Tag Archives: China

False Flag(?) MH 370 update: Chinese satellite finds plane? Boeing issued warning last June! RMAF continues to backtrack off their statements!

12 March 2014 (16:32 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Jumada l-Ula 1435/21 Esfand 1392/12 Ding-Mao 4712

“I believe I saw the Malaysian Airlines plane come down. The timing is right. I tried to contact the Malaysian and Vietnam officials several days ago. But I do not know if the message has been received. From when I first saw the burning until the flames went out was 10 to 15 seconds.”-Mike McKay, oil rig worker from New Zealand

“Cracks in the fuselage skin that are not found and repaired can propagate to the point where the fuselage skin structure cannot sustain limit load. When the fuselage skin cannot sustain limit load, this can result in possible rapid decompression and loss of structural integrity.”-Boeing safety warning, June 2013

Chinese news media have published pics taken by a satellite, on 09 March 2014, showing large debris on the ocean.  Location 105.63 east longitude, 6.7 north latitude, northeast of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

“I’m not saying this is MH370. We are still corroborating this….There is a possibility of the aircraft making a come back. It remains as a possibility….It is very difficult to say for sure it is the aircraft.”-General Rodzali bin Daud, Royal Malaysian Air Force

Because the RMAF’s is now questioning their own claim that MH370/CZ748 made it to Malacca Straight, Vietnam is now resuming full search operation in South China Sea.   Earlier, Vietnam announced they would cut back on searching, based on the RMAF’s claim the plane made it west to Malacca Straight.

The Express, in United Kingdom, reports that families of MH370/CZ748 passengers are so upset they’re attacking Chinese and Malaysian officials: “….furious relatives of passengers on board missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 threw water bottles at officials in Beijing and accused them of withholding information……..Others shouted ‘tell us the truth’ and demanded the Malaysian military reveal what they knew about the missing plane.”

RMAF now denies it had the plane on radar

False Flag(?) MH370 update: Depressurization, suicide, military shoot down? All passport holders now being blamed? Last words from MH370 “good night”! RMAF now denies it had the plane on radar? Cops retract statements about Five, or maybe Four, mystery passengers!

12 March 2014 (07:34 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Jumada l-Ula 1435/21 Esfand 1392/12 Ding-Mao 4712

“What I stated during that press conference was: ‘The RMAF has not ruled out the possibility of an air turn back on a reciprocal heading before the aircraft vanished from the radar and this resulted in the Search and Rescue Operations being widen….’.”-General Rodzali bin Daud, Royal Malaysian Air Force

“If the military radar is correct, and we don’t know for sure if they were tracking the right target … it would be consistent with an intentional act by someone in the cockpit to turn off both the transponder and turn the aircraft on to a new course…If it had turned back, the Malaysian air force would have gone into the skies. The aircraft was allegedly not emitting any transponder signals, so it would have been a foreign aircraft over Malaysia. There’s no technical or mechanical failure or any other reason I can come up with that would cause an aircraft to both lose its transponder, still fly and change course….”-John Hansman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Royal Malaysian Air Force did not scramble fighters to intercept any unidentified aircraft, because, it turns out, there wasn’t any on their radar.

 “…….there’s a fair bit of denial of the boarding procedures and the manifest checking with the stolen passport list, and inconsistencies all the time……..What I’ve advocated all along is what I call the ‘Silk Air Situation’ where the captain waited until the first officer left the flight deck, slammed the door and effectively committed suicide, taking everybody with him…..”-Neil Hansford, Strategic Aviation Solutions

Cracking and corrosion in the fuselage skin, if not corrected, could lead to rapid decompression and loss of structural integrity of the aeroplane.“-U.S. FAA November 2013 warning about the Boeing 777

“I’ll demonstrate.  Depressurization.  They should put their…oxygen masks on, but instead they commence the turn onto the reciprocal heading [turn around]……having set the heading they passout unconscious.  The aircraft will continue on autopilot…it’s got 3-thousand miles worth of fuel on board, it would take it to about the middle of the India Ocean.”-Alastair Rosenschein, 30 veteran airline pilot using a flight simulator to prove his theory, to Sky News, that the crew passed out from a sudden depressurization.  Both Hansman and Hansford poopoo his theory, but Rosenschein points out this is exactly what happened to Helios Airways Flight 522 in Greece in 2005.

If MH370/CZ748 depressurized and broke up at about 30-thousand feet, you’ll be lucky to find any large pieces of it anywhere.

India is now helping to search for the MH370/CZ748 in the Indian Ocean.

The missing Malaysia Airlines jet sent at least two bursts of technical data back to the airline before it disappeared. The first was at take-off and the second was during the climb towards Beijing. The data is from the Airborne Communications Addressing and Reporting System. The data may help investigators understand what went wrong with the aircraft, no trace of which has yet been found.“-Rolls Royce, the company that made the engines for the Boeing 777

There is one report that fishermen in Port Dickson, which is a beach resort around 55 miles from Kuala Lumpur found what they believed to be a life raft around 10 nautical miles from the coast yesterday.  The yellow ‘raft’ had the word ‘BOARDING’ written on it…..It reportedly sunk before it could be brought ashore.”-The Telegraph

In Marang district, state of Terengganu, South China Sea side of Malaysia, eight villagers reported a loud noise over the ocean: “The loud and frightening noise came from the north-east of Pulau Kapas. We looked around the Rhu Muda beach but did not see anything unusual.”-Alias Salleh

This is the general area that earlier reports of sightings of a low flying aircraft and a bright light came from.

“We have already checked the flight manifest and everyone who bought the tickets was on board.  As such, the issue of off-loading unaccompanied baggage did not arise as the four passengers did not check in.”-Khalid Abu Bakar, Malaysian Inspector General of Police,  after days of reports by the Department of Civil Aviation that there were four or five people who checked in but did not get on the flight (more proof that glorious exalted governments are fallible)

The news media has upset some of the family members of passengers so much, that a group of six people began screaming at reporters to leave them alone as they left their hotel rooms.

Vietnam announced they are cutting back on search efforts over water.  However, they and other countries involved, are now searching over land areas.

As an example of Big Brother/Sisterism gone wild, the first couple of days of the disappearance of MH370/CZ748 government security officials from around the world pointed fingers accusing each other of failure of security protocols.  In the end it turns out protocols were followed (read  my past articles).  And now it looks less and less likely that terrorism was involved.  But that isn’t stopping government officials calling for yet more strict airport security!  The former Indonesian ambassador to the United States is even blaming people who lose, or who had stolen from them, their passports: “Many Indonesians lose their passports. Back when I was an ambassador, there were many of such reports. In the future, Indonesians who lose their passports should immediately report it.”-Dino Patti Djalal

I don’t know about you, but here in the States it costs you hard earned money to get a passport, and being a highly sensitive security item I find it hard to believe that generally honest people who lose it, or have it stolen from them, fail to report it.

Reportedly the last words sent by the aircrew of MH370/CZ748 was “Alright, good night.”, as they left Malaysian airspace and entered Vietnamese airspace.

comedy of errors

False Flag MH370 update: Interpol shown to be liars? Military says plane flew off course! Five, no wait, four mystery passengers never existed? Turning into comedy of errors!

11 March 2014 (11:10 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Jumada l-Ula 1435/20 Esfand 1392/11 Ding-Mao 4712

So far, 19 Chinese families are reporting that their missing relatives’ cell phones are still working!  One family even made a “successful” call on live Chinese TV! You’d think investigators could ping the phones to find the plane?  Malaysian Airlines officials claim they’ve been calling the MH370 crews’ cell phones, with no luck.  Some families are also reporting that their missing loved ones have internet social sites that show they are still logged in (more reason you should log out when you’re done).  But wait, turns out that this phenomenon is not uncommon, and happens with most modern airline crashes/disappearances, or other terrible incidents.

“It changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude. It made it into the Malacca Strait.”-Royal Malaysia Air Force

RMAF officials are sticking to their report that they had MH370 on their radar almost an hour after civilian radars lost contact.  The plane was flying 1-thousand meters (1281 feet) lower than before civilian radars lost it, and was heading west instead of north.  RMAF claims MH370 flew 563km (350 miles) west before going off their radar.

Three more eyewitnesses have come forward, reporting they saw a aircraft flying “low”, however, all four eyewitness reports took place on the east side of Malaysia which contradicts the RMAF report which says the plane made it to the west side, into the Malacca Straight.  The first of the four eyewitnesses said he saw a bright light going down into the ocean on the east side of the country.

Despite many internet reports criticizing a lack of tracking on airliners, the opposite is actually true.  Today’s airliners have tracking systems that remain in contact with the airlines.  The sudden lost of such signals indicates a sudden catastrophic loss, or the systems were faulty or turned off.

For a couple of days now officials with International Criminal Police Organization (aka ICPO, aka Interpol) have been blasting airlines and airports for not checking Interpol’s stolen ID data base.  Airlines immediately fired back saying they can not do so because it requires a government investigation.  Now it turns out that Interpol’s fake ID data base was checked!

Malaysia’s Home Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, says his government did check Interpol’s data base, and that’s why so many people were allowed on board.  None of the passports showed up on Interpol’s “Suspect List” data base: “If Interpol had marked ‘SL’ for the missing passports, all the Immigration counters nationwide would be on the alert.”     (just more proof all your Big Brother/Sister style security systems are a joke and waste of money)

Regarding those five mystery passengers that never got on the plane, Malaysia’s Inspector General of Police, Khalid Abu Bakar, says they never existed!  This is despite that fact that Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation director, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said that not only did they exist but officials had pulled their luggage off the plane!

Let’s make this even more confusing: Now Malaysian Airlines says it was four mystery passengers, not five, who checked in but never got on the plane!

Let’s not forget how the two ‘fake’ Iranian passengers were originally described as Asians, then as black men,  before video clearly showed they were neither!  (just more proof you can’t trust cops/government/corporate officials)

Malaysian officials are concerned that there are now so many international search operations going on that there will be a lot of redundant information.  Meaning a lot of time and money will be spent on duplicated efforts.

Nuclear investigation

False Flag MH370 update: Nuclear investigation! Missing flights are not uncommon! China cleared flight before Malaysian officials checked passengers in!

11 March 2014 (02:42 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Jumada l-Ula 1435/20 Esfand 1392/11 Ding-Mao 4712

“There are four main areas we are focusing on: hijacking, sabotage, personal problems among the crew and passengers and psychological problems among the crew and passengers……..There may be somebody there on the flight who has bought huge sums of of insurance and wants the family to gain.”-Khalid Abu Bakar, Malaysian Inspector General

“…..CAAC [Civil Aviation Administration of China] cleared the MH370 passengers and crew to fly to China last Friday night even before Malaysian authorities got to check their passports.-Unnamed travel industry source, supposedly in a interview with Malaysia’s Bernama news agency

The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization is now involved in the investigation.  The CTBTO will use infrasound tech to listen to the Earth’s atmosphere, if there was an inflight explosion they should be able to pick up its echo.

Malaysian police now say that one of the Iranians on the plane was seeking political asylum in the European Union’s Germany, where his mother lives.  His mother said using a fake passport was the only way he could get to Germany.

The Malaysian official who said the two ‘fake’ passengers were black men is being criticized, especially since the two men are Aryan (Iranian).

Several groups have claimed to have blown up the plane, however, none gave enough details to convince investigators.

Time.com has reminded everybody that missing aircraft are not really uncommon.

illegal migrant workers, not terrorists

False Flag MH370 update: Spy satellites now in use! Airline officials criticize Interpol! British media claims ‘fake’ passengers were Iranian migrant workers! Blame fake passport crimes on illegal migrant workers, not terrorists!

11 March 2014 (12:08 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Jumada l-Ula 1435/20 Esfand 1392/11 Ding-Mao 4712

“The authorities are looking at a possibility of an attempt made by MH370 to turn back to Subang…………..All Malaysia Airlines aircraft are equipped with continuous data monitoring system called the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) which transmits data automatically. Nevertheless, there were no distress calls and no information was relayed.”-Malaysian Airlines, 11 March 2014

“We will conduct an internal probe, particularly on the officers, who were on duty at the KLIA Immigration counter during flight MH370.”-Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamid, Malaysian Home Minister

Malaysian Airlines officials criticized earlier statements by Interpol, concerning most airlines not checking their stolen ID data base.  CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya pointed out: “Airlines don’t have access to national databases about passports, that would be a government investigation.”

United Kingdom’s Home Office has admitted that 20-million airline passengers fly into U.K. every year without having their identification checked against Interpol’s data base!  So much for that Israeli style airport security BS!

BBC Persian says the two ‘fake’ passengers who bought consecutive tickets were Iranians trying to immigrate to Germany and Denmark.  They were not terrorists, they were migrant workers.  This could explain the use of fake passports, because the United States and European Union have enforced massive sanctions against Iranians.

Reports out of Malaysia say the security camera footage of the Iranian passengers shows nothing unusual, other than they were using fake passports.  No security protocols were broken.

It appears that the massive ID theft operations in Thailand are mainly about illegal migrant workers, not terrorists.  Thai police have focused on two travel agencies in Thailand (Six Stars Travel and Grand Horizon), who are apparently specializing in helping illegal migrant workers get airline tickets with fake IDs.

In a sad twist, the Canadian-Indian grandson of an Indian politician, who died in 1973 during a plane crash, was on flight MH370.

China’s People’s Liberation Army has positioned ten spy satellites over the large ‘crash’ area.

The route flown by Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370), was also used by China Southern Airlines and known as Flight 748 (CZ748).

“The B777-200 aircraft……underwent maintenance on 23 February 2014, 12 days before this particular flight on 8 March 2014.”-Malaysian Airlines

“Looking for wreckage and flight data recorders in the water is no easy task.  We’ve only explored about 7% of the world beneath the sea, and there’s a reason for that.  It’s slow going, and it’s difficult.”-David Gallo, veteran of search for Air France Flight 447 in 2009

False Flag MH370 update: Bright white light seen when plane disappeared! Luggage belonging to five passengers who skipped flight searched! Suspects could be ‘black’ men, “not Asian”! Taiwan issued warning!

10 March 2014 (12:36 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Jumada l-Ula 1435/19 Esfand 1392/10 Ding-Mao 4712

“I was walking towards my back door when I caught a glimpse of the white light. It was moving towards the sea, towards Bachok area, which was unusual.  Usually, aircrafts that fly over here have their usual route pattern, but this one went completely towards the other way……my family members, they advised me to lodge a report, and I hope this information can be of any help.”-Alif Fathi Abdul Hadi

The man reported to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency that he saw a bright white light at the time MH370 went off radar.

Malaysian civil aviation chief, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said that security camera video showed the ‘fake’ passengers looked like black men, describing them as looking like a famous black football (soccer) player.

Rahman said the luggage of the five passengers that skipped the flight after checking in, was ‘clean’: “We removed their baggage. Every piece of baggage was recorded and given a unique serial number so that the correct baggage was removed from the aircraft.”

Chinese news media reporting that Taiwan issued a warning about a possible terrorist attack days before MH370 went missing. The revelation came from China Airlines: “China Airlines on March 4 received a call claiming to provide intelligence on terrorist organizations and which referred to mainland China, saying Beijing airport would see terrorist attacks.”

Taiwan’s National Security Bureau chief, Tsai De-sheng, said China Airlines got a call from a man claiming to be a French anti-terrorism agent.  He spoke French but switched to Putonghua when he realized the person on the other end couldn’t understand him.

An update on the cell phone belonging to a passenger that managed to ring after MH370 went missing:  It’s now reported that the Singapore phone service provider said the phone stopped ringing not necessarily because of a possible crash, but because it was out of credits.  The case of the mysterious cell phone is now part of the investigation.

terrorism base in Thailand

False Flag MH370 update: Missing airliner reveals new Global terrorism base in Thailand! Officials blame Iran! Five passengers never got on plane!

10 March 2014 (09:52 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Jumada l-Ula 1435/19 Esfand 1392/10 Ding-Mao 4712

“Thailand has been used by some international terrorist groups as a zone of operation, to raise funds or to plan attacks.”-Rommel Banlaoi, terrorism analyst

“Thailand is a destination for international crime organizations who use it to secure travel documents, financial documents. It’s not just linked to terrorism but to other crimes. It’s a complex network, connected to other networks.”-Unnamed Thai intelligence official

“A police team combined with local police and immigration are working to track down a passport ring.”-Panya Mamen, Thai police commander

“If Malaysia Airlines and all airlines worldwide were able to check the passport details of prospective passengers against our database, then we would not have to speculate whether stolen passports were used by terrorists to board MH370.”-Ronald Noble, International Criminal Police Organization (aka ICPO, aka Interpol)

Surprisingly many countries do not check Interpol’s data base of stolen passports!

Thai police announced they are focusing their crack down on passport theft operations to the island of Phuket.   Both the ‘fake’ MH370 passengers who bought consecutive tickets used faked passports that were made using stolen passports on the island resort.

In Thailand people who engage in making and selling fake passports can be jailed for up to 20 years, but here’s the problem; officials admit many Thai police are actually involved in the fake passport operations!

China Southern Airlines, which works with Malaysian Airlines, revealed that the two ‘fake’ passengers with consecutive tickets had also bought tickets to fly from China to Europe.  The tickets were bought in Thailand.

The Thai travel agent who sold the tickets said the purchase of the tickets was actually arraigned over the phone by a man who claimed to be Iranian.  She had also sold tickets to the ‘fake’ passengers for an earlier flight, on 06 March, but the tickets expired.  She said the “Iranian” gave his name as Ali, only.   She said she did regular business with this “Ali”, and he always paid in cash.

“We have stopped men with false or stolen passports and carrying explosives, who have tried to get past KLIA security and get on to a plane. There have been two or three incidents, but I will not divulge the details.”-Unnamed senior Malaysian police official to Reuters

There were reports that Malaysian police identified one of the two ‘fake’ passengers.  No further details.

Vietnam reports their search planes have lost sight of what they thought might be wreckage of the Boeing 777.  Oil slicks on the ocean turned out not to be from an aircraft, according to lab tests of oil samples.

Airline officials have revealed that five passengers who checked in, never got on the plane.  Their luggage was also removed from the plane before takeoff.

Chinese officials have been criticizing the lax security in Malaysia.  The majority of passengers on MH370 were Chinese.

passengers “were very important people”

entire passenger list looks fake

“passengers” on flight stole their ID


False Flag Ukraine: Video shows Jewish politician with M4 in trunk of car, apparently after he shot at police & protestors!

10 March 2014 (20:18 UTC-07 Tango 09 March 2014)/08 Jumada l-Ula 1435/19 Esfand 1392/10 Ding-Mao 4712

A video posted to the internet on 19 February 2014 is finally getting attention.  It purports to show Jewish Ukrainian Sergey Pashinsky, of the Fatherland Party.

The video clearly shows a soft guncase containing an M4 (M16/AR-15 family) in the trunk of the man’s car.  He’s allowed to leave with the gun.  The original YouTube posting says the M4 had a silencer, and that Pashinsky shot both a “Berkut” and a “Maidan” .

I’ve already written about ‘former’ Israeli Defense Force soldiers admitting they are leading Jewish rebel groups in Ukraine.

Japan leans towards Russia

False Flag MH370 update: Techie passengers “were very important people”! Interpol screw up? More fake passengers! Don’t rent motorcycles with your passport!

10 March 2014 (18:25 UTC-07 Tango 09 March 2014)/08 Jumada l-Ula 1435/19 Esfand 1392/10 Ding-Mao 4712

The 20 employees reported as working for IBM work specifically for Texas based FreescaleSemiconductor.  At least one MH370 passenger did work directly for IBM.

In 2007 FreescaleSemiconductor announced they were working with IBM on data gathering “semiconductor research and development”.  It’s known that at least one IBM employee on the flight was a Technical Storage Executive for IBM in Malaysia.

Mitch Haws, of FreescaleSemiconductor, described the company’s employees, on MH370, as “….people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people. It’s definitely a loss for the company.”  Haws also stated the employees were involved in “sophisticated work”.

Chinese officials are reporting that the family of one of the MH370 passengers tried calling their cell phone, after the crash, and it worked!  However, nobody answered and the signal eventually cut off.

Chinese officials are now reporting that one of the Chinese passengers was using a fake ID.  The man who belongs to the ID was found alive and well in Fujian Province.  The man says he’s never lost his identification documents, so Chinese officials are concerned about how the fake passenger got the man’s ID!

Security camera footage of the two fake passengers who bought consecutive numbered tickets has been turned over to police.

The International Criminal Police Organization (aka ICPO, aka Interpol) is concerned about the fake passports, because their own databases have that info, which is available to airlines and governments.  They also backed up the Malaysian Defense Minister’s claim that the passenger list showed numerous other ‘fake’ passengers.  So how did the users of the fake passports get away with it?

“Whilst it is too soon to speculate about any connection between these stolen passports and the missing plane, it is clearly of great concern that any passenger was able to board an international flight using a stolen passport listed in Interpol’s databases.”-Ronald Noble, Interpol Secretary General

Interpol officials said they are also “…interviewing immigration officials who let the imposters through. Early indications show some sort of a security lapse….”

Malaysian Defence Minister (and acting Transportation Minister), Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, stated that the entire passenger list is suspect: “We will investigate the whole manifest. We will not only target the four people mentioned in the media but all those in the manifest.”

Vietnamese search planes reported what looks to be a door and a section of tail from the missing flight MH370.  Indian news sources say the plane might have broken up in flight.

Turns out the Italian who reported his passport stolen in Thailand, which was then used by a fake passenger, was found to be still in Thailand.  He was found by reporters from a Thai newspaper, and was picked up by Thai police for questioning.

The Italian says his passport was stolen when he rented a motorcycle in Thailand.  The rental shop owners demanded he give his passport as collateral, but when he returned the motorcycle they told him they gave his passport to somebody else by mistake.  He says he returned to Italy to get temporary documents then went back to Thailand.

China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, United States, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Indonesia are now involved in the investigation and search.

World War 3, East European Front: Japan leans towards Russia? Ethnic Russians take capitol building in Lugansk! Residents of Donetsk calling for Russian Referendum!

09 March 2014 (08:19 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada l-Ula 1435/18 Esfand 1392/09 Ding-Mao 4712

The United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has drawn a Red Line.  If Russia enters eastern Ukraine then a “real shooting conflict” will result.

3-thousand ethnic Russians have surrounded the capitol building in the city of Lugansk (Luhansk), which is also its own province.  1-thousand people entered the building and hoisted the flag of Russia.

In the province (oblast) of Donetsk about 7-thousand ethnic Russians are demonstrating for their own Crimeanisk referendum to declare union with Russia.

Ukrainian Railways has stopped service to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Obama regime puppets in Kiev have seized bank accounts belonging to residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The Obama regime puppets in Kiev have begun turning on themselves, in the form of self imposed austerity.  Members of the puppet government have been ordered to stop buying cars, furniture, mobile phones, laptops, etc. Charter flights and phone calls will no longer be reimbursed.

The Trilateral Commission member, Japan, is now leaning towards Russia.  Apparently Prime Minister Abe Shinzo does not want to harm relations with the more economically viable Russia.  An unnamed Abe cabinet member told Japanese news media that while Japan might officially support the policies of the Obama regime it does not mean it will blindly follow the United States.

Academi, aka Xe aka Blackwater, Obama mercenaries caught on video

Estonia says Kiev snipers hired by Obama regime

Chernobyl aid shutdown by Obama regime

Obama regime experimenting with rats

will destroy United States by crashing U.S. dollar