Just a fraction of the insects flying and crawling around in Chubbuck, Idaho.
This big Ten-Lined June Beetle flew into my Chubbuck, Idaho, kitchen while I was frying my homegrown potatoes, 29JUL2023. They are common in the U.S. & Canada. This one has underdeveloped ‘paddle’ antennae. They are known for being bad at flying, often flying into obstacles. The larvae take as long as four years to develop:
This bee seemed to love this giant Chubbuck onion, 29JUN2023:
Some butterflies/moths seen in Chubbuck, Idaho, last Summer 2022, video by me:
I found a couple of Praying Mantis crawling on the ground, I thought they might want to be higher up, but they wouldn’t have anything to do with it, August 2022:
Sometime in 2022.
Katydid, 02SEP2020.
A young Katydid, 28JUL2020.
Chubbuck, Idaho, 22SEP2018.
Cat Faced Spider (Araneus gemmoides, aka Jewel Spider), I haven’t seen any for the past few years (the Pland-emic?). They should also be called ‘human eye’ spider because they have designs on their backs that look like eyeballs.
A praying mantis paid a visit to my computer keyboard, in Chubbuck, Idaho. I tried to put it outside, but it seemed to like the attention and didn’t want to leave. Video by me, September 2020:
My way of gardening is controversial, just throw it in the Idaho dirt and see if it grows. No fertilizers, insecticides or herbicides. Just water and Sun, it works good enough for me.
I planted a white-onion two Summers ago, now it split into two onions.
This Spring, I threw some potatoes in the ground and already got a small harvest.
Pumpkin puree makes a good soup base (canned or make your own). I used salt, and the per-i-ful spices typical of pumpkin pie which requires hella sugar to equalize ( I like sugar, not for diabetics!). You must experiment with the flavorings you add to the pumpkin base, don’t blame me! I also used the potatoes & onions I recently harvested.
The onions, having grown for the past two Summers, are tough, I had to switch to a serrated knife to cut/saw them and then fry them to soften them.
Unfortunately, the potatoes are bland, even after boiling in salt water. That’s what happens when you just let plants grow ‘wild’, never know what you’re gonna get.
I made garlic toast, which is always good with ‘heavy’ soups, and you can use to sop-up the remnants left behind in the bowl.
12 July 2023 (09:53-UTC-07 Tango 06) 21 Tir 1402/23 Dhu l-Hijja 1444/25 Ji-Wei 4721/12 июль 2023 года
“This is an important settlement which reduces the environmental impacts from one of the leading fertilizer manufacturers. This settlement advances EPA’s goals by creating environmentally beneficial waste management practices and ensures that the U.S. taxpayer will not be responsible for future costs associated with closure of this facility. Additionally, this settlement ensures that any future expansion of Simplot’s operations will be conducted according to strict requirements to minimize impacts to surrounding communities, including the Fort Hall Indian Reservation.”-Larry Starfield, United States EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
Simplot Don Plant is actually in Power County. The mailing address is for Pocatello, Bannock County, because at one time Simplot’s HQ was in Pocatello (it’s now in Boise).
The settlement also directly affects operations with Simplot’s Don Plant, near Pocatello (but not in Pocatello as typically reported by news media and even government officials, it is actually in Power County), Idaho: “This settlement will bring important benefits to Idaho and the communities that have been affected by the Don Plant’s operations. We are grateful that our state partner, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, helped formulate and will oversee work that Simplot will fund to mitigate the impacts of its phosphate operations on water quality and the environment along the Portneuf River, working in cooperation with both the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and the City of Pocatello.”-Josh Hurwit, U.S. Attorney for the District of Idaho
On 19JUN2023, the U.S. Department of State revealed a new refugee system, as part of a 2016 global deal called the Tent Partnership for Refugees. ‘Tent’, as it is also officially known, is essentially an international government sanctioned legal human trafficking operation.
Official Department of State video, in which it is admitted that the government is helping more than 3-hundred U.S. employers hire refugees still living in other countries:
During the second week of June 2023, Air and Army National Guard units from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio conducted earthquake response training, on the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Indiana.
Kentucky Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Benjamin Crane, 09JUN2023.
The Kentucky Army National Guard practiced using ‘raft bridges’ to transport vehicles and people across the river, expecting that local bridges would be destroyed by the quake.
Kentucky Army National Guard video showing you how to build a ‘raft bridge’. Video by Sergeant First Class Andrew Dickson, edited by me:
The training event was officially called Homeland Defender 2023, and also involved local emergency responders, and Verizon’s Frontline-Emergency Network operators: “This was a full-scale exercise with the purpose to integrate local, state, federal and military assets, as well as the private sector, to provide support to local authorities during a disaster response.”-Lieutenant Colonel Stephanie Railey, Indiana National Guard Joint Force Headquarters
Indiana Air National Guard video by Airman First Class Amber Anderson, 10JUN2023:
The emergency responders included the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indiana Task Force 1, Indiana Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team, Monroe Fire Protection District, Indiana State Police, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and Fort Wayne Police Department.
Indiana Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant L. Roland Sturm, 10JUN2023.
The training involved almost every possible scenario: “We had everything from water rescue operations to collapsed buildings and civil unrest…”-Lieutenant Colonel Stephanie Railey, Indiana National Guard Joint Force Headquarters
Indiana Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant L. Roland Sturm, 10JUN2023.
Even robot ‘dogs’ were used during the quake riot training: “The Air National Guard has a civil disturbance responsibility. The security forces squadron acts as an aid to civilian authorities in case there’s a civil disturbance that gets too big or out of hand.”-Major Joseph Williams, Indiana Air National Guard
Indiana Air National Guard video by Airman First Class Amber Anderson, 10JUN2023:
Indiana Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant L. Roland Sturm, 10JUN2023.
A Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) scenario involved recovering bodies from a contamination event! Indiana Air National Guard CBRN video by Airman First Class Amber Anderson, 10JUN2023:
The automobile show was free to the public, proceeds from food vender sales, and raffle ticket sales, went to help SAC. Just to let you know how much the help is needed, in 2022 the Pocatello SAC served more than 22-thousand meals to local old people.
Here is a sampling of the vehicles that were there (click on each image to make them bigger):
Walk around video of the show, which was supported by many local business sponsors, most of the video has no audio as they were blaring copyrighted music at the event:
Helicopter ride forced down in neighboring Chase Park, due to too many passengers for the little ‘copter! (note the dejected riders walking away from their ride)
Byram Bridle is a viral immunologist, specializing in animal diseases, working at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College. On 04MAY2023, after the European Union’s Third International Covid Summit, Bridle gave a warning about the use of mRNA in animals, specifically livestock used in the human food chain (Byram Bridle is at the end of the video):