Tag Archives: wall street

Japan admits Fukushima workers dying of cancer!

20 October 2015 (04:48 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Mehr 1394/06 Muharram 1437/08 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“Cannot deny the causal relationship between his radiation exposure and his illness.”-Japanese Ministry of Labor statement

Japan’s Ministry of Labor confirms at least one nuke industry employee is dying of leukemia caused by the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi explosions.

The employee was hit with 15.7 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation during the explosions.  His total ‘official’ exposure is 19.8 mSv.  These amounts are far less than what pro-nuke industry ‘trolls’ on the internet say will cause cancer.

Japanese news sources say 45-thousand people are still working at the China Syndrome Fukushima Daiichi and more than 21-thousand have been exposed to annual radiation levels of at least 5 mSv.

This admission comes two weeks after several international news reports said independent organizations were reporting a 50-fold increase in the rates of cancer in children near the GE designed nuclear disaster reactors.

Earless bunny found in the Fukushima No Go Zone.

Imperialist Japan to make 6,000 nuclear bombs!

Idaho National Laboratory admits “nobody really knows what’s going on.” Radioactive trash dump in U.S. on fire? 

U.S. Pay TV crashing & burning, loses nearly half million customers in 3 months!

According to the Multiscreen Index: DIRECTV, AT&T, DISH Network, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Charter, Cablevision, Mediacom and Suddenlink lost a combined 400-thousand customers in the 2nd Quarter of 2015!  That’s nearly half a million customers in three months!!!  And that’s after several years of losses, so much for economic recovery!

18 – 19 October 2015: “Once again…been dealt a severe financial blow…”


Proof of Project Blue Beam? Video of Floating City seen across China, again!

20 October 2015 (01:17 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Mehr 1394/06 Muharram 1437/08 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

A new home video from China shows a very strange looking cloud with shapes exhibiting the right angles of skyscrapers.  People in two different cities reported the optical illusion.  So called ‘experts’ say no it’s just an optical illusion, but hey, isn’t that what a hologram is?

I’ve noticed that most explanations of such optical illusions say they happen over water, with the mirage directly above the water, but this latest illusion is not over water and it is not near the ground, it’s high up in the sky.  It also does not look like any buildings on the ground.

It turns out that such visions have been making appearances over China since 2010-11.

Project Blue Beam supposedly is a U.S. department of Defense-NASA project employing satellites to create a gigantic hologram in the atmosphere.  This would back up claims that the planes that flew into the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 were holograms.  Don’t forget the widespread use of holograms in the live performance entertainment industry that took-off after 9/11.

National Geographic: China’s Floating City and The Science of Mirages

Syria, 16 – 19 October 2015: Islamic State shaves beards to avoid detection! Russia threatens war on those who supply insurgents! NATO openly supports Islamic State by bombing major power plants!

Mounds of beards found along the NATO Turkey border, as Islamic State runs for their lives! So much for being hardcore Islamists! I guess when it comes to killing others they’re hardcore, but when they are being killed they piss themselves and Run Away!

Along the border with U.S. led NATO member Turkey an amazing thing is being found: Freshly shaven breads from U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State (DAIISH) as they continue operation Run Away!

“When they [DAIISH] need foreign money, they declare that they are fighting against the Syrian state. But once they get the money they use it as they please.”-Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

U.S. made Stinger MANPAD.

Russian Foreign Ministry warned that any country supplying U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents in Syria with man-portable air-defense (MANPAD) systems will  face the consequences.  It will be considered an act of supporting international terrorism.

“The only way Bashar Assad should leave the political scene lies in free elections….interventionism failed in Iraq…in Libya, and I see no reason why this nonsense should continue.  …if someone from the Arab world said that Barack Obama must leave…..I ask why it should apply not only to Bashar al-Assad?”-Milos Zeman, President of rebellious NATO member Czech Republic who warned at the beginning of the year that the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH would conduct a “Super Holocaust”

YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) adamantly deny that the U.S. supplied them with weapons and ammo, saying the Kurdish politician who made the statement is a typical political idiot: “The statements issued by Mr. Muslim about the YPG military future plans and the reception of weapons and ammunition from the U.S.-led coalition forces are beyond his responsibility as he is only a head of a political party!”-Redur Khalil

Aleppo Governorate:  The Syrian government accuses U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force (including Israel) of violating its airspace and bombing an electricity power plant in violation of international law.   The power plant is the largest that supplies electricity to Aleppo City, 2.5-million people affected.  This is an obvious move to support U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State DAIISH (Islamic State, DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]), since DAIISH has been getting its ass kicked in Spades, ever since Russia joined the fight.  It also comes after the Syrian Electricity Ministry reported their production output had increased as a result of the Russian help, and they were using 4-thousand tonnes of fuel per day, and 12-million cubic meters of gas, to generate power.  This was the second time in eight days that U.S. led NATO bombed power plants in Aleppo Governorate.   Syrian and Russian airstrikes and artillery fire targeted insurgents attacking quarries and fish hatcheries.  Intense battles continued across the governorate.

This pic, supposedly taken in 2014, shows brand new U.S. made Hummers being used to promote the Syrian government!

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: 21 Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross trucks full of humanitarian aid were sent to the towns of Madaya and al-Zabadani, supervised by the United Nations.   Syria’s Ministry of Justice restated that following the total defeat of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents those countries supporting the insurgents will face trial in international court.   Syrian Arab Army liberated the hills overlooking Douma and Harasta towns as well as the Rima Water Company.

It’s interesting that the 1st thing the insurgents do when they take over a city is to target the cell phone, sat TV and wireless internet services.

Daraa Governorate:  In Daraa al-Balad area of Daraa city, Syria Arab Army units liberated the Syriatel building and nine blocks of the al-Manshiye neighborhood.  Battles raged for control of the Electricity Company building in Daraa al-Mahata.

Deir Ezzor Governorate: Syrian Arab Army hit with ‘Grad’ rockets a massive congregation of U.S./Japanese made vehicles being used by DAIISH.  They called it The House of Vehicles in al-Husseiniya village and say it was the biggest gathering of DAIISH insurgents so far.  Syrian Arab Army claims their artillery barrage destroyed all the vehicles, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says at least 40 DAIISH were killed and even more wounded, but downplayed claims that it was the biggest DAIISH convoy ever.  In the ongoing battle over Deir Ezzor airbase 20 DAIISH insurgents killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that two civilians, who had been forced by DAIISH to dig trenches for their assault on the airbase, were also killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reports that U.S. backed DAIISH sentenced four women to 30 lashes for theft.  The DAIISH judge tried to make himself look merciful by saying the stolen item wasn’t worth cutting their hands off!



Homs Governorate:  Insurgents attacked the towns of al-Mukharam Fouqani and al-Mukharam Tahtani , killing three civilians and wounding 14.  Syrian Arab Army liberated  Khalidiye al-Dar al-Kubra, parts of the towns of Termaala, Jawalak, and Sansil, in addition to surrounding al-Dar al-Kabira town and the train station in Jawalak area and three more blocks near Snaisel village.  Battles with DAIISH continue near Palmyra (Tadmur) triangle.

Idlib Governorate:  Ten Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross trucks full of humanitarian aid were sent to the towns of Kifrya and al-Fou’a, supervised by the United Nations.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army killed 3-hundred insurgents in a massive offensive, most of them Chechens, Turks, and Tunisians.

Quneitra Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militias) liberated the strategic hills of al-Qaba and Ahmar and the farms and checkpoint of al-Amal.

Raqqa Governorate:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that desperate DAIISH kidnapped 40 men possibly to force them to fight for them, citing an unnamed witness who said U.S. backed DAIISH was “recruiting those boys in the future”.

15 October 2015: PRO-GUN ANTI-TAX revolution!

U.S. Civil War: Obama regime Homie Town police genocide 7,185 people in Chicago!

19 October 2015 (16:37 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“That place was and is scary. It’s a scary place. There’s nothing about it that resembles a police station. It comes from a Bond movie or something.”-David Gaeger, attorney

Genocide includes the practice of ‘disappearing’ people and according to an ongoing investigation by theguardian (go to theguardian article to watch video interview with frustrated attorneys describing the crimes taking place at the hands of the cops), that’s exactly what is going on in Chicago: Police have “disappeared” 7-thousand 185 Chicagoans over the past 11 years!

Protestors outside the recently discovered death camp known as Homan Square, in President Barack Obama’s home town of Chicago! Note the street sign that reads “No Outlet”!

It’s happening in a modern day death camp called Homan Square, and just like the Nazi death camps of World War 2, civilians live right next door and don’t even know what’s going on, or at least they say they don’t!

Dozens of attorneys trying to help the victims inside Homan Square say their clients are being lied to about their Constitutional rights.  Several attorneys say they were told their client wasn’t in Homan Square even though they could clearly see their client being led away to never be seen again!

Just over seven months ago theguardian came across evidence of a ‘black site’ in Obama’s homie town of Chicago.  That info came when they were doing a story on a Chicago cop was a guard at the torture center known as Guantanamo (GITMO).  Theguardian has now been able to confirm this Homan Square is apparently that black site where more than 7-thousand people have literally disappeared after being sent there.

More reason citizens should exercise their Constitutional right to own a military grade weapon!  (the word “arms” in the 2nd Amendment is the term used back then for military weapons, not hunting or sporting weapons)

California cops admit killing 6-thousand 156 civilians in nine years, only ten cops were killed in the same time period!


God is Evil, and Stupid: Paranoid Jews attack Jews! Your taxes support these genocidal idiots!

19 October 2015 (13:48 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“It does not matter if an Arab stabbed me or a Jew stabbed me, a religious, orthodox or secular person. I have no words to describe this hate crime.”-Uri Rezken, Jew stabbed by another Jew

It looks like the nearly 1-hundred years of deception and covert genocide against goyim has finally driven the Israelis totally insane with self-inflicted paranoia!

A Jew working in a grocery store was stabbed in the back (literally) by another Jew, who thought his victim was an ‘Arab’!

God is Evil: Video shows Israelis shoot & then beat to death ‘black’ man, then beat him even more!

“Once again…been dealt a severe financial blow…” Idaho taxpayers pay extra for not making ObamaCare available for everybody! Major healthcare ObamaCare shutdowns! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 18 – 19 October 2015

California: San Luis Obispo losing yet another mom-n-pop,  after 25 years Bali’s Yogurt shutdown, the owners admitted they were shutting down sooner than they thought, due to increasing competition.  In Los Angeles, iconic Los Chavos Restaurant shutting down in November. Local news reports say the owner sold-out, and the buyer refuses to comment.

Connecticut:  ObamaCare forcing the state to cut Medicare, which in turn forcing Day Kimball Healthcare to eliminate 23 jobs: “Once again, our organization has been dealt a severe financial blow from the state that has far-reaching repercussions. We have no choice but to be proactive in cutting costs…”-Robert Smanik, president and CEO

Idaho: Kaiser Family Foundation study says Idaho is one of dozens of states keeping low income people from affordable ObamaCare (called the Coverage Gap), and that it’s actually costing taxpayers more money as a result, saying the cost of healthcare in The Gem State went up 6.9%!  

Washington based electricity supplier Avista has won a settlement that will result in electric rates going up for Idahoan customers of Avista starting in January 2016.    

Potato growers are warning of lower crop yields this year, even though acreage is way up.   Analysts say this year’s spud harvest will be below the five year average: “We’ve had some unusual weather this year. Some growers were hit by cold, some by heat and some had a lot of water. And with the water came late blight.”-Frank Muir, Idaho Potato Commission

Now for some good news (hopefully), a 20 year lease to create a large solar power project on the property of the Pocatello Airport has been approved.  It will be run by Energy Partners-Pocatello Solar One and will sell the electricity to Idaho Power.   

Indiana: In Gary, charter school Thea Bowman Leadership Academy laid off seven people due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome, which caused a drop in federal taxpayer funding.

Iowa: In Davenport, Hancock Fabrics shutdown due to the greedy landlord selling out to a greedy property developer.

Kansas:  After 17 years Robuck Jewelers shutdown because the owners can make more money off their property management business.  It’s been revealed that 1-hundred years old (surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions) Mercy Hospital shutdown last week, admitting they’ve lost a lot of money since Affordable Care Act went into effect. It’s proof that ObamaCare actually prevents access to healthcare in less densely populated areas (known as small town syndrome).

Kentucky:  AK Steel shutting down its Ashland plant, starting in December 940 people will be laid off over a six months period!  They blame cheap imported steel (which is an excuse I’ve heard since the 1980s).

Louisiana:  A surprise announcement; South Beauregard Health Center in Longville shutting down by the end of the month, blaming crashing patient volume caused by Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)!

Minnesota:  In Knife River, the Lighthouse at Emily’s restaurant shutdown when a potential sale to non-profit North Shore Scenic Railroad fell through.   After only 26 months Lake State Credit Union shutting down their Duluth Technology Village fully automated office on 01 November.  It’s blamed on the merger with Members Cooperative Credit Union.  Cliffs Natural Resources threatening to shutdown due to future competition: “…if they [Essar Steel] go online, I will shut down a plant up there the same day.”-Lourenco Goncalves, ceo

New Hampshire: Valley Regional Hospital eliminated eight jobs in an effort to be “not quite break-even but…sustainable”, no thanks to ObamaCare.

New Jersey:  Japan based drug pusher Daiichi Sankyo eliminating 1-thousand 2-hundred jobs across the U.S. but mainly at their Parsippany operations!   It’s part of their global cutbacks begun earlier this year.  Cherry Hill based Too Big to Jail TD Bank began eliminating jobs across United States and Canada, in an effort “push efficiencies”.

New York:  County taxpayer funded Summit Park Hospital and Nursing Care Center shutting down after Xmas, due to a potential buyer backing out of the $32-million USD sale.  4-hundred jobs lost! 

Oregon:  In Newberg the more than 1-hundred years old (surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions) SP Fiber paper mill shutting down, 2-hundred jobs lost before Thanksgiving!   The paper mill was recently taken over by WestRock, which is shutting down operations around the country.  ObamaCare killing off yet another affordable insurance co-op, this time it’s non-profit Health Republic.  The forced shutdown will affect 8-hundred Oregon businesses and 15-thousand individuals!

Pennsylvania: God refusing to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 166 years old Saint Mary of the Assumption Church due to the loss of $142-thousand USD.  “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”-1 Timothy 6:10

16 – 17 October 2015:“We are in the throes of a deep depression, and nothing is changing!” 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

God is Evil: Video shows Israelis shoot & then beat to death ‘black’ man, then beat him even more!

19 October 2015 (11:07 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

In Beersheba, Israel, an Eritrean migrant was shot by an Israeli ‘security guard’ (that’s what the mainstream news media says, but in the video the man who shoots him is not wearing a uniform) and then kicked in the head by Jewish bystanders until he was dead.  Even after it’s obvious he’s dead multiple videos (taken by the bloodthirsty Jews themselves) the Jews continue to slam bus station chairs onto the body and continue to kick him in the head!






Officially the Gott-damned Jews claim they thought he was a terrorist about to attack them, this is not the first time Jews have used such an excuse to kill non-Jews, but apparently it’s the first time they’ve used the excuse to murder a ‘black’ man.

When I was younger I was pro-Israeli, possibly because of the propaganda spouted by my ‘Christian’ parents, but now after decades of overt and covert genocide committed by these ‘Jews’, now fully documented with countless videos, and now I’m convinced Hitler was right!

God is Evil: Jews ram 13 year old boy with car after killing his 15 years old brother! 

Anti-gun laws fail to stop undercover Cops from shooting to death a stranded driver!

19 October 2015 (20:52 UTC-07 Tango 01, 18 October 2015)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“When I left him he was sitting in his car calling roadside assistance. I never would have thought that someone was going to come kill him.”-Mathew Huntsberger, friend of victim killed by cop

In Florida, Palm Beach Gardens police admitted one of their own shot and killed a stranded driver on Interstate 95 (I-95).

The cop was in an unmarked cop car, wearing civilian clothing.  Conveniently the car and the cop were not equipped with cameras.

The plain clothes cop claims he was attacked by the person he killed.  The cop says he stopped to investigate what he thought was an abandoned SUV at 03:15 hours 18 October 2015.  The cop who did the shooting is now on mandatory vacation (administrative leave) while the incident is being investigated.

The victim has no criminal record, and cops claim he bought a gun just three days before the incident.  There’s been no explanation why a 31 years old musician who’s never owned a gun would suddenly buy one: “They’re saying he was armed, but I don’t know if I believe it. Of course they’re going to say that!”-Mathew Huntsberger

Police claim the receipt for the purchase of the gun was in the vehicle.  It wouldn’t be the first time they lied.

If you do internet searches about Interstate 95 you might be surprised just how many shootings take place on that highway.

Anti-gun laws fail to stop hospitalized man from shooting dead the police! Cops then taze the man to death!

19 October 2015 (20:23 UTC-07 Tango 01, 18 October 2015)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

In the Saint Cloud Hospital in Minnesota, a man being treated for wounds apparently received during a ‘domestic violence’ incident somehow managed to get his hands on a gun and shoot to death the Aitkin County Sheriff’s deputy charged with guarding him!  In response cops then tazered to death the prisoner.

The “inmate” was being treated for wounds supposedly caused by a domestic violence incident that happened last week.  Deputies were present.  Apparently the man went nuts grabbed one of the deputy’s gun and shot him.  A second deputy  then tazed the man until he “became unresponsive”.

It should be noted that police radio chatter continually referred to the suspect as “the inmate”, however local news reports say the man was never officially arrested raising the question as to why he was under law enforcement control.  The Sheriff’s Department said it was the hospital that called for their help, but admitted the suspect had been under law enforcement observation “for more than a day”.