart (71 jobs lost), Stafford Sears Hometown, Newport News-Denbigh Kmart (at least 50 jobs lost), Wise Kmart (58 jobs lost), Harrisonburg Kmart (79 jobs lost), Wincester Kmart (91 jobs lost), Dale City Kmart (69 jobs lost), Chesapeake Sears and Auto Center (82 jobs lost), Front Royal Kmart (88 jobs lost), Pembroke Mall Sears renting out part of their store to DSW & Nordstrom Rack, Sears Holdings say they’re still looking for a “third tenant” for their occupied space. The current nearby Sears Auto Center will be rented out to REI. Colonial Heights Kmart (113 jobs lost), Virginia Beach Hilltop Square Shopping Center Kmart (82 jobs lost).

Washington: Walla Walla Sears Full line (in August 2012, it was reported that an independent owner of Sears Hometown stores will open a store in Walla Walla), Lacey Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Kelso Sears (47 jobs lost), Lakewood Kmart (59 jobs lost), Bellingham Sears (92 jobs lost), Seattle Kmart (85 jobs lost), East Wenatchee Sears (59 jobs lost), Puyallup Kmart (51 jobs lost), Oak Harbor Kmart (68 jobs lost), Sodo Sears and Sears Auto Center (79 jobs lost), Everett Kmart (65 jobs lost), Marysville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost).

West Virginia: Oak Hill Kmart (59 jobs lost), Morgantown Kmart (100 jobs lost), Bluefield Sears store & Auto Center (64 jobs lost).

Wisconsin: West Baraboo Sears (at least 40 jobs lost, local village officials say the store generated 3% of local tax collections), Rice Lake Kmart (about 71 jobs lost), Brookfield Kmart (56 jobs lost), Racine’s Regency Mall Sears (52 jobs lost), Fort Atkinson Kmart (51 jobs lost), Greenfield Kmart (107 jobs lost), Portage Kmart (78 jobs lost) and Hales Corner (129 jobs lost), Chippewa Falls Kmart (79 jobs lost), Menomonie Kmart (at least 50 jobs lost), Ashwaubenon Kmart recently revealed now owned by Green Bay Packers, will be torn down (80 jobs lost), Shawano Kmart (55 jobs lost), Fond du Lac Sears (42 jobs lost), Glendale Sears store & Auto Center (86 jobs lost), Janesville Kmart (70 jobs lost), Glendale Sears Rebuild center (67 jobs lost), Sheboygan Sears & Auto Center (at least 31 jobs lost), Eau Claire Kmart (93 jobs lost), Plymouth Kmart (59 jobs lost before Xmas), Sheboygan Sears Rebuild Center (30 jobs lost), Wauwatosa Kmart (103 jobs lost).

On top of that, Sears Holdings sold stores to General Growth Properties (GGP), of which it has been reported that most of those stores will be closed.

Here’s the list of 11 Sears stores now owned by GGP:

Iowa: Coral Ridge Mall (it’s official the Sears is closing, see above), and Mall of the Bluffs

Texas: The Woodlands Mall (this does not involve the two repair centers being closed by Sears)

Florida: West Oaks Mall

Utah: Fashion Place, and Provo Towne Centre (note the evil British empire way of spelling town & center. Due to a favorable lease agreement the GGP owned Provo Sears will continue to stay open under Sears Holdings management)

Oklahoma: Quail Springs Mall (it’s official, the Sears closed, see above)

Hawaii: Ala Moana Center (closed, see above)

Washington: Bellis Fair Mall (Bellingham store, see above)

Minnesota: Apache Mall (see update above, GGP will close Sears store by 2014)

Illinois: Market Place Shopping Center (see update above, GGP closing store)

“We cannot remain solvent” Haggen kills off 5,000 jobs! Cabela’s starts killing jobs! More proof iconic Coke is going down? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 25 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Alaska: Mexico is getting out, shutting down their consulate in Anchorage by the end of November.  It’s blamed on lack of Mexicans in Alaska who need consular services.

Arizona: University of Arizona eliminating 320 jobs, blaming massive state taxpayer funding cuts!  Bankrupt busted Washington based Haggen Foods announced it will shutdown all its Grand Canyon State grocery stores that it was tricked into buying from Albertsons-Safeway!  Shutdown list

California: Bankrupt busted Washington based Haggen Foods announced it will shutdown all its Golden State grocery stores that it was tricked into buying from Albertsons-Safeway!  shutdown list   Affordable Care Act killing off Santa Barbara based plastic surgery supplier Mentor Worldwide as it issued a layoff WARN, 81 jobs lost before Thanksgiving.  Also in Santa Barbara, MCC BB Property issued a layoff WARN, 23 people jobless before Thanksgiving.    Evil debt collector EOS CCA issued a WARN saying it will shutdown its Novato office and layoff 45 people right before Thanksgiving.  Like other corporations they are consolidating their operations.  Western Digital issued a mass layoff WARN saying 143 people in Irvine will become jobless right before Thanksgiving!  In Santa Ana, student loan processor Zenith Education Group laying off 18 people by the beginning of November. Bankrupt busted surf clothier Quicksilver laid off 77 people in Huntington Beach.  In Cupertino, Seagate laying off more employees, this time 62 right before Thanksgiving.  In San Jose, Cisco Systems laid off 20 people.  In San Ramon, AT&T issued a mass layoff WARN saying 219 people will lose their jobs by the end of the month!  Japan based GREE International finally revealed they laid off 114 people in San Francisco, back in July!   Santa Clara based Marvell Tech announced it will eliminate 17% of its global jobs, and immediately investors drove the price of the company’s stock skyward!  In Long Beach, home for troubled kids Bayfront being shutdown by state regulators for numerous “violations”.   In San Luis Obispo, after ten years Monterey Street Wine quietly shutdown.  In Willits, the Wowser rental production space (“Maker Space”) shutdown due to lack of understanding of its purpose.  Berkeley based Peet’s Coffee announced they are shutting down three shops in Illinois and four in Wisconsin, 1-hundred jobs lost: “After nearly a one-year assessment of our Illinois and Wisconsin stores, we’ve decided to focus on our top-performing locations. As a result, we are closing three stores in Illinois and four stores in Wisconsin on September 27.” 

Connecticut: After 26 years the Party Bazaar in Clinton shutting down by the end of the month.

Florida: Too Big to Jail finance and insurance company Ceridian issued a WARN saying 101 people in Saint Petersburg will lose their jobs between November and April 2016!

Georgia:  Once an icon of U.S. capitalism around the world, Atlanta based Coca-Cola announced it will sell-off nine U.S. bottling factories in an attempt to generate $380-million USD in much needed cash!  Those nine factories account for 95% of Coke’s production volume in the United States!  Administrators are also trying to consolidate operations to create a more efficient National Product Supply System in an attempt to drive down operating costs. Essentially, they don’t think the economy is going to improve anytime soon.  Reports say Atlanta based electronic payment company BitPay conducting mass layoffs as part of radical restructuring of its Free Plan.

Idaho: Once again this year, in order to generate more funding for public schools the state Department of Lands is auctioning-off  Priest Lake vacation lots, nine this time.   It was revealed that the main reason the auctions aren’t going so well is because many of the properties are actually ocupado: “I know that people are hesitant to bid against a person that built it and currently occupies the structure and still wants it.”-Sid Anderson, Dept. of Lands

The Right to Work (you over) lawsuit happy gov’na Butch Otter is screwing Gem State taxpayers over again by suing the federal government over their new sage grouse rules!  And the drought is so bad in Idaho that taxpayers are being forced by the Idaho Water Resource Board to fund $200-thousand USD worth of cloud seeding ops.

Illinois: In Meredosia, vinyl acetate company Celanese shutting down right before Xmas, at least 46 jobs lost.   The owner of Bud’s Skyline Inn revealed the Quad City International Airport bought his property and could be shutting down the hotel in a “few weeks”.  In Elgin, after almost 50 years the Gasthaus Bar & Grill shutdown due to crashing sales after A-hole christian extremist city administrators amended their liquor license.

Louisiana: Non-profit Louisiana Health Cooperative has been bullied by state and federal Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) regulators to shutdown “voluntarily”!  You should realize that ObamaCare was written by the for-profit insurance industry, and they don’t like competition!

Massachusetts:  It’s been revealed that law firm Locke Lord Edwards ‘lost’ or laid off 23 employees since April.

Minnesota: US Steel announced another round of layoffs at its Keetac factory.  Many of the 412 employees to be laid off by October!

Nebraska: Omaha based food giant ConAgra warned of mass layoffs as part of its plan to shift food production from Nebraska to Illinois. Outdoor adventure supply store Cabela’s announced it will eliminate up to 1-hundred jobs from corporate ops in Sidney, Denver and Lincoln!  Residents of Sidney told local news that they are pissed because they gave Cabela’s a lot of tax breaks to bring jobs into the area.  In Lincoln, clothing store Schweser’s shutting down after Xmas: “We have seen a drop in sales in some of our stores over the past few years that has been difficult to overcome. Our expenses continue to rise, including the cost of goods, and our sales have not kept pace in some locations.”-Tyler Smith

New York: At LaGuardia Airport, Command Security Corporation lost its contract with United Airlines, 108 jobs lost before Xmas!  State and federal Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) regulators shutdown non-profit Health Republic Insurance.  News reports say it’s the fourth non-profit insurance co-op in the United States shutdown by ObamaCare regulators!

North Carolina: The Biscoe Food Lion grocery store just gave its employees a 12 days notice of shutdown!

Ohio: Clintonville Community Market Co-Op shutting down due to radical changes in the ‘natural food’ segment of the grocery store industry: “This changing marketplace has created a decline in sales for our co-op that has intensified over the last two years, and the trend continues. We cannot remain solvent in this situation. The ethical and responsible act is to close the store.” 

Pennsylvania:  PBS member WQED laid off at least 17 people and is drastically cutting pay for everybody else.  Administrators of the donation funded TV service said they’re trying to eliminate $5-million in debt over the next 15 years!

Virginia: In Virginia Beach, family owned hotel and restaurant The Belvedere shutdown.  Supposedly the family is building a new bigger hotel.

Washington: Bankrupt busted Bellingham based Haggen Foods announced it will shutdown at least 127 of the 146 grocery stores (shutdown list) that it was tricked into buying by Albertsons-Safeway, more than 5-thousand jobs will be lost across several west coast states!

24 September 2015: Caterpillar to kill additional 10,000 jobs!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Syria, 24 September 2015: Examples of the ‘western’ news media getting it wrong! Proof U.S. Army training of ‘freedom fighters’ is a False Flag!

“Our main goal is the defeat of DAESH…..the Americans have not delivered any weapons or ammunition to the YPG.”-Saleh Muslim, Kurdish Democratic Union Party, in an interview saying Assad is not the problem and disputing U.S. claims that U.S. military help has ben sent to the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units)

Proof U.S. rebel training efforts are a False Flag:  “US-trained rebels who recently returned to Syria have lost contact with one of their officers and are investigating reports that he defected and handed over his weapons to al-Qaida’s branch in the country….   ….The first trained group, made up of 54 fighters, was wiped out by al-Qaida’s affiliate, the Jabhat al-Nusra or the Nusra Front, soon after it returned to Syria in July.”-theguardian

For the first time ever, the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, Norway, might be releasing seeds stored up for doomsday.   Lebanon based International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is asking for the release of seeds due to the long term drought in the Middle East, which is being exacerbated by the escalating U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war (note that the ‘western’ news media likes to blame the doomsday seed release totally on the war in Syria).

“Even if by miracle we were to resolve tomorrow the Syrian problem, Libya would remain an open and uncontrolled corridor…..And beyond Libya, there is the whole of Africa.”-Federica Mogherini, European Union Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

More proof the majority of ‘refugees’ flooding into Europe are not from Syria.  When you look at data from the United Nations the number of people who could be classified as refugees from Syria makes up only fraction of the hundreds of thousands of migrants storming into the EU.  On top of that, UN data shows the overwhelming majority of refugees from Syria are in refugee camps in the Middle East and North Africa.

Using data from 2014 the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates three million Syrians have fled their country, mainly to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, not Europe.  6.5-million Syrians are considered refugees within their own country.   Those European leaders who’re are calling for stricter rules to filter out true refugees from illegal migrant workers are correct.

And for proof the world doesn’t give a crap about Syrians, the UN World Health Organization reports that member nations have funded only 30% of what’s needed to operate the refugee camps just in the Middle East and North Africa: “The magnitude of needs continues to escalate. More than four years on and we’re seeing the same urgent health needs we saw in 2011, but on a much larger scale – trauma cases, severe mental health needs, communicable and non-communicable diseases, reproductive health issues.”-Nada Al Ward, WHO Emergency Support Team Amman, Jordan

Syria’s neighbor Lebanon says it has 1.1-million Syrians now living within its borders.  Education administrators are preparing to provide schooling for 200-thousand Syrian children.

Some of the refugees fleeing Syria were already refugees before the war in Syria started; Palestinians who fled the Israeli genocide against them.

French news sources say the pro-Syrian government local militias, formed in 2012, have grown to as many as 200-thousand strong. However, the list of militias include foreign volunteers from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine.

Lots of reports of intense battles which seemed ineffectual because there were relatively few reports of casualties, relative to the number of battles, by anybody!  Even Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported more than 35 thermobaric barrel bombs dropped, with seemingly nobody hurt!

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force say 120 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (pronounced like a quick sounding Day-Esh, Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents killed in 24 hours of battles, including the continuing defensive battle for the Air Force Academy and the battle for al-Nairab Airport.   The insurgents are flooding in from Raqqah Governorate, which they control.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports a civilian was killed by insurgent mortar rounds, and that DAESH and other insurgent groups began fighting each other near the Syrian Arab Army infantry school.  A Syrian Arab Army Air Force officer killed when DAESH attacked the Kweres airbase.  In Ihras area, report that two civilians were killed after their car was boobytrapped with a bomb.  DAESH attacked several Shia towns in the northern areas, killing at least four civilians.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: Insurgents lobbed mortar rounds into the al-Wafidin Refugee Camp, wounding seven civilians, mostly children. Syrian Arab Army says they’ve regained control of the al-Ghouta hills, and are chasing insurgents along the Harasta Highway.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a man arrested a month ago in Deir Ezzor province, then put into a Damascus prison, was tortured to death.  In the city of Harasta reports that insurgents are attempting, for a second time in two months, to capture the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles, of course that’s probably not what it’s called in Syria, but just think of all the personal records those insurgents will get their hands on if they capture the DMV).

Daraa Governorate:   Battles reported in Daraa City.  Independent reports say two insurgents killed by airstrike in the town of al-Sheikh Meskin.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Reports that DAESH continues to assault the Deir Ezzor military airbase.

Hama GovernorateSyrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes against insurgents including Jaish al-Fatah.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian arab Army and Air Force units, along with local militias (officially known as Popular or National Defense Forces) continued battles with Nusra Front and DAESH, mainly around Tadmour (Palmyra) and the al-Shaer oil field.   In Homs City, several people arrested smuggling hash and heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan, as well as 3-thousand pills of the cheapo version of meth (methamphetamines) known as captagon.

Idlib Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes against insurgents including Jaish al-Fatah.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says nine civilians killed during an airstrike on the town of Kafroma.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes against Nusra Front.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and local militias engaged and destroyed several insurgent Toyota gun-trucks.

Sweida Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports destroying several DAESH camps.

22 – 23 September 2015: U.S.  has become impotent, ships in Heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan 

Israel’s unabashed role in the Syrian refugee crisis