Incomplete list of U.S. job loss announcements and shutdowns.
California: France owned security camera and equipment maker Pelco laid off at least 43 people in Clovis. Administrators say the current economy is forcing them to “focus” their operations. In Los Angeles, ad agency 72andSunny announced it laid off “2%” of its employees in an attempt to maintain the “long term health” of the company.

Delaware: It’s been revealed by a lawsuit launched by 21 states (Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia) that Delaware state administrators are in cahoots with MoneyGram, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Western Union, Visa and MasterCard by illegally holding onto $150-million worth of yet-to-be-cashed checks (call it an ‘unclaimed funds’ scam) from customers across the U.S.: “This practice not only violates federal law but it’s wrong and unfair. The bottom line is simple: Delaware is ignoring federal law for financial gain.”-Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General
Florida: In Sarasota, Vertex issued a WARN, 1-hundred people jobless between August and Xmas! News-Press/Gannett Publishing eliminating 79 jobs in Marco Island and Fort Myers, between July and August.

Valley Agronomics construction on FMC superfund site, Power County
Idaho: Some good news? 15 years after shutting down their Power County phosphorus operations FMC declared their EPA superfund site is now ready to be the new home to Rupert based Valley Agronomics‘ new fertilizer plant (Valley Agronomics is owned by Minnesota based Land O’Lakes). The arrogant ‘christian’ governor of Idaho, Butch Otter, proudly boasted that this was a sign the area’s economy has “risen from the ashes” and then flat lied by saying “…when somebody says we’re gonna return, we’re gonna come back! You can trust us that we will keep our promise in coming back. I want you to remember this day Valley Agronomics and FMC because they told us that! They told us that we can trust them…” This is a lie because it’s not FMC “coming back”, and Valley Agronomics never operated out of the site before! The so called Phoenix Site (as declared by Otter) will employ a measly 50 people once it’s up and running in 2017 (incompetent local TV stations have been reporting 70 jobs created, but those are the temporary construction jobs). I don’t think that qualifies as a local economy that’s “risen from the ashes”.
Otter also quietly revealed to local news media that the once touted Solar Farm project at the Pocatello Airport is dead.
Iowa: British empire United Kingdom owned textbook and test publisher Pearson conducted a third round of layoffs, bring the total number of people laid off in Iowa City to 166! Local news media say the Red Coat company blames the job cuts on fewer and fewer ‘Americans’ going to college. Yes, most of your ‘American’ textbooks are actually made by the British empire! Is it part of the dumbing down of the United States conspiracy?
Kentucky: Pike County eliminating at least 19 jobs due to being $4-million USD short for the 2016-17 fiscal year. As an example of what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs, it’s blamed on the crashing coal mining industry.
Maryland: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech competition for your demise; Missouri based finance and healthcare software maker DST Systems shutdown its Baltimore office.
Michigan: Port Huron School Board eliminating 12 teaching positions. It’s blamed on a loss of student body, but could it also be because their parking lot improvement project is costing them way more than they thought it would? In Midland, Stanley’s Furniture shutting down after 65 years. The 74 years old owner said he wanted to shutdown five years ago, he credits his success on being able to know what the trends are.
Minnesota: After 39 years Shady Acres Herb Farm shutting down, the owners blame their health problems. In Saint Paul, the Community School of Excellence eliminating 19 jobs and changing academic programs. Local news media say the charter school is in danger of shutdown due to lack of “performance”.
Mississippi: The state Department of Health warning of more layoffs due to taxpayer funding cut of $4-million USD: “Over the next several months, we will be also sending people home. We just don’t know how many people yet.”-Mary Currier, state health officer
Missouri: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech competition for your demise; finance and healthcare software maker DST Systems eliminating 150 jobs in Kansas City!
New Jersey: The state is so broke that state retirement money will continue to be frozen at 2011 levels. Thank fat-ass Trump supporter Chris Christie for that. By the way retirement funds, as well as social services are not ‘benefits’ because you freaking’ taxpayers paid for them already! In Hamilton, disabled people “self-determined life” enhancer Meridian Services issued a WARN, 97 jobs gone by the end of the month.
New York: Elitist Ralph Lauren issued a mass layoff WARN for its NYC ops, 316 jobs gone between now and October! Montauk Student Transport issued a layoff WARN for their Bronx-NYC and Weschester ops, 268 jobs lost by September! In NYC, after 28 years Rebel Rebel Records blaming jacked up rent for their shutdown at the end of the month. In Brooklyn-NYC, after 75 years the Florence Food Center shutting down due to migrants! Local news media says the Florence Food Center caters to Italians, but the area is experiencing skyrocketing immigration from “Asians, Russians, Central Americans, and Middle Easterners” while Brooklyn Italians are getting the hell outta Dodge! (ILLEGALS GET FREE U.S. COLLEGE! 43% U.S. CITIZENS CAN’T PAY STUDENT LOANS!)
North Carolina: Craven County Schools eliminating more than 20 jobs due to being short $3.5-million USD for the 2016-17 school year.
South Carolina: In Florence, after 22 years Phil Nofal’s Fine Footwear shutting down, the owner (who’s worked in the shoe business since he was 12) says “I’m tired. I’m 61 and I’ve done this my whole life.”

(not sure if this pic is doctored or real, it came from a Jewish news website)
Washington DC: The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank says 76-million U.S. citizens barely get by financially. 46% of U.S. citizens would be devastated by a financial emergency. 45% say it’s because their jobs do not give them steady income as their work hours constantly change. It’s been revealed that taxpayers are being forced to spend $20-thousand USD to ‘settle’ each so called war refugee coming into the U.S. The revelation was made by Negative Population Growth.
Wyoming: Uranium miner Ur-Energy eliminating 12 jobs due to crashing demand (and prices) for the radioactive metal.
07-08 June 2016: “if you don’t use it, you lose it!”
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification.
I found a 2010 AFL-CIO analysis (titled The Public Availability of WARN Notices: Lack of Accessibility and Disclosure…) which proves what I’ve been suspecting in my search of state WARN notices; most states are not complying with federal WARN regulations and are not publicizing or tracking mass layoffs.
Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!
Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”
The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”