German immigration administrators have discovered that 30% of ‘refugees’ are not from Syria and are not fleeing war.
Lebanon reports their economy is suffering as a result of the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated proxy war in Syria. Ships are stuck in Lebanese ports because the overland routes to Iraq, Jordan and points east run through Syria.
Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DawlA, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria])
Aleppo Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy and al-Nairab Airport and Kweres (Quweires) airbase, at least 40 people killed. Reports that a vehicle exploded at a DAIISH checkpoint on the Damascus-Aleppo Highway, three people killed. Kurdish news sources said three Kurds killed and 15 wounded by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Nusra Front insurgents who fired multiple artillery mortar rounds into Sheik Maksoud neighborhood of Aleppo City.

Insurgents using a Mac laptop to aim a mortar.
Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: In Damascus City, four people wounded after an insurgent artillery mortar round impacted near al-Sheikh Reslan Mosque in Bab Touma neighborhood.
Daraa Governorate: Syrian Arab Army says they prevented Nusra Front insurgents from capturing the power plant in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood of Daraa City.

The French didn’t say but they probably used Rafales to bomb the shit out of the Palm Orchard in Deir Ezzor.
Deir Ezzor Governorate: Reports that citizens might be rebelling against DAIISH control; masked men on motorcycles shot at DAIISH al-Hesbah (Islamic Police) in the city of al- Mayadin, possibly killing two of them. The rebellion against DAIISH comes after al-Hesbah shutdown the al- Mayadin amusement park. Two children killed by an explosion near the al- Siyasiyya Bridge. Reports from witnesses that the NATO French airstrike wasted a palm orchard, despite French claims that they destroyed a DAIISH training camp: “We hit a training camp which could pose a threat to our national security.”-Francois Hollande, dip-noodle president of France
Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force battled Jaish a-Fateh insurgents.
Hasakah Governorate: Fierce battles continue between DAIISH and YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units). Witnesses say it looks like DAIISH took territory today. The video above is of YPG advances back in May. It shows Toyota gun-trucks, T55 Russian made panzers and MTLB tracked armored transporter.
Homs Governorate: Battles continued for control of the Tadmur (Palmyra) area, as well the Jazal and Sha’er oil fields. Syrian Arab Army Air Force continued airstrikes against DAIISH, while Syrian Arab Army ground forces chased after Nusra Front insurgents. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted “at least 20” airstrikes. Two civilians killed, one wounded, in Homs City after an artillery rocket round impacted in the public park in Ekrima neighborhood. Reports of 17 casualties after artillery rockets impacted the al-Waer neighborhood.
Idlib Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed Jaish a-Fateh convoys, destroying many U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks. Jaish a-Fateh attacked the towns of al-Fouaa and Kefraya with artillery rockets, no reports of casualties. Reports of four civilians killed during airstrikes across the governorate. As part of the ceasefire agreement between non-DAIISH insurgents and Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah), United Nations personnel began transporting wounded to neighboring Lebanon for treatment.
Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army says they killed 38 foreign insurgents, most from Chechnya.

U.S. made Israeli M109 Self Propelled 155mm Artillery Gun, supposedly on the occupied Golan Heights firing into Syria.
Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) lobed artillery rounds into Syria. The IDF confirmed they targeted Syrian Arab Army command posts near al-Ba’ath City (aka New Quneitra City)! Syrian Arab Army and Air Force conducted search and destroy missions. They say they destroyed a 120mm cannon and numerous gun-trucks, many armed with mortars and 23mm guns. Insurgents shot and wounded a nurse as she drove in her car, and they say they sniped and killed a Syrian Arab Army soldier.
Raqqa Governorate: DAIISH al-Hesbah arrested three women at the Raqqa City amusement park for improper clothing. Reports that that a supposed U.S. led NATO airstrike killed several DAIISH insurgents, however, no mention of it by U.S. led anti-Syria coalition.
Sweida Governorate: Local militias (officially known as National Defense Forces, NDF) say they ambushed insurgents on the eastern sides of al-Lajat Plateau, killing four and capturing weapons and ammo.
Syria, 26 September 2015: Proof it’s not a Civil War, 30,000 foreign fighters prove it’s a Proxy War!