Tag Archives: wall street

World War 3: Insurgents capture Russian pilot! NATO Turkey sends helicopters!

24 November 2015 (03:30 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Azar 1394/11 Safar 1437/13 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

“Turkish airspace is NATO airspace.”-Ahmet Davutoğlu, Turkish prime minister

Reports say one Russian pilot has been captured by U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli insurgents. The other pilot is dead. Two Turkish helicopters have been dispatched to the area known as the Turkmen Mountains.

U.S. led NATO member Turkey has called a UN Security Council meeting over Syrian, Kurdish and Russian attacks on insurgent positions in the Turkmen Mountains.  The area is legally part of Syria but Turkey actually claims the Turkmen area.

World War 3: Russian reporters near NATO Turkey targeted by anti-tank missile! 

World War 3: Russia admits their Su-24 shot down, but not by NATO Turkey! 

World War 3: Russian reporters near NATO Turkey targeted by anti-tank missile!

24 November 2015 (02:19 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Azar 1394/11 Safar 1437/13 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Russian military administrators say two RT (aka Russia Today) reporters and one TASS (aka Informatsionnoye agentstvo Rossii TASS) reporter were targeted with an anti-tank missile while they were reporting on battles against U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli insurgent along the Turkey-Syrian border.

The attack took place in Latakia Governorate, in the village of of Al-Dagmashliya.  The wounded reporters were riding in a convoy when anti-tank missiles from an insurgent controlled area began arriving on target.

Russia’s main airbase in Syria is in Latakia.  The governorate is just south of NATO Turkey, along the coastline with the Mediterranean Sea.

World War 3: Russia admits their Su-24 shot down, but not by NATO Turkey F-16s!

24 November 2015 (02:06 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Azar 1394/11 Safar 1437/13 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Russian military administrators say a Russian operated Sukhoi 24 was shot down near the border with Turkey, but that it was shot down by a missile that came from the ground.  They stress the plane was not in Turkish airspace.

Turkey is now claiming that they are defending Turkmen territory in Syria. Weeks ago the Turkish president adamantly stated that they would never let Syrian Kurds control northern Syria (aka Rojava) which includes territory that Turkey considers to be Turkmen.

World War 3: NATO Turkey shoots down Russian made Su-24!

24 November 2015 (01:31 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Azar 1394/11 Safar 1437/13 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

U.S. led NATO member Turkey announced its F-16 Falcons shot down a Russian warplane they claim violated Turkey’s airspace.

Some news reports say the plane was a Syrian MiG-23, however, other news reports said two parachutes were seen after the plane was hit.  The combat version of MiG-23 is a single seater, only the trainer version is a two seater.  Video on the internet shows a Sukhoi 24 two seat strike aircraft going down.  Syria also flies Su-24s, not just the Russians.

Syria, 24 – 27 October 2015: Turkey preps for Rojava invasion? 

“…it’s an uphill battle…our days..are coming to an end.” Looky-loos kill mom-n-pop furniture shops! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 19 – 20 November 2015

Arizona: In Phoenix, a whistleblower told ABC15 that taxsucker Honeywell is eliminating at least 1-thousand jobs, right after forced unpaid holiday furloughs!  The whistleblower said employees close to retirement will also be laid off, as well as pay cuts for those who will still be employed.  One reason for the secret layoffs is Honeywell is planning to move call center operations to Mexico.

California: In San Francisco, wearable electronics maker Jawbone laid off 60 employees “As part of our strategy to create a more ….successful company…”.  In West Hollywood, iconic Dominick’s restaurant shutting down after Xmas.  News reports said the elites of Hollywood entered through the back, anybody who came in through the front door was kicked out.

Connecticut: Japan based Canon Solutions America announced it is shutting down its Trumbull office, by the end of February 2016.

Failed State Illinois: In Obama’s homie town three charter schools being shutdown; Lighthouse Academy, Amandla High school and Betty Shabazz-Barbara A. Sizemore Academy.  Apparently they’ve failed to meet performance standards.  Food packager Tyson shutting down their Chicago hospitality food packaging plant saying the plant is too old and sales too slow to justify spending the money to update it. 480 jobs lost between now and October 2016!

Iowa: In West Des Moines, Kingdom Kids Academy shutdown. News reports say administrators refuse to say why, but employees say new management suddenly backed out and quit.  In Cresco, after 29 years Spectrum Thrift Store shutting down by Thanksgiving.  The temporary management said it was due to a “financial business decision”.

Kentucky:  Blackhawk Mining revealed it laid off 2-hundred people, blaming the crashing coal industry!  After investing $2.8-million USD back in 2010, heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar say sales are so bad they’re shutting down their Danville factory and consolidating ops back to Illinois, at least 75 jobs lost by the end of 2016.

Maryland: What housing industry recovery?  Clark Turner Homes now chapter 7 bankrupt busted.  News reports say the property developer hasn’t paid its debts for several months.   Company administrators blame the Too Big to Jail banking industry which cut-off their debt financing.

Failed State Massachusetts: Sears Holdings announced they will shutdown the Braintree Kmart on Grossman Drive.  Also, the Braintree South Shore Plaza Sears store is renting out an entire floor to Ireland based Primark.   Even with the lease to Primark there is still 4-thousand square feet of vacant space in the Sears store.  In Worcester, after 35 years iconic Classic Toy Shop shutting down when the inventory is gone.  The owner, Betsy Madson, said “I am the engine, and after 35 years, I am 65 years old and ready for quiet mornings…..This is supposed to be a happy thing. I am retiring.”   The sad thing is she tried to sell the business but there were no interested buyers.

Failed State Michigan: In Allegan, Ireland based drugs maker Perrigo laying off 1-hundred U.S. employees as part of their global elimination of 8-hundred jobs!   In Grand Rapids, a TGI Fridays restaurant was suddenly shutdown.

New Hampshire: After 23 years furniture store Blanchet Canadian Rocker shutting down in January 2016.  The pissed-off owner blames looky-loos who turnaround and buy on the internet: “When five people take pictures and one mommy comes back to buy it, you know they are finding it online.”-Charlie Wienberg, current owner

Failed State New Jersey: In West Orange, Barnabas Health issued a WARN saying 7-hundred health industry workers will become unemployed right after Xmas!   In Wayne, Haier America Trading issued a WARN saying 137 people will become jobless right after Xmas!  In Piscataway, IDT Corporation issued a WARN saying 84 employees rendered unemployed in January 2016.

Failed State New York: In North Dunkirk, NRG Energy issued a shutdown WARN for their power plant, at least 64 people will lose their jobs between February and September 2016.   In Maryknoll, Sodexo issued a shutdown WARN saying it lost the contract for the Dining Services at Catholic Foreign Mission ops, 38 people unemployed by January 2016.  NYC based Condé Nast ending publication of 33 years old Details magazine, jobs will be lost.

Oklahoma: Tulsa based BizJet International eliminating 150 Sale & Support jobs, 60% of its workforce!  Administrators blame it on crashing sales to the elitist VIP markets, mainly in China and Russia as those countries have been signing new contracts with Iranian companies.

Oregon:  Maker of metal parts for mining and construction equipment, Esco Corporation, shutting down its main Portland operation, 247 jobs gone by the end of 2016!  CEO Cal Collins said “It’s a reflection of the markets that we’re in and the weakness of where we’re at…”

Pennsylvania: In King of Prussia, Pointroll issued a WARN saying 93 people jobless in January 2016.  In Milton, ACF Industries issued a WARN saying 181 workers will be on the street in January 2016!  In Philadelphia, award winning Locust Moon comics shop shutting down by the end of 2015.  The owners said it’s the only way they could focus on publishing their own comics, and that doing retail business in “philly” sucks: “…it’s an uphill battle, trying to maintain an art-minded independent comic shop in west philly. we did the best we could….   …our days as comic shop proprietors are coming to an end.” 

Rhode Island:  Blue Cross Blue Shield announced it will eliminate 80 jobs over the next 18 months.  The health insurance company is joining the trend of contracting out its IT operations, ironically blaming ObamaCare (ironic because the health insurance industry created ObamaCare).

Vermont: Non-profit mental health service Health Care and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont laid off 12 employees.  Administrators said even with those layoffs they’ll be lucky to “break even” in 2016.

Virginia: British empire based U.S. taxsucker BAE laid off 185 people in a first round of job cuts!  The second round of job cuts, 4-hundred +,  will take place in December!  British empire administrators blame it on reduced spending by the cash strapped U.S. Navy.

Washington: Aluminium giant Alcoa hitting two cities hard, 880 people losing their jobs in January 2016! Layoffs will affect the Alco ops in Malaga, and the Alcoa Intalco ops in Ferndale.  The official WARN claims the job losses are temporary.  If you been following the debacle in the aluminum industry you’ll know that what they mean by ‘temporary layoffs’ is ‘as soon as aluminum prices go back up’ they’ll hire more employees.  Alcoa stated a while ago that it was shutting down operations around the world in an effort to reduce supplies of aluminum, thus forcing prices back up.  In Gig Harbor, Sariah Spices & Teas shutting down after Xmas.  The owner blames the A-hole city council which forced her to move her store’s signage, resulting in an immediate 10% reduction in business! She says she now doesn’t make enough money to justify renewing the lease.

Wisconsin:  In Fon Du Loc, after only nine months Three Guys and a Grill shutting down.  The owners said at first businesses was good then it suddenly stopped, no matter how many promotions they tried.  News reports say the location (a former church) has established a bad reputation due to a string of failed restaurant attempts.  Food packager Tyson shutting down their Jefferson pepperoni and salami packaging plant, saying the plant is too old and sales too slow to justify spending the money to update it.  At least 4-hundred jobs lost between now and October 2016!

17-18 November 2015: “Why are you charging fees when they’re unconstitutional?” Postal shutdowns actually increase costs of operations! 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

False Flag Harry Potter Style: Prisoner of Azkaban used for Paris attack scenario?

23 November 2015, 20:00 UTC-07 Tango 01 (03 Azar 1394/11 Safar 1437/13 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

“French officials have named the first shooter from the deadly attacks in Paris. He was reportedly identified by a severed finger found at the Bataclan hall……    …..29-year-old Ismael M., had ‘never been implicated in a terrorist network or plot’ before….    …investigators reportedly identified Ismael by his severed finger they discovered at the scene.  The 29-year-old had eight convictions for petty crime, but was never imprisoned….”DW, 15 November 2015

“‘He’s got a toe missing,’ said Black. ‘Of course,’ Lupin breathed. ‘So simple… so brilliant… he cut it off himself?’ ‘Just before he transformed,’ said Black. ‘When I cornered him, he yelled for the whole street to hear that I’d betrayed Lily and James. Then, before I could curse him, he blew apart the street with the wand behind his back, killed everyone within twenty feet of himself — and sped down into the sewer with the other rats….’  …….said Lupin. ‘The biggest bit of Peter they found was his finger.'”-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter Nineteen

False Flag: So much for Liberté, 84% of French prefer a Police State! 

“Why are you charging fees when they’re unconstitutional?” Postal shutdowns increase costs of operations! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 17 – 18 November 2015

British empire Canada based oil pipeline company Enbridge announced it will eliminate 6-hundred jobs in both Canada and United States!

British empire Canada based Tim Hortons shutting down several restaurants in Maine and New York.  News reports out of Maine said employees were shocked as two restaurants have already shutdown, without warning before the official announcement was made.

Failed State Alabama: Cool Beans Cafe + Bistro shutdown, the owners are moving ‘north’.

California:  In San Luis Obispo, retailer Forever 21 shutting down in January 2016, 72 jobs lost.  Administrators did not say why the store was shutting down.  In Palm Springs, after 40 years The Alley gift store shutting down by the end of January 2016.

Failed State Florida:  Miami based Too Big to Jail Total Bank announced it will eliminate jobs “As a result of its continuous investments in technology…”  Fort Lauderdale based software company Citrix Systems announced it will eliminate 1-thousand in-house and contracted jobs starting now!  It’s part of their plans to cut operating costs.

Georgia: In Decatur, after 69 years Evans Fine Foods restaurant shutdown.

Idaho: In Nampa, HVAC maker Hart & Cooley (aka HCI) issued a shutdown WARN saying 67 people will lose their jobs right after the Gregorian New Year’s Day.  However, in a fine example of proof that ‘official’ WARNs do not reflect the actual number of employees affected, local TV station KIVI said “over 70 workers will lose their jobs”, citing an official Hart & Cooley letter received by the mayor of Nampa.  Test score rankings of home educated Idahoans versus traditional schools (yeah, the ones in blue are the homeschooled results).  Homeschooling is one reason why taxpayer funded public schools are losing students.  According to Idaho Coalition of Home Educators there’s an estimated 7-thousand kids being educated at home, in a state with a total official population of 1.5-million.  The reason the number of homeschool kids is an ‘estimate’ is that The Gem State does not have any laws regarding the tracking or even state testing of home educated kids.  In related news (and something I wish happened when my kids were attending School District 25), a local judge has ruled that West Ada School Board violated the Constitution of Idaho by charging fees.  In fact the ruling reveals just about all Idaho public schools are violating the state Constitution: “So we’re hoping that moms and dads will ask these questions about ‘Why are you charging fees when they’re unconstitutional?'”-Russell Joki, West Ada School Board member who actually agrees with the court ruling   (don’t forget that Idaho politicians and courts were recently found to be among the most corrupt in the U.S.)

Failed State Illinois: In Highland Park, after 30 years Ravinia BBQ & Grill shutting down before Thanksgiving.

Indiana: In Indianapolis, G. Thrapp Jewelers shutting down once the inventory is gone. The owner lamented a time when “There were a lot of women and really cheap rent.”

Maryland: In Baltimore, after 12 years Canton Club Health & Fitness shutting down in December.

Minnesota: Cliffs Natural Resources shutting down their Northshore Mining ops, 540 people jobless by the end of November!

Mississippi: In Ridgeland, Fitness Lady Health Club shutting down next week, the property was sold to a college.

Montana: The University of Montana eliminating 201 jobs due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.  Since 2011 the University of Montana has lost nearly 5-thousand students!

Nevada: In Fallon, after 26 years Country Health store shutdown.

New Mexico: After 65 years Kurt’s Camera Corral shutdown: “Posterity ain’t what it used to be. People don’t give it that kind of importance that maybe we did.”-Jim Kubie, owner

Failed State New York: In Bronx, IAC Acoustics shutdown without warning, laying off at least 26 employees.   New York Life Insurance WARNed that they were “relocating” jobs within their
Information Technology and Finance Operations, at least 59 employees affected between February and September 2016.  In Glen Cove,  after 96 years (surviving the Great Depression and numerous recessions) restaurant Stango’s shutting down on New Year’s Eve.

North Carolina: Yet another boat maker for the elites goes down.  Wanchese based GUNBOAT International now bankrupt busted blaming a “perfect storm” of low sales, competition from China and lawsuits.  Piggly Wiggly shutting down their grocery store in Stantonsburg after Thanksgiving, blaming years of decreasing sales and increasing costs.

Ohio: After 25 years the last Ponderosa Steak House in the Dayton area shutdown.  The Texas based company told local news that if they recover financially then maybe they’ll return.

Pennsylvania: Sharon based NASCAR themed restaurant chain Quaker Steak & Lube bankrupt busted and being sold off at a loss for only $25-million USD. Court documents say the new owner will be TravelCenters of America.

South Carolina:  In Greenville, after 69 years J.B. Lacher jewelers shutting down, the owner said “This finally has become a financial burden for me.”

Texas:  After losing their state funded Medicaid transportation contract TAPS Public Transit laid off 116 employees without warning, and without being paid! 

Utah:  In Saint George, after 65 years McArthur Jewelers shutdown, the owners suddenly realized “we’ve got a life to live.”

Washington DC: Despite starting its fiscal year with good news about $1.1-billion USD in increased revenues, yet again the U.S. Postal Service ended its fiscal year (in September) with a huge loss; $5.1-billion!  Despite all the USPS plant shutdowns and layoffs ( I being one of the layoff victims here in Pocatello, Idaho), postal administrators say their operating costs went up by $1.3-billion!  (the USPS is NOT taxpayer funded!)

Wisconsin: HVAC company Johnson Controls eliminating 277 Milwaukee jobs between January and June 2016!  In Waukesha, MetalTek laid off 60 people due to “reduced demand”.   Idaho based King’s Variety shutting down their 64 years old Little Chute store, blaming competition.

13-16 November 2015: “We…wish you the best of success in your new positions wherever they may be.” 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

World War 3: Ukraine preps to invade Crimea!

20 November 2015 (07:05 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Aban 1394/07 Safar 1437/09 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

On 16 November I wrote that Ukraine was blocking at least one of its border checkpoints with Crimea.  Now they’ve sabotaged power lines and implemented a food blockade.

In the area of Zaporozhye two of four main electrical power lines running into Crimea were sabotaged by somebody digging under their foundations.  There are unconfirmed reports that there is evidence somebody tried to blow up the supports of the high power lines, but the explosions failed to inflict enough damage.

The Organization for Security and Co‑operation in Europe (OSCE) expressed concern over reports that the right wing pro-Ukrainian Crimean Tatars’ Mejlis, as well as other pro-Ukrainian militias, are conducting a “civil blockade” of commercial trucks from crossing into Crimea, since 20 September.  It’s apparently in retaliation to the threats from Russia to sanction food trade with Ukraine beginning in January 2016.

In areas of New Russia, reports that Ukraine has deployed at least 63 main battle tanks along the ceasefire line with Donetsk Republic.  Recon units counted 23 tanks nine kilometers from Dyleevke, 40 tanks near Novobahmutke and a convoy of at least 23 cars carrying armed men three kilometers from Zamozhniy.

False Flag: Ukraine uses Paris attack to break CeaseFire deal! 

False Flag: China admits it’s been under attack since September!

20 November 2015 (03:30 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Aban 1394/07 Safar 1437/09 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

The Chinese government has revealed that since September they’ve been at war with “foreign extremists” inside their country!

For the past 56 days a seek and destroy mission raged in the western region of Xinjiang after foreign led insurgents attacked the Sogan coal mine in Aksu on 18 September.  People’s Liberation Army units hunted down those they believed were responsible for the attack.

28 insurgents killed, five cops killed and 16 civilians killed.  18 people wounded.  It should be noted that ‘western’ news sources reported the attack back in September, how did they know?  This is apparently the first time the Chinese government reported the attack through state run news media!

It should be noted that China took over territory belonging to Uyghurs (who just happen to be predominantly Muslim), and as such sometimes call those who fight back “foreign extremists”.

One of the earlier non-government approved ‘western’ news reports said the Sogan coal mine attackers used knives, not guns, and were able to kill five policemen and dozens of civilians.