Tag Archives: education

Dumbing Down the United States, February 2016: Schools being used as sex torture prisons!

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

“If you grow up low income and manage to get higher education, which few people manage to do, the potential for that to lift you solidly up into the middle-class and upper-middle class is more limited than we thought.”-Brad Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment

A Brookings Institute study (A college degree is worth less if you are raised poor) revealed some surprising data about what is now obviously the ‘lie’ of higher education: Using decades worth of data the researchers discovered that having a four year college degree does absolutely nothing to help low income people get out of poverty! It seems only people from wealthy families benefit from a college degree!

Incomplete list of publicly announced education layoffs & school shutdowns, and crimes, February 2016:

Arizona: Phoenix based Apollo Education Group selling off its failing University of Phoenix after losing more than 50-thousand students in 2015! The loss of students was the result of the U.S. Department of Education investigating claims of false promises of finding jobs after graduation, and the U.S. Department of Defense banning military personnel from taking University of Phoenix courses!

California: Inland Early Steps issued a shutdown WARN for their Corona operation, 79 jobs lost by April. B&H Education shutdown their Whittier ops, 73 jobs gone.  After four years the Malibu Bank of Books shutting down in April. The owner blames lack of sales and points out that the landlord actually tried to helped the bookstore.   In San Francisco, Pearson Education eliminated 34 jobs.  UTi shutting down their automotive school in Long Beach, 64 jobs gone by April.  Pinecrest Schools finally revealed how many jobs will be lost by their mass shutdown of campuses; 176 by June! Greedy Ojai Unified School District is deciding the fate of five elementary schools due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome and (this is so typical of California) the school’s property values! Local news reports say school administrators have already met with local real estate agents about selling off the schools!

Florida: In Palm Beach, after 35 years the Jupiter Academy private school shutting down, they can’t afford to renew the lease.  For profit Mattia College shutting down, 1-hundred jobs lost and more than 7-hundred nursing students looking for a new home. No word on an official shutdown date, but local news says pay for teachers has been cut off! This is the second nursing school in The Sunshine State, in the past two years, to shutdown. The top administrator of that other nursing school, Dade Medical, was recently arrested. This is all part of the U.S. Department of Education’s crackdown on schools that promise their students ‘The Moon’.

Idaho: State Senate Education Committee rejecting science education standards for K thru 12 students, saying they’re too hard!  However, some local news reports suggested that the ‘christian lawmakers’ rejected the new standards (without any discussion by-the-way) because they include evolutionary concepts like the Big Bang (never mind that scientists have just proven Big Bang with discovery of gravitational waves).  As I’ve written before looks like we’re entering a new Dark Age.  I remember when my kids were attending junior high school in District 25 (just a decade ago) and their science books opened with the statement “One day man will walk on the moon.”  You ‘christians’ are so dumb, no wonder it’s so easy for ‘The Good Shepard’ to lead you ‘lambs’ to your slaughter!

Illinois: Western Illinois University eliminating an additional 1-hundred jobs! They laid off 30 people in January.  Eastern Illinois University quietly issuing layoff notices to non-instructional staff (latest reports say as many as 2-hundred!). It’s blamed on the state ‘lawmakers’ failing to come up with a budget. The layoffs will start in March, university administrators say the state owes them at least $40-million USD.  In connection, the Test Center had to shut down temporarily “in order to train the remaining staff in the building to assume the duties of the lost positions”.  Chicago State University has warned all 9-hundred employees of impending layoffs due to ‘lawmakers’ failing to create a new budget! Chicago Public Schools (CPS) warning of even more layoffs after the teacher union rejected their latest offer. The Failed State system CPS claims it is lacking $500-million for its latest budget, but they’re actually $1-billion ‘in the hole’, structurally!  Danville Area Community College eliminating at least four jobs, offering early retirement and eliminating their Automotive and Sustainability programs: “These are challenging times, and it’s challenging because of the uncertainty”-Alice Jacobs, DACC President

School District 205 eliminating stipends for club sponsors and eliminating 109 jobs! The district is short $2.6-million USD, blaming lack of taxpayer funding caused by what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome. For the first time in 25 years Parkland College eliminating jobs, administrators blame the state ‘lawmakers’ for dragging their feet on taxpayer funding for the next school year.  Sycamore School District 427 eliminating at least 56 jobs: “We see other businesses where employees are just being told to do more with less, and unfortunately, that seems to be the mentality of our state government when incomes to education.”-Jim Dombek, District 427

Iowa: In Keokuk, the local Sheriff’s Department, and even the federal FBI, have shutdown the so called ‘therapeutic’ Midwest Academy after at least 80 cases of torture, including starvation, isolation and sex abuse.   Get this, police raided the torture chamber in January, but are only now telling the public about it.  Female victims told the Associated Press the ‘school’ was “hell”, with many students trying to kill themselves.  One girl was tortured for having a belly button ring!  Don’t confuse the Keokuk Midwest Academy with several others of the same name.  Midwest Academy is a privately funded “therapeutic boarding school”, which refers to its torture tactics as a “powerful, proven and unique system”.

Mississippi: Hattiesburg Public Schools cutting pay and eliminating jobs “immediately”. No details about how many jobs will be lost, local news reports say employees have not been notified.

Montana: More job killing at University of Montana; 27 jobs gone by the end of June, due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS).

New Jersey: Sussex County Community College eliminating 20 full time jobs due to crashing enrollments.   Upper Saddle River based Pearson Education finally revealed plans to eliminate 4-thousand jobs across the U.S.!  Administrators refused to give specifics about where those layoffs will impact: “Out of respect for all of our employees, it wouldn’t be appropriate to discuss the number of job cuts in a specific location before we inform our employees across the rest of our workforce.” 

New York:  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Albany Roman Catholic Diocese from shutting down ‘his’ Saint Augustine school in Lansingburgh. Church leaders blamed the state government for refusing to give them taxpayer funding (which would be a violation of the U.S. 1st Amendment). In Hamburg, God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Immaculate Academy. It’s blamed on lack of students, “changing realities within the congregation” and only one Nun on staff.   The Smithtown Board of Education forced to shutdown Branch Brook Elementary School by 2017. Administrators revealed that student enrollment has been declining since 2009.   NYC Department of Education shutting down three charter schools; Beginning with Children, Lefferts Garden and Staten Island Community.  “The Department of Education overturned a principal’s firing and gave her more than a year’s back pay so she wouldn’t file ­legal actions charging ethics violations by the DOE’s new top lawyer, sources say.”New York Post, Education officials ‘bought off’ principal… 

Pennsylvania: Penn State University warned all 1-thousand 1-hundred Ag Ex employees of mass layoffs, due to state ‘lawmakers’ failing to pay the 2015-16 agricultural extension subsidies! News sources reporting that some ‘lawmakers’ have revealed that tax revenues are so tight they must choose between funding higher education and grade schools! God powerless to stop the Diocese of Erie from shutting down four of ‘his’ grade schools; Venango Catholic high school and Saint Boniface, Saint Peter Cathedral and Our Lady of Mount Carmel elementary schools. Church leaders blame The Rapture, I mean low enrollment.  Pennsylvania University School of Nursing shutting down, 96 jobs lost by the end of March.  Administrators for the second largest cyber charter school in the state, Agora, admitted they eliminated jobs at the beginning of the month, but they refuse to say how many.  Local news reports say former employees report between 1-hundred and 150 people were fired without warning!  Cyber school administrators blame lack of state taxpayer funding due to ‘lawmakers’ failing to pass a budget.   However, local news media also published a direct quote from an Agora chairwoman, made back in December: “We have no plans to cut or furlough staff due to the lack of funds we are currently receiving. Please do not fear for your position here at Agora.”-Mary Steffey

South Dakota:  The editors of the Rapid City Journal are calling for a hike in state taxes to support the governor’s proposed education funding plan.  This shows you how uneducated the Rapid City Journal is.  Tax revenues are down across the board, across the country, due to the bad economy.  Many political scientist will tell you that jacking up taxes during a down economy is a sign of a Fail State.  Many economist will tell you that jacking up taxes during a down economy will only snowball the downward spiral.  There is no ‘return’ on more education spending when fewer and fewer people are able to find a job that pays a ‘living wage’, and the small business environment is such that it’s not worth it to even try and start a small business.  (I’ve heard the mo-funding, mo-funding mantra for education for more than 30 years now and it’s plain to see that overall education has only gotten worse as more money is spent)   Grant-Deuel School District shutting down the school in Revillo, due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): “You talk to any smaller school, smaller town and they are basically losing enrollment…..”-Paulette Grube, Dean of Students

Tennessee: More proof the real ‘god’ is money; God refuses to stop the shutdown of three of ‘his’ LifeWay Christian Store on Southern Baptist seminary campuses.  It’s blamed on the sale of Southern Baptist Convention property and changing spending habits of Christian students.

Utah: A fine example of no matter how much money ‘lawmakers’ promise to spend on education, if there ain’t no tax revenues (due to a bad economy) it ain’t gonna happen:  “A committee of lawmakers settled last week on a preliminary funding proposal ….with more than $266 million of it as ongoing funding…..   …..But dollar amounts in the final education budget could likely fall short….Revised income tax revenue estimates won’t be available until the end of February, and they’re projected to produce less than the $266 million of ongoing funds included in the subcommittee’s proposal.”Deseret News, Slicing and dicing money for your child’s education 

Virginia: In Woodbridge, C&W Books shutdown: “After 25 years in your community, C & W Used Books will be closing on Feb. 29. Our lease is up and we cannot afford the rent increase.” 

Washington: In Gig Harbor, after 47 years Mostly Books shutting down due to the property owner wanting to sell.

West Virginia:  Cabell County Schools eliminating 61 jobs and transferring another 97! It’s blamed on the loss of 2-hundred students since 2014!  Kanawha County School Board eliminating 25 jobs due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS). Local news reports say DSS is the number one reason for education layoffs in southern West Virginia. McDowell County Board of Education eliminating 30 jobs due to loosing $1.5-million in state and local tax funding, caused by loosing an average of 1-hundred students per year (that’s what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome)!  Boone County Schools eliminating 77 jobs after the bad economy caused tax revenues to be cut by more than half: “There were signs that it was happening….just didn’t expect it all at once…came on very quickly….we just didn’t realize the enormity of it.”-Jerry Pcholinsky, Boone County Education president

Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin System-Extension eliminating 80 jobs due to a sudden and unexpected budget cut by Right to Work (you over) Scott Walker.  40 of the jobs were already vacant.

Dumbing Down the United States, January 2016: “…in the end, you have to say ‘it’s not working.’” 

Shit hitting the fan! Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania economic Failed States! HP accelerates mass layoffs! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 27 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

California: Palo Alto based Hewlett Packard (HP) changed its plan to eliminate 3-thousand jobs!  Originally they were going to spread the job culling over three years, but now the economy is so bad they will dump all 3-thousand jobs by the end of this year!!! In Modesto, Memorial Medical Center eliminating 96 jobs by the end of April claiming lack of money, and despite advertising that they have 1-hundred vacant positions to fill!   In Los Angeles, employees of bankrupt American Apparel walked off the job: “They are laying off workers, cutting out their hours, their pay and their rights, and now they can no longer afford living!”-Stephanie Padilha, employee

Colorado: Englewood based Sports Authority adding their Denver warehouse to recent store shutdown announcements.  72 distribution jobs lost by the end of April.  Sports Authority recently defaulted on a massive interest payment and announced it must shutdown 140 stores!

Connecticut:  Without warning two Shoreline Health & Fitness gyms shutdown last night!  The owners would only say they’ve “sold off their assets” and to contact state authorities for refunds!

Florida: U.S. Department of Justice accusing Herard Tax Services of preparing fraudulent tax returns.  Investigators say the false tax filings have cost U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars since 2009.

Georgia: Duluth based computer company NCR moving jobs out of Peachtree City, to Ohio and Texas.  Local news reports say as many as 1-thousand 2-hundred Peach State jobs affected!

Illinois: Chicago State University has warned all 9-hundred employees of impending layoffs due to ‘lawmakers’ failing to create a new budget!

Michigan: After 45 years Bacchus Wine & Spirits shutdown: “We were given an offer to buy the license, the building and the land that was enough to make it worth it.”-Dean Caplan

Mississippi: United Artists Clinton Center 10  in Clinton and  United Artists Northpark 14 in Ridgeland being shutdown by the owner.  Local news reports gave no reason, but it should be noted that the owner is a property developer.

New York: The state ‘lawmakers’ have failed to come up with a new budget, but promise to somehow pay SolarCity GigaFactory contractors $80-million USD!  Contractors Quakenbush just laid off 122 people, and Mader Construction laid off at least 75,  due to not being paid by the Failed Empire State!  The Riverbend site in Buffalo was employing 1-thousand people, but local news sources say failed ‘lawmakers’ haven’t paid the contractors since November 2015!!!  NYC based Too Big to Jail JPMorgan Chase revealed they expect their investment-banking revenues to crash by 25% just in their 1st quarter of 2016! In Hamburg, God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Immaculate Academy.  It’s blamed on lack of students, “changing realities within the congregation” and only one Nun on staff.  The Smithtown Board of Education forced to shutdown Branch Brook Elementary School by 2017.  Administrators revealed that student enrollment has been declining since 2009.   The restaurant known for having its walls plastered with autographed dollar bills, 69 Bayard Restaurant, shutdown with no explanation.  Local news said the restaurant has a history of changing owners frequently.

North Carolina: News reports out of India say Too Big to Jail Charlotte based Bank of America is preparing for “significant” job cuts around the world, more than 5% of its workforce.

North Dakota: In Bismark, Box Office Video shutting down by mid-March.  However, don’t blame internet streaming, the owner said in the past year rentals actually increased, but her rent is about to increase as well (that’s why she’s shutting down).

Ohio: Wood basket maker Longaberger shutting down their iconic basket shaped Newark HQ.   The company can no longer afford the property tax and is moving to a cheaper location.  News reports say the company hasn’t paid their property tax and the county is about to foreclose.  Also, the basket shaped HQ once employed 5-hundred people but as of last year there were only 68 employees left! 

Oregon: In Portland, after 23 years The Celtic Corner shutting down, the 83 years old owner says he’s finally ready to retire!

Pennsylvania: Penn State University warned all 1-thousand 1-hundred Ag Ex employees of mass layoffs, due to the failed state ‘lawmakers’ failing to pay the 2015-16 agricultural extension subsidies!  For proof of Failed State-ism, news sources are reporting that some ‘lawmakers’ have revealed that tax revenues are so tight they must choose between funding higher education and grade schools!

Virginia: After 64 years Nationwide Insurance about to complete its exodus from Lynchburg, a total of 340 jobs lost!  The property was sold to Liberty University, who claims they will set up a internet based ‘distance learning’ operation in the former insurance building.

West Virginia: The Cross Lanes Fruth Pharmacy shutting down by the end of April, 14 jobs lost due to lack of drug sales.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

26 February 2016: “That’s a lot of people getting hurt!”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Neu Holocaust: 130,000 migrants ‘disappeared’ from Germany!

27 February 2016 (07:36 UTC-07 Tango 01) 08 Esfand 1394/18 Jumada al-Ula 1437/20 Geng Yin 4714

In an exclusive report a German newspaper revealed the regime of Angele Merkel, the female Führer who once begged millions of illegal migrants to come to Germany, has “lost” 130-thousand of those migrants! (Mehr als 130 000 Asylsuchende sind verschwunden)

In 2015 at least 1.1-million migrants poured into Deutschland at the invitation of Merkel.  Once crossing the border the migrants were directed to processing ‘camps’ across Germany.  It’s now been revealed that about 130-thousand of those migrants never showed up at the camps.

Administrators speculate that the migrants either returned home, left for other countries or “went underground”.

In another admission of failure, migration officials stated that they have yet to confirm the identities of almost half-a-million migrants!

Oh Ja! Angela Merkel liebt ihr Glyphosate Bier!  500 years of German Beer Purity flushed by Monsanto! 

Germany posts record government surplus, again? Credit illegal immigrants! 

“That’s a lot of people getting hurt!” Connecticut officially an economic Failed State? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 26 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Arkansas: Bentonville based Walmart eliminated an undisclosed number of HQ IT jobs, saying “…It’s something we’ve done before and will continue to do, just like any technology business.”  In other words, this round of layoffs were not part of their bigger plans to shutdown stores and eliminate thousands of jobs.

California: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; insurance software company Zenefits eliminated 250 jobs without warning, saying the bad economy is forcing them to “refocus”!  San Francisco based interactive entertainment company Kabam revealed how many jobs they are about to kill; at least 76 jobs lost by the end of March.  Boeing continues to issue mass layoff WARNs, this time 92 jobs across three cities gone by mid-April.  What automotive industry recovery? Affinia Brake Parts issued a new layoff WARN saying 111 people will lose their jobs at the Chowchilla factory, by mid-April!  That’s on top of the 43 jobs Affinia eliminated this month.  In Yountville, event eatery to the elites The Pavilion at The Vintage Estate issued a mass layoff WARN, 326 jobs lost by mid-April!  TGI Friday’s shutting down their Laguna Niguel restaurant, 51 jobs lost by the end of April.  New York based clothier BCBG Max Azria Group eliminating 71 jobs in Vernon, by the end of April.  It sounds like a shutdown, but the WARN listing says “layoff”.   In Hayward, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals shutting down by the end of July, 43 jobs lost.  Right wing news media outlet Freedom Communications issued a mass layoff WARN for their Santa Ana operations, 969 jobs lost by the end of March!  Maslow Media issued layoff WARNs, 38 jobs across three cities lost by mid-April.

Connecticut: As I’ve written before crashing tax revenues are a sign of a depression. State tax collections are crashing and burning according to the state Office of Fiscal Analysis.  The current budget is now short $266-million USD, while the planned budget for next fiscal year is already short $900-million!  

Florida:  Basketball star Vince Carter shutting down his six years old Daytona Beach restaurant.  Employees found out on Wednesday that they’ll be unemployed tomorrow!

Illinois: American Coal revealed they’ve eliminated 101 jobs at their Galatia mine, last week!

Indiana: In Schererville, Sears Hardware shutting down in April.

Iowa: In line with recent warnings, farm vehicle maker Deere (John Deere) eliminating an additional 1-hundred jobs at factories in Davenport and Dubuque!   And in Dubuque, after five years Crust Italian Kitchen & Bar shutting down tomorrow, 30 jobs lost.  The owner said she was offered a better paying ‘regular’ job with a company in Chicago.  Donut King shutting down their West Des Moines store by mid-March, due to the greedy property owner selling out to a property developer.  Donut King hopes to find a new affordable location.

Maryland: In Reisterstown, after 40 years Ski Shoppe shutting down, the owner would only say they’re “going out of business”.

New Jersey: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Catholic Saint Francis Life Care from issuing a shutdown WARN for their Franciscan Oaks nursing home, 257 jobs lost by the end of April!   It’s been for sale since 2014.  God also powerless to stop ‘his’ Quaker Cadbury Senior Lifestyles from shutting down, 255 Cherry Hill nursing home jobs lost by the end of April!

Pennsylvania: In Olyphant, France based Technicolor eliminating 50 more jobs, on top of recent mass layoffs.  A production line was  halted without warning as well: “That’s a lot of people getting hurt! That’s something that no community whether it’s Olyphant or its surrounding communities wants to hear. A lot of people used to be employed there, thousands, and it was one of the biggest employers Olyphant ever had!”-Jerry Tully, city councilman

Texas: Lone Star Tubular Operations warning that low oil prices could cost all 677 employees their jobs, by the end of March!   

Illinois based heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar warning that it might end it’s semi-truck production before it even starts!  Caterpillar was about to start a new semi-truck factory in Victoria, but “…we determined there was not a sufficient market opportunity to justify the investment. We have not yet started truck production in Victoria, and this decision allows us to exit this business before the transition occurs.”  There are already 70 people working to gear up the Victoria factory, but they will become unemployed in March.  Plano based JCPenney is so desperate that they are about to sell off specific women’s clothing for only one cent (The Penny Sale, get it, a play on the name Penney. JCPenney stands of James Cash Penney)!  The sale will last through next week and is for JCPenney’s Arizona house brand. Administrators admitted they now realize many women are hurting for cash in this suck-ass economy.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

25 February 2016: “like phases of any loss, it’s shock and denial”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“shock and denial” Mo Mass Layoffs in California! Sears kills hundreds of office jobs! No more Kohl’s? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 25 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Arkansas: Boulevard Bread shutting down their River Market kiosk.

California: Once again British empire based, U.S. tax sucking, BAE Systems way late on issuing a mass layoff WARN.  This time they revealed they laid off 230 people in San Francisco, at the beginning of the month!  In Bakersfield, California Resources eliminating 74 oil industry jobs by mid-April.  In Vacaville, after 55 years Green Tee Golf Club shutting down, the operators blaming lack of money.  InCosta Mesa, after 55 years H.J. Garrett Furniture shutting down when the inventory is gone, the operators say they want to retire, but also blame declining sales and the now sky-high cost of living in California. What automotive industry recovery? UTi shutting down their automotive school in Long Beach, 64 jobs gone by April.  Southern California Edison eliminating 48 jobs in Rosemead, by April.  Pinecrest Schools finally revealed how many jobs will be lost by their mass shutdown of campuses;  176 by June! More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; Palo Alto based Hewlett Packard (HP) revealed they eliminated 74 HQ jobs back in January.  Mountain View based software company Symantec laid off six people at the beginning of this month.  Also in Mountain View, TangoMe eliminating 53 jobs by mid-April.  Japan based Toshiba Information Systems began eliminating jobs in Irvine.  Sunnyvale based internet company Yahoo issued more layoff WARNs, this time 322 jobs across four cities eliminated by mid-April!  Warren Buffett owned Kraft-Heinz issued a shutdown WARN for their San Leandro food factory, 117 jobs lost by mid-April!  Pacific Harvest issued a layoff WARN for their Guadalupe food ops, 75 jobs lost by mid-April.  Valley Fine Foods suddenly shutdown their 22 years old Benicia production ops, 94 jobs gone.  The company moved their production, sanitation, shipping and receiving and maintenance operation to North Carolina, loyal employees had no warning: “They were shocked and surprised. A few have been here a while, 17 years. Those were the hardest impacted. They appeared…..in shock, like phases of any loss, it’s shock and denial first.”-Adriana Nunez, HR manager

Colorado: Smartphone case maker OtterBox admitted it began laying off an undisclosed number of Fort Collins employees in 2015, and into 2016.  Administrators admitted they failed to file a WARN with state employment officials.

Florida: In Maitland, after nearly 30 years RanGetsu Japanese Restaurant and Bar shutting down in March, no reason given.  Local news reports say at one time the owners were trying to open five restaurants, now they’ll be down to just their restaurant back in Japan.

Illinois: Hoffman Estates based Sears Holdings revealed it eliminated 401 HQ jobs due to crappy 2015 holiday sales!  151 of those jobs were already vacant.   Sears Holdings will also accelerate the sale of assets.  School District 205 eliminating stipends for club sponsors and eliminating 109 jobs! The district is short $2.6-million USD, blaming lack of taxpayer funding caused by what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.  For the first time in 25 years  Parkland College eliminating jobs, administrators blame the state ‘lawmakers’ for dragging their feet on taxpayer funding for the next school year. In Prospect Heights after only two years and $13-million in renovations, the Ultra Foods grocery store shutting down next week due to lack of sales.

Indiana: Indianapolis based Republic Airways Holdings now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blaming in part “a nationwide pilot shortage”.  What they really mean is a shortage of pilots who want to work for peanuts!  In New Albany, after 30 years Mom & Pop’s Cone Corner is no more.  The current owners bought the ice cream joint last year, they gave no reason for the shutdown.

Louisiana: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts shutting down their Shreveport donut shop on Youree Drive.  In a ’round-a-bout way administrators said the store was losing money.

Michigan: Benton Harbor based home appliance maker Whirlpool warning of mass factory layoffs and confirmed it already eliminated an undisclosed number of HQ jobs.  Administrators also gave a conflicting 4th quarter 2015 report saying ‘net revenues’ had doubled from 4th Q 2014, but that actual ‘sales’ were down by almost half a million dollars.

North Carolina:  Charlotte based Too Big to Jail Bank of America continues to kill jobs, this time admitting they eliminated a “small number” of corporate level and global marketing  jobs.

Oklahoma: Petroleum company Kimray eliminating 65 jobs in March.  Administrators say the layoffs are their last resort as they’ve already frozen pay levels, cut budgets & investments and encouraged employees to accept bribes to quit (buyouts).

Texas: Houston based Halliburton killing more jobs, 5-thousand this time! That’s on top of the almost 22-thousand jobs killed by the oil field service company in the past two years!

Virginia: In Woodbridge, C&W Books shutting down on Monday: “After 25 years in your community, C & W Used Books will be closing on Feb. 29. Our lease is up and we cannot afford the rent increase.”

Washington: In Gig Harbor, after 47 years Mostly Books shutting down due to the property owner wanting to sell.

Wisconsin: Menomonee Falls based retailer Kohl’s warning that it must shutdown at least 18 stores this year.  Locations and timing of the shutdowns yet to be determined.  It’s blamed on stagnant 2015 holiday sales (a meager 0.4% above 2014 holiday sales).

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

24 February 2016: “Sales keep going down, expenses keep going up and I’m having a hard time just paying my bills, so it’s just time.”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“These are challenging times…because of the uncertainty” Thousands more jobs killed!: U.S. Job Losses & Closings 24 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Alaska: In Juneau, the nine years old Holly’s Hallmark gift store shutting down. The owner said sales went south in 2013 and got worse in 2014.

Florida: For profit Mattia College shutting down, 1-hundred jobs lost and more than 7-hundred nursing students looking for a new home.  No word on an official shutdown date, but local news says pay for teachers has been cut off!  This is the second nursing school in The Sunshine State, in the past two years, to shutdown.  The top administrator of that nursing school, Dade Medical, was recently arrested.  This is all part of the U.S. Department of Education’s crackdown on schools that promise their students ‘The Moon’.

Idaho:  More fraud in The Gem State.  The state Attorney General says a former Idaho boat builder owes customers several millions of USD after failing to deliver the boats.   The state and financier KeyBank have joined multiple customers in suing Christopher Bohenkamp, accusing him of taking customer’s money for pre-ordered boats, but then pulling stakes and moving to New York without building the boats!  It was revealed in 2015 that Bohenkamp was being sued by numerous customers for taking their money and running to The Empire State.   Fraud by hybrid and electric car owners in The Gem State as many are just now waking up to the fact that last year the state imposed additional vehicle registration fees for motorized vehicles that use very little or no petroleum based fuel.  There is now a push by the unfair tax avoiding environmentalist crooks to repeal the fees.  Here’s why owners of hybrids and electric cars are crooks; state road repair work is paid for mainly with the state tax on fuel, and partly by vehicle registration fees, if you’re driving a vehicle that doesn’t use fuel you are not paying your fair share of road maintenance tax!   The only way the state can fairly charge (pun intended) electric and hybrid car users for road maintenance is by greatly jacking up the vehicle registration fee.  As one commentator in the state of Georgia wrote “We now have a class of people (mostly well-off) who can choose to get around without having to pay the gas tax.”)   By the way, this why bicycle fanatics piss me off! They think they own the roads but they pay nothing towards maintaining the roads, especially their special ‘bike lanes’. And don’t give me your crap about ‘you drive cars too’, the roads were built for cars not pedestrians or bicycles.  In Boise, the Ada County Highway District responds to criticism about bike lanes by saying …it’s fair to assume that bicyclists in and around downtown Boise are contributing some amount to the upkeep of Ada County roads.”  But they admit they have no way to prove that statement!  You know what they say about ass-u-me…..

Illinois:  In Alqonquin, the Stride Rite shoe store in Algonquin Commons shutting down by April.  It’s the third retailer to leave Algonquin Commons in the past 12 months.  Publisher Costar Group laying off 44 employees in Chicago, by mid-March.   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Lutheran Social Services from shutting down ‘his’ Chicago nursing home services, 109 job lost by the end of March!  Walmart shutting down two Chicago stores by mid-April, at least 110 jobs lost!  What automotive industry recovery? Danville Area Community College eliminating at least four jobs, offering early retirement and eliminating their Automotive and Sustainability programs: “These are challenging times, and it’s challenging because of the uncertainty”-Alice Jacobs, DACC President

  Sycamore School District 427 eliminating at least 56 jobs: “We see other businesses where employees are just being told to do more with less, and unfortunately, that seems to be the mentality of our state government when incomes to education.”-Jim Dombek, District 427

Missouri: Spain based bio-energy company Abengoa Bioenergy now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, affecting their administrative office in Chesterfield, and their ethanol production in the state of Illinois.  In Hannibal, after more than 50 years Kirlin’s Hallmark shutting down their Huck Finn Shopping Center gift store, blaming “today’s challenging economic climate”.

New York:  That Which Cannot Be Named powerless to stop Jewish Home Lifecare from shutting down and selling out to a competitor, 997 jobs lost by the end of May!  General Electric (GE) updated their shutdown WARN for their Fort Edward operation, 128 jobs lost between now and the end of May!  Near Star Lake, the Padgett’s Hometown IGA shutting down after 35 years of grocery sales: “Sales keep going down, expenses keep going up and I’m having a hard time just paying my bills, so it’s just time.”-Mark Padgett

Ohio: Columbus based Bravo Brio Restaurant Group is warning it must shutdown Bravo Cucina Italiana and Brio Tuscan Grille restaurants after a third straight year of revenue losses!

Texas: In Houston, Cobalt International Energy issued a layoff WARN, 50 oil industry jobs lost by the end of April.  Pioneer Natural Resources shutting down their Victoria oil ops, 148 jobs lost by mid-April!  Transocean Offshore shutdown two Gulf of Mexico rigs, 180 jobs gone!  IPSCO Tubulars issued a layoff WARN for their Chambers oil pipe ops, 112 jobs lost by the beginning of April!  In Pleasanton, C&J Energy Services eliminating 78 oil industry jobs by the beginning of April.

West Virginia: Cabell County Schools eliminating 61 jobs and transferring another 97! It’s blamed on the loss of 2-hundred students since 2014!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

23 February 2016: “….a slowdown in the market, we can’t say for sure what will happen next.”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Proven, again: Islamic State uses parts supplied by U.S. & Japan to make their bombs!

25 February 2016 (02:51 UTC-07 Tango 01) 06 Esfand 1394/16 Jumada al-Ula 1437/18 Geng Yin 4714

“IS forces consistently employed the same electronic components in the construction of one type of remote-controlled IED used in Iraq. Companies headquartered in Japan, Switzerland, and the United States manufactured the microcontrollers and transistors used in the devices.”-Conflict Armament Research

A Swiss based group has proven that so called ‘Islamic State’ -ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) is being supplied by the predominantly ‘christian’ businesses of the United States, predominantly ‘christian’ businesses of Europe, and ‘christian’, ‘shinto’ and ‘buddhist’ businesses of Japan!

 Conflict Armament Research (CAR) tracked 7-hundred weapons making components back to their source origins.  The parts were smuggled through U.S. led NATO Turkey and came from 51 companies in 20 ‘western’ countries.   Even the cell phone of choice, for bomb detonation, by ‘Islamic State’ is the Finnish made Nokia.
In previous investigations CAR personnel found the majority of bullets used by ‘Islamic State’ and other ‘Jihadist’ groups came from predominantly ‘christian’ Russia, however, a large amount of Russian ammo was actually shipped through the predominantly ‘christian’ United States, through a company called Wolf.

The latest report is called Tracing The Supply Of Components Used In Making Islamic State IEDs.  It shows that the entire world is using the false civil war in Syria to sell their products, which are being used to arbitrarily kill people.  It also shows that Islamic State is not ‘Muslim’ and is a tool of the ‘west’  proving that this is indeed a Crusade against true Muslims by the ‘non-Muslim west’.


By the way, this isn’t the first time the world used a false civil war to sell weapons.  Research the Spanish Civil War, the precursor to the Second World War.

Catholic & Orthodox churches to unite, thanks to Islamic State! 

World War 3: United States rescues Islamic State leaders in Ramadi! 

CNN straight up lies about Arab nations not fighting Islamic State! 

World War 3: U.S. bombs Syrian government troops, not Islamic State! 

False Flag or Insanity: Christian Red Cross admits it wants “relationship” with Islamic State! 

Overwhelming proof College benefits only the 1%! Capitalist using real slaves in California! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 23 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

“If you grow up low income and manage to get higher education, which few people manage to do, the potential for that to lift you solidly up into the middle-class and upper-middle class is more limited than we thought.”-Brad Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment

A Brookings Institute study (A college degree is worth less if you are raised poor) revealed some surprising data about what is now obviously the ‘lie’ of higher education:  Using decades worth of data the researchers discovered that having a four year college degree does absolutely nothing to help low income people get out of poverty!  It seems only people from wealthy families benefit from a college degree!    I can attest to that; I’m from “low income” and I got a bachelors degree (later in life, after decades of working for the Man) and my income actually went down after I graduated. I’ve gotten numerous rejection letters, where as before I got the degree I could walk in anywhere and get hired!  What sup wit dat?

Arizona: In Tucson, Mexico based ANSARCO issued a WARN, 163 copper mining jobs lost due to low prices!

California: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; San Francisco based interactive entertainment company Kabam eliminating an undisclosed number of jobs, as part of their plan to acquire major gaming platforms.  In San Jose, evil vulture capitalist investment company Fenox Venture Capital was caught employing slaves!  The U.S. Department of Labor charged the capitalists of “misclassifying” 56 employees as “unpaid interns”, when they were, in fact, full paid employees.  Fenox Vulture Capital must now pay out $331,269 USD in back wages: “A large number of employees worked for free providing hundreds of man hours for this company to make a profit. For them to not even pay minimum wage in [San Francisco] Bay is really appalling.”-Michael Eastwood, U.S. Department of Labor

Colorado: Taxsucking military contractor Jacobs Technology-ETASS laying off 70 people.  The Vail Cascade resort issued a layoff WARN, 2-hundred jobs being eliminated!   Honeywell eliminating at least eight jobs.  Sky Hotel 39 Degrees issued a shutdown WARN, 91 jobs lost. Texas based insurance referrer All Web Leads issued a shutdown WARN, 103 jobs lost! It might be connected to the November 2015 takeover of rival InsuranceQuotes.  After killing off 5-hundred jobs in Washington, California based Concentrix eliminating between 270 to 378 Boulder County jobs due to the loss of their IBM contract!

Georgia: Suwanee based telecommunications equipment maker Arris eliminating at least 8-hundred jobs, as part of their merger with British empire United Kingdom based company Pace!

Florida:  Wholesale soup maker Chef Creations is no more, they’ve sold out to a Massachusetts corporation, resulting in 110 Chef Creations HQ employees, in Orlando, becoming jobless between April and July!  Local news media made the sale sound like a surprise as Chef Creations had recently won new local tax breaks, and gotten approval for major financing, for expansion of their soup making operations.

Kentucky: Lexington based printer maker Lexmark eliminating 550 jobs on the advise of Goldman Sachs!  The company is even considering the option of selling itself off.

Massachusetts:  In Edgartown, women’s clothier hannah b shutting down, with the owner saying “it just happens”.

New York: CNN’s Manhattan Center Productions updated their WARN saying 222 people will now become unemployed by the end of April! CNN is moving its HeadLineNews (HLN) program from New York City to Atlanta, Georgia.   In Saratoga Springs, after 30 years Aggie Mullaney boutique shutting down on Monday, so the owner can focus on her new retail operation.

North Dakota:  State Department of Transportation announced it must eliminate all temporary jobs due to a $69-million USD decline in fuel tax, vehicle registration and other fee revenues.  Crashing government revenues caused by people with no money to spend is  overwhelming proof we are in a depression.

Virginia: In Bland, transformer maker ABB eliminating 30 jobs, blaming “….a slowdown in the market, we can’t say for sure what will happen next. It depends on demand.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

22 February 2016: “We’re being thrown out….”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“We’re being thrown out on the street!” Proof the oil layoffs are BS! 3,000 jobs lost due to no more Chrysler 200! Global warming causes Tree shortage? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 22 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

California: Chevron is about to layoff 237 people at its beautiful Kern County oil ops!  Administrators say it’s necessary to maintain “long-term business objectives”.

Colorado:  Missouri based mattress maker Leggett & Platt eliminating 64 jobs at its Colorado Springs factory.  The factory is being shutdown by June.

Idaho:  Despite the U.S. petroleum industry slashing-n-burning jobs and drastically cutting production, the very same industry is pushing ‘lawmakers’ to create a new law that will allow them to accelerate oil and natural gas production in The Gem State.   The proposed regulation would change the way the state Department of Lands and the state Oil and Gas Conservation Commission handle the approval process for drilling.   A former manager at Aberdeen’s Idaho Select potato processing plant has been sentenced for his crime of ripping off the company.  He admitted to using company money to buy cars, homes, go on vacations, send his daughters to college and even pay his daily bills.  He must now repay $1.7-million USD within seven years, as well as spend time in prison.  Embezzlement crimes are very common here in the ‘christian’ dominated Idaho (2010 U.S. Census Bureau data says at least 80% claim to be Christians).  

Perhaps the former shed manager at the potato processor wasn’t being paid enough?  According to United Way, one in three workers in the Right to Work (you over) Idaho cannot afford to live on what they are paid!

Illinois:  Mass layoffs at Eastern Illinois University is creating what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs; the Test Center had to shut down temporarily “in order to train the remaining staff in the building to assume the duties of the lost positions”.  127 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Bernzen Lumber store shutting down next month.  It was sold-off due to the health problems of the owner, it’s hoped the buyer will re-open the lumber store.

Massachusetts: MassMutual Financial Group about to eliminate 360 jobs at its operations in Springfield and Enfield, despite record dividend payouts and a 9th consecutive year of growth!  Administrators would only say that the layoffs were their way to “effectively and efficiently deliver the greatest value to our policy owners”.

Michigan: What automotive industry recovery?  Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) furloughed more than 3-thousand people at its Sterling Heights factory!  They’ll be back to work in mid-March, but only for a couple of weeks when they’ll be laid off in April for an unknown amount of time!  FCA is ending production of its slow selling Chrysler 200.     Local news are also reporting that the Right to Work (you over) Michigan government has cut in half what it normally pays furloughed auto industry workers!

Minnesota:  Richfield based Best Buy continues killing jobs, this time 24 corporate HQ employees were kicked to the curb, despite that fact Best Buy is advertising that they have 90 open jobs at their HQ.  In the past few years Best Buy has eliminated at least 4-thousand jobs!

This happened in Serbia, but U.S. regulators fear it’ll happen in the U.S.

Montana: Another saw mill blames lack of trees for shutting down.  Stoltze Land and Lumber revealed they shutdown their night shift last week, due to lack of lumber to be milled.  The lack of lumber isn’t because we’ve run out of trees, rather it’s related to load limits placed on logging trucks.  The load restrictions are blamed on ‘global warming’, meaning warmer winter temps resulting in muddy roads, which are normally frozen now.

New York:  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Albany Roman Catholic Diocese from shutting down ‘his’ Saint Augustine school in  Lansingburgh.   Church leaders blamed the state government for refusing to give them taxpayer funding (which would be a violation of the U.S. 1st Amendment).  Germany based Deutsche Bank eliminating about 30 NYC jobs, blaming new laws and competition from U.S. banks.  Alternative clothing store Trash and Vaudeville shutting down its 40 years old Saint Marks Place location.  The owner blames “perpetual rent increases”.

Ohio: U.S. Department of Energy forcing Centrus Energy to shutdown operations at the American Centrifuge Project by the end of the week. However, about 150 people will remain to take part in decontaminating the nuclear energy project.  The DoE ended funding claiming it was a waste of taxpayer money.  In Cheviot, Vitor’s Bistro shutting down on Sunday, the owner blames low sales on a bad location.   The Fort Rapids Indoor Waterpark Resort and Seafood Buffet & Grill shutdown after a long history of violating local health codes, which resulted in several customers getting sick.  In Cleveland, decades old iconic the DINER on clifton shutting down next Monday, due to the greedy landlord: “We’re being thrown out on the street! Next to my parents dying this is the most stressful time of my life!   …..This feels personal when it’s something that’s been such a huge part of my life.”-Perry Drosos, operator

The landlord claims the eviction was coming for at least a year, primarily due to planned radical remodeling of the building.

Pennsylvania:  After 104 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) God is powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ SS. Cosmas and Damian Church, in Conshohocken.   Church administrators say it just cost too much to maintain the old building, proving that the real ‘god’ is money.

South Dakota: Yes Virginia, franchised Blockbuster video stores still exist, but no longer in Rapid City.  The last franchised Blockbuster store there is now dead.  The corporate operated stores all shutdown in 2011.

Texas: Houston based oil driller Schlumberger eliminated at least 25-thousand jobs in 2015, claiming it was losing money due to low prices, then paid its CEO a bonus of $18-million USD, which was the same amount the CEO got for his 2014 bonus!  How does low prices kill 25-thousand jobs, yet has no effect on the CEO’s bonus?

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

20-21 February 2016: “We need more time to….heal…”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”