Tag Archives: diabetes

H1N1: Flu causes Diabetes?

20 OCT 2017 /19:59 UTC-07 Tango 06  (29 Mehr 1396/30 Muharram 1439/02 Geng-Xu [9th month] 4715)

There’s already plenty of data showing that people with diabetes (which weakens the immune system) have a higher rate of getting the flu than people who don’t have diabetes.  Now, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health suggests that Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) might  be the result of getting sick with H1N1 ‘swine’ flu.

Researchers identified more than 2-thousand-2-hundred people (in Norway), aged 30 or younger, who got infected with H1N1 (or flu-like-illness) and then became T1D.  Researchers concluded that people who got H1N1 were 18% more likely to develop T1D than people who never got sick with H1N1, and that the younger the person was the more likely they would get T1D.  

The study was presented in September at the 53rd European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Portugal.


Fluoride Update, 24 September 2012: Portland officials ignore what the voters want! EPA and HHS admit too much fluoride is bad! Argentina says it causes diabetes! Japan says it causes cancer! China (and Harvard) says it reduces intelligence!

“Even if fluoridation reduced cavities, is tooth health more important than brain health? It’s time to put politics aside and stop artificial fluoridation everywhere!”-Paul Beeber, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation

By the year 2014, Portland, Oregon, will cease being the last major U.S. city without fluoridated water. On 12 September 2012, and in a unanimous decision that seemed to go against voter sentiment, the Portland city council approved fluoridation of the water supply.

Supporters of the plan claim that residents of Portland has a higher number of dental problems than other parts of Oregon.  However, a state study proved the reverse!

Most all of Oregon’s water supply already has naturally occurring fluoride.

To top that, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), have come out and admitted that too much fluoride can be bad for you!  Not only that, past fluoridation levels in the United States were too high!!!

But guess what? Those admissions came out at the beginning of 2011!  Where was the main stream media coverage?

HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, said fluoride levels should be no more than 0.7 parts per million (ppm) per liter of water (this is the level the city of Portland, Oregon, says it will use).  Up ’till 2011 municipalities were being told to use as much as 1.2 ppm per liter!

“The new EPA assessments of fluoride were undertaken in response to findings of the National Academies of Science (NAS).  At EPA’s request, in 2006 NAS reviewed new data on fluoride and issued a report recommending that EPA update its health and exposure assessments to take into account bone and dental effects and to consider all sources of fluoride.”-joint EPA/HHS statement, 07 January 2011

Fluoride is claimed to protect your teeth, but according to HHS, too much fluoride actually does the reverse, causing tooth decay, as well as bone fractures,  and skeletal fluorosis.  Is this why the state study in Oregon showed higher dental problems in areas with fluoridated water?

But wait, there’s more!  The EPA actually said stop using sulfuryl fluoride. Sulfuryl fluoride is used as an insecticide (’cause it’s a fumigant neurotoxin), and cities have been using it to fluoridate their water!

Portland, Oregon, isn’t the only U.S. state obviously in the pockets of the fluoride industry.  Right now in Pinellas County, Florida, the issue of fluoridation has got a local dentist threatening to run for public office, to force fluoridation of the water.  One of his campaign billboards reads: “Want Fluoride…..?”

A in the pockets of the fluoride industry Florida newspaper (The Daytona Beach Journal) published an opinion piece on 20 September, applauding cities that add fluoride to their water.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is even giving out awards to cities, it’s called Water Fluoridation Quality Award.

But wait, there’s more!

A study in Argentina (done at the Rosario National University in Santa Fe, Rosario) concluded that ‘artificial’ fluoride use causes insulin resistance, leading to type 2 diabetes!  Gee, isn’t the United States suffering from a high rate of diabetes?

What’s really significant, relating to the new fluoride levels issued by HHS, is that the Argentine study shows that the onset of type 2 diabetes occurrs regardless of the amount of fluoride. Even at a fraction of a ppm, after 60 days insulin resistance is the result!

A study out of Japan (by the University of Tokyo) shows that fluoride use increases the rate of cancers of the “….oral cavity and pharynx, colon and rectum, hepato-biliary and urinary organs.”  Gee, doesn’t the United States have a problem with increased cancers?

The Japanese researchers looked at cancer rates in the United States in comparison with fluoridated water supplies, from 1978 to 1992.  They found that two thirds of the people with cancer lived in areas with lots of fluoridated water.  In the majority of the sites studied, they concluded that 64% of them had a direct connection between cancer and fluoride!

Another study from the Zhejiang Normal University in Jinhua, China, backs up a Harvard study released earlier this year.  Fluoride makes ‘mericans dumber than a stump!  Gee, isn’t the United States suffering from too much of that!!!

The Chinese study found that the higher the dose rate of fluoride, the dumber you get.  Back in July, 2012, Harvard University published the results of their study, it not good: “Fluoride readily crosses the placenta. Fluoride exposure to the developing brain, which is much more susceptible to injury caused by toxicants than is the mature brain, may possibly lead to damage of a permanent nature.”

But this info was known before these latest studies.  I’ve posted how a study in India blamed idiocy on fluoride, and that was based on naturally occurring fluoride.  But here’s what the National Research Council (NRC) stated in 2006, about ‘artificial’ fluoride: “It’s apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain.”




Prevent Diabetes: Eat Beans?

1,900 Costa Ricans were studied, those who ate a lot of white rice, and those who preferred beans to rice.

In Costa Rica there’s been a trend of increased white rice consumption, instead of beans, and there’s been an increase in diabetes.  Researchers wanted to know if there is a connection between white rice and diabetes.

In the study, reported by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, some of the people were asked to eat beans instead of white rice.  People who ate beans instead of rice had a 35% reduction in metabolic syndrome.

“[White] Rice is very easily converted into sugar by the body. It’s very highly processed, it’s pure starch and starch is a long chain of glucose. Beans compared with rice contain much more fiber, certainly more protein and they typically have a lower glycemic index, meaning they induce much lower insulin responses.”-Frank Hu,  Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, in a Reuters interview

The researchers are concerned with the diets of people in the United States, because the amount of white rice consumption is going up, and that could explain why rates of diabetes keep going up.





French study says drinking more water could reduce chances of getting Type 2 Diabetes

A study in France followed more than 3,000 people and the amount of water they drank over a nine year period.

Over the nine years it was discovered that people who drank at least 1 liter (34 ounces) of water per day, had 21% less blood sugar, than those who drank less water.

Researchers admit there are other factors that could account for the results, and they want to do more studies.

Study shows naturally skinny people develop Type 2 Diabetes

The Nature Genetics Journal reporting that the “lean gene” not only keeps people skinny but causes type 2 diabetes.

Conventional thinking by health officials is that obese (fat) and sedentary (lazy) people are the most at risk for type 2 diabetes (despite the fact that the majority of diabetics live in China and India, where there isn’t that many fat or lazy people).

A study of the IRS1 gene revealed that not only does it keep people skinny by burning up fat, but it also increases heart disease and type 2 diabetes by 20%.  Scientists weren’t expecting that result.  The study proves that just because you’re naturally skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

Global diabetes exploding, health officials continue to blame fat people, yet the majority of diabetics not fat

The Lancet Journal reporting that despite efforts to stop diabetes, world rates have only gone up.   There are now 347 million people considered diabetic.

The United States and Russia clam 36 million of those diabetics, but China and India beat the U.S. and Russia by 100 million.  China and India have 138 million diabetics.

UN World Health Organization officials were not expecting such a high number of diabetics.  They had estimated about 285 million, not 347 million that the study came up with.

Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing form, and is always blamed on being fat and lazy.  But there’s a problem with that reasoning: 138 million diabetics in China and India, where not that many people are fat or lazy!

Anyone who understands the diet of most people in China and India, and knows how hard they work, should question the standard reasons for getting type 2 diabetes.  There must be something else going on to cause this explosion of diabetes.