Tag Archives: syria

Syria, 27 September 2015: Israel hits Syrian command posts! Islamic State bans ‘fun’! NATO France bombs Palm Trees, not Insurgents!

German immigration administrators have discovered that 30% of ‘refugees’ are not from Syria and are not fleeing war.

Lebanon reports their economy is suffering as a result of the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated proxy war in Syria.  Ships are stuck in Lebanese ports because the overland routes to Iraq, Jordan and points east run through Syria.

Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DawlA, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria])

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy and  al-Nairab Airport and Kweres (Quweires) airbase, at least 40 people killed.      Reports that  a vehicle exploded at a DAIISH checkpoint on the Damascus-Aleppo Highway, three people killed.  Kurdish news sources said three Kurds killed and 15 wounded by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Nusra Front insurgents who fired multiple artillery mortar rounds into Sheik Maksoud neighborhood of Aleppo City.

Insurgents using a Mac laptop to aim a mortar.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  In Damascus City, four people wounded after an insurgent artillery mortar round impacted near al-Sheikh Reslan Mosque in Bab Touma neighborhood.

Daraa Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army says they prevented Nusra Front insurgents from capturing the power plant in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood of Daraa City.

The French didn’t say but they probably used Rafales to bomb the shit out of the Palm Orchard in Deir Ezzor.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:   Reports that citizens might be rebelling against DAIISH control; masked men on motorcycles shot at DAIISH al-Hesbah (Islamic Police) in the city of al- Mayadin, possibly killing two of them.   The rebellion against DAIISH comes after al-Hesbah shutdown the al- Mayadin amusement park.  Two children killed by an explosion near the al- Siyasiyya Bridge.  Reports from witnesses that the NATO French airstrike wasted a palm orchard, despite French claims that they destroyed a DAIISH training camp: “We hit a training camp which could pose a threat to our national security.”-Francois Hollande, dip-noodle president of France

Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force battled Jaish a-Fateh insurgents.

Hasakah Governorate: Fierce battles continue between DAIISH and YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units).  Witnesses say it looks like DAIISH took territory today.  The video above is of YPG advances back in May.  It shows Toyota gun-trucks, T55 Russian made panzers and MTLB tracked armored transporter.

Homs Governorate:    Battles continued for control of the Tadmur (Palmyra) area, as well the Jazal and Sha’er oil fields.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force continued airstrikes against DAIISH, while Syrian Arab Army ground forces chased after Nusra Front insurgents.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted “at least 20” airstrikes. Two civilians killed, one wounded, in Homs City after an artillery rocket round impacted in the public park in Ekrima neighborhood.  Reports of 17 casualties after artillery rockets impacted the al-Waer neighborhood.

Idlib Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed Jaish a-Fateh convoys, destroying many U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks.   Jaish a-Fateh attacked the towns of al-Fouaa and Kefraya with artillery rockets, no reports of casualties.  Reports of four civilians killed during airstrikes across the governorate.   As part of the ceasefire agreement between non-DAIISH insurgents and  Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah), United Nations personnel began transporting wounded to neighboring Lebanon for treatment.

Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army says they killed 38 foreign insurgents, most from Chechnya.

U.S. made Israeli M109 Self Propelled 155mm Artillery Gun, supposedly on the occupied Golan Heights firing into Syria.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) lobed artillery rounds into Syria.  The IDF confirmed they targeted Syrian Arab Army command posts near al-Ba’ath City (aka New Quneitra City)!     Syrian Arab Army and Air Force conducted search and destroy missions.  They say they destroyed a 120mm cannon and numerous gun-trucks, many armed with mortars and 23mm guns.  Insurgents shot and wounded a nurse as she drove in her car, and they say they sniped and killed a Syrian Arab Army soldier.

Raqqa Governorate:  DAIISH al-Hesbah arrested three women at the Raqqa City amusement park for improper clothing.  Reports that that a supposed U.S. led NATO airstrike killed several DAIISH insurgents, however, no mention of it by U.S. led anti-Syria coalition.

Sweida Governorate: Local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) say they ambushed insurgents on the eastern sides of al-Lajat Plateau, killing four and capturing weapons and ammo.

Syria, 26 September 2015: Proof it’s not a Civil War, 30,000 foreign fighters prove it’s a Proxy War!

Syria, 26 September 2015: Proof it’s not a Civil War, 30,000 foreign fighters! NATO Turkey attacks refugees fleeing the Proxy War!

Reports out of Russia say Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq have agreed to establish a command center in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, with the goal of coordinating joint strikes against the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State).

The New York Times has revealed that the war in Syria is not a civil war as at least 30-thousand people from other countries, with ulterior motives, are doing the fighting.  That’s called a Proxy War!

Aleppo Governorate is one of several governorates sharing a border with U.S. led NATO Turkey. Turkey is a major inserter of foreign insurgents as part of the Proxy War in Syria.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report several battles with insurgents coming from NATO member Turkey.  The battles took place on the international highway in and out of Turkey.  Battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy and  al-Nairab Airport and Kweres (Quweires) airbase continued.  Reports of civilians killed after the Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed the insurgent controlled Hulk neighborhood of Aleppo city.   Reports that civilian POVs (Personally Owned Vehicle) have become collateral damage during fighting between YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) units and Nusra Front insurgents, as well as a woman wounded by a sniper.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted ten airstrikes on insurgent held areas of Aleppo City, with insurgents responding with artillery mortar fire, five civilians killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported that NATO member Turkey attacked Syrians who were fleeing the fighting in the town of Efrin.

Syrian Arab Army T72s retake farmland from insurgents in the Damascus area, earlier this year.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Insurgents fired artillery mortar rounds into Syrian Arab Army controlled  Dahiyat al-Assad, wounding several people.  Near al- Qadam, reports say DAESH and other insurgent groups reached a ceasefire agreement after days of fighting amongst themselves (the big sillies).

Daraa Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army claims to have destroyed a convoy of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  Reports say a Syrian anti-government rebel was blown up by his own motorcycle bomb, not sure if that was his intent.  Another claim that a man from the area was tortured to death in a prison in Damascus.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:   Reports that the DAESH commander,  who was a doctor from a Gulf Arab state, was killed while conducting the assault on Deir Ezzor airbase.  Reports that local militia (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) fought with DAESH over control of a radio station.

This female YPG fighter, manning a 12.7mm heavy machine gun on a T72 panzer, has more ‘balls’ than most ‘merican men!

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that an explosion caused by DAESH wounded a YPG fighter.  It happened during massive battles between YPG and DAESH, which included airstrikes that are not known if they were from the U.S. led NATO coalition or Syrian Arab Army Air Force.  At least five people were killed.

Russian made BM-21 Grad rocket launchers of the Syrian Arab Army.

Homs Governorate:   Reports that Syrian Arab Army fired artillery rockets into the insurgent controlled al-Wa’er neighborhood in Homs City, at least seven people killed, 20 wounded.  In al-Zahra neighborhood in Homs City, insurgents assassinated a retired Syrian Arab Army colonel by boobytrapping his POV with a bomb.  Battles continued for control of the Tadmur (Palmyra) area, as well the Jazal and Sha’er oil fields.  Two Syrian Arab Army personnel killed when DAESH detonated a remote control car bomb.

Even emergency responders like Red Crescent are targets. This ambulance in the city of Homs didn’t make it, I don’t know about the paramedics.

Idlib Governorate: Airstrikes reported on the town of Saraqeb, unknown number of people wounded.  The airstrikes came as people in the town began protesting the new ceasefire deal between non-DAESH insurgents and Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah).  The people aren’t against the ceasefire, they say they’re mad because Saraqeb town wasn’t included in it.  In other parts of the governorate hospitals, and Red Cross/Red Crescent personnel, prepared to accept mass casualties as part of the Iranian-Turkish brokered UN ceasefire agreement.

Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched airstrikes on Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents and their U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks.

Quneitra Governorate borders the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Israel has occupied Syria’s Golan since 1967, and it’s where Israeli backed insurgents cross into Syria.

Quneitra Governorate: Police report that Israeli backed insurgents conducted home invasions (Israeli settler style) in the al-Amal Farms, killing three civilians, one a seven years old girl along with her 70 years old grandmother.  There were reports of local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) engaging Israeli backed insurgents, one NDF personnel killed.  Reports that eight Syrian rebels were killed, including one that was a former Syrian Arab Army soldier.  At least three Syrian Arab Army personnel killed.

Syria, 25 September 2015: Children from around the world fight & die in Syria! 

Syria, 25 September 2015: NATO bombs Syrian refineries! Russia dumps refugees on NATO Norway! Children from around the world fight & die in Syria!

“It’s my deep belief that any actions to the contrary in order to destroy the legitimate government will create a situation which you can witness now in the other countries of the region or in other regions, for instance in Libya, where all the state institutions are disintegrated. We see a similar situation in Iraq……there is no other solution to the Syrian crisis than strengthening the effective government structures and rendering them help in fighting terrorism.”-Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

Police in NATO member Kingdom of Norway reports hundreds of refugees from Syria are flooding into their country via Russia.  The Syrians are given Russian travel visas in Syria, then once in Russia they head toward Norway.

U.S. backed insurgents with brand new Chevy (General Motors) gun-trucks. The U.S. DoD now admits U.S. trained rebels gave their brand new U.S. supplied equipment to DAESH!

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports they’ve discovered that many of the children being forced to fight and die in Syria, by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents, are actually from other countries.  They traced many child soldiers back to central Asia, specifically Kazakhstan and Turkistan.  Two DAESH (Islamic State) child soldiers reportedly executed two insurgents accused of being spies for Russia.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reports that many pro-government local militias (National Defense Forces) are using what they call cub-fighters, or young teenagers.  YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) are also accused of using child soldiers, however it should be noted that ‘humanitarian’ groups consider anybody younger than 18 a child soldier, that means I was a child soldier in the U.S. Army back in 1982.  I joined the U.S. Army the day I turned 17 years old.  One of my grandfathers joined the USMC when he was 16.  I had relatives younger than that fighting in the War Between the States (U.S. Civil War).  What matters is if the ‘child’ is being forced or tricked into fighting, or did they join up of their own free will?

More details on that reported ceasefire agreement. It was brokered by Iranian and Turkish diplomats through the United Nations.  It involves only Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) and non-DAESH (Islamic State) insurgents operating along the border between Lebanon and Syria.  Apparently the fighters who agreed to the ceasefire are tired of fighting each other and want to leave the areas they’ve occupied.  It also allows wounded civilians to leave so they can get medical help, and releases 5-hundred POWs.

Amazing, is this the Stairway to Heaven? A survivor of massive airstrikes in Syria.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army claims to have killed 60 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents along with an ammo depot. A civilian killed and several wounded. Battles raged between local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces) and Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) on one side and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra on the other.  There was a report that U.S. led NATO launched airstrikes in the northern area of the governorate after midnight, however, the only U.S. Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve mention of airstrikes on this day were against DAESH vehicles mainly in Iraq, claiming one DAESH vehicle in Syria’s Hasakah Governorate (on the Iraq border) was hit by coalition planes.  Reports that YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) units attacked DAESH (Islamic State) controlled Jarablis City, “killing and injuring dozens of terrorists”.  In Aleppo City, a report that a Syrian anti-government rebel was killed by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH insurgents.   Battles continue for control of the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles, of course that’s probably not what it’s called in Syria, but just think of all the personal records those insurgents will get their hands on if they capture the DMV) in Harasta City. Reports made it sound like various insurgent groups are also fighting each other to see who gets to control the DMV!

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force claims to have killed 14 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents in farm areas.  28 barrel bombs reportedly dropped around the Beit Jin farm.  Airstrikes and artillery bombardment of Douma City, at least three people killed.  DAESH chopped off the head of a wounded old man in Wadi Barada market.  They accused him of being a spy.

Daraa Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army claims to have destroyed a convoy of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) gun-trucks near the al-Sultan fuel refinery.  Insurgents were also attacked just to the south of the SyriaTel telecommunications building in al-Balad neighborhood of Daraa City.    Reports say U.S./U.K. backed Jordanian border guards shot and killed a Syrian as he was walking across the border.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Reports that U.S. led NATO bombed the Kuniko fuel refinery.  However, the only U.S. Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve mention of airstrikes on this day were against DAESH vehicles mainly in Iraq, claiming one DAESH vehicle in Syria’s Hasakah Governorate (on the Iraq border) was hit by coalition planes.

YPG T72 Russian made panzers defend Rojava against U.S. made DAESH (Islamic State)!

Hasakah Governorate:  DAESH attacked positions held by YPG near Tal Barak town.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched massive airstrikes against U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH around Tadmur (Palmyra).  Reports say besides dozens of DAESH killed or wounded, one civilian killed and dozens of civilians wounded.  A DAESH insurgent killed in the battle for Sha’er oil field.  Battles also raged for control of Syria’s largest airbase known as T4.

Idlib Governorate: Reports that 15 people were killed by Syrian Arab Army Air Force airstrikes.

Lattakia Governorate:  A wild fire was started in the Jabal al-Turkman area, by Syrian airstrikes.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report major battles across the governorate with insurgents being supplied by Israel (right across the border). Nusra Front insurgents came within 7km (4 miles) of Quneitra City.  Independent reports of major battles between pro-government militias and insurgents.

Sweida Governorate: The local secretary of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party has been kidnapped by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.  His POV (personally owned vehicle) was founded burnt out.

Syria, 24 September 2015: “the Americans have not delivered any weapons or ammunition to the YPG.”-Saleh Muslim, Kurdish Democratic Union Party

Syria, 24 September 2015: Examples of the ‘western’ news media getting it wrong! Proof U.S. Army training of ‘freedom fighters’ is a False Flag!

“Our main goal is the defeat of DAESH…..the Americans have not delivered any weapons or ammunition to the YPG.”-Saleh Muslim, Kurdish Democratic Union Party, in an interview saying Assad is not the problem and disputing U.S. claims that U.S. military help has ben sent to the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units)

Proof U.S. rebel training efforts are a False Flag:  “US-trained rebels who recently returned to Syria have lost contact with one of their officers and are investigating reports that he defected and handed over his weapons to al-Qaida’s branch in the country….   ….The first trained group, made up of 54 fighters, was wiped out by al-Qaida’s affiliate, the Jabhat al-Nusra or the Nusra Front, soon after it returned to Syria in July.”-theguardian

For the first time ever, the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, Norway, might be releasing seeds stored up for doomsday.   Lebanon based International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is asking for the release of seeds due to the long term drought in the Middle East, which is being exacerbated by the escalating U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war (note that the ‘western’ news media likes to blame the doomsday seed release totally on the war in Syria).

“Even if by miracle we were to resolve tomorrow the Syrian problem, Libya would remain an open and uncontrolled corridor…..And beyond Libya, there is the whole of Africa.”-Federica Mogherini, European Union Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

More proof the majority of ‘refugees’ flooding into Europe are not from Syria.  When you look at data from the United Nations the number of people who could be classified as refugees from Syria makes up only fraction of the hundreds of thousands of migrants storming into the EU.  On top of that, UN data shows the overwhelming majority of refugees from Syria are in refugee camps in the Middle East and North Africa.

Using data from 2014 the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates three million Syrians have fled their country, mainly to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, not Europe.  6.5-million Syrians are considered refugees within their own country.   Those European leaders who’re are calling for stricter rules to filter out true refugees from illegal migrant workers are correct.

And for proof the world doesn’t give a crap about Syrians, the UN World Health Organization reports that member nations have funded only 30% of what’s needed to operate the refugee camps just in the Middle East and North Africa: “The magnitude of needs continues to escalate. More than four years on and we’re seeing the same urgent health needs we saw in 2011, but on a much larger scale – trauma cases, severe mental health needs, communicable and non-communicable diseases, reproductive health issues.”-Nada Al Ward, WHO Emergency Support Team Amman, Jordan

Syria’s neighbor Lebanon says it has 1.1-million Syrians now living within its borders.  Education administrators are preparing to provide schooling for 200-thousand Syrian children.

Some of the refugees fleeing Syria were already refugees before the war in Syria started; Palestinians who fled the Israeli genocide against them.

French news sources say the pro-Syrian government local militias, formed in 2012, have grown to as many as 200-thousand strong. However, the list of militias include foreign volunteers from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine.

Lots of reports of intense battles which seemed ineffectual because there were relatively few reports of casualties, relative to the number of battles, by anybody!  Even Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported more than 35 thermobaric barrel bombs dropped, with seemingly nobody hurt!

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force say 120 U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (pronounced like a quick sounding Day-Esh, Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents killed in 24 hours of battles, including the continuing defensive battle for the Air Force Academy and the battle for al-Nairab Airport.   The insurgents are flooding in from Raqqah Governorate, which they control.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports a civilian was killed by insurgent mortar rounds, and that DAESH and other insurgent groups began fighting each other near the Syrian Arab Army infantry school.  A Syrian Arab Army Air Force officer killed when DAESH attacked the Kweres airbase.  In Ihras area, report that two civilians were killed after their car was boobytrapped with a bomb.  DAESH attacked several Shia towns in the northern areas, killing at least four civilians.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: Insurgents lobbed mortar rounds into the al-Wafidin Refugee Camp, wounding seven civilians, mostly children. Syrian Arab Army says they’ve regained control of the al-Ghouta hills, and are chasing insurgents along the Harasta Highway.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a man arrested a month ago in Deir Ezzor province, then put into a Damascus prison, was tortured to death.  In the city of Harasta reports that insurgents are attempting, for a second time in two months, to capture the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles, of course that’s probably not what it’s called in Syria, but just think of all the personal records those insurgents will get their hands on if they capture the DMV).

Daraa Governorate:   Battles reported in Daraa City.  Independent reports say two insurgents killed by airstrike in the town of al-Sheikh Meskin.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Reports that DAESH continues to assault the Deir Ezzor military airbase.

Hama GovernorateSyrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes against insurgents including Jaish al-Fatah.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian arab Army and Air Force units, along with local militias (officially known as Popular or National Defense Forces) continued battles with Nusra Front and DAESH, mainly around Tadmour (Palmyra) and the al-Shaer oil field.   In Homs City, several people arrested smuggling hash and heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan, as well as 3-thousand pills of the cheapo version of meth (methamphetamines) known as captagon.

Idlib Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes against insurgents including Jaish al-Fatah.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says nine civilians killed during an airstrike on the town of Kafroma.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes against Nusra Front.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and local militias engaged and destroyed several insurgent Toyota gun-trucks.

Sweida Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports destroying several DAESH camps.

22 – 23 September 2015: U.S.  has become impotent, ships in Heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan 

Israel’s unabashed role in the Syrian refugee crisis 

Syria, 22 – 23 September 2015: U.S. airstrikes shows NATO has become impotent! Heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan intercepted!

A Syrian Observatory for Human Rights investigation has revealed that 12 months of U.S. led NATO airstrikes against (their own covert) DAESH (Islamic State) insurgents has affected a grand total (net effect) of 15 square kilometers (9 miles) of territory! It was also shown that U.S.-led NATO rarely provided air support for either Syrian Arab Army, YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units)  or anti-Assad insurgents who were fighting against DAESH.   Either U.S.-NATO has become totally incompetent or it’s just more proof that DAESH actually works for U.S.-NATO.

NATO member France announced they are ready to begin airstrikes, but also said they no longer believe President Bashar al-Assad “has to go” as the U.S. demands: “We received specific intelligence indicating that the recent terrorist attacks against France and other European nations were organized by DAESH in Syria. Due to this threat we decided to start reconnaissance flights to have the option for airstrikes…”

‘Western’ sources say Russia has now delivered 28 new combat aircraft to Syria.  The report also says the Russian planes flew undetected to Syria by closely trailing commercial airliners.  It was only after they were on the ground that spy satellites spotted them.

As an example of ‘western’ news media hyperbol (bull-shit) the Financial Times says “Russia’s Syria build-up takes Iran by surprise“, while the Wall Street Journal says “Russia, Iran Seen Coordinating on Defense of Assad Regime…”  So which is it boys?

U.S. CentComm admitted to sending insurgents through NATO member Turkey into Syria to fight alongside, not against as earlier reports said, other insurgent groups.  CentComm added that the new insurgents were “moderate” compared to DAESH.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (pronounced like a quick sounding Day-Esh, Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including the long defensive battle for the Air Force Academy.  Reports say the Syrian Arab Army Air Force began nighttime airstrikes, possibly with the new aircraft from Russia.  More than 50 insurgents killed.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says at least 12 civilians killed by the battles, and DAESH executed three people for helping the Syrian Arab Army, and rival insurgent groups say they shot down a UAV (drone) operated by DAESH.  Near a school in the Aleppo City neighborhood of al-Telefon al-Hawa’ei a teacher and a student were shot and killed with explosive bullets.  No indication who shot them.  Reports of fighting between YPG and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents near al- Sheikh Maqsoud area.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  President Bashar al-Assad issued three executive orders.  One; increasing the pay of government civilian and military employees, as well as employees of companies in which the Syrian government holds 75% of the stocks.  The Ministry of Labor and Finance will decide the amount of wage/salary increase.  Two; increasing retirement pay for retired government employees.  Three; increases the amount of income that can be exempted from tax collections for all Syrians.   The executive orders go into effect in the Gregorian month of October.   The International Conference for Youths had the ‘balls’ to tour the damage caused by the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents in the town of Maaloula.    More proof the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war is about drug running, in Damascus City seven people arrested for trafficking hash and heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan.  Also, two insurgent mortar rounds landed in the city, but no civilians were hurt.  Jaish al-Islam insurgents fired a mortar round into the al-Wafideen refugee camp, killing one civilian and wounding three.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 20 thermobaric barrel bombs were dropped by the Syrian Arab Army Air Force on Daraya City.  Syrian Arab Army and local militia launched nighttime artillery strikes against insurgents near the city of Harasta.

Daraa Governorate:   Several battles reported, including near a technical college in Daraa City.  In the town of al- Shajrah the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Shohadaa al- Yarmouk Brigade put a man on public display in a cage, because he “insulted god”.  By the way, that’s the same bull-shit the Catholics did for nearly 1500 years, so don’t get all excited for Pope Francis ’cause it’s still the same Catholic church!  The Protestant colonists in North America did the same bull-shit, ever hear of being put on public display in the ‘stocks’?  Do your historical research!  More proof the insurgents are backed by the ‘christian’ west!

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Intense battles reported separately by the Syrian Arab Army and Air Force, and news sources.  DAESH launched a midnight assault on the Deir Ezzor airbase, but failed to capture the base, again.   At least 114 DAESH insurgents killed, 115 wounded.  Dozens of civilians killed or wounded. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says DAESH executed an insurgent they captured from another group.  Apparently DAESH and the other group from NATO member Turkey were fighting each other.  In the DAESH controlled al-Bokamal town, 15 civilians were ‘arrested’ by DAESH for violating DAESH laws, like not growing a beard or wearing clothing not approved by DAESH!  DAESH also ‘allowed’ limited access to the internet after banning it last week.

Hama GovernorateSyrian Observatory for Human Rights claims five people were tortured to death in government controlled prisons, but gave no details.

Homs Governorate:  Ground  battles and airstrikes intensified against DAESH in al-Qariatin and Tadmour (Palmyra) cities.  A battle raged for the al-Shaer oil field.  At least 60 DAESH insurgents killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the intense battles for Palmyra resulted in at least 12 civilians killed.  In Homs City, an Alawite woman was killed after a bus exploded, 12 people wounded.  There have been several days of reports of explosions targeting the Alawites.  In al-Zahraa, police report a car bomb exploded killing one civilian and wounding 15.   Reports say the residents of insurgent held al- Qaryatain are down to just one doctor for the war ravaged city.  Apparently the Syrian Arab Army Air Force began nighttime airstrikes against the city, followed by nighttime artillery strikes from the Syrian Arab Army.

Idleb Governorate:  Reports of nighttime airstrikes by Syrian Arab Army Air Force, but no word concerning casualties.  It turns out the reports of ceasefire involve towns along the border with Lebanon, and is between insurgents and Shiite militias.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army says they killed 20 insurgents, 15 were from Chechnya.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports a battle with an insurgent group called Bait al-Maqdes in Horan and Golan.  They say the insurgents are connected to Muslim Brotherhood.

Raqqah Governorate:  12 people killed by airstrikes meant to hit insurgents. Witnesses say some of those killed were DAESH insurgents.  Locals said DAESH al- Hesbah police have ‘arrested’ several people including a woman who refused to cover her face in public.

Sweida Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army says they hit a group of DAESH in Kherbat Saab.

21 September 2015: John Kerry reveals U.S. will ramp up the war!

Syria, 21 September 2015: Israel promises to avoid attacking Russians! John Kerry reveals war will ramp up! Hezbollah to quit fighting in Syria!

21 September 2015 (16:28 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Shahrivar 1394/07 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/09 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“We strongly condemn the criminal shelling against the Russian diplomatic mission in Damascus.  Moscow expects a clear stance by members of the international community, including regional sides, regarding this criminal act.”-Russian Foreign Ministry

A day after insurgents begged Israel to impose a ‘no fly zone’ over Syria, Reuters claims Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised Russian President Vladimir Putin to “prevent misunderstandings between IDF [Israel Defense Force] units and Russian forces” in Syria.

This comes as Israeli news sources say Russia has begun UAV (drone) recon missions within Syria.

Israel’s SodaStream claims it will provide 1-thousand Syrian refugees with jobs.

“The U.S. has long been trying to remove Syrian President Assad…U.S. interests also weaken Europe….     Turkey now attacking the Kurds….”-Miloslav Ransdorf, Czech Republic’s Minister to the European Union Parliament

Does the evil unconstitutional leadership of the United States know something?  Why did John Kerry announce a phased increase of war refugees from the around the world (not just Syria) for the next two years?

Specifically in fiscal 2016 the number of war refugees that the U.S. ‘officially’ takes-in will go from 70-thousand per year to 85-thousand.  But in fiscal 2017 it’ll jump to 100-thousand!  Why?  If the ‘advanced’ power players of the world are truly working to end the wars why is the U.S. expecting such a huge increase in refugees?

John Kerry’s statements about the phased increase of war refugees came a day after he told the world that “Assad must go” but also said there was no set deadline for getting rid of Assad.

Lebanon news sources say the Lebanese Resistance Regiments will end their operations within Syria once the city of Zabadani is fully liberated from EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that Syrian Arab Army Air Force ‘Hip’ helicopters continued their months long thermobaric barrel bombings across several governorates where U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents are concentrated.   Hundreds of people killed from barrel bombs just today.

Aleppo Governorate: In Aleppo City, Syrian Arab Army says U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents launched artillery rocket attacks killing two civilians and wounding six.   However, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights believes at least one of the rocket attacks came from the Syrian Arab Army and was targeting DAESH held territory, but resulted in four civilians being killed.  United Kingdom news sources say the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) are planing to capture the DAESH held Syria-Turkey border crossing of Jarabulus.  The Independent predicts this will royally piss off NATO member Turkey. 

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Police report a Jaish al-Islam insurgent artillery mortar round impacted near the al-Hal market in al-Zablatani, one person killed.

Daraa Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army reports multiple battles with insurgents including U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  Many homemade bombs had to be disarmed.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:     Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports five civilians killed by airstrikes, and one 18 years old killed by DAESH sniper.

Hama Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force conducted airstrikes using thermobaric barrel bombs, while the Army conducted artillery strikes, across northern areas. 

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents blew up two car bombs at the entrance of Mishrafa Village, killing four civilians and wounding four others.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports DAESH attacked YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units).

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army battles with DAESH north of Shaer Mountain to the north west of Tadmur (Palmyra).  Police report two insurgent artillery rocket rounds impacted on a bus station near a clinic, killing a child and wounding five people.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli  insurgents targeted Alawites by planting a bomb in a car. The owner of the car was killed when got in.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army says they killed 24 insurgents near the Mediterranean coastal villages of al-Shahrora and Zahia.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports battles with Jabhat al-Nusra.  Reports say insurgent vehicle convoy hit with guided missiles.

Raqqah Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force reports battles with DAESH in Raqqa City.

20 September 2015: Yet again, weenie head Islamic State blows itself up by accident!

Syria, 20 September 2015: Rebels beg Israel to invade! 500 insurgents surrender! Yet again, weenie head Islamic State blows itself up by accident!

“The decade of Islamophobic U.S. policy is bearing fruit! Germany is partly to blame for the Middle East wars. To change it must abandon its policy of placating the occupying state of Israel!”-Albrecht Schröter, ballsy mayor of Jenas, Deutschland

‘Western’ news sources have reported that a ceasefire has been agreed upon, even Iranian news sources are repeating the claim, however there is no mention of any ceasefire on the official Syrian news website.

“75 new fighters trained in a camp near the Turkish capital entered Aleppo province between Friday night and Saturday morning.”-Rami Abdel Rahman, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

There are reports that 75 U.S. Army trained insurgents have crossed into Syria from NATO member Turkey.  U.S. sources claim the insurgents are supposed to fight DAESH (Islamic State), however for the past few days the Syrian Arab Army has reported being attacked by insurgents from Turkey (as I’ve posted).  Note in the above quote the claim that the U.S. trained insurgents entering into Syria on Friday and Saturday coincides with the attacks on the Syrian Arab Army, not DAESH!

According to Sightline Media Group’s DefenseNews, Syrian ‘rebels’ are begging Israel to go to war with Syria: “In a new overture toward Israel, Syrian activist and director of the Damascus Institute for Research and Studies, Kamal Al-Labwani, has called for Israel to enforce a no-fly zone in southern Syria….”

A Russian news source says a Russian military unit has refused to serve in Syria.

Aleppo Governorate: Aleppo City police report insurgent artillery rocket and mortar attacks killed 15 civilians and wounded 33.    Are these the insurgent sent in by the United States through Turkey?

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Syrian Arab Army liberates al-Kassarat area in Haratsa. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says they counted 30 thermobaric barrel bombs dropped by Syrian Arab Army Air Force.  In the town of Jeroud an insurgent bomb exploded killing one person.  In Dahya al-Assad reports that a Syrian Arab Army armored vehicle was destroyed, killing the crew.  5-hundred insurgents surrendered to the Syrian Arab Army: “Damascus Countryside is making intensive efforts to promote reconciliation, rebuilding and rehabilitation of areas over which the Syrian Army establishes control in cooperation with other parties in the province.”-Hussein Makhlouf, governor

Daraa Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army says they cut Israeli supply lines for Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front), also hitting Nusra Front targets in Zimrin and Simlin villages.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Battle between Syrian Arab Army and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) in al-Hweiqa.

Hama Governorate: Battles continue between Syrian Arab Army and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.  Syrian Arab Army engineers disarmed four homemade bombs near the village of Khneifis.

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that in DAESH controlled al-Silaliyeh village one of their own bombs exploded, killing dozens of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH weenie heads.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army battles with DAESH north of Shaer Mountain to the north west of Tadmur (Palmyra).  In Homs City police report insurgents planted a bomb in a Hyundai looking taxi, and when the taxi driver got in it blew up, killing the driver.

Idleb Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes across the governorate against U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents, including those from Uzbekistan (Osbkih) and Chechnya.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports airstrikes against insurgents in the northern part of the governorate.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says that despite several battles nobody reported any casualties.   The Gathering of Expatriates for Syria in France donated an ambulance, medical equipment and clothing to a clinic in Qirdaha City.

Quneitra Governorate: The Syrian Arab Army targeted Nusra Front insurgents on the strategic Mas’hara hill.

Arab League turns out to be Israeli League in disguise!

Conflicting reports in Syria show murkier side of US train and equip program

“The U.S. Central Command has strictly denied that U.S. troops are working on the ground with Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) forces in Syria, clarifying a recent statement from General Lloyd Austin, the head of Centcom.” 

50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

Syria, 19 September 2015: More NATO Turkish invaders annihilated! Arab League turns out to be Israeli League in disguise!

“…Assad has to go…..It doesn’t have to be on day one or month one……reach an understanding of how this can best be achieved.”-John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State

“[Syrian Kurds] pushed ISIL back and in the process, regained more than 17,000 square kilometers of territory — more than 6,500 square miles — previously held by the enemy. They’ve also retaken critical border crossing points between Syria and Turkey, including Kobani [and] Tal Abyad, and going forward, this should help abate the flow of foreign fighters into Syria. So, we want to see these anti-ISIL forces operating in Syria continue to be successful.”-Lieutenant  Colonel Patrick Ryder, USAF, but could the last sentence be an Orwellian Double Speak?

“A newly-declassified CENTCOM document……  ….reveals for the first time that French, Canadian, Dutch and Australian aircraft have all been involved in problem incidents in Iraq, which between them allegedly killed up to 30 civilians.”

Despite the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed wars in Syria and Iraq the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding expanding trade between the Syrian Exporters Union and the Iraqi Peasants Associations.

The Alliance of Palestinian Resistance Forces, in Syria, condemns the Arab League’s silence over the Israeli occupation and shutdown al-Aqsa Mosque in al-Quds (Jerusalem). Palestinian Resistance Forces say this proves the Arab League is actually an Israeli League.

The U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) has proclaimed “It is strictly forbidden to run any Internet system or publisher (Wi-Fi) starting from the morning of 6 / Thu al-Hijjah / 1436 H, corresponding to 19th / September / 2015 until further notice, and at any place within the sector of al-Bokamal.”

Aleppo Governorate: The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue to engage in heavy fighting with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including near the Syrian Arab Army Air Force Academy.  Street fighting rages in the city of Aleppo, an insurgent tunnel was blown up.  Along the border with NATO member Turkey, the town of Hareitan was destroyed as insurgents coming from Turkey were using it as a staging point as they invaded Syria.   In the northest part of the governorate reports that DAESH attacked YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) positions.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force tried to support YPG by launching airstrikes against DAESH.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Syrian Arab Army, Palestinian Liberation Army, local militias and Lebanese Resistance Regiments continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jaish al-Islam insurgents, in an attempt to push them to the city’s center.  In the eastern part of the province (governorate) battles raged near the Rahma fuel station.

Daraa Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army attacked supply lines (lines of communications) of Jabhat al-Nusra.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  DAESH (Islamic State) continued to attacked a military air base.  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched numerous airstrikes.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 12 local pro-Syria militia were killed.

Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed Jabhat al-Nusra insurgents in the villages of al-Bahsa and al-Enkawi. DAESH was also bombed in an airstrike in al-Baroudi farm south of Qasr Ibn Wardan village.

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports of airstrikes against DAESH.

Homs Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continued to fight insurgents across the governorate.  In the northern area battles continue with DAESH (Islamic State) near Tadmur (Palmyra), including the al-Hail oil field 40km east of Tadmur.  Independent reports say 12 DAESH killed and 14 civilians killed.

Idleb Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force and local Shia militias report increased battles, not just with Jaish Al-Fateh and Jabhat al-Nusra, but with Turkistan (Uighur) Islamic Party, Jund al-Aqsa, and fighters from Uzbekistan (Osbkih) and Chechnya.   At least 12 insurgent vehicles, including three main battle tanks, a BMP (armored personnel carrier) and five car bombs, were destroyed. Vehicles rescuing the defeated insurgents (in Ma’aret Masreen town near al-Foua’a) came from NATO member Turkey, crossing the border back into Turkey with dozens of dead and wounded.  News reports out of Lebanon say more than 1-hundred U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents were killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says Nusra Front insurgents executed 71 captured Syrian Arab Army Air Force personnel at the Abu al-Duhur air base.

Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force reported they killed more than 80 Jabhat al-Nusra insurgents along the Mediterranean coastline.

Raqqah Governorate: Unconfirmed reports that DAESH (Islamic State) destroyed a YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units of Rojava) vehicle.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says insurgents blew up the Kurdish People’s House of the Democratic Union Party building.

Sweida Governorate: Syrian Arab Army continued battles with DAESH (Islamic State) in al-Saqiyeh village.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a man was beheaded by DAESH (Islamic State) for being a witch! 

Syria, 18 September 2015: Insurgent supply lines hit inside Israel! Refugees flooding Europe proven to be False Flag!

“We should be optimistic, because the Russian side realizes what is plotted against Syria and realizes the dangers of the spread of DAESH, Jabhat al-Nusra and al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations…That’s why the Russian decision in this regard is clear, and we in Syria welcome this Russian stance.”-Walid al-Moallem, Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign & Expatriates Minister

Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon says President Putin will present a three stage plan to end the war in Syria on 28 September.

In Moscow, Russia, government officials said that if Syria asks for increased military help it will be considered.

United States claims Russia has sent four military aircraft to Syria.  No mention by Syrian or Russian news sources, but if you realize that Syria has been buying military weapons from Russia, and the Soviet Union since the 1960s, then it’s a case of No Shit Sherlock (dumb ‘merican military leaders)!  The warmongering Wall Street Journal called the normal arrival of four aircraft as “a major military escalation”.  (did the weenie heads at WSJ think the ‘liberation of Iraq’ was armageddon? Oh that’s right, Shock & Awe)

The People’s Republic of China’s ambassador to Syria expressed support for Syria as it concerns China’s new economic policy known as One Belt One Road Initiative.

The European Union has determined that four out of five refugees are not Syrian!  They are Afghans, Albanians (no war in their country), Ethiopians, Iraqis, Nigerians and Pakistanis.  The majority are economic migrants not war refugees.

Aleppo Province: The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue to engage in heavy fighting with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including near the Syrian Arab Army Air Force Academy.

Damascus area:  Syrian Arab Army and Lebanese Resistance Regiments continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jaish al-Islam insurgents, including a battle near the sports stadium in Douma City.  Reports that two tunnels used by insurgents blew up.  The Syrian Arab Army has been boobytrapping any tunnels they find.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports at least two Syrian Arab Army personnel killed and three insurgents killed.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says they counted at least 15 thermobaric ‘barrel’ bombs dropped on the city of Darayya.

Daraa Province:  The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continued their assaults against insurgents and the areas they control.  Unconfirmed reports of 21 people killed.

Deir Ezzor Province:  DAESH (Islamic State) attacked a military air base.  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force say they repelled the attack.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a man was beheaded by DAESH (Islamic State) for being a witch!

Hama Province: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force engaged U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jaish Al-Fateh.

Homs Province:  In the southwest part of the province Syrian Arab Army and Air Force stopped an offensive by Jabhat al-Nusra.  In the northern part of the province battles took place with DAESH (Islamic State), including 25 airstrikes near Tadmur (Palmyra).

Idleb Province:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force continued airstrikes against Jaish Al-Fateh and Jabhat al-Nusra, including the destruction of Nusra Front’s Sharia Court.  A Nusra Front gun-truck was destroyed with a Russian guided missile. Nusra Front hit two villages with four car bombs and rocket artillery strikes.  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says as many as 250 rockets were fired into the villages of al-Foua and Kefraya.  No reports concerning casualties.

Lattakia Province: Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched numerous airstrikes against insurgent positions.

Quneitra Province: Syrian Arab Army targeted supply lines (lines of communications) for Jabhat al-Nusra, inside Israel!  The border village of Bureiqa is considered the main crossing point of supplies from Israel.

Raqqa Province: Unconfirmed reports that DAESH (Islamic State) destroyed a YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units of Rojava)  vehicle.

Sweida Province: Syrian Arab Army engaged in several battles with DAESH (Islamic State), including the destruction of a DAESH convoy.

U.S. lies….NATO insurgents destroyed! Insurgent supplies coming from U.S. controlled Jordan!

Syria, 17 September 2015: U.S. lies about helping Kurds! More proof U.S. is sending in the Chechens! Turkish insurgents destroyed! Insurgent supplies coming from U.S. controlled Jordan!

“If he’s not the overall military commander for the Islamic State, he’s definitely in charge of the Northern Syrian Front, which is one of the most active and serious.”-U.S. veteran Mitchell Prothero claiming a U.S. trained insurgent is a top DAESH in Syria commander, PBS Newshour interview

“That’s when we noticed that several members of the unit had American military Combat Infantryman Badges on their right shoulders from the 82nd Airborne. To defuse the tension, I pulled out my American passport and declared that they couldn’t arrest comrades they’d fought alongside, as I had done numerous embeds with the 82nd in Iraq, where some of these men had been stationed earlier that year.”-U.S. veteran Mitchell Prothero describing his first encounter with a man who is now known as Abu Omar al Shishani, a U.S. trained Chechen now a top leader of DAESH (Islamic State in Syria).

“We trained him well, and we had lots of help from America.”-former Georgian defense official about Shishani.  Now, remember who did the Boston Bombings?  That’s right, Chechens whom ‘conspiracy theorists’ say were supported by the U.S.

U.S. Army General Lloyd J. Austin III told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Special Forces have been assisting Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Rojava.  However, I’ve read the official YPG news site and there’s no mention of U.S. forces helping them!


In fact, YPG representatives accuse U.S. backed Syrian National Coalition of supporting DAESH (Islamic State): The [U.S. led] coalition….have been providing political and financial support to DAESH since the radical group swept into Rojava…..U.S. and European powers must reconsider their relations with the Syrian National Coalition. This opposition bloc claims to back the aspirations of the Syrian people while it actually funds the terrorist group of DAESH.”-Redur Khalil

“…it is illegal for Australia to bomb in Syria. There is no UN imprimatur for Australia to bomb in the sovereign state of Syria. It’s as simple as that. Moreover, the Government’s claim that it will be legal by virtue of collective self-defence is simply untrue. The fact is that the sovereign state of Syria, as odious as the Assad regimen is, does not pose a threat to any other country.”-Andrew Wilkie, Australian Member of Parliament

“French air strikes on Syria will start within a few weeks…..133 French citizens or residents have been killed fighting for IS [DAESH].”-Radio France Internationale (rfi), so, does this mean the reason for the French airstrikes is because they’re tired of seeing their citizens dying for DAESH (Islamic State)?  Who’re they really going to be bombing?

Aleppo Province: The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue to engage in heavy fighting with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including near the al-Neirab Airport.  In Kafr Hamra, Syrian Arab Army claims to have destroyed insurgents sent in by NATO member Turkey.

Damascus area:  Syrian Arab Army and Lebanese Resistance Regiments continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) in their efforts to push them towards the center of al-Zabadani City.  In Harasta, an insurgent artillery mortar attack hit a hospital bus, killing two civilians and wounding 20.  In al-Zablatani and al-Qassaa, police report insurgent mortar attacks wounding one civilian and destroying two POVs (personally owned vehicles).

Daraa Province:  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force attacked the supply lines (lines of communication) of Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) which originate in the U.K./U.S. controlled Kingdom of Jordan.

Hama Province: Syrian Arab Army reports engaging and destroying insurgents operating gun-trucks armed with 23mm guns.  In Misyaf City, Customs Police captured a car loaded with 8-thousand 4-hundred rounds of machine gun ammo.  The driver was arrested.

Homs Province:  Syrian Arab Army engaged several DAESH (Islamic State) groups throughout the province.

Idleb Province:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed a U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jaish Al-Fateh convoy on the al-Frekeh/al-Ziara road.

Raqqa Province: Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed DAESH (Islamic State) positions inside Raqqa City.

“So….they will have more refugees!”

The Secret Arms Deal Behind America’s Syria Fiasco