Tag Archives: occupy

“Get your stuff it’s time to leave.”: U.S. industrial/mining/logistics layoffs, July 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in July 2018.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

The Washington Post: Millions of educated, experienced workers have been tossed aside

ALABAMA: Hyundai plant could be first shut down under tariff plan

ALASKA: Oil giant reports 2018 profit, compared to big 2017 loss

ConocoPhillips Swaps Assets With BP, Expands Alaska Base

CALIFORNIA: No more Barbie or Hot Wheels? El Segundo based Mattel announced plans to eliminate at least 2-thousand-2-hundred toy jobs around the world, due to massive crashing sales possibly due to the death of retailer Toys R Us! Already Mattel laid off 140 people at its El Segundo HQ! Furniture company Minson Corporation issued a shutdown WARN for its Montebello ops, 113 jobs gone by September!  Freight Handlers Incorporated (FHI) issued a shutdown WARN for its Riverside ops, 115 jobs gone by September! Recycler Aqua Metals issued a shutdown WARN for its Alameda location, 12 jobs gone in September.  Golden State Overnight Delivery Service issued layoff WARNs for its Gardena and Santa Ana ops, 138 jobs gone mid-September!  ITW Bay Area Label issued a shutdown WARN for its San Jose ops, 54 jobs gone by October.  MV Transportation eliminating 135 jobs in Visalia, by the end of September!

COLORADO: Drillers Fuel Record Oil Output in Rush to Finish Wells

FLORIDA: C&S Wholesale Services eliminating 319 jobs in Orlando by October!

IDAHO:  Bankrupt and suddenly dead Indiana based Koontz-Wagner Custom Controls suddenly laid off 51 people at its now dead Caldwell ops.

ILLINOIS: Iconic cosmetics maker/seller Avon (now known as New Avon) just sold-off its last U.S. factory, in Morton Grove-Chicago, to a French company, 3-hundred to 4-hundred jobs affected!  The French company will make products for British empire United Kingdom owned Walgreens-Boots Alliance.  One of the last U.S. plastic model kit and RC toy manufacturers/distributors, Hobbico, officially chapter 7 bankrupt dead, resulting in iconic Revell kits being 100% German owned.  In Chicago, MW Industries issued a shutdown WARN, 49 jobs gone by Xmas.  In Aurora, Jacobson Warehouse issued a shutdown WARN, 134 jobs gone due to consolidation operations!  Stack-On Products issued shutdown WARNs for its operations in Wauconda and McHenry, 153 jobs gone in October!

INDIANA:  In Bristol, Diversified Machine warning 5-hundred employees of layoffs due to losing a contract with Ford!   Chapter 7 bankrupt and suddenly dead Koontz-Wagner Custom Controls suddenly laid off 104 people (according to official WARN) at its now dead South Bend factory and HQ, one employee told local news media there was no warning: “No one knew about it to 9 o’ clock this morning when we had a meeting and they told us ‘We are shutting the doors. Get your stuff it’s time to leave.'”-Ron Randolph, employee for 16 years

Japan based Wire-Maker TOKUSEN Says it Will Idle Clark County Operation

IOWA: Construction industry tool maker Black Cat Wear Parts laid off ten people, blaming it on the tariff war with British empire Canada.  Winnebago Industries eliminating 31 jobs by the end of August.

KENTUCKY: Greeting card maker American Greetings shutting down its factory in Bardstown, more than 250 jobs lost between September 2018 and February 2019!

MASSACHUSETTS: Partly taxpayer funded uniform maker Pepperell Mills now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and liquidating.  Technetics Group shutting down ops in Oxford due to “the current industrial gas turbine market”, 97 jobs lost.

MINNESOTA: United Sports Brands eliminating 20 jobs in Minnetonka, by November.

MISSOURI: Lawnmower engine maker Briggs and Stratton cutting production and warning of mass layoffs at its factory in Popular Bluff, in “coming weeks”, due to lack of sales.  Also in Popular Bluff, Mid Continent Nail Corporation cut production by half and laid off 60 people, blaming lack of sales on new tariff wars.

NEW YORK:  Fischer Price laid off 50 people at its HQ, as part of parent company Mattel’s plan to eliminate thousand of jobs globally!  Advanced Motors and Drives issued a layoff WARN for its East Syracuse location, 51 jobs gone between August 2018 and March 2019.  Verrino Construction Services now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to lack of cash caused by lack of sales. Hebeler Process Solutions issued layoff WARNs, at least 60 jobs gone in September due to a sudden loss of sales from a major customer.

NORTH CAROLINA: American Tire Distributors suddenly laid off 1-hundred people because “…the industry is going through its largest change in decades”.  Home furnishings maker Heritage Home Group (Broyhill, Lane, Thomasville, and Drexel Heritage) now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Mattress maker Serta Simmons shutting down its factory in Whitsett, 112 jobs gone by September!

OHIO: Chinese owned (Hong Kong) vacuum cleaner maker TTI Floor Care (Oreck) issued a shutdown WARN for its Glenwillow ops, at least 75 jobs gone starting in September due “to changing business circumstances” forcing the company to consolidate operations.  Germany based Siemens issued a shutdown WARN for its Aero-Derivative Gas Turbine ops, 134 jobs gone “due to conditions within the global energy market”.

OKLAHOMA: Aircraft parts maker NORDAM Group now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to problems with Pratt & Whitney Canada, local news media say NORDAM is the second biggest employer in the state.

U.S. oil production hits 11 million barrels a day

PENNSYLVANIA: ArcelorMittal Plate issued a layoff WARN, 125 people in Conshohocken jobless by September!  Jacobson Warehouse issued a shutdown WARN for its Lancaster ops, 62 jobs gone in September.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Tariffs Imperil BMW in South Carolina

SOUTH DAKOTA: Hultgren Construction now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to lawsuits over a deadly building collapse.

TENNESSEE: TEC Industrial Maintenance & Construction laid off 238 people due to a lost contract!

TEXAS: Bankrupt and suddenly dead Indiana based Koontz-Wagner Custom Controls suddenly laid off 52 people at its now dead Houston ops.

WASHINGTON: Germany based logistics company Arvato issued a shutdown WARN for its Yakima ops, 168 jobs gone by the end of September!

WEST VIRGINIA: MRC Global shutting down its Nitro distribution center, 38 jobs lost to consolidation ops.

Diversified Gas & Oil buys EQT assets

Pinnacle Mine to lay off roughly 90 miners

WISCONSIN: Mayline-Safeco laying off 127 furniture makers in September, as part of plans to shutdown operations at several locations by November! Cooper Power Systems eliminating 52 mechanic jobs by September.  In Waukesha, General Electric (GE) laying off 236 people by shutting down its Distributed Power Facility!


Taxes & New Laws prove it’s no Land of the Free!: U.S. government shenanigans, July 2018

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of United States Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for July 2018:

It’s ironic that during the month that the independence of the United States was officially declared, a massive amount of new imperialist laws and taxations were made!

04 July 1776:  How Taxes, Tariffs & Tea Led To American Independence

Why is there a lawyer shortage? Maybe it’s because too many Americans have become Dumbed Down!  “It’s an intense time for recent law school graduates, and following wave after wave of record-setting failure rates on bar exams nationwide, many of them are incredibly nervous about how they’ll perform on the July 2018 exam.”

ALABAMA: Shelby, other senators criticized for spending July 4th in Russia

Alabama to enforce internet sales tax collections

ALASKA: Anchorage Marijuana Store Owner fails to pay taxes

Alaska Wants to Fight Warming While Still Drilling for Oil

ARIZONA: Hundreds of new laws

Arizona tops record state revenue, supposedly due to high tax collections rate

ARKANSAS: ‘Non-profit’ Preferred Family Healthcare loses taxpayer funded contracts after being caught in a state lawmaker corruption scandal!

CALIFORNIA:  The Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission issued a layoff WARN, 47 jobs gone in September.

What You Need to Know About California’s New Data Privacy Law

New staffing law bedevils nursing homes

Hate crimes rise for third straight year

Gun owners couldn’t meet registration deadline due to state computer crashes, yet that didn’t stop spike in assault weapon registrations

Glendale police detective pleads guilty to obstruction, lying to feds

U.S. Marine sentenced in stabbing of Janesville man

Millionaires Leaving California Over Taxes

Tesla will be the first automaker to lose the taxpayer funded federal tax credit for electric cars

COLORADO:  Federal tax payers funding repair of storm damaged Reservoir In Thornton

How a Denver Post reporter found that thousands of Colorado court cases have been hidden from public view

How To Protect Your Colorado License Plates From Theft


rise in online dating, internet crimes

police chief retires amid scrutiny over suicide probe

DELAWARE: County corrections officer charged with sexual misconduct 

FLORIDA: Search and rescue volunteer arrested for impersonating a cop

Corrections officer arrested and fired after she beat pregnant shackled woman

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to surrender guns

Hundreds of new laws that took effect July 1 (and one law that didn’t)

GEORGIA: Gang activity getting worse

Other Georgia laws that took effect 

GUAM: Lieutenant governor apologized for grabbing a police officer’s holstered gun at the Tumon barbecue street festival

HAWAII: 2 arrested after cop killed 

Appeals court: 2nd Amendment protects open carry of guns

IDAHO: Once again exalted taxpayer funded leaders of Pocatello are claiming their city is booming, even placing an article in the local newspaper disputing all claims of increasing poverty.  Pocatello native Reverend Roger Bray got so upset he countered with his own article saying “…the poverty rate in Bannock County was 16 percent of our households; while households classified in the ALICE category were listed at 22 percent. The combined rate of those struggling added up 38 percent of all Bannock County households…   ….the conclusions of the 24/7 Wall St. study and the ALICE study, conducted by two divergent groups with different methodologies and for different purposes, converge. Together they demonstrate that there are significant economic challenges faced by a large portion of our community…..   …the levy rate for Pocatello has moved up steadily. Pocatello now has the highest accumulative property tax rate of the 10 largest cities in Idaho….” 

Refugee who fled violence in Ethiopia mourns daughter slain in Boise

Domestic violence deaths are on the rise in Idaho – especially murder

Prison overcrowding forces Ada County To Study Criminal Justice Reform

Statewide prison overcrowding causing ‘criminal justice crisis,’ may have to declare emergency

New Tricky Trespass Laws

Drivers ticketed for going too slow under new law

Planned Parenthood, ACLU Sue Idaho (and taxpayer funded leaders of Idaho have a real good record of losing lawsuits)

Idaho Public Utilities Commission postpones Avista and Hydro One merger 

Idaho gears up to boost logging on federal land

ILLINOIS: More than half the state’s counties are on a poverty watch list

Nearly 2,300 women are now serving time in prison

transgender woman sues to move to women’s prison

Herrin Police Department initiates new ‘street crimes’ unit

property crime up in Rockford

Belleville cop forced woman into sex act

INDIANA: The city of Fort Wayne not renewing a contract with Fleet Services Company, 25 taxpayer funded jobs gone in September.

Van Buren town marshal arrested on burglary and thefts charges

Dozens of NEW Laws Went Into Effect (eyeball tattoos?)

IOWA: New state laws affecting farmers

KANSAS: New state laws

tax receipts up $1.2 billion from previous year, due to lawmakers reneging on promised state income tax cuts!

KENTUCKY: Record number of new laws you have to obey!

LOUISIANA:  No tax-free weekends for 7 years

Local sales tax rates reduced, but still considered high 

MAINE: 15000 Taxpayers May Have to File Amended state tax Returns!

U.S. Border Patrol Stops Canadian Fishermen in Disputed Waters Off Maine

Medical marijuana legalized but age to smoke tobacco raised

MARYLAND: Federal regulators approve natural gas pipeline on west side of state

several new state laws that may affect your business

MASSACHUSETTS: New anti-gun law allows your anti-gun relatives to legally take your guns by claiming you’re a threat!

Marijuana sales to begin

Police Release School Vandals Due to Change in state law

“NASTY Women” abortion act

MICHIGAN: History of Michigan’s unConstitutional religious ‘blue laws’, used to punish ‘non-believers’!

150 new laws

Municipalities bristle at state’s copper, lead laws

MINNESOTA: New Laws In Minnesota 

People with records of intoxicated driving now banned from state parks?

will early property tax payments pay off

Minnesota to e-retailers: Start collecting taxes 

State income tax not unconstitutional (according to taxpayer funded state court)

MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi laws: What’s new this month

MISSOURI: prison guard sued for third time over alleged sex assaults 

New prison system program costs taxpayers $5-million USD

Sheriff and deputy caught having affair, also facing multiple felony charges

Continued Increase in Federal Regional Violent Crime Prosecutions

MONTANA: Tracking ‘Dark Money’ in Montana Elections

Riot at Cascade County Detention Facility

NEBRASKA: In the predominantly ‘christian’ state, cops have been using convict data to seek out, harass and intimidate state employees who were former prisoners!

Looser gun restrictions among new state laws

NEVADA: more than a dozen new laws

Tax revenue from marijuana sales set new high

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Online taxes: New Hampshire Steps Back

New Hampshire’s new poll tax

New Hampshire makes it tougher for students to vote.

NEW JERSEY: State taxpayers forced to fund local news media!

NEW MEXICO: Political corruption killing local economy

State cop preyed on woman, teen

State prisons will soon fill up

NEW YORK: State ‘criminal justice system’ is not about fighting crime, it’s all about Social Control.

New law forces Airbnb to open its books to New York 

A state Law Tailored for Orthodox Jewish Schools Is Unconstitutional

New Yorkers Trying to Flee High State Taxes Find Moving Isn’t So Easy

NORTH CAROLINA: consumers could see $5B coal-ash cleanup bill

28 Sex Crimes Charges Dropped Against Police Officer

17 new laws 

NORTH DAKOTA: Supplier of electricity to public utilities, Basin Electric Power Cooperative eliminated 25 jobs, and warned of possible future layoffs.

Groups sue over oil refinery near national park

OHIO: Fat taxpayer funded Pentagon budget brings jobs to struggling M1A1 tank factory 

payday lending law could slam short-term lenders

OKLAHOMA: Prison incarceration rate “up 700 percent”

State Health department attorney confessed to faking threats 

” the largest abrogation of state sovereignty by a federal court in American history”

New Gas, Cigarette Tax Rates

OREGON: The mayor of Portland, and its Police Chief, swore they are not targeting people for being homeless, but 2017 arrest records prove they are!

 Black U.S. politician reported to police while canvassing for votes

Federal taxpayers now owners of bankrupt Lost Valley Farm mega dairy!

Asylum-seekers endure horrible conditions in Oregon prison

PENNSYLVANIA: Court upholds Philadelphia soda tax

PUERTO RICO: mayor, two others arrested on corruption charges

U.S. Army to Invest $62M in Puerto Rico

SOUTH CAROLINA: New South Carolina laws

gas taxes rising by another 2 cents per gallon

SOUTH DAKOTA: Nearly 300 new laws take effect!

Dentist and community activist accused of ‘touching’ female prisoners in Minnehaha County Jail

Wrong Man Released From Jail Turns Himself In

Lawsuit over prison food going to court

TENNESSEE: State Bureau of Investigation spokesperson placed on administrative leave as part of the criminal investigation of his taxpayer funded boss

TEXAS: Taxpayer funded Red River Army Depot to layoff more than 300 workers

VERMONT:  Legalizes Limited Amounts Of Recreational Cannabis

Tax Department Backlog Leads to Errors in Tax Bills

WASHINGTON: A look at Seattle neighborhoods where crime is up 

Gun owners face fines up to $10000 for not locking up their guns

From straw bans to $15 minimum wage

Washington DC: DoD Contractors Can Self-Report Derogatory Information

New tax law creates challenges for farmers

 Trump signs new law to Help Grandparents Raising Grandkids

“Recent tax law changes gave Treasury discretion to set the value of the withholding allowance for 2018.”

Don’t Count On A Tax Refund Next April

tax-exempt organizations no longer need to list donor information

WEST VIRGINIA: Berkeley County attorney found guilty of witness intimidation

“law enforcement teacher at Putnam County’s Career and Technical Center accused of sexual abuse of a student is among 49 people indicted by a Putnam County grand jury” 

WISCONSIN: ‘It’s a huge subsidy’: the $4.8bn taxpayer funded gamble to lure foreign Foxconn to Wisconsin, and to steal your property Foxconn and Eminent Domain: Using Blighted Property Designations

Court OKs Unconscious suspected intoxicated Drivers’ Blood Draws

State to expand collections of online sales tax

Self-Storage Lien-Law 

WYOMING: New ‘Gun’ Law

City of Cody, known for no animal laws, now wants to regulate your pets and livestock.





“a state of near death.”: Drugs, the American Way, July 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of U.S. drugs related crimes and oddities for the month of July 2018.

“If we don’t get tough on the drug dealers, we are wasting our time. And that toughness includes the death penalty.”-President Donald Trump, Manchester, New Hampshire, 19MAR2018

On 01 July, somewhere in the eastern Pacific the U.S. Coast Guard captured a drug boat, three smugglers and 2,263 pounds of cocaine.

ALABAMA: Drug roundup results in 40 arrests; 30 cars seized

19 Arrested as Part of “Operation Street Sweeper”

ALASKA: Man Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Drug and Money Laundering Crimes

33 pounds of meth in backpack

Shooting in Mountain View started with fight over drugs

ARIZONA: 12 arrested in 13-month investigation

Border Patrol seize $1.4M in illegal drugs in tractor-trailer from Mexico

Union Pacific train derailment turns into drugs crime

New prosecution policy targets marijuana backpackers

ARKANSAS: Prisoners want information on execution drug

Prisoner dies of suspected overdose

Pulaski County Circuit Judge admits to rude and unprofessional behavior during Drug Court hearings

Drug crimes so numerous that taxpayers forced to build New State Crime Lab in Northwest Arkansas

CALIFORNIA: “Medical students, residents and even doctors in practice don’t recognize the addictive potential of benzodiazepines. There’s been all this awareness on opioids but very little focus on benzodiazepines and yet people are dying from them.”-Anna Lembke, Stanford University Medical Center, about the Next Drug Crisis

In San Diego, the U.S. Coast Guard off-loaded 8.5-U.S. tons of cocaine on 16 July.

DEA Arrests Eight People Linked to Coachella Valley-Based Meth Gang 

Doctor and His Assistant Charged in Scheme to Illegally Distribute Prescription Drugs and Commit Health Care Fraud

Demi Lovato hospitalized for apparent drug overdose

COLORADO: Man Sentenced to Five Years in Federal Prison for Growing Marijuana on an Island in the Colorado River

Legal marijuana caused emergency room visits to skyrocket?

Despite legal ganja, Colorado still has an illegal immigrant run black market marijuana problem 

Just because you legalize ganja it doesn’t reduce other drug crimes as A Surge In Meth Use In Colorado Complicates Opioid Recovery

CONNECTICUT: Hartford Man Sentenced to Prison for Distributing Crack

10000 bags of heroin seized in Hartford

10 arrests in Waterbury area

9 Arrests During Thompsonville Crackdown

Cop contaminated by Dangerous Drug: “This officer, from all we can understand, merely picked up a packet of drugs. That’s all it took to send him into a state of near death.”-Sergeant Chris Fry, Meriden Police

DELAWARE: Nearly Half of Overdoses Were in Sussex County


On 03 July, the U.S. Coast Guard, and Tactical Law Enforcement Team South, captured a drug boat and more than 7-U.S. tons of cocaine.

Miami-Dade County Resident and Haitian Immigrant Charged with Cocaine Trafficking in South Florida

Four Foreign Nationals Indicted for International Cocaine Smuggling

Dark Web Vendor Sentenced to 108 Months in Prison for Narcotics Trafficking and Money Laundering Charges

new opioid-prescription law

Synthetic marijuana K2 most prevalent drug in Florida

Drug-smuggling operation at Florida jail uncovered

‘excited delirium’ 

GEORGIA: 18 homes raided in drug busts across Gwinnett County

Meth, cocaine are the most commonly seized drugs

Majority of those killed by cops tested positive for drugs

Judges across Georgia are releasing non-violent drug offenders

Deadly drugs ending up in counterfeit pills

GUAM: Woman pleads guilty to selling meth to U.S. military personnel

Attorney General employee sentenced to 3 years for smuggling drugs into prison

Recycling center ‘finds’ five pounds of cocaine

HAWAII: Drastic drop in drug supplies for hospitals

Opiate and cocaine use is climbing among workforce

medication drop-box program launched

IDAHO: Idaho State Police, Lewiston Police Department, Nez Perce County Sheriff’s Office and Nez Perce Tribal Police Department conducted a seven hours long vehicle stop & search op resulting in six felony drug charges, 25 misdemeanor drug charges and made one outstanding warrant arrest.

State senate candidate confronted cops with knife during drugs search

Major court case screw-up as jury member admits they know (and possibly hated) accused meth dealer defendant, resulting in an unfair conviction!

Nampa police arrest 20 for drugs in one week!

Who’s tracking opioids in the Treasure Valley?

ILLINOIS: Overdose deaths on the rise in Winnebago County

6 charged in drug-trafficking ring, including 2 previously acquitted

$1M coke, meth bust

Operation Fat Chance: More than 50 people facing criminal charges  for heroin and fentanyl sales on Chicago’s West Side

INDIANA:  police jail 129 in 6-day drug take-down event!

police seize orange ecstasy pills featuring Trump’s face

$750K worth of drugs, guns and cash seized 

IOWA:  Meth, marijuana, opioid tests rising at crime lab

Decorah parents charged with possessing meth around kids

Two major drug bust arrests in one week for Clear Lake

Two hospital nurses charged with drug theft

Halfway house prisoner accused of selling drugs

KANSAS: Increase in violent crimes comes with growing drug problem

Mexican Drug Cartels Sending Drugs Directly To Kansas

Drugs maker Cingulate Therapeutics raised $16-million

Prescription drug with marijuana to be sold in Kansas for the first time

KENTUCKY: Mexican illegal immigrant Pleads Guilty to Distribution of Methamphetamine

Drug Overdose Deaths up 11.5 Percent

Boyd County 3rd in state for OD deaths; suicides also up

Couple accused of kidnapping kids, having drugs, owning pet squirrel

LOUISIANA: Massive drug bust yields 221 felony charges!

more than $14,000 in marijuana seized

Drug roundup leads to 13 arrests

prison employee accused of trying to smuggle drugs in a sandwich

100-plus officers, K9s at Angola after drugs kill 2 prisoners

Amid Ringgold drug turmoil, residents pray

MAINE: State cop Accused of Selling Drugs makes Plea Agreement

$200000 worth of crystal meth

Operation SOS could mean harsher sentences for drug dealing

School district wants to punish “who are knowingly in the presence of prohibited substances”.

MARYLAND: U.S. Navy Academy’s biggest drug bust involving taxpayer funded students!

2472 Bags of Heroin From Worcester County Home

MASSACHUSETTS: Revere Men Sentenced for Oxycodone

Prison Guard Pleads Guilty to Scheme to Smuggle Opioids Into Prison 

Fentanyl-Laced Heroin, Cocaine, $60K Seized in Drug Raid

Fire Call Results in Unlikely Stoughton Drug Bust

MICHIGAN: Residents Sentenced for Oxycodone Distribution 

Woman Sentenced for Pill Charge

MINNESOTA:  Controversial ketamine trial sparks ethics complaint

Law officers nab 7 in what they say is first fentanyl operation in Duluth

Woman’s Airbnb home becomes drug-dealing venue

Parasite Drugs Its Hosts With the Psychedelic Chemical in Shrooms

MISSISSIPPI: Rankin County Man Sentenced to Five Years for Cocaine

Traffic stop leads to $2.5 million drug bust

Woodlands Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center nurse arrested for stealing drugs

MISSOURI: Details of Years of Drug Trafficking, Homicide, and Deadly Drug Overdoses at Clinton-Peabody Housing Complex

Drug crimes so bad that taxpayers forced to spend and extra 37% on funding for the 2nd Judicial Circuit’s Drug Court program!

Psychotropic Drugs Given To Missouri Foster Kids

Drugs maker TrialCard hiring 225 people to take drug orders

MONTANA: Men Sentenced to Federal Prison on Drug and Gun Charges

HIV on the rise in drug users 

Special anti-drug Highway Patrol team seizes record amount of drugs in first year

Drugged up fugitive buries alive five months old baby

NEBRASKA:  11 pounds of heroin strapped to man

168 pounds of marijuana

Drug company accuses taxpayer funded Nebraska Prisons of lying about what it was going to do with $20-million worth of killer drugs!

NEVADA: Las Vegas Doctor Pleads Guilty to Illegal Distribution of Hydrocodone and Oxycodone

Nevada prison execution connected to Drug company accusing Nebraska Prisons of lying about planned use of drugs.

Bail set at $1.5-million USD for two Canadians caught trafficking drugs

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  What to do with a sudden increase in federal taxpayer funding to fight opioids

New Drug Enforcement Surge to Focus on Hillsborough County

K-9 Units Sniff Out Drugs in Prisons

NEW JERSEY: Mercy County drug bust nets heroin, guns and cash

More than 8 people are dying from overdoses each day

Operation Red Raider: 21 Busted 

NEW MEXICO: State Police Officer Arrested on Federal Drug Trafficking Charges, accused of using drugs from evidence lockers to influence females, could lead to dismissals of 68 pending drug cases because the arrested cop probably falsified evidence against innocent people!

NEW YORK: Buffalo Man Pleads Guilty to Cocaine Conspiracy

Clifton Park Doctor Arrested for Unlawful Drug Distribution

Suspected leader of Queens-Based Meth gang Arrested

Drug Bust At Blue Heron Festival

An NYC bathroom set up to stem overdoses

NORTH CAROLINA: doctor wrote phony Oxyco prescriptions

Operation East to West results in 25 arrests

Day-care raided in massive drug bust

15 Arrested On Drug Charges

NORTH DAKOTA: teacher must surrender license because of drug charges

Drug crimes continue rise

new anonymous drug texting tip line

1/2 pound of meth

OHIO: drug dealer gets life sentence

Shooting victim arrested on drug charges

spike in drug-related deaths 

highest overdose rate in nation

OKLAHOMA: Mayes County deputy fired after stealing meth

Woman accused of bringing drugs into state prison

Changes to marijuana laws

Woman faces multiple life sentences

OREGON: High demand for legalized ganja turned out to be overblown, prices crash due to lack of buyers!

Dog detected meth, Adults charged with child neglect

$45000 worth of MDMA

Astoria-based Coast Guard crew aids in $260 million drug capture

PENNSYLVANIA:  Pittsburgh Man Sentenced to 13 Months in Prison for Trafficking Heroin and Fentanyl Derivative

Man gets Probation for selling Oxycodone

Bad drug batch hospitalizes more than 100 in Philadelphia area

PUERTO RICO:  Nationwide legal drug shortage; partly due to hurricane in Puerto Rico

New Zealand news media reveals U.S. police love their state, or territory like Puerto Rico, being designated a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area because it forces U.S. taxpayers to give the cops an extra $3.1-million to $14.6-million USD each year!

RHODE ISLAND:  ADHD drugs do not improve cognition in healthy college students

“Three people are accused of running a drug house and holding another man against his will to steal his Social Security disability checks.”

SOUTH CAROLINA: Taxpayers spent $5-million USD on covert state police unit that was supposed to target drug dealers but was actually going after migrant workers!

police chief arrested on drug charge

pill gang used bitcoins, ‘dark web’

‘Operation The Heat is On’ drug roundup

SOUTH DAKOTA:  man sentenced to 25 years

man indicted in ‘darknet’ undercover operation

Mother sentenced to 40 years for toddler son’s beating death, after drinking alcohol and taking pain medication

TENNESSEE: Top Narcotics Officer Placed Under Investigation, calls into doubt dozens of drug convictions

Tipton County Public Defender’s investigator arrested for buying marijuana

Nashville warehouse distributing drugs illegally

New laws on the books to fight opioid epidemic

60 Pounds Of Pot Found At Nashville Airport

TEXAS: Federal Jury in Waco Finds Leader of Cartel Del Noreste and Nephew of Los Zetas Leaders Z-40 and Z-42 Guilty on All Charges

35 arrested

Coke, meth and booze: The flip side of the oil industry 

These guys smuggled pot to Dallas AFTER they’d been arrested 

UTAH: Girl tied to boys’ deaths charged with distributing drugs

teacher convicted of sex with minor charged with selling drugs

battle over pot pits the Mormon Church against its own members

County jail accused of giving newly arrested drug addict (and father) the drugs he used to kill himself with

VERMONT: 10 arrested

Royalton cop who stole heroin from police evidence room goes to prison, for a piddly six months!

Drug use so bad taxpayers forced to hire 9 More ‘Drug Recognition Experts’

Ganja ‘gifting’ is illegal

More bad news on the marijuana law

Metal dealers caught up in drug crimes


At Fort Belvior, scientists with Northwestern and Cornell Universities, in conjunction with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department, spent 2.6-billion of your tax dollars finding a way to manufacture drugs faster, and to make the drugs take effect faster; Glycosylation Sequence Characterization and Optimization by Rapid Expression and Screening.

1,538 people died in Virginia from a drug overdose

Man Dies After Choking on Bag of ‘White Powder’ 

Prisoners to get treatment for addictions

WASHINGTON: Drug bust at Paradiso Festival

Moses Lake cops find fentanyl disguised as prescription medicine

Feds arrest 11 in alleged heroin, meth trafficking ring

Man acquitted of killing toddler sentenced for drug charges

Drug dealer takes customers hostage for failing to pay

Female prisoner sneaks meth and heroin into jail inside her body

Washington DC: Man Sentenced to Over 10 Years in Federal Prison for Phencyclidine (PCP) 

“U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said in Fargo on Thursday, July 26, that many American Indian tribes are in free fall due to overdose deaths involving opioids.”

WEST VIRGINIA: Charleston Doctor Arrested for Illegal Distribution of Opioids Resulting in Death

7 Arrested After Drug Raid in Huntington

deaths of despair

WISCONSIN: Man arrested in heroin bust worked for ‘christian’ YWCA

Rock County Jail nurse arrested on drug charge

Fatal drug overdoses in La Crosse County climb 

81 grams of drugs found inside woman’s body

Heroin deaths at all-time high

Chippewa Indians join War on Drugs

WYOMING: probation officer pleads guilty to drug charge

Nurse Indicted for Unlawful Distribution of Drugs Resulting in Death

UPS (United Parcel Service) employee admits to stealing drug packages

Colorado pot finds its way to northeast Wyoming

DUI arrest rate is among the highest in the country

‘phantom medical’ claims: ObamaCare ACA death spiral, July 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes in July 2018:

$32-million fraud lawsuit settled

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALABAMA: 1-thousand-2-hundred people could be eligible for compensation because of hospital data breach

ARKANSAS: Walmart suddenly laid off 150 people from its Optical Lab in Fayetteville, due to “changing business needs”.

hospitals accuse EMS provider of ‘balance billing’

‘Non-profit’ Preferred Family Healthcare loses taxpayer funded contracts after being caught in a state lawmaker corruption scandal!

CALIFORNIA: Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research issued a shutdown WARN for its Emeryville operations, 149 jobs gone by mid-September! Non-profit Bethesda Lutheran Communities issued a shutdown WARN for its Redding location, 34 jobs gone by the end of August.

One hospital executive sues another hospital executive over sexual harassment

Doctors indicted in $950M kickback scheme 

A shutdown hospital is now blaming it on the National Union Fire Insurance Company

CONNECTICUT: Rosegarden Health and Rehabilitation Center issued a shutdown WARN for its Waterbury location, 45 jobs gone by mid-September.  Bridgeport Manor issued a shutdown WARN for its nursing home ops, 2-hundred jobs gone starting at the end of September!

court documents reveal money woes at Bridgeport nursing home

DELAWARE: Psychotherapist Sexually Abused Patient

FLORIDA: Lake Emergency Medical Services eliminating five jobs at the end of September.  In Orlando, DaVita Rx eliminating 109 jobs between September and December! In Tampa, Health Net Federal Services eliminating 131 jobs in September!  CareSync finally notified state unemployment administrators that it suddenly eliminated 292 jobs in June!  WorkNet Pinellas eliminating 133 jobs by the end of August!

ILLINOIS:  Rush University Medical Center outsourcing 110 jobs by September! Convey Health Solutions issued a shutdown WARN for its Decatur call center, 150 jobs gone in October!  Nursing home services company SeniorWell issued a layoff WARN for its Buffalo Grove ops, 48 jobs gone in September.

‘Christian’ hospital mishandled Legionnaires’ test of dying veteran

Taxpayer funded Cook County prisons fail to pay for $500-thousand worth of hospital care for prisoners

Ransomeware attack lawsuit

INDIANA: Medical supplier HLS Health and Wellness now bankrupt busted and liquidating, the bankruptcy is blamed on a contracted billing service provider which apparently ripped everybody off.  Kindred Hospital issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Mishawaka, 117 jobs gone by the end of September!  Walmart suddenly laid off 108 people from its Optical Lab in Crawfordsville, no warning!

MASSACHUSETTS: Providence Behavior Health Hospital warning of mass layoffs due to “operational changes”.

MICHIGAN: Hospital and patients suing over negative facebook comments

MISSOURI: BJC HealthCare suddenly laid off 113 InfoTech employees and contractors, in connection to its new Epic go-live ops!

Children’s Mercy facing lawsuit after data breach

MONTANA: “At least since 2011, Kalispell Regional has engaged in a scheme to pay excessive compensation to certain employed physicians to reward or induce them to refer patients, including Medicare patients, to Kalispell Regional hospitals and clinics.”

NEW JERSEY: Van Dyk Health Care eliminating 287 jobs in Trenton, by mid-September!  British empire United Kingdom based Hikma Pharmaceuticals eliminating 78 jobs in Eatontown, by the end of September.

man impersonates doctor, bills insurance companies more than $1M+ in ‘phantom medical’ claims

NEW MEXICO: Doctor fakes own cancer in order to avoid prison sentence

NEW YORK: In NYC, after 20 years physical therapy Support by Design forced to shutdown by the greedy landlord, and the operator couldn’t find any new locations that they could afford.

Pharmacy owner gets jail time for $1.5M kickback scheme with hospital employee

Health Quest Systems paying more than $15-million in fines for ripping off taxpayers 

Hospitals accused of age discrimination

OHIO: RiteAid shutting down its Steubenville pharmacy, due to being taken over by British empire based Boots-Walgreens. The mayor of Steubenville says it’s proof corporations don’t care about customers: “…there are many people living downtown, especially in government housing that do not have automobiles….Rite Aid was a source they could at least walk to and get their necessities to function.”-Jerry Barilla

MetroHealth COO found guilty of fraud, accepting bribes

OKLAHOMA: $1-thousand worth of medical equipment stolen from medical supply van

OREGON: legal cannabis actually made things worse for sick people

PENNSYLVANIA: Texas based LifeCare Hospitals decided to shutdown its Mechanicsburg long term care hospital, 122 jobs gone in September!

Medtronic closing office & eliminating 63 jobs

TENNESSEE: Michigan based Jackson National Life Insurance issued a WARN, 64 jobs in Franklin gone by August, however, optimistic company leaders told local news media that somehow the layoffs would pave the way for 250 new jobs.  Meharry Medical College suddenly laid off 55 people in order “to optimize our resources”.

United Benefits of America CEO gets 5-year prison sentence for health insurance fraud

TEXAS: hospital co-founder admits to bribing physicians for high-volume surgeries

drug company executive gets 15 years in prison for $50M pill distribution plot

Hospital accused of violating Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and falsifying lab results to support police claims

Doctor sues news media for defamation

UTAH:  Mission at Bear River Rehabilitation Center shutting down its 40 years old Tremonton location, some employees will move to a new facility near Brigham City.

VIRGINIA: Criminal charges against employees of North Spring Behavioral Healthcare after 16 years old female suffers back injuries

WASHINGTON: Taxpayer funded public hospital operator Trios-Health now chapter 9 bankrupt busted as part of plans to find a new private sector owner.

Washington DC: Court says 277 hospitals can challenge Medicare reimbursements

Doctor accused of bringing guns into a Trump hotel makes plea deal

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral June 2018: “…WE HAD THE WORST YEAR…EVER…”

Total Gun Ban Fail: Knife attacks in Japan skyrocket?

24SEP2018 (15:06 UTC-07 Tango 06) 02 Mehr 1397/13 Muharram 1440/15 Xin-You (8th month) 4716

I’ve pointed out many times how Japan has a near total gun ban, and Japan also regulates edged weapons based on their length.

For more proof that gun bans, and even knife control laws, don’t stop violent crime here’s a recent list of knife and gun oddities in Japan:

September 20th, Theft of gun seen as possible motive in Sendai cop stabbing

September 19th, Police officer killed in stabbing incident in northeastern Japan

September 18th, Man arrested after fatally stabbing woman in Tokyo residence

September 15th, Japanese cop loses his gun while guarding prime minister’s motorcade

September 12th, Man arrested for stabbing university student in his car

September 9th, Bullet train passenger with knife detained in Fukuoka

September 4th, Real Utility Knives Were Accidentally Sold as Prank Finger-Slicers

August 25th, Japanese knife craftsman turns underwear into a sharp blade, cuts through vegetables

August 19th, Osaka police catch 14-year-old who allegedly stabbed woman with knife

July 21st, Man arrested for stabbing ‘noisy’ neighbor

July 20th, Japan bans unpacked knives on trains

June 24th, Cambodian man stabbed to death in Tochigi Pref

June 21st, Man wanted in fatal stabbing found dead in apparent suicide

June 19th, 18-year-old youth arrested for stabbing 9-year-old boy 

June 9th, Deadly stabbing on Japan bullet train

May 28th, Man shot dead by police after knife attack in southwestern Japan

May 21st, Man stabbed on subway in Tokyo

May 19th, Man stabbed in neck near NHK headquarters

May 18th, Man arrested for murder after stabbing customer in manga cafe

May 13th, 6-year-old girl dead after ex-politician with knife attacks family of four at Chiba restaurant

April 13th, Man gets 30 years over fatal 2016 stabbing of Osaka father of three

March 14th, Man arrested after stabbing four officials at Kanazawa City Hall

February 9th, Man stabbed after argument with passenger on train in Osaka

January 21st, Kagoshima teen held over stabbing of high school girl 

January 21st, 18-year-old arrested for stabbing father to death in Yokohama

January 15th, Man held after random stabbings leave one dead in Hiroshima

January 8th, 16-year-old girl stabbed in Kagoshima park

Examining the motives behind mass murder in Japan

Learning to live with a vulnerability to violent actions


Grizzlies: Mysterious Deaths and Behaviors

“…there are occasions where bears don’t behave like other bears.”-Brad Hovinga, Wyoming Game and Fish Department

“…grizzly bears can be more aggressive than black bears when it comes to protecting their young and food sources.”Johnny Mikes, Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative

24SEP2018 (13:39 UTC-07 Tango 06) 02 Mehr 1397/13 Muharram 1440/15 Xin-You (8th month) 4716

The most aggressive version of the Brown Bear, the North American Grizzly, has been behaving even more aggressively than normal and even mysteriously dying.  The strange deaths might be a reason why a U.S. federal judge has repeatedly delayed the promised grizzly bear hunting in the United States (the official reason is to consider putting them back on the endangered list).

The most recent grizzly attack took place this month in the U.S. state of Wyoming, it is unusual in that it involved two grizzly bears working together to attack an experienced hunting guide and his client.  The guide was killed and an investigation showed he was attacked by both the bears.  The client survived and said they were on horseback attempting to retrieve an elk they shot with an arrow.  As they approached the elk they were attacked by both bears, the client was dragged off his horse.  The guide got the attention of the bears away from his client by yelling at them, however they then attacked and killed the guide (beside being armed with a bow and arrows, they were armed with a pistol which proved useless). The client was able to escape on horseback.

It should be noted that the hunting guide’s family posted a gofundme which states he was attacked by a bear, singular, but investigators confirmed he was attacked by a sow and a yearling, two bears.  Wyoming Fish & Game say they were able to find and kill the two bears.

There’s been increased documented cases of deaths of grizzlies, both in the United States and Canada.  In the past year or so most of those deaths are attributed to humans killing them, either through illegal shooting (poaching), mistaken shooting (hunters mistaking them for black bears), or by being run-over by road vehicles or trains.  The latest grizzly death data out of the U.S. Yellowstone National Park area shows at least 33 bears found dead from undetermined causes (so far).  Believe it or not, the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team labeled some of the dead grizzlies as “probable” deaths (if your dead your dead, unless you’re undead, bear zombies?)!  The official Yellowstone grizzly death count has yet to be made public: “The season where everything is usually determined in terms of grizzly bear mortality is still coming up. Basically, the deciding weeks will be in late September or early October. It really depends on how we fare through those weeks.”-Frank van Manen, federal government researcher

Here’s a few news articles about the strange behaviors and deaths of Grizzlies:

Second Canadian grizzly bear cub found illegally shot in Alberta

Strange behavior of humans as Canadian hunter gets death threats for legally shooting an adult Grizzly

Video captures Alberta man and his dog’s close encounter with Canadian grizzly

One of three black bear cubs likely eaten by Canadian grizzly bear

Residents of Aklavik count ten Canadian grizzly bears now living in town

Canadian grizzly bear spotted far from the animals’ usual mainland territory

Yellowstone-Area Grizzlies Suspected In Seven Deaths Since 2010

Minnesotan man mauled by grizzly bear while hiking in Wyoming

2018 Yellowstone area Grizzly Bear Deaths at Record-Breaking Pace (despite the temporary hunting ban)

Montana Grizzly bear killed after getting into turkey feed

Montana grizzly illegally shot and killed

Freight Train Kills Montana Grizzly Bear 

Wyoming Grizzly Bear Raids Apple Tree In Downtown Cody City

Montana Grizzly bear roaming Creston area

Video of Alaska grizzly bear races driver at 30 miles per hour

Ten Montana grizzlies killed by vehicles 

Parents used bear spray to fend off Wyoming grizzly bear

Video Montana grizzly bear rages after release from jail

Injured Grizzly Killed By Montana FWP Officials

In Wisconsin, Milwaukee County Zoo employees disciplined after near-escape of two male grizzlies

Grizzly Bear Cub Euthanized After July Car Crash

Trail closed at Lake Minnewanka after Canadian grizzly charges hiker

BC man recovers in hospital after attack by mother grizzly bear

Grizzly mother shot and killed by hikers, two cubs orphaned

Montana grizzlies found dying slowly and painfully on roads in Glacier National Park

Montana grizzly suspected in death of four calves, can’t be found

Brown bear kills man, mauls rescuer in Alaska

224 Canadian grizzly deaths in 10 years — most caused by humans

Spike in human-caused Canadian grizzly bear deaths

Rocky Mountain Grizzly Conflicts Hit Record Numbers In 2017

Blind Bat News related animal oddities:








Pacific Ring of Fire: “toasting 90% of life on the planet”, Dragon Eggs will save us?

Volcano eruptions to be predicted by remarkable DRAGON EGGS?

Incomplete list of reports from 24AUG2018 through to 23SEP2018.

19 Quakes Rock Ring of Fire in 24 Hours

Last month 70 earthquake in 48 hours along Pacific Ring of Fire

AUSTRALIA:  an eruption in Melbourne? 


British Columbia; 3.3-magnitude earthquake felt by Victoria residents

Strong early-morning Oregon quake felt in Vancouver and Sidney

Receding glaciers make Pemberton-area Mount Meager volcano less stable than ever before

British Columbia’s 18 Sleeping Volcanoes

CHILE: Volcano lights up snowy sky in stunning photo


Mass casualty earthquake training as part of the multilateral exercise Angel de los Andes, 06SEP2018, at German Olano Air Base.

ECUADOR: Strong quake hits 

FIJI: Very strong deep quake


U.S. Marines work with the Guatemalan Army Corps of Engineers to build temporary shelters for people fleeing Volcan De Fuego, 11SEP2018.

INDONESIA: VIDEO: Indonesian volcano spews enormous fireballs

Deadly ‘Child of Krakatau’ Volcano Erupts 56 Times


Nearly 1,000 public school buildings in Japan still vulnerable to earthquakes

U.S. Marines, and their families, take part in disaster training at Iwakuni, 25AUG2018.

Video report, Iwakuni disaster prep: 

KOREA: Kim, Moon raise hands on North Korea’s sacred volcano

MEXICO: Popocatépetl volcano erupts twice – video

5.4 magnitude tremor hits near holiday hotspot

Earthquakes Continue in Oaxaca

 NEW CALEDONIA: 7.1M quake Southeast of the Loyalty Islands

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: volcano erupts, forcing villagers to flee

RUSSIA: Biggest mass extinction event caused by Siberian super volcano “Million-year eruptions killed ozone layer, toasting 90% of life on the planet” (not human made pollution)


Alaska; volcano restless again; scientists issue aviation advisory


USMC Combat Logistics deployed vehicles and equipment to Los Angeles, as part of Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief Village demonstration, 29AUG2018.

Strange and unpredicted behavior behind mysterious California earthquakes

6.5 magnitude quake off coast

‘Deep creep’ found near San Andreas fault

A Mysterious Hole Appeared on Mount Shasta!

88-thousand tons of nuke waste in path of future tsunami!

Fearing massive earthquake, California considers requiring lists of buildings that WILL collapse

In Quake-Prone California, Alarm at Scant Insurance Coverage

Hawaii; Will this summer’s limited collapse of Kilauea caldera eventually widen?

Oregon; Civil Air Patrol preps for ‘The Big One’ 

‘Get Ready Coos Bay’ emergency Cascadia prep event

From July; Cascadia Airlift Exercise 2018: “It’s a two-in-one exercise. The main objective is to be able to host airlift-centered planes during a humanitarian response to the Cascadia earthquake and identify limiting factors in being able to properly manage them. We also had the added benefit of being able to have the C-130s and F-15Cs fly together.”– Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Wright, 173rd Fighter Wing, Oregon Air National Guard


Olympic Ambulance, Bremerton Fire Department and Central Kitsap Fire Rescue stand by following a mock earthquake at Naval Hospital Bremerton, during the Citadel Rumble drill, the first week of September 2018.

Lessons learned from 2011 Japan tsunami could benefit Westport “I believe this is the first time any disaster recovery planners from Japan have visited the coast of Washington to share information about the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that struck their country.”

Help after Cascadia earthquake could take weeks, ‘if not months’

Glacier Peak eruption: ‘HIGH THREAT’ volcano is more DANGEROUS than Yellowstone

Crustal inheritance and a top-down control on arc magmatism at Mount Saint Helens (a scientific explanation of why Mount Saint Helens shouldn’t be in Washington, but is)

The coming Cascadia subduction event

New maps project tsunamis hitting Port Angeles, Port Townsend

In August, the Washington Army National Guard/Washington Emergency Management Division and Malaysia Armed Forces/National Disaster Management Agency agreed to work together on Pacific Ring of Fire disasters: “We want to not only build stronger partnerships, military to military, but expand civilian partnerships as well. Part of the long-term success will include emergency management.”-Major General Bret Daugherty

Ocosta School District turning their new school into a Cascadia Event tsunami evacuation structure, as Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe gets 2.2-million taxpayer dollars to create vertical evacuation shelter


Ear Spring on Yellowstone’s Geyser Hill erupts for only the fourth time in 60 years

New thermal activity reported in Yellowstone

102 tremors STRIKE

“THE reawakening of Yellowstone volcano would be devastating for the United States as an estimated 87,000 people would be killed immediately and two-thirds of the U.S. would be destroyed. But can scientists predict when Yellowstone will erupt?”



Idaho: Mountain Home AFB update, F-15E walk-around, Micron Bus

22SEP2018 (16:34 UTC-07 Tango 06) 31 Sharivar 1397/11 Muharram 1440/13 Xin-You (8th month) 4716

U.S. Air Force photo by Technical Sergeant Sandra Welch, 20AUG2018.

In August, the 17th Special Tactics Squadron took part in Jaded Thunder.

A child tests a plasma ball on the Micron STEM Bus. USAF photo by Senior Airman Malissa Armstrong, 07AUG2018.

Mountain Home AFB got a visit from Idaho based computer tech company Micron‘s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Bus.

Students try out a game recreating an image they see on a tablet. USAF photo by Senior Airman Malissa Armstrong, 07AUG2018.

USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Jeremy L. Mosier, 04AUG2018.

Also in August, while many local Idaho school districts struggle, grade school students on Mountain Home AFB got 2-hundred new backpacks filled with supplies, courtesy of the Airman and Family Readiness Center’s Back to School Brigade.

USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Jeremy L. Mosier, 04AUG2018.

F-15Es from the 366th Fighter Wing, Mountain Home Air Force Base, on Gowen Field National Guard base, Boise Airport, Idaho, 12JUL2018. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn.

In July, F-15E Strike Eagles from Mountain Home AFB, along with C-17 transports from Travis AFB in California, converged on Idaho National Guard’s Gowen Field for what’s called Adaptive Base Training (aka Gunfighter Flag 18-3).  The Louisiana National Guard’s 159th Fighter Wing joined in, as well as Idaho National Guard A-10Cs.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 12JUL2018.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 12JUL2018.

USAF photo by Airman First Class JaNae Capuno, 12JUL2018.

USAF photo by Airman First Class JaNae Capuno, 12JUL2018.

USAF photo by Airman First Class Hailey Bivens, 30JUN2018.

366th Security Forces Squadron took part in exercises to prep them for Defender Challenge 2018.

391st Fighter Squadron from Mountain Home AFB bombs Utah, 03JUL2018. USAF photo by Airman First Class Codie Trimble.

USAF photo by Senior Airman Parker Dubois, June 2018.

The first weekend of June, the F-22 Raptor made an appearance at the Gunfighter Skies Air and Space Celebration, over Mountain Home AFB, even dogfighting a P-51D Mustang (hey, that’s one of ours!).

USAF photo by Senior Airman Parker Dubois, June 2018.

Idaho Air National Guard Photo by Airman First Class Mercedee Schwartz, 06MAY2018.

In May, Idaho National Guard A-10C Thunderbolt-2s shot-up the Saylor Creek Range on Mountain Home AFB.

The following video is from 2017, but shows you what Idaho National Guard A-10s do to the Saylor Creek Range:


Video, Mountain Home AFB F-15, Thunderbolts and Bold Tigers:

Video report, history of 366 Thunderbolts/Gunfighters:




“we need to get the life expectancy out of them.”: U.S. hi-tech/communications breakdown, July 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. internet/high-tech/communications job destruction and chicanery announcements in July 2018:

The Washington Post: Millions of educated, experienced workers have been tossed aside

The Guardian:  Accidents at Amazon: workers left to suffer after warehouse injuries

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALABAMA: Verizon shutting down its call center in Huntsville,  some employees will continue working from home while others will get laid off.

Facebook to Build $750M [spy] Data Center in Huntsville

ARKANSAS: Hewlett-Packard to Lay Off 500 in Conway

CALIFORNIA: Univision continues killing jobs, this time an additional 6% of its workforce.  San Francisco based rideshare Uber suddenly laid off about 1-hundred ‘self-drive’ employees across the U.S., apparently due to self-drive accidents!  Sony Pictures suddenly laid off 25 people. Mountain View based InfoTech company Tintri now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. Entertainment marketer Ant Farm issued a shutdown WARN for its Los Angeles office, 80 jobs gone in September. In Palo Alto, Space Systems/Loral revealed they laid off 109 people last month!  Fabless semiconductor maker Cavium issued a layoff WARN for three locations, 45 jobs gone by September.  In Mountain View, ‘data protection’ company Veritas Technologies revealed it laid off 71 people, back in April.  Marvel Semiconductor issued layoff WARNs for two locations, 45 jobs gone by September.  Taylor Communications revealed it shutdown its Livermore ops last month, 37 jobs killed without warning.  Embedded software company Wind River Systems issued a layoff WARN for its Alameda location, 64 jobs gone by Mid-September. iPayment issued a layoff WARN for its Westlake Village location, 30 jobs gone by mid-September.

 A shadow workforce of contract labor keeps Google humming

Layoffs and Management Shuffles Plague Seagate 

Tesla, Pushing for Profit, Faces New Questions Over Finances

Tesla finally hits weekly production target for Model 3 

Elon Musk’s ‘pedo’ attack rattles Tesla investors: ‘This thing is unraveling’

COLORADO: Phone-book publisher turned tech company reveals Denver-area layoffs

CONNECTICUT: What housing market recovery? Online based home loan lender The Money Source suddenly laid off 60 people across the U.S., unnamed victims reported to industry news media that they were only told to attend a webinar where they were informed they were no longer employed.

State taxpayers forced to ‘loan’ Chinese tech company $10-million USD to set up shop in Connecticut!

FLORIDA: Taxpayer funded Space Coast Launch Services eliminating 102 jobs by the end of September!

Industry leaders sound off on Orlando’s high-tech disconnect

GEORGIA: High-level Georgia Tech administrators out after internal audit

IDAHO:  InfoTech company Sykes issued a shutdown WARN for its Boise call center, 640 jobs gone, asks police to be present! Also in Boise, Marvel Semiconductor issued a WARN, 16 jobs gone in September.  Now bankrupt busted Tintri has city of Lewiston upset because they’re on year one of a three year contract: “We put a lot of money into these Tintri boxes, and we need to get the life expectancy out of them.”-Danny Santiago

North Idaho tech innovator arrested under suspicion of domestic battery

Idaho Inmates Hacked Prison Service for $225000 in Credit

Taxpayers forced to give Wendell High students new laptops

ILLINOIS: The new owner of computer driven Chicago Stock Exchange suddenly laid off about 12 people (the new owner is New York Stock Exchange). Chicago based in-flight wi-fi Gogo laid off 55 people, possibly in connection with problems with its new airliner wi-fi antennas.

Nutrien buys startup Agrible for $63M

INDIANA: Electronic resistor maker CTS issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Elkhart, 103 jobs gone by Xmas!

Soon taxpayers will be forced to fund a new public school district  ‘financial monitoring system’, in an attempt to halt the massive numbers of school district financial failures!

IOWA: Iowa Wireless/T-Mobile eliminating 27 jobs in Cedar Rapids, by November.

KENTUCKY: Lexington based Lexmark eliminating at least 1-thousand jobs globally!

MARYLAND: Tech engineering company Sierra Nevada lays off ‘approximately 40’ at Hagerstown-area facility

MASSACHUSETTS: Data storage firm Western Digital to close Marlborough office

F5 Networks ….plans to close an office in Massachusetts

MICHIGAN: Teleperformance USA shutdown its Grand Rapids call center, 91 jobs goneCharter Communications laying off 111 people at two locations in August!

MINNESOTA: Information solutions company NCS Pearson issued a WARN, 82 jobs in Bloomington gone in September.

Great Lakes Polymer Technologies plant in Albert Lea to close

Duluth confronts expensive reality of school tech push

MISSOURI: BJC HealthCare suddenly laid off 113 InfoTech employees and contractors, in connection to its new Epic go-live ops!

Another 40 employees laid off at EaglePicher Technologies

MONTANA: Five workers in Butte, 100 in Moses Lake lose REC Silicon jobs

NEVADA: After forcing utility customers to pay for car charging stations and revealing that most of its revenue actually comes from casinosTesla awards a piddly $1.5 Million To Nevada STEM programs.  Other news reports say Tesla will donate $37-million in total, albeit spread over five years.

‘All humanity has left the area’: paying for Tesla’s Gigafactory

NEW HAMPSHIRE: California  based software maker Extreme Networks WARNing it could eliminate as many as 99 jobs at its ops in Salem, apparently no reason was given.

NEW JERSEY: Taxpayers forced to give $5-million USD to save the main stream news media!  or New Jersey’s Experiment in State-Funded News

NEW YORK: The Illinois based owner of New York Daily News suddenly laid off 93 people. In Painted Post, Sitel shutting down its call center, 184 jobs gone before Halloween! Brooklyn-NYC based advertiser Laundry Service eliminating 45 jobs by October, including its founder.

NORTH DAKOTA: Investigation discovers that State College of Science’s workforce TrainND computer system is a technical failure resulting in “improprieties, or incorrect reporting”!

OHIO: ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM OF TOMORROW unsure of status of 2,300 students

PENNSYLVANIA: Aptiv acquires Winchester Interconnect in $650 million agreement

Medtronic closing office & eliminating 63 jobs

SOUTH CAROLINA: InfoTech company Sykes shutting down its Greenwood ops, 213 jobs gone by mid-September!

TEXAS: Circuit board maker Dynalyst now chapter 11 bankrupt busted with more than $1-million USD in debts. San Antonio Express News laid off 20 people.

UTAH: IM Flash to lay off 7% of Utah workforce

VERMONT: WCAX to Cut Production Staff

WASHINGTON: Seattle based multi-cloud F5 Networks laying off 230 InfoTech employees, despite still advertising for more than 3-hundred open jobs and claiming to have made $150-million USD in profits! China based Ofo Bikeshare halting U.S. ops, including in leftist liberal Seattle where local news media speculated that the city’s plans to regulate bike sharing is the reason.  Germany based InfoTech/logistics company Arvato issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Yakima, 168 jobs gone by the end of September!

Washington DC: DC-based tech start-up FiscalNote to buy CQ Roll Call

U.S. Tech/Communications breakdown, June 2018: “REDEPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES”

School crimes skyrocketing!: Dumbing Down the U.S.A., July 2018

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

 Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

“Sesame Street is taking its beloved, critically acclaimed brand of educational television into the highly profitable world of classroom curriculum — a move that experts say could open the door for other companies to move into the sensitive learning space with possible influence on children.”-Associated Press

Nature-Genetics: Scientific study of 1.1-million people proves your DNA affects your ability to stay in school!

The Washington Post: Millions of educated, experienced workers have been tossed aside

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, July 2018:

ALABAMA: At least 46 Alabama students disciplined for making threats since Parkland

Alabama labels 75 schools ‘failing’ 

Proof it’s still about the ‘jocks’ and not education as University of Alabama opens $15M dining hall for athletes

Paranoid City of Dothan wants to hire 19 more school police officers

school police officer facing three charges of sex crimes

State health and education departments make immunization records easier to get

You know things are bad when a school supply give away is called Christmas in July

ALASKA: Rural students need support

Federal taxpayers fund Refugee/immigrant Students Backpacking program

vandalism of Alpenglow Elementary

ARIZONA: The Art Institutes of Phoenix shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

Why Arizona Is Building Tiny Homes for School Teachers

California students flocking to universities in Arizona

specialty license plates garner $1.45M for education

Former Scottsdale school district CFO under indictment breaks silence

ARKANSAS: Panel Calls For Every School To Have An Armed Presence

Mental Health Counseling for Students Must be Priority

Taxpayers raped of $13.6-million USD for school-to-work program

Taxpayers spend $540-thousand to help one school district buy building for use as health clinic.

CALIFORNIA: In San Diego, after 53 years Adams Avenue Bookstore shutdown, the owners said it made more sense to sell the building than to continue selling books.  The Art Institutes of San Bernardino, San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Ana shutting down, more than 5-hundred jobs gone by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition!   Privately run Argosy University campuses in Alameda, Ontario and San Diego shutting down, about 150 jobs gone by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition!

Celerity charter network closes a school

Auditors call for criminal investigation of Montebello school system

How one California county is criminalizing bad grades

Los Angeles school board member pleads guilty to conspiracy and resigns

Lawsuit over state’s literacy education can proceed

In high gang violence areas police “…found that school buses were dropping off students from different gangs at the same time.” 

Judge Considers Injunction Against Anti-Islamophobia Program In San Diego Schools

COLORADO:  The Art Institutes of Denver shutting down, 160 jobs gone by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run Argosy University in Denver shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.  Kinder Haus Learning Center shutdown, Mesa County Public Health says the shutdown aggravates the local child care crisis as Kinder Haus was the largest provider in the county.

19 students hospitalized after school bus crash

Colorado Springs School District 11 wants to sell a parcel of vacant land that was slated for a new school

Taxpayers shell out $20-million USD for new District 49 school

You know things are bad when a taxpayer funded school supply give away is called Christmas in August

CONNECTICUT: New Haven Public Schools eliminating 37 teacher, librarian, and counselor jobs due to an audit that showed there weren’t enough students to justify the positions.

Teacher, Supervisors Arrested After Alleged Abuse

Bond raised for special ed teacher charged with sexually abusing students

Police Probe Alleged Criminal Conduct At School Events

DELAWARE:  claims suggest DOE Secretary lied during audit 

FLORIDA: The Art Institutes of Fort Lauderdale shutting down, 148 jobs gone by Xmas, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run Argosy University in Sarasota shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

Florida Increases Student Surveillance

At least 1040 teachers out of jobs after failing state test

Charter school amendment triggers School Board dispute

‘No homework’ policy gets bad grade

Manatee County principal under criminal investigation

Four-star university freshman footballer charged with two felonies

First class of armed school cops sworn in Polk County

GEORGIA: School District with less than 3-hundred students gets taxpayer funding to make upgrades to offer “anything that a bigger school would offer.”

New this year, sexual abuse education

Gwinnett Schools in sexual assault lawsuit

assistant principal, teacher arrested for alleged sex crime

teacher sentenced to 2 years in prison for firing gun in class

High-level Georgia Tech administrators out after internal audit

Student says ‘My Rifle Makes Me An Athlete, Not A Criminal

GUAM: Trial set in teacher’s sexual misconduct case

school supplies still needed

HAWAII: New law allows schools to sell products

State Revokes Charter Of Big Island School

School DESTROYED by Kilauea Volcano 

Kamehameha Schools and plaintiffs announce settlement

IDAHO: State education superintendent amended campaign reports after paying herself $2400

Taxpayers forced to pay $375-thousand USD per year to hire 15 unarmed security guards for Twin Falls School District

Xavier Charter School voted unanimously to allow a school employee to carry a concealed firearm on campus.

Taxpayers forced to give Wendell High students new laptops

Idaho is last in pre-K participation


College of Southern Idaho claims increase in revenues, no ‘external’ debt!

In Mormon dominated School District 25 (aka Chubbuck/Pocatello) students experiencing skyrocketing disciplinary problems, “More children were expelled… …and even elementary students got in trouble more often for threats, drug possession and sexual offenses.” 

ILLINOIS: The Art Institutes of Chicago and Schaumburg shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run Argosy University in Schaumburg shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.  Rush University Medical Center outsourcing 110 jobs! 

After years of  mass layoffs schools continue to face teacher shortage (really?)

School, trainer sued over alleged sex crimes

83 school districts flagged by State Board of Education for high rates of suspension and expulsion for three consecutive years.

How Public (taxpayer funded) Education Ranks In Illinois

Investigation discovers that State Board of Education itself caused spike to taxpayer-funded pension

INDIANA: The Art Institutes of Indianapolis shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

Gary schools hit the real estate market

teen gang connected to at least 24 violent crimes

State taxpayers to provide handheld metal detector wands to local schools

police arrested teen at school for having e-cigarette

Teacher accused of intentionally making a special restraining chair for autistic student!

Student accused of bringing gun to Griffith High School 

Soon taxpayers will be forced to fund a new public school district  ‘financial monitoring system’, in an attempt to halt the massive numbers of school district financial failures!

IOWA:  University of Iowa furloughed (supposedly temporary layoffs) 33 people and is shutting down seven ‘centers’ and selling off property, due cuts in state taxpayer funding.

The University of Iowa Labor Center is one of the seven centers slated for closure due to budget cuts.

Taxpayers forced to pay an additional $1.13-million USD for Davenport School District’s “emergency” security funding!

Waterloo, Nashua educators’ licenses suspended for drinking at work

Complaint filed against Schools for use of restraints, seclusion

KANSAS: Two workers shot on Kansas elementary school playground

No felony charges against teacher accused of sex crimes

middle school teacher granted probation

sheriff proposes arming teachers

Reward increased for info about the murder of an immigrant Harmon High School wrestler 

Taxpayers funding new mental health program for five school districts

Taxpayers forced to pay $5-million USD for school security

KENTUCKY:  Kentucky State University eliminating 75 jobs (40 vacant positions and 35 filled positions) in an attempt to reduce labor costs by $2.3-million USD, partly blamed on a 6.25% reduction in state taxpayer funding.

Fayette school board approves tax increase for school safety

Kentucky schools ranked 20th

State offers settlement in Jefferson County Public Schools takeover case

School district sells three empty buildings at huge loss to taxpayers

LOUISIANA: God’s own Loyola University New Orleans suddenly laid off more than 24 people, and suspended its payments into the employee retirement 403(b) plan.  The christian university is dealing with a deficit of more than $25-million USD blamed, in part, to the sudden and unexpected loss of 2-hundred freshmen students back in 2013 (The Rapture?).

Little change in public school performance from last school year

Director of School for the Deaf replaced as part of state level staff shakeup

New state law allows families paying private school tuition a tax break

private schools could face sanctions if voucher students opt to go elsewhere

Louisiana leads the nation in high school seniors asking for federal tax-dollars to help pay for college

Southern University students will have to pay more

MAINE:  After 141 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) god’s own sexist Maine Girls’ Academy-Saint Elizabeth’s Academy shutdown due to lack of students (The Rapture?).

School ban on cell phones blamed for cell phone addiction?

MARYLAND: Incredibly high graduation rate at DuVal High School now considered a scandal

Maryland schools CEO handed six-figure severance payout

Restraining order remains in place against school board chairman

Asian students ask for a day off on Asian calendar Lunar New Year

new law allows students to bring sunscreen to school

MASSACHUSETTS:  Schools allowed to continue electric shock torture of students!

defunct New England Institute of Art/Brookline Art College accused of lying about employment success of graduates

Charter school funding formula is broken

Fall River schools gets 453-thousand federal taxpayer ‘hurricane relief’ dollars for enrolling 152 students from Puerto Rico!

New law lets juveniles off

MICHIGAN: The Art Institutes of Novi shutting down, 114 jobs gone by Xmas, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition!  Privately run South University in Novi shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

“Federal education officials say Michigan is the only state in the U.S. that needs intervention after failing to meet federal special education requirements”

Students in Detroit Are Suing the State Because They Weren’t Taught to Read

University of Michigan doctor charged with yet more sex crimes

MINNESOTA: Capella University issued a layoff WARN, 125 jobs gone in August!

boys sue to join girls high school dance teams

Duluth confronts expensive reality of school tech push

District 518 in violation of special education rules

District 518 battle now includes criminal charges

Teen sentenced for threatening Futures School

Lincoln Park Junior High School teacher accused of sex crimes back in court

Austin school district to raise lunch prices, blames federal government

MISSISSIPPI: Gov’na orders takeover of Noxubee schools

Starkville teacher charged with child exploitation

Sex Education Lessons From Mississippi And Nigeria

Convicted Columbus music teacher gets appeal

School principal arrested for DUI 

MISSOURI: Immigrant student from India, attending University of Missouri-Kansas City, murdered 

University of Missouri’s Columbia campus raises a record $147-million in donations!

Lindbergh is the last taxpayer funded school district where parents pay out-of-pocket for kindergarten

STEM bill vetoed because unAmerican corporate America wrote it!

Federal court orders change to local school board elections

Charter school parents deserve a say in lawsuit

Without warning one of the oldest charter schools in Kansas City suddenly shuts down

Brentwood woman stole $8000 from high school PTO

Gunshots during a football scrimmage at Saint Mary’s High School

Missouri is known as a haven for child marriages.

MONTANA: Victim of high school shooting released from hospital, then arrested

Teen denies Bozeman High School bomb threat

teacher who was convicted for assaulting student selected for new teaching job

Former teacher may have probation revoked due to new sex offense charge

teacher charged with sexually assaulting a student

NEBRASKA: State’s top educator says he’s ‘sick’ of racist comments

For a few terrible hours, Nebraska City feared a school shooting

Walthill school failed to provide special education services

Test scores at Schuyler Central don’t make the grade

New Millard policy prohibits texting between teachers and students

Taxpayers funding $75-million USD in renovations for UNL

Taxpayers funded $43.9-million Student Health Center

NEVADA: After forcing utility customers to pay for car charging stations and revealing that most of its revenue actually comes from casinosTesla awards a piddly $1.5 Million To Nevada STEM programs.  Other news reports say Tesla will donate $37-million in total, albeit spread over five years.

Clark County School District hired 105 special ed teachers, all of them foreigners!

Feuding teachers’ unions battle over package delivery

Marijuana tax money for schools: Where is it going?

NEW HAMPSHIRE: PSU Teams Up With Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network of N.H. to Address Bullying in Schools  (when they say ‘address’ does that mean they’re sending them a letter in the mail?)

Parents Think Of Leaving due to new Franklin School Budget

criminal probe of school lunch program

School counselor gets 2½ years for teen sex assault

EPA Money To Address Asbestos In Schools

Accreditation’s Insidious Impact On Higher Education

NEW JERSEY: Why are so many high school students leaving New Jersey?

Too many school boards wasting too much money

Ewing school teacher gets fired amid child sex crimes

ACLU sues 12 school districts for being anti-illegal immigrant

Another Catholic school announces closure

NEW MEXICO: State loses education lawsuit over Constitutional Rights

UNM No. 1 in stolen autos

Youth gangs on rise in Santa Fe

Man who pled guilty to felony appointed to Luna college board

New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium secures only a fraction of what’s needed for yearly budget

Brain drain hurts New Mexico

NEW YORK: The ‘future leaders’ of America prove they are prejudice when New York University students express disdain for the Supreme Court nominee, days before the President made the nomination!  One prejudiced and politically out-o-touch student even said the “…the new nominee is like racist, and he’s starting a new wave of something very negative…”  God’s own Niagara Catholic Junior/Senior High School shutdown without warning, due to a “significant” reduction in church funding and students (The Rapture?).  Conduent Education Services halting ops in Utica, at least 129 jobs affected by Halloween!

Trooper Is Killed Answering Call to Home of School Principal

Mental health education now required 

Special ed teacher convicted of sex crimes, now pleads guilty to welfare fraud

Does Admissions Exam for Elite High Schools Measure Up? No One Knows

Speed Cameras shutoff in NYC School Zones

Taxpayer funded public schools to educate students about Sikhism

NORTH CAROLINA: The Art Institutes Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run South University in High Point shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

How does North Carolina rank for education?

Teachers view student behavior differently based on race

The Rise Of Charter Schools 

School board makes gutsy decision not to give taxpayer money to its own state government lobby group!

NORTH DAKOTA: For the first time ever, the state Department of Public Instruction asked Native Americans about their education desires!!!

Junior High teacher arrested and accused of enticing boys to have sex with her

Teacher facing drug charges loses license

Minot Teachers at fault 

Number of students who can’t speak English increasing

Investigation discovers that State College of Science’s workforce TrainND computer system is a technical failure resulting in “improprieties, or incorrect reporting”!

North Dakota State University prepping to lose 3-hundred students this school year!

“North Dakota State University has clearly demonstrated negligence which led to dozens of animal deaths, I must insist that you take the most severe action allowable under the Animal Welfare Act and immediately begin the process of issuing the maximum fine allowable…..$10,000 per infraction/ per animal”

Despite oil revenues, the state university system faces lowest taxpayer budget in a decade!

OHIO: Wright State University eliminating 26 jobs in accordance with its new budget.  Privately run South University in Cleveland shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

Investigation Reveals Thousands Of Ohio K-3 Students Suspended Each Year!!!

U.S. DoE leader’s $40 million yacht vandalized in Ohio

taxpayers paid $7.7 million to renovate charter-school 

ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM OF TOMORROW unsure of status of 2,300 students

Thousands Of Ohio Seniors Unsure of Graduation Status

Uncertainty and confusion for school districts promised funding windfall from gas pipeline 

Summit Academy Secondary School violations

Open Enrollment actually covert Segregation?

More Than 100 Former Ohio State Students Allege Sexual Misconduct

Ohio State football wide receiver coach fired amid allegations of domestic violence

Ohio State University gets record $600M in donations 

OKLAHOMA:  University of Oklahoma eliminating one third of executive jobs in an attempt to keep student tuition from being increased.

Lottery proceeds for education top $63 million thanks to new law

Declining state taxpayer funding caused by declining student enrollment, yet local school districts say they need more money despite fewer students

Taxpayers forced to pay Tulsa Public Schools administrators who were not certified and did not have employment contracts!

Education Board charter school Langston Hughes Academy on probation

pervasive hunger impacting school, workplace

Judge says Bixby High School football players committed rape

Hartshorne schools allow trained teachers to carry firearms

OREGON: The Art Institutes of Portland shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.  It leaves “students scrambling for ways to continue their education.”

Dallas School District ordered by state to provide more special education

teacher arrested in drug case could return to classroom

Leftist liberal school district forces taxpayers to shell-out $25-thousand USD, because the district illegally suspended a student for wearing a Trump t-shirt!

PENNSYLVANIA: Pittsburgh based Education Management (the now former owner of Art Institute) now chapter 7 bankrupt busted and liquidating.  The Art Institutes of Philadelphia shutting down, 171 jobs gone by the end of August, the new corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition!

Chief executive officer of the Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School spending up to 20 months in federal prison, for his part in an $8-million USD taxpayer scam.

Property tax rates going up because of schools, “It’s getting tougher each month to pay that” says a retired homeowner on a fixed income who just got hit with a 2.4% increase in property tax.

Lancaster County school districts raise property taxes as much as 6.3 percent!

Taxpayers forced to spend $2-million to license more people as teachers

How Perverse Incentives Leave Struggling School Districts Behind

Pennsylvania has among the biggest student loan debt

Investigation says Hazleton Area School District has a bullying problem

Emmaus High School forces students to watch LGBT videos, yet bans parents

Influx of Puerto Rican families challenges school district

Massive Fire Rips Through Delaware County Catholic School

Holy-er than thou christian school principal says city kids need to be taught “to be quiet, clean and orderly.”!

SOUTH CAROLINA: The Art Institutes Charleston shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition, Students left dangling.

Cost of replacing a principal: $24000

Education still an obstacle

Tax credits for college tuition just got supersized

Charleston County Schools forced taxpayers to give $64000 to marketing company

school district abolished snow days

RHODE ISLAND: More high schoolers consider suicide

$25-million USD taxpayer funded Providence Public Library redeux will somehow create ‘lifetime education’

North Providence school chief accused of using taxpayer funded credit card for personal purchases

Latinos face hurdles in accessing adult ed classes

Teachers overwhelmed by students who can’t speak English

TENNESSEE: The Art Institutes of Nashville shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition. Privately run Argosy University in Nashville shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

Metro Schools Director Accused Of ‘Election Interference’

Principal Sex Scandal Emerges 

Systemic problems in special education

City schools below state averages

Lottery claims it will give nearly $422 million to education

School district replaces snow days with eLearning Days

TEXAS: Privately run Argosy University in Dallas shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

In a Migrant Shelter Classroom

Arrests of students have increased

Number of students accused of making threats triples: “We saw a large number of kids who were being referred to juvenile probation for behaviors like pretending to shoot aliens…” 

Christian mom pleads guilty to trying to hide her high school aged son’s sex crimes, that he committed with elementary students right after going to church!

Administrators to carry guns in east Texas school 

Are college courses for high schoolers worth it? Maybe not

Texas wants to rape taxpayers of nearly $1 billion to help students afford college

UTAH: Privately run Argosy University in Salt Lake City shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.

school counselor, custodian charged with sex crimes

Student accused in backpack bomb case to face adult trial

teachers taking up guns in their classrooms

Nebo School District to eliminate cross-dressing ban

VERMONT: Law School revokes tenure for 75% of faculty

Half of towns will see increased property tax rates, in the name of education

Teachers union claims to have plan to eliminate education property tax

Taxpayers forced to give schools $4-million USD for security

VIRGINIA: Mental health classes now required

The model state for school safety still has challenges

Lee County to arm school employees

teacher in child porn case had upskirt images of students

man facing child sex crimes used to be a teacher

Fairfax school system rejects former student’s assault claim

Investigators say elementary school teachers helped students cheat on state exams

WASHINGTON: The Art Institutes in Rosslyn shutting down, 118 jobs gone!

teaching assistant charged with raping child at Seattle school kept job

school board member accused of hitting bicyclist while driving

Students caught in middle of new college credit law confusion

Ocosta School District turning their new school into a Cascadia Event tsunami evacuation structure, as Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe gets 2.2-million taxpayer dollars to create vertical evacuation shelter

Why there aren’t any Native American charter schools

WASHINGTON DC: Education Dept. Illegally Curbed Workers’ Union Protections

Families accused of residency fraud re-enroll at Duke Ellington School

DC schools among nation’s worst

WEST VIRGINIA: Fayette County Board of Education employee accused of theft

“law enforcement teacher at Putnam County’s Career and Technical Center accused of sexual abuse of a student is among 49 people indicted by a Putnam County grand jury” 

school therapist accused of taking pics of naked students pleads guilty

WISCONSIN: school janitor faces child porn charges

State taxpayers forced to give $3.5-million USD for school security

Spanish immersion early childhood center planned in Shorewood

WYOMING: Riverton High School wrestlers face criminal charges for allegedly homo-sexually raping eight younger students on a school bus!

1 in 4 University of Wyoming students experience sexual assault

Reporting On Migrant Education 

Natrona County selling off Grant Elementary school

Dumbing Down U.S.A., June 2018:“LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN”