“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)
Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.
“Sesame Street is taking its beloved, critically acclaimed brand of educational television into the highly profitable world of classroom curriculum — a move that experts say could open the door for other companies to move into the sensitive learning space with possible influence on children.”-Associated Press
Nature-Genetics: Scientific study of 1.1-million people proves your DNA affects your ability to stay in school!
The Washington Post: Millions of educated, experienced workers have been tossed aside
Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, July 2018:

ALABAMA: At least 46 Alabama students disciplined for making threats since Parkland
Alabama labels 75 schools ‘failing’
Proof it’s still about the ‘jocks’ and not education as University of Alabama opens $15M dining hall for athletes
Paranoid City of Dothan wants to hire 19 more school police officers
school police officer facing three charges of sex crimes
State health and education departments make immunization records easier to get
You know things are bad when a school supply give away is called Christmas in July
ALASKA: Rural students need support
Federal taxpayers fund Refugee/immigrant Students Backpacking program
vandalism of Alpenglow Elementary
ARIZONA: The Art Institutes of Phoenix shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
Why Arizona Is Building Tiny Homes for School Teachers
California students flocking to universities in Arizona
specialty license plates garner $1.45M for education
Former Scottsdale school district CFO under indictment breaks silence
ARKANSAS: Panel Calls For Every School To Have An Armed Presence
Mental Health Counseling for Students Must be Priority
Taxpayers raped of $13.6-million USD for school-to-work program
Taxpayers spend $540-thousand to help one school district buy building for use as health clinic.
CALIFORNIA: In San Diego, after 53 years Adams Avenue Bookstore shutdown, the owners said it made more sense to sell the building than to continue selling books. The Art Institutes of San Bernardino, San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Ana shutting down, more than 5-hundred jobs gone by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run Argosy University campuses in Alameda, Ontario and San Diego shutting down, about 150 jobs gone by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition!
Celerity charter network closes a school
Auditors call for criminal investigation of Montebello school system
How one California county is criminalizing bad grades
Los Angeles school board member pleads guilty to conspiracy and resigns
Lawsuit over state’s literacy education can proceed
In high gang violence areas police “…found that school buses were dropping off students from different gangs at the same time.”
Judge Considers Injunction Against Anti-Islamophobia Program In San Diego Schools
COLORADO: The Art Institutes of Denver shutting down, 160 jobs gone by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run Argosy University in Denver shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition. Kinder Haus Learning Center shutdown, Mesa County Public Health says the shutdown aggravates the local child care crisis as Kinder Haus was the largest provider in the county.
19 students hospitalized after school bus crash
Colorado Springs School District 11 wants to sell a parcel of vacant land that was slated for a new school
Taxpayers shell out $20-million USD for new District 49 school
You know things are bad when a taxpayer funded school supply give away is called Christmas in August
CONNECTICUT: New Haven Public Schools eliminating 37 teacher, librarian, and counselor jobs due to an audit that showed there weren’t enough students to justify the positions.
Teacher, Supervisors Arrested After Alleged Abuse
Bond raised for special ed teacher charged with sexually abusing students
Police Probe Alleged Criminal Conduct At School Events
DELAWARE: claims suggest DOE Secretary lied during audit
FLORIDA: The Art Institutes of Fort Lauderdale shutting down, 148 jobs gone by Xmas, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run Argosy University in Sarasota shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
Florida Increases Student Surveillance
At least 1040 teachers out of jobs after failing state test
Charter school amendment triggers School Board dispute
‘No homework’ policy gets bad grade
Manatee County principal under criminal investigation
Four-star university freshman footballer charged with two felonies
First class of armed school cops sworn in Polk County
GEORGIA: School District with less than 3-hundred students gets taxpayer funding to make upgrades to offer “anything that a bigger school would offer.”
New this year, sexual abuse education
Gwinnett Schools in sexual assault lawsuit
assistant principal, teacher arrested for alleged sex crime
teacher sentenced to 2 years in prison for firing gun in class
High-level Georgia Tech administrators out after internal audit
Student says ‘My Rifle Makes Me An Athlete, Not A Criminal‘
GUAM: Trial set in teacher’s sexual misconduct case
school supplies still needed
HAWAII: New law allows schools to sell products
State Revokes Charter Of Big Island School
School DESTROYED by Kilauea Volcano
Kamehameha Schools and plaintiffs announce settlement
IDAHO: State education superintendent amended campaign reports after paying herself $2400
Taxpayers forced to pay $375-thousand USD per year to hire 15 unarmed security guards for Twin Falls School District
Xavier Charter School voted unanimously to allow a school employee to carry a concealed firearm on campus.
Taxpayers forced to give Wendell High students new laptops
Idaho is last in pre-K participation
College of Southern Idaho claims increase in revenues, no ‘external’ debt!
In Mormon dominated School District 25 (aka Chubbuck/Pocatello) students experiencing skyrocketing disciplinary problems, “More children were expelled… …and even elementary students got in trouble more often for threats, drug possession and sexual offenses.”
ILLINOIS: The Art Institutes of Chicago and Schaumburg shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run Argosy University in Schaumburg shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition. Rush University Medical Center outsourcing 110 jobs!
After years of mass layoffs schools continue to face teacher shortage (really?)
School, trainer sued over alleged sex crimes
83 school districts flagged by State Board of Education for high rates of suspension and expulsion for three consecutive years.
How Public (taxpayer funded) Education Ranks In Illinois
Investigation discovers that State Board of Education itself caused spike to taxpayer-funded pension
INDIANA: The Art Institutes of Indianapolis shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
Gary schools hit the real estate market
teen gang connected to at least 24 violent crimes
State taxpayers to provide handheld metal detector wands to local schools
police arrested teen at school for having e-cigarette
Teacher accused of intentionally making a special restraining chair for autistic student!
Student accused of bringing gun to Griffith High School
Soon taxpayers will be forced to fund a new public school district ‘financial monitoring system’, in an attempt to halt the massive numbers of school district financial failures!
IOWA: University of Iowa furloughed (supposedly temporary layoffs) 33 people and is shutting down seven ‘centers’ and selling off property, due cuts in state taxpayer funding.
The University of Iowa Labor Center is one of the seven centers slated for closure due to budget cuts.
Taxpayers forced to pay an additional $1.13-million USD for Davenport School District’s “emergency” security funding!
Waterloo, Nashua educators’ licenses suspended for drinking at work
Complaint filed against Schools for use of restraints, seclusion
KANSAS: Two workers shot on Kansas elementary school playground
No felony charges against teacher accused of sex crimes
middle school teacher granted probation
sheriff proposes arming teachers
Reward increased for info about the murder of an immigrant Harmon High School wrestler
Taxpayers funding new mental health program for five school districts
Taxpayers forced to pay $5-million USD for school security
KENTUCKY: Kentucky State University eliminating 75 jobs (40 vacant positions and 35 filled positions) in an attempt to reduce labor costs by $2.3-million USD, partly blamed on a 6.25% reduction in state taxpayer funding.
Fayette school board approves tax increase for school safety
Kentucky schools ranked 20th
State offers settlement in Jefferson County Public Schools takeover case
School district sells three empty buildings at huge loss to taxpayers
LOUISIANA: God’s own Loyola University New Orleans suddenly laid off more than 24 people, and suspended its payments into the employee retirement 403(b) plan. The christian university is dealing with a deficit of more than $25-million USD blamed, in part, to the sudden and unexpected loss of 2-hundred freshmen students back in 2013 (The Rapture?).
Little change in public school performance from last school year
Director of School for the Deaf replaced as part of state level staff shakeup
New state law allows families paying private school tuition a tax break
private schools could face sanctions if voucher students opt to go elsewhere
Louisiana leads the nation in high school seniors asking for federal tax-dollars to help pay for college
Southern University students will have to pay more
MAINE: After 141 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) god’s own sexist Maine Girls’ Academy-Saint Elizabeth’s Academy shutdown due to lack of students (The Rapture?).
School ban on cell phones blamed for cell phone addiction?
MARYLAND: Incredibly high graduation rate at DuVal High School now considered a scandal
Maryland schools CEO handed six-figure severance payout
Restraining order remains in place against school board chairman
Asian students ask for a day off on Asian calendar Lunar New Year
new law allows students to bring sunscreen to school
MASSACHUSETTS: Schools allowed to continue electric shock torture of students!
defunct New England Institute of Art/Brookline Art College accused of lying about employment success of graduates
Charter school funding formula is broken
Fall River schools gets 453-thousand federal taxpayer ‘hurricane relief’ dollars for enrolling 152 students from Puerto Rico!
New law lets juveniles off
MICHIGAN: The Art Institutes of Novi shutting down, 114 jobs gone by Xmas, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run South University in Novi shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
“Federal education officials say Michigan is the only state in the U.S. that needs intervention after failing to meet federal special education requirements”
Students in Detroit Are Suing the State Because They Weren’t Taught to Read
University of Michigan doctor charged with yet more sex crimes
MINNESOTA: Capella University issued a layoff WARN, 125 jobs gone in August!
boys sue to join girls high school dance teams
Duluth confronts expensive reality of school tech push
District 518 in violation of special education rules
District 518 battle now includes criminal charges
Teen sentenced for threatening Futures School
Lincoln Park Junior High School teacher accused of sex crimes back in court
Austin school district to raise lunch prices, blames federal government
MISSISSIPPI: Gov’na orders takeover of Noxubee schools
Starkville teacher charged with child exploitation
Sex Education Lessons From Mississippi And Nigeria
Convicted Columbus music teacher gets appeal
School principal arrested for DUI
MISSOURI: Immigrant student from India, attending University of Missouri-Kansas City, murdered
University of Missouri’s Columbia campus raises a record $147-million in donations!
Lindbergh is the last taxpayer funded school district where parents pay out-of-pocket for kindergarten
STEM bill vetoed because unAmerican corporate America wrote it!
Federal court orders change to local school board elections
Charter school parents deserve a say in lawsuit
Without warning one of the oldest charter schools in Kansas City suddenly shuts down
Brentwood woman stole $8000 from high school PTO
Gunshots during a football scrimmage at Saint Mary’s High School
Missouri is known as a haven for child marriages.
MONTANA: Victim of high school shooting released from hospital, then arrested
Teen denies Bozeman High School bomb threat
teacher who was convicted for assaulting student selected for new teaching job
Former teacher may have probation revoked due to new sex offense charge
teacher charged with sexually assaulting a student
NEBRASKA: State’s top educator says he’s ‘sick’ of racist comments
For a few terrible hours, Nebraska City feared a school shooting
Walthill school failed to provide special education services
Test scores at Schuyler Central don’t make the grade
New Millard policy prohibits texting between teachers and students
Taxpayers funding $75-million USD in renovations for UNL
Taxpayers funded $43.9-million Student Health Center
NEVADA: After forcing utility customers to pay for car charging stations and revealing that most of its revenue actually comes from casinos, Tesla awards a piddly $1.5 Million To Nevada STEM programs. Other news reports say Tesla will donate $37-million in total, albeit spread over five years.
Clark County School District hired 105 special ed teachers, all of them foreigners!
Feuding teachers’ unions battle over package delivery
Marijuana tax money for schools: Where is it going?
NEW HAMPSHIRE: PSU Teams Up With Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network of N.H. to Address Bullying in Schools (when they say ‘address’ does that mean they’re sending them a letter in the mail?)
Parents Think Of Leaving due to new Franklin School Budget
criminal probe of school lunch program
School counselor gets 2½ years for teen sex assault
EPA Money To Address Asbestos In Schools
Accreditation’s Insidious Impact On Higher Education
NEW JERSEY: Why are so many high school students leaving New Jersey?
Too many school boards wasting too much money
Ewing school teacher gets fired amid child sex crimes
ACLU sues 12 school districts for being anti-illegal immigrant
Another Catholic school announces closure
NEW MEXICO: State loses education lawsuit over Constitutional Rights
UNM No. 1 in stolen autos
Youth gangs on rise in Santa Fe
Man who pled guilty to felony appointed to Luna college board
New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium secures only a fraction of what’s needed for yearly budget
Brain drain hurts New Mexico
NEW YORK: The ‘future leaders’ of America prove they are prejudice when New York University students express disdain for the Supreme Court nominee, days before the President made the nomination! One prejudiced and politically out-o-touch student even said the “…the new nominee is like racist, and he’s starting a new wave of something very negative…” God’s own Niagara Catholic Junior/Senior High School shutdown without warning, due to a “significant” reduction in church funding and students (The Rapture?). Conduent Education Services halting ops in Utica, at least 129 jobs affected by Halloween!
Trooper Is Killed Answering Call to Home of School Principal
Mental health education now required
Special ed teacher convicted of sex crimes, now pleads guilty to welfare fraud
Does Admissions Exam for Elite High Schools Measure Up? No One Knows
Speed Cameras shutoff in NYC School Zones
Taxpayer funded public schools to educate students about Sikhism
NORTH CAROLINA: The Art Institutes Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition! Privately run South University in High Point shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
How does North Carolina rank for education?
Teachers view student behavior differently based on race
The Rise Of Charter Schools
School board makes gutsy decision not to give taxpayer money to its own state government lobby group!
NORTH DAKOTA: For the first time ever, the state Department of Public Instruction asked Native Americans about their education desires!!!
Junior High teacher arrested and accused of enticing boys to have sex with her
Teacher facing drug charges loses license
Minot Teachers at fault
Number of students who can’t speak English increasing
Investigation discovers that State College of Science’s workforce TrainND computer system is a technical failure resulting in “improprieties, or incorrect reporting”!
North Dakota State University prepping to lose 3-hundred students this school year!
“North Dakota State University has clearly demonstrated negligence which led to dozens of animal deaths, I must insist that you take the most severe action allowable under the Animal Welfare Act and immediately begin the process of issuing the maximum fine allowable…..$10,000 per infraction/ per animal”
Despite oil revenues, the state university system faces lowest taxpayer budget in a decade!
OHIO: Wright State University eliminating 26 jobs in accordance with its new budget. Privately run South University in Cleveland shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
Investigation Reveals Thousands Of Ohio K-3 Students Suspended Each Year!!!
U.S. DoE leader’s $40 million yacht vandalized in Ohio
taxpayers paid $7.7 million to renovate charter-school
ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM OF TOMORROW unsure of status of 2,300 students
Thousands Of Ohio Seniors Unsure of Graduation Status
Uncertainty and confusion for school districts promised funding windfall from gas pipeline
Summit Academy Secondary School violations
Open Enrollment actually covert Segregation?
More Than 100 Former Ohio State Students Allege Sexual Misconduct
Ohio State football wide receiver coach fired amid allegations of domestic violence
Ohio State University gets record $600M in donations
OKLAHOMA: University of Oklahoma eliminating one third of executive jobs in an attempt to keep student tuition from being increased.
Lottery proceeds for education top $63 million thanks to new law
Declining state taxpayer funding caused by declining student enrollment, yet local school districts say they need more money despite fewer students
Taxpayers forced to pay Tulsa Public Schools administrators who were not certified and did not have employment contracts!
Education Board charter school Langston Hughes Academy on probation
pervasive hunger impacting school, workplace
Judge says Bixby High School football players committed rape
Hartshorne schools allow trained teachers to carry firearms
OREGON: The Art Institutes of Portland shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition. It leaves “students scrambling for ways to continue their education.”
Dallas School District ordered by state to provide more special education
teacher arrested in drug case could return to classroom
Leftist liberal school district forces taxpayers to shell-out $25-thousand USD, because the district illegally suspended a student for wearing a Trump t-shirt!
PENNSYLVANIA: Pittsburgh based Education Management (the now former owner of Art Institute) now chapter 7 bankrupt busted and liquidating. The Art Institutes of Philadelphia shutting down, 171 jobs gone by the end of August, the new corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition!
Chief executive officer of the Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School spending up to 20 months in federal prison, for his part in an $8-million USD taxpayer scam.
Property tax rates going up because of schools, “It’s getting tougher each month to pay that” says a retired homeowner on a fixed income who just got hit with a 2.4% increase in property tax.
Lancaster County school districts raise property taxes as much as 6.3 percent!
Taxpayers forced to spend $2-million to license more people as teachers
How Perverse Incentives Leave Struggling School Districts Behind
Pennsylvania has among the biggest student loan debt
Investigation says Hazleton Area School District has a bullying problem
Emmaus High School forces students to watch LGBT videos, yet bans parents
Influx of Puerto Rican families challenges school district
Massive Fire Rips Through Delaware County Catholic School
Holy-er than thou christian school principal says city kids need to be taught “to be quiet, clean and orderly.”!
SOUTH CAROLINA: The Art Institutes Charleston shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition, “Students left dangling“.
Cost of replacing a principal: $24000
Education still an obstacle
Tax credits for college tuition just got supersized
Charleston County Schools forced taxpayers to give $64000 to marketing company
school district abolished snow days
RHODE ISLAND: More high schoolers consider suicide
$25-million USD taxpayer funded Providence Public Library redeux will somehow create ‘lifetime education’
North Providence school chief accused of using taxpayer funded credit card for personal purchases
Latinos face hurdles in accessing adult ed classes
Teachers overwhelmed by students who can’t speak English
TENNESSEE: The Art Institutes of Nashville shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition. Privately run Argosy University in Nashville shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
Metro Schools Director Accused Of ‘Election Interference’
Principal Sex Scandal Emerges
Systemic problems in special education
City schools below state averages
Lottery claims it will give nearly $422 million to education
School district replaces snow days with eLearning Days
TEXAS: Privately run Argosy University in Dallas shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
In a Migrant Shelter Classroom
Arrests of students have increased
Number of students accused of making threats triples: “We saw a large number of kids who were being referred to juvenile probation for behaviors like pretending to shoot aliens…”
Christian mom pleads guilty to trying to hide her high school aged son’s sex crimes, that he committed with elementary students right after going to church!
Administrators to carry guns in east Texas school
Are college courses for high schoolers worth it? Maybe not
Texas wants to rape taxpayers of nearly $1 billion to help students afford college
UTAH: Privately run Argosy University in Salt Lake City shutting down by the end of August, the corporate for-profit owner blames crashing enrollments and online competition.
school counselor, custodian charged with sex crimes
Student accused in backpack bomb case to face adult trial
teachers taking up guns in their classrooms
Nebo School District to eliminate cross-dressing ban
VERMONT: Law School revokes tenure for 75% of faculty
Half of towns will see increased property tax rates, in the name of education
Teachers union claims to have plan to eliminate education property tax
Taxpayers forced to give schools $4-million USD for security
VIRGINIA: Mental health classes now required
The model state for school safety still has challenges
Lee County to arm school employees
teacher in child porn case had upskirt images of students
man facing child sex crimes used to be a teacher
Fairfax school system rejects former student’s assault claim
Investigators say elementary school teachers helped students cheat on state exams
WASHINGTON: The Art Institutes in Rosslyn shutting down, 118 jobs gone!
teaching assistant charged with raping child at Seattle school kept job
school board member accused of hitting bicyclist while driving
Students caught in middle of new college credit law confusion
Ocosta School District turning their new school into a Cascadia Event tsunami evacuation structure, as Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe gets 2.2-million taxpayer dollars to create vertical evacuation shelter
Why there aren’t any Native American charter schools
WASHINGTON DC: Education Dept. Illegally Curbed Workers’ Union Protections
Families accused of residency fraud re-enroll at Duke Ellington School
DC schools among nation’s worst
WEST VIRGINIA: Fayette County Board of Education employee accused of theft
“law enforcement teacher at Putnam County’s Career and Technical Center accused of sexual abuse of a student is among 49 people indicted by a Putnam County grand jury”
school therapist accused of taking pics of naked students pleads guilty
WISCONSIN: school janitor faces child porn charges
State taxpayers forced to give $3.5-million USD for school security
Spanish immersion early childhood center planned in Shorewood
WYOMING: Riverton High School wrestlers face criminal charges for allegedly homo-sexually raping eight younger students on a school bus!
1 in 4 University of Wyoming students experience sexual assault
Reporting On Migrant Education
Natrona County selling off Grant Elementary school
Dumbing Down U.S.A., June 2018:“LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN”