Category Archives: Technology

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 10-12 August 2013. Veteran run military contractor stealing bombs from National Guard? Idaho loses 1500 jobs in one day? More health care cuts blamed on the Federales!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs.

AOL (American On [Off ?] Line) announced they are selling off 400 Patch sites!  This after announcing they will layoff as many as 500 Patch Editors!

California: In Alameda County, the Almeda Health System laid off at least 57 employees at two hospitals, this as AHS is actually adding two more hospitals to its inventory. One of those hospitals was donated by a non-profit health care group (probably done in by Obama Care).  Hospital officials say the layoffs are their attempt to comply with Obama Care!  In Long Beach, the Christian Saint Mary Medical Center laid off 86 employees.  In Redwood City, Perseid Therapeutics ended operations.  59 people unemployed. It’s the result of a takeover by Astellas.  In San Jose, IBM laid off 203 people!  The layoffs were part of IBM’s elimination of 3-thousand jobs World wide!

Florida: In Tampa, Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase lays off another 208 people!  That’s on top of the 435 cuts announced in June. The evil bank officials admitted that the home mortgage disaster has reached a point where it’s not worth it for banks to continue stealing people’s homes, so they’re now going after their own employees!

Georgia: In Tucker, Park Pet Retreat shut down. The owner of the doggie daycare center blames a suck ass investor:“I am so very sorry to tell you that the Investor that was brought to me and led me on for a month has backed away from the deal.”   But, apparently some good news; it seems Rita MacCallon has such loyal customers that she’s opened a new doggie daycare under the title Rita’s Pet Retreat.

Idaho: In Boise, Micron Technologies (the World’s 2nd largest DRAM maker) announced it will fire 1500 employees!  It’s the result of Micron taking over Japanese competitor Elpida.  Micron officials say the layoffs will be spread around the World, but a Boise financial consultant, Dave Pesto, said “It appears to be pretty heavy here.”  Micron laid off 2-thousand people in Boise back in 2009!

Illinois: In Chicago, Career Education Corporation laid off another 480 people!  That’s on top of the 900 people laid off since last November!  The company has lost more than a hundred million dollars since last year!

Kansas: Wichita City warned of layoffs.  If city revenues are down, as is expected, they want to layoff 13 employees.

Louisiana: Explo Systems bankrupt, company officials in prison.  They are $3 million in debt, and were even served with an eviction notice by the Army National Guard.  The company was supposed to be disarming and destroying out of date munitions for the Louisiana National Guard.   At least six employees were charged with unlawful storage of explosives, reckless storage of explosives, failure to obtain magazine license, failure to properly mark explosive material,  failure to keep accurate inventory and conspiracy.

New York: In Buffalo, yet another non-profit health care provider, Phoenix Frontier, bankrupt because of the federal government.  The IRS claims the disabilities and mental health service provider failed to pay taxes.  In Levittown, magic Shop closed (the store sign actually has magic spelled with lower case m).

North Carolina: The Agricultural and Technical State University laid off at least 50 employees.  The University of North Carolina at Greensboro laid off an undisclosed amount of employees.  In both cases it’s blamed on state funding cuts, and declining student enrollment.  In Greensboro, Cafe Carolina closed down. The owner blames the suck ass economy: “We really wished, we had the ability to keep it going, but under the current conditions we just can’t.”-Ron Hines

Texas: In Waco, Southern Foods Group ended operations.  150 employees let go!

Vermont: Wood burning stove maker, Vermont Castings, laid off 100 employees! Other layoffs took place in Kentucky and Mexico. The company was taken over by its own management, who decided to slash and burn in the name of consolidation.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

Exceptional Failed State: More proof Obama Care website is False Flag op to steal your data & money! “Navigator” has warrant for her arrest!

21 October 2013 (13:56 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/29 Mehr 1391/17 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Don’t believe all the status and error messages that you see on the screen.”Ben Simo, software tester quoted by Consumer Reports

In Kansas, it turns out that one of the Obama Care navigators (person who’s supposed to help people get through the mess) is a wanted woman, by police!  The Obama Care navigator is wanted for arrest over an unpaid $5-thousand plus hospital bill (this also proves that in some states you can go to prison for not paying your debts).  She also has a past civil charge for using bad checks. State health care officials said her arrest warrant never showed up on the background check.

Kansas State Senator, Mary Pilcher-Cook, has also accused the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of making your medical and financial data available to anybody: “…..has failed to protect the security and privacy of Kansas citizens in the consumer outreach programs that use navigators or assisters. This work involves access to sensitive financial and health information and it is critical Kansas citizens be protected from fraud and identity theft.”  

“You’ve just told everybody where the gold is and you’ve left it unsecured. So it will come as no shock that this will be stolen.”-Morgan Wright, security analyst

“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.”hidden script on Terms & Conditions page of

In Minnesota, an Obama Care employee ‘accidentally’ sent the personal data of more than 2-thousand people to an insurance agent.  The honest insurance agent reported it: “The more I thought about it, the more troubled I was. What if this had fallen into the wrong hands? It’s scary. If this is happening now, how can clients of MNsure be confident their data is safe?”-Jim Koester

World War 3, Martial Law U.S. Front: ebay, Dell, HP, federal & state governments build World’s largest data collection spy center system in Utah! Real time data stream monitoring!

16 October 2013 (11:39 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The United States government and ebay have things in common: They both partner to collect your personal data, and their major collection centers are based in the Mormon dominated state of Utah.  But ebay has built the World’s first energy independent collection center, according to ebay itself and Bloom Energy.

Don’t forget ebay has a data center in Arizona called Project Mercury.  In Las Vegas, Nevada, there is what’s being called the largest privately run data collection center in the World.  It’s operated by a company called Switch.  It’s users are “ebay, Google, Sony, Zappos, HP, Cisco, Activision, Intuit, University of Phoenix, Yahoo, MySpace, eHarmony, Sony or Disney, or any of those guys who have games on the internet.”-Rob Roy, Switch

Switch continues to expand its Las Vegas operations and will eventually have 2.2 million square feet (670560 square meters) of data center space (currently they’re just over 400-thousand square feet)!  The state of Nevada was influenced to give the green light to data collection centers by a report from Brookings Mountain West.  A former executive of Switch has started his own data collection company called Cobalt.

ebay’s Topaz data stealing center (created with help from Dell and Hewlett Packard) in Utah is located in South Jordan (just south of Salt Lake City).  It’s not new, but the fact that it is now independent of the power grid is.  It’s powered by Bloom Energy’s fuel cells, solar panels, and a heat waste recovery system is also being built for the center, to insure 100% power grid independence.  ebay’s own video presentation about the collection center states the center was built in partnership with federal and state governments!

ebay has also innovated a way that company (government?) officials can watch your data stream in real time.  It’s called Digital Service Efficiency (DSE).  According to Network Computing it appears to the user as “….a dashboard that displays power load, number of users, energy supplied and other measures of IT effectiveness along with the amount of revenue generated per user, cost of employing that user, carbon footprint and other measures of business activity.”

(note that in the above quote, as a “user” of ebay you are considered an ’employee’, not a client)

According to ebay officials, this real time data dashboard (DSE) is intended to increase the number of transactions per kilowatt hour.  ebay also claims that they save millions of dollars in electrical power usage every time they increase the efficiency of their data collection process.

ebay says it will share any non-specific company DSE techologies with other companies, that are part of a consortium known as The Green Grid.  The current board members of The Green Grid are AMD, Cisco, Dell, EMC2, Emerson, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and Schneider.

By the way, ebay’s new massive data collection center is just north of the federal government’s massive data collection center, located on the Utah Army National Guard’s Camp Williams.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported that ebay got a $38.2 million tax break from Utah, for its new customer service center in Draper!   (as a ebay user I say Utah taxpayers got ripped!)

According to ebay, their motivation to build massive data storage centers is to reduce “environmental impacts”!  Hey, if you weren’t collecting individual’s data you wouldn’t need data centers at all!  Why don’t you try that for saving the environment?

(the correct official new spelling for ebay is all lower case.  why can’t you mainstreamer newsies get it right?)

What Economic Recovery? 700 million+ dollar white elephant for sale in Idaho! I’ve been warning you!

11 October 2013 (16:48 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/19 Mehr 1391/07 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

It’s now official; Idaho’s Hoku Materials polysilicon factory is now up for auction, in whole or in part, without ever making one production run.

The “bulk or piecemeal” auction runs for 24 hours, beginning on 23 October 2013.  Visit for more info (under In Progress and Upcoming Sales) .

I’ve been following this disaster for years, here’s more on the demise of Hoku Materials:

Idaho Falls company needs your support…

Idaho Electric rates going up, blame the demise of Pocatello’s Hoku silicone factory!

Capitalist Commodity Markets to blame for Pocatello’s Hoku Polysilicon near abandonment!

Government Evil: U.S. sanctions Iran over nuke industry, yet makes deal to sell nuclear tech to Vietnam! More proof the U.S. is the patsy of Israel & Saudi Arabia!

11 October 2013 (23:33 UTC-07 Tango 10 October 2013)/06 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/19 Mehr 1391/07 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Only days after General Giap died (the man credited with forcing the U.S. out of Vietnam) the Obama regime signed a deal to sell nuclear technology to Vietnam!  This while the United States has steadily increased economic sanctions against Iran, supposedly because the U.S. doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear technologies!

The U.S. and Vietnam fought a tens years war with each other (before that the U.S. supported France in its eight years war against Vietnam), and yet the Obama regime will allow the private sector to sell off its nuke tech to the South East Asian country?

Iran has never attacked the United States (to be clear, Vietnam never attacked the U.S. either)!  Yet the United States shot down Iran Air flight 655 killing 274 Haj pilgrims and 16 crewmen, launched a tens years war against Iran via Saddam Hussein of Iraq, launched recon drones and even special forces/CIA ops inside Iran, and has imposed economic sanctions for the past 30 years!

Can you say “What a bunch of bullshit!”?

Why can the government of the U.S. be so eager to sell nuke tech to a former enemy, Vietnam, yet continue to warmonger against Iran?  The answers are Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Saudi Arabia and Israel are afraid of an independent and strong Iran.  Never mind the fact that in ancient times the Semites seemed to always find a friend in the Iranian empire (aka Persian empire).

Israel’s NAZI Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, just days ago gave the European Union an order during news media interviews: “Stop it [Iran] now while you’re in a strong position to do so.”

Nut job yahoo then went on a lying rampage that was just amazing, basically blaming Iran for every act of terror and accusing Iran of wanting to destroy the World!

Nut job yahoo’s spoiled brat tantrum could have been the result of being informed by the Obama regime that the U.S. and the EU might ease sanctions against Iran.

Then there’s the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (K.S.A.), who benefits from the U.S. oil sanctions on Iran.  Note that the U.S. buys from K.S.A. what it would have bought from Iran, although Saudi officials deny a connection.

Just a couple of days ago, Reuters reported that the Saudi monarchy is having a shit fit over the possibility that the U.S. and EU could ease sanctions against Iran: “The Saudis’ worst nightmare would be the administration striking a grand bargain with Iran.”-Robert Jordan, former U.S. ambassador to K.S.A.

“I am afraid in case there is something hidden. If America and Iran reach an understanding it may be at the cost of…..Saudi Arabia.”-Abdullah al-Askar, chairman of foreign affairs K.S.A. Shoura Council

The U.S. wants to jump on Vietnam’s estimated $50 billion USD nuke industry market.  You know, Iranian officials have stated, in the past, that they would love to do open business with U.S. nuke corporations.  Japan and Russia have already been awarded contracts to build electricity generating nuclear factories in Vietnam.  The Obama regime took Vietnam’s word that the nuke tech won’t be used for making bombs, yet U.S. can’t take Iran’s word that they are not making a bomb?


World War 3, East Asian Front: New U.S. & Japan military pact prepares for 20 more years of war! Japan joins martial law data collection war!

03 October 2013 (12:11 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

“Today we agreed to review our bilateral defense guidelines, and in the months ahead we will work together in order to shape the framework that will guide our alliance for the years to come.”-John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, has signed a new 20 year military alliance with Japan.  The deal involves Japan and United States joining forces on martial law data collection scheme that is part of the false flag op known as cybersecurity.

The deal also allows U.S. forces to increase military equipment and personnel in Japan.  Japan itself is being encouraged to alter its Constitution to allow for the use of Japanese forces in offensive operations, rather than strictly as a Self Defense Force (SDF).

Japanese and U.S. officials admit the reasons (i.e., targets) for their military build up are China and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Neo-imperialist Japanese Prime Minister, Abe Shinzo, is about to sign new martial laws that are based on U.S. National Security Council rules.  One would oversee foreign and security policies, the other involves domestic secrecy issues.

The Japan Federation of Bar Associations opposes those police state laws.  To prove they are police state laws, Abe is creating what some Japanese news media reports are calling a “ad hoc Diet” to bogusly debate the bills.  Abe wants the bills on his desk before the end of October.

World War 3, U.S. Domestic-Economic Front: Silent Death, you don’t even know you’re being killed!

“The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.

When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up.”Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1, May 1979

Martial Law U.S.A.: Fluoride Wars, primary ingredient in Sarin Gas!

09 September 2013 (14:26 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/18 Shahrivar 1391/05 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

So you think fluoride is good for your teeth?  It’s also good for making toxic sarin gas!

Sarin was originally made in Germany as a organophosphate pesticide.  The original use of fluoride is in the production of pesticides!

Fluoride (aka Sodium Fluoride Powder, Reagent ACS; Sodium Fluoride Powder, USP, EP, BP; Sodium Hydrofluoride; Sodium Monofluoride) is “Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant, corrosive), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive). Severe over-exposure can result in death…….Poisonous solid. Stop leak if without risk. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray to reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance……Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust.”-MSDS issued by manufacturer Sciencelab, in Houston, Texas.

Two days ago U.K. news media revealed that the British empire has been sending the Syrian government fluoride from 2004 to 2010, specifically for the production of sarin gas.

Fluoride is used to stabilize the chemical make up of sarin.  If mixed with water the fluoride bonds breakdown and the poison gas is created.  Sarin is still deadly even in dry form, if you get it into your system.

Why do doctors and dentists, in English speaking countries, continue to push the use of the CW (chemical weapon) fluoride in drinking water and toothpaste?

New bogus emails stealing your digital info!

22 August 2013 (11:09 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Shawwal 1434/31 Mordad 1391/16 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Japan’s National Police Agency warning of new emails delivering viruses to your computer, viruses that grab all your digital info.

In Japan 210 incidents targeting 5-thousand companies involved in the defense, aerospace and nuclear power industries have been reported, so far this year.

Individuals are being targeted as well.  33 individual cases reported so far this year, compared to only two last year.   The bogus emails are disguised as online job applications or product questionnaires.

Police are once again telling individuals to not click on any links on emails you got from unknown sources.  Companies have been advised to keep computers that get emails from the general public separate from in-house computers.

Martial law U.S.A.: Think your smartphone data is secure? Silent Circle erases customer data due to fear of the NSA!

10 August 2013 (15:46 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Shawwal 1434/19 Mordad 1391/04 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

The following was posted by Silent Circle:

To Our Customers

We designed our phone, video, and text services (Silent Phone and Silent Text) to be completely end-to-end secure with all cryptography done on the clients and our exposure to your data to be nil. The reasons are obvious — the less of your information we have, the better it is for you and for us.

Silent Mail has thus always been something of a quandary for us. Email that uses standard Internet protocols cannot have the same security guarantees that real-time communications has. There are far too many leaks of information and metadata intrinsically in the email protocols themselves. Email as we know it with SMTP, POP3, and IMAP cannot be secure.

And yet, many people wanted it. Silent Mail has similar security guarantees to other secure email systems, and with full disclosure, we thought it would be valuable.

However, we have reconsidered this position. We’ve been thinking about this for some time, whether it was a good idea at all. Today, another secure email provider, Lavabit, shut down their system lest they “be complicit in crimes against the American people.” We see the writing the wall, and we have decided that it is best for us to shut down Silent Mail now. We have not received subpoenas, warrants, security letters, or anything else by any government, and this is why we are acting now.

We’ve been debating this for weeks, and had changes planned starting next Monday. We’d considered phasing the service out, continuing service for existing customers, and a variety of other things up until today. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and with your safety we decided that the worst decision is always no decision.

Silent Phone and Silent Text, along with their cousin Silent Eyes are end-to-end secure. We don’t have the encrypted data and we don’t collect metadata about your conversations. They’re continuing as they have been. We are still working on innovative ways to do truly secure communications. Silent Mail was a good idea at the time, and that time is past.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you understand that if we dithered, it could be more inconvenient.