Category Archives: Technology

$$ Tesla $$ bites the electric dust on Reliability!

23 October 2015 (01:25 UTC-07 Tango 01)/01 Aban 1394/09 Muharram 1437/11 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Remember a couple of months ago when the mainstream news media spurted elation all over Consumer Reports’ record top score for Tesla Model S?  Now there’s barely mention from the mainstreamers of Consumer Reports’ beratement of the very same electric car over major reliability problems!

Consumer Reports touted Tesla Model S P85D as “the best car we’ve ever tested”, but that was based on initial impressions and not on long term reliability.  Now they’ve just released their ‘long term’ results and they are not good.


The results of their Annual Auto Reliability Survey show the highly expensive Tesla doesn’t last long, and they are not talking about the batteries.  Operators of the vehicles report “hassles with motorized door handles, locks and latches……the drivetrain” breaks down after only two to three years of use!  Is this the real reason money draining Tesla EVs come with a five years warranty?

VW intentionally sacrifices Diesel for hackable electric cars! Blame the Rockefellers!


False Flag: VW intentionally sacrifices Diesel in favor of government controllable electric cars! Blame Trilateral Commission Rockefeller!

20 October 2015 (16:41 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Mehr 1394/06 Muharram 1437/08 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Has anybody found it suspicious that from day one the execs at VW admitted they sabotaged their own Turbo Direct Injection (TDI) diesel powered cars? Or that they seem almost happy to halt TDI sales and recall millions of TDIs around the world?  This is a first in the world of Corporations who normally deny, deny, deny.

Where’s Idaho, I know they’re some hardcore Diesel fans in Idaho!

TDI vehicles were the fastest growing sales segment for VW, and VW administrators intentionally modified an emissions computer program that even the designer of (Bosch) warned,  in writing, not to!  Now realize that VW is pushing sales of their new electric car called the e-Golf.

Just a few days ago a survey revealed that 75% of electric car ‘owners’ refuse to actually buy the car, instead they lease.  But that’s not all, leases of electric vehicle (EV) in the United States peaked in 2013 and have been steadily declining since then (in 2013 EV leasing was at 80%).  The survey excluded the damned expensive Tesla cars because their average monthly lease is almost $9-hundred per month with a nearly $7-thousand USD down payment!

In the European country of France EV sales actually went negative!

Why lease an electric car instead of buy it?  Because it costs almost as much to replace the environmentally deadly batteries as it does to buy a newer used car!   So, herein lies the difference between e-car operators and diesel vehicle owners: E-car operators are not committed to the vehicle, they’re short timers, they’re not long term ‘car lovers’ who want to actually own a piece of rolling art.  Diesel vehicle owners want a vehicle they can hang onto long after it’s been paid off, their looking for a long term commitment.  This is something the automotive industry does not want.

The automotive industry wants turn-a-round, they want to sell new cars constantly.  In Germany, where VW is based, government control freaks have been trying to ban older cars for decades.   In 2008, Berlin, Cologne and Hanover created strict ‘pollution’ laws.  As one resident of Berlin commented “The problem is that this affects ONLY people who have a Diesel that is more then 2 years old or a normal gasoline car that has no catalytic converter (my 1986 VW bus does have one and I got a green sticker means I can go inside the city with it). In the end it affects people who have small bussinesses most – people who need to drive small vans – which are 99% diesels here in germany or people who have gotten onto the cheap diesel bandwagon that has hit germany in the mid 90s – mostly poor families or budget aware people…  …Its meant to give the german automotive industry a bump (hey we have an ultra conservative government without greens or such in power what you expect?) because its struggling thats all thats coming out of it.”    It’s all about guaranteed sales!

You can’t even work on your own car in Germany unless you use an approved car Hobby Work Shop: “…doing work on your car is technically not illegal, but doing any sort of work where the possibility that fluids can leak onto the ground is, except for on a sealed ground, for instance an epoxy sealed garage. Meaning no oil changes, no working on the cooling system, no brake fluid changes. If caught I believe the fine can be anywhere between 500 to 10,000 euros. Therefore one should look for what is known as a Hobbywerkstatt, there you can rent a lift, tools, and are able to dispose of all fluids without risking it.”-Twitch_de Frankfurt am Main

There are now some exemptions to those A-hole laws, such as ‘classic’ car clubs who conduct a yearly protest cruise to the capital Berlin where they drive their decades old cars ’round and ’round the capitol building, honking their aged horns and revving their engines.

France has just passed an anti-old car law as well.  Starting in 2016 the city of Paris will ban cars made in 2001 or earlier, classic cars are not exempted! City A-holes will ‘give’ old car owners the equivalent of $1,500 USD to buy a new car!  (perhaps it’s really about boosting those negative EV sales)

The city of Los Angeles, in California, tried that in the early 1990s and it was a failure.  Why?  The city was going to compensate old car owners with only a few hundred dollars towards buying a new car, and classic cars were not exempted.  When all the classic car owners got together and threatened a massive class action lawsuit based on the value of their expensively restored cars the A-hole city administrators backed off.

Then there’s the proven fact that the more ‘electrified-computerized’ your car is the easier it is for the government (or some other nefarious ne’er-do-well) to hack into and directly control your vehicle.

For conspiracy aficionados; why is the U.S. terror agency known as USAID pushing the leasing of EVs through their Finance and Economic Development (the true FED) program?  This brings up another point about EVs, they’re production and sales are supported by taxpayer subsidies!  (“The world’s most electrified auto market didn’t rev its engines overnight….It took a lot of work and a lot of subsidies for Norway to become a major electric-vehicle success story”)

Diesels represent true independence, especially if you have an older vehicle that can easily run on bio-diesel (which is basically vegetable oil)!  Hell, Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel built his iconic engine to run on vegetable oil: “In 1900 a small Diesel engine was exhibited by the Otto company which, on the suggestion of the French Government, was run on Arachide [peanut] oil, and operated so well that very few people were aware of the fact. The motor was built for ordinary oils, and without any modification was run on vegetable oil….. I have recently repeated these experiments on a large scale with full success and entire confirmation of the results formerly obtained.”   He is the first documented victim of the monstrous U.S. Standard Oil company, The American oil millionaire John D. Rockefeller became his nemesis because diesel engines consumed less oil than other engines….at the expense of the profits of oil companies.”   He was later ‘disappeared’ from a ship in the english Channel, later an unidentifiable body was found floating near Norway!

What does oil family Rockefeller have to do with the government and industry push towards electric vehicles?   In 2014 a British news report revealed that the Rockefeller heirs were dumping their investments in petroleum oil and shifting to alternative energy, such as electric cars!  

Electric Vehicles Market to Rise at 19.2% CAGR from 2013 to 2019

Gas Hole: What the oil companies don’t want you to know


The Economics, History and Politics of Hemp Fuels

Mazda’s new 65+ MPG Diesel, but don’t expect to see it in the anti-Diesel car United States! 

Ford Hybrid fuel economy a lie! Hyundai & Kia being sued! Obama regime EPA in on the scam? 

Diesel powered Locomotives brought back to life after Japan Disaster, Low Tech saving High Tech!

Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission’s push for one world government 

Martial Law U.S.A.: RC model planes now considered ‘drones’ must be registered with Obama Regime!

17 October 2015 (01:19 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Mehr 1394/03 Muharram 1436/05 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

U.S. Department of Transportation and Federal Aviation Administration are being tasked by Barack Obama to register all owners and operators of remote control model planes!

I guess they can get a little big and dangerous.

Model planes are now considered ‘drones’ under new regulations.   The new rules go into effect on the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.  Kit bashers who build flying models will have to get “permission” to fly their homegrown planes, and then register them.


Australia bans: “remotely controlled device, including a vehicle or a model of a vehicle, including, for example, any of the following operated by remote control— (a) a toy car (b) a model plane (c) a drone or unmanned aerial vehicle” 

Idaho Students Building Model Kits


China invests big into driverless electric cars!

08 October 2015 (02:40 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Mehr 1394/24 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/26 Bing-Xu 4713

Wu Zhongze, Chairman of China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association, announced to state run news media that China will invest about $30-billion USD into driverless vehicle tech, by 2020.

Chinese driverless electric car by Baidu.

It’s also known as Intelligent Transportation Industry and will involve not only POV (Personally Owned Vehicles) and commercial trucks on roads but will involve taxis and public transportation systems including buses, trains and planes.

China is working with many countries to develop loss of freedom transportation systems.

The ulterior motive is to push everybody into electric powered vehicles as a national charging system will be created as part of the Intelligent Transportation System.

Long March 3B challenges U.S. dominated GPS

A Long March-3B rocket carrying a new-generation Beidou satellite lifts off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Xichang, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, 30 September 2015. China’s new-generation satellite will support its global navigation and positioning network, it is the 20th satellite for the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), and will challenge the current U.S. operated Global Positioning System (GPS).

Inventor of cell phones says your phone number will replace your Social Security number, and be implanted in your head!

20 September 2015 (00:01 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Shahrivar 1394/06 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/08 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“We knew then that once people got this phone in their hands that they would not be able to live without it….  …someday when you’re born you’d be assigned a phone number and if you didn’t answer the phone you had died….  ….it’s worth all the little annoyances… …in the future……it’s going to design itself to your personality…it outta be stuck behind your ear, maybe even under your skin…You will have devices on your body, some implanted that will be measuring your body so you can have a physical exam, not every year or every five years, but every minute…..’we’ will be able to anticipate when you’re going to get sick before you get sick…. …it’ll take a generation or two but that is gonna happen…”-Martin Cooper, former Motorola employee credited with inventing the cell phone, interviewed by China’s CCTV Full Frame  

“And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark….”-Revelation 13:16-17

Idaho Wildfires 2015: Pokey Airport DC-10 Water Bomber

15 August 2015 (10:37 UTC-07 Tango 01)/24 Mordad 1394/29 Shawwal 1436/02 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

Fast winds have pushed the smoke from the dozens of wildfires burning across drought stricken Idaho into the eastern part of The Gem State.  Just in time for the arrival of 10 Tanker number 910, dispatched to Pocatello Regional Airport on 11 August 2015.

Click the pics (by AAron B. Hutchins) to make bigger:

2012 Idaho Wildfires: Canadair CL 215

Pocatello Tanker Base: 13 September 2012

Idaho Wildfires 16 August 2012: MAFFS C-130s return

Idaho Wildfires 2012: Sikorsky Skycrane

S-70 Firehawk

Paranoid NSA paying Mormons big bucks to guard data centers!

03 August 2015 (20:19 UTC-07 Tango 01, 02 August 2015 )/11 Mordad 1394/16 Shawwal 1436/19 Jia-Shen 4713

“For a variety of operational security reasons, NSA does not disclose the full range of these relationships.”-NSA statement

It’s been revealed by the Salt Lake Tribune that in the past year and a half the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has paid Utah Highway Patrol more than $1-million USD to guard the entrance of the World’s largest data spy center.  And all the cops had to do was sit in their patrol cars outside the complex located on Utah’s National Guard training center known as Camp Williams.

One estimate said it works out to about $50 per hour per patrolman, to just sit and wait.

Now realize the Utah Data Complex sits on state military property (see links below), yet they had to hire-on the Highway Patrol as extra security?  According to news reports the big bad ass NSA feels threatened by peaceful protestors outside the Camp Williams-Utah Data Complex.

NSA Data Center Plagued by Arc Flashes

Mormon dominated Idaho makes big money off Beer!

Operation Jupiter: Utah’s Dugway Proving Ground part of JUPITR ATD plan to spread weaponized anthrax around the World

Utah, home base for massive NSA data center

Utah home to military intelligence wargames aimed at you

ebay, Dell, HP, federal & state governments build World’s largest data collection spy system, in Utah

Utah National Guard base to become site of largest personal data center in the U.S.