All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3, Asian Front: More bullshit for taxpayers funding the War in Afghanistan!

22 May 2013/12 Rajab 1434/01 Khordad 1391/13 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Herat Province, witnesses say U.S. personnel killed two seminary students.  Witnesses say a group of students were attending a ceremony when the U.S. troops open fired into the crowd.

In Parwan Province, Bagram District, witnesses say a U.S. led home invasion resulted in four people being kidnapped.

In Paktika Province, Khushamand District, Mujahideen claim they killed three U.S. special operations forces, when they blew up the SOF armored vehicle.

In Ghazni Province, an explosion took place at a bus station in the capital city.  Five people killed, 20 wounded.  Local police do not know who set off the bomb, or why the bus stations was targeted.  Later in the day another explosion hit Ghazni Province, killing seven people and wounding 13.  It was caused by a suicide bomber.

In Helmand Province, an explosion went off near a private hospital.  One person killed, and three wounded.

In Farah Province, three people killed and two wounded, after they drove over a landmine.

After first saying no, the United Kingdom has decided to allow immigration visas for 600 Afghans (and their families) who worked for Red Coats as interpreters.  But wait, there’s more for the British taxpayers!  Those Afghans moving to Britain will have their travel expenses paid for, as well as three months of living expenses. For those Afghans who worked for the Red Coats, but do not qualify for immigration, the U.K. government will offer 18 months of full pay to be trained for a new job in Afghanistan!  What was that about the U.K. government being broke?

21 May 2013/11 Rajab 1434/31 Ordibehest 1391/12 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, Sangin District, several police outposts were attacked by Mujahideen.  Reports say as many as 40 cops killed.  Police officials say the Mujahideen were helped by personnel from Pakistan and Chechnya.  Mujahideen say the attack was a two day operation, that resulted in dozens of cops killed, destroying seven outposts, nine vehicles were also destroyed.

In Herat Province, Obe District, seven cops were killed, two wounded, when they drove over a landmine.

20 May 2013/10 Rajab 1434/30 Ordibehest 1391/11 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, Girishk District, witnesses say U.S. led personnel conducted a home invasion, kidnapping an elderly person.

In Baghlan Province, a suicide bomber blew up near the provincial council compound.  14 people were killed, including the provincial council chief.  Nine people wounded.

In Kapisa Province, Tagab District, reports that eight people killed, several wounded, by a U.S. drone strike.

In Kandahar Province, locals say U.S. personnel conducted several home invasions in Kandahar city.  Several people were kidnapped and women, children and even religious leaders were harassed.   Property was damaged.

Killer disease spreads in Africa? Cases in DR Congo! 90% kill rate!

30 May 2013 (04:03 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Rajab 1434/09 Khordad 1391/21 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Just a few days after what sounds like a new hemorrhagic virus reportedly killed more than 100 children in Benin, UN health officials have revealed that the deadly Ebola virus is alive and well in Democratic Republic of Congo.

At least six people have been infected in the first two weeks of May.  DR Congo has been the site of numerous Ebola outbreaks since 1976.

Benin is hundreds and hundreds of miles from DR Congo, so maybe they are dealing with a different type of hemorrhagic virus?  In January 2013 it was reported that fruit bats in parts of Asia are now infected with Ebola.  Also, in February there were reports that Chinese officials accused U.S. officials of spreading Ebola with GMOed mosquitoes, in the name of fighting Dengue Fever.

Ebola has a 80-90% kill rate (a level 4 bio-hazard RNA virus).  No treatment.  People have been known to go as many as 21 days after infection before symptoms appear.  After several decades of study, researchers still aren’t sure where Ebola comes from or how humans get infected.



Coronavirus MERS update: More deaths! Infected people spreading the disease before they get sick!

30 May 2013 (03:30 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Rajab 1434/09 Khordad 1391/21 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

The UN World Health Organization said there are now 49 confirmed cases and 27 deaths.

Health officials are calling for longer quarantine periods for people infected with the new MERS virus.   A new study published in the Lancet concluded that the bat virus takes much longer to incubate inside a host (9-12 days versus 1-9 days).  This means it’s possible for an infected person to spread the virus before they actually get sick.

2006 Mustang Funny Car dragster

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False Flag Bio War? Outlawed GMO wheat shows up on Oregon farms!

30 May 2013 (02:00 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Rajab 1434/09 Khordad 1391/21 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investigating a farmer’s claim that he discovered outlawed GMO wheat growing on his Oregon farm.

Monsanto was testing a GMO version of wheat, in 13 states, but dropped it by 2005 because U.S. wheat farmers categorically rejected any genetically modified wheat.

Supposedly Monsanto stopped their GMO wheat test in Oregon back in 2001.

The farmer in Oregon found wheat growing where he knew he didn’t plant any seed, so he sprayed them with Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer.  The wheat didn’t die.  Scientists at Oregon State University confirmed they are GMO crops.

Wheat speculators are expecting the discovery to affect international wheat prices.

This case is similar to what’s happening in Hungary.  Recently more than 404.6 hectares (1000 acres) of maize (corn for those ‘mercians livin’ in ‘merica) were burned because they were contaminated with GMO crops.  GMO crops are outlawed in Hungary, yet Hungarian agriculture officials now suspect there are dozens of farm fields tainted by GMOs.


H7N9 update: Easy to catch, old men are the targets!

29 May 2013 (14:45 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Rajab 1434/08 Khordad 1392/20 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“…the low antibody levels we measured indicate that there is likely to be very little immune protection against this virus…..It is now essential that follow up studies on patients with H7N9 include serological investigations to determine what antibody levels are indicative of clinical protection…..These data will give us a better tool to gauge the size of a second H7N9 outbreak…”-Maciej F. Boni,  Center for Tropical Medicine, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam

Researchers in Vietnam are warning that H7N9 is potentially just as easy to catch as other human flu viruses, and that humans have weak immunity protection against it.

In China, researchers have released data on just who is getting sick and what are the dominant symptoms of H7N9:

100% of infected people had fevers

97% of patients had signs of pneumonia

90% had coughs

76% needed ICU treatment

68% were men

42% were aged 65 years or older

27% died

The researchers also suggested that there could be a genetic reason why some people get sick, and others do not.


Killer disease out of Africa, 100 children dead in four weeks!

28 May 2013 (12:52 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Rajab 1434/07 Khordad 1391/19 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Benin, on the continent of Africa, local TV reports say more than 100 people, mostly children, have died from a strange and violent disease in the past four weeks.

To make things worse, the only health official in the area of Dekin is a mid-wife who runs the area’s only health center.  Reports say the victims are vomiting blood and making a strange “snoring” like sound.

According to French news media reports, the symptoms are “Fever, vomiting, and simultaneous bleeding from the nostrils, followed by strange breathing sounds, and finally the victims’ heart stops.”

French reports also say the disease kills children within 24 hours of infection.  Apparently the adults have more resistance, and those adults infected are reported to be “languishing” in the local health clinic.  There are no certified nurses or doctors at the clinic.

Many of those infected do not have access to clean drinking water and have been drinking water from the same watering holes used by wild animals.

A commenter on ProMED believes this is a new hemorrhagic fever, similar to the Marburg or Ebola viruses.

Benin is a country sandwiched between Togo and Nigeria.

(here’s something scary; last year Canadian researchers concluded that Ebola could become airborne)

Coronavirus MERS update: More deaths and cases! U.S. & China join forces!

28 May 2013 (12:28 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Rajab 1434/07 Khordad 1392/19 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“…the imminent threats are the H7N9 influenza virus and the new coronavirus emerging in the Middle East.”-Ian Lipkin, Center for Infection and Immunity

French news media reporting that the man who returned from Dubai, infected with the new bat related virus, MERS, has died.  It was that case which confirmed that MERS is airborne and can infect human to human, because another man sharing the hospital room with the MERS infected man is now sick.

In Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), a woman suffering from chronic illness was finally done in by MERS.  KSA Ministry of Health are also reporting five new cases.

By my count, the number of deaths are at 24, out of 49 cases.

The UN World Health Organization says it will now help KSA prepare for possible massive outbreak of MERS during the upcoming Islamic Haj pilgrimage (in October).

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention is now warning all U.S. medical personnel to be on the lookout, as any person who returned from the Middle East (West Asia) showing sings of illness could have MERS.

In China, a new research center is being opened by National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and the U.S. Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health’s Center for Infection and Immunity.

It’s been years in the planning and is called Joint Research Laboratory for Pathogen Discovery.  The operators say the timing is just right, since it appears the World is being hit with several new diseases right now.  Researchers believe the greatest need is finding ways to fight H7N9 and MERS.   China is paying for the new research center.

H7N9 update: New case, more deaths!

28 May 2013 (12:00 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Rajab 1434/07 Khordad 1392/19 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

New main streamer news media reports say a new study says H7N9 is resistant to tamiflu.  No shit Sherlock,  I’ve been reporting that for weeks now (go over my past H7N9 updates)!

In China, the city of Beijing reports its second case of H7N9 human infection.  A six years old boy got sick, went to hospital where blood samples were taken.  He was allowed to go home and return to school.  It was later confirmed he has H7N9.  However, health officials say he has not shown any symptoms since being sent home.

Beijing health officials have ordered that H7N9 must be tested for in all suspected flu cases, and must be reported to officials.

Chinese news media reporting another person has died from H7N9.  China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission says 131 people have been infected, with 36 of them dying (by my count it’s 133 including the case in Taiwan, and 37 deaths).

SFTS update: More deaths! Finally proof that it’s Vampire Spiders!

28 May 2013 (11:23 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Rajab 1434/07 Khordad 1391/19 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

A third person has now died, possibly of SFTS (Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome) in Korea.  Lab results are taking a long time to confirm whether or not the victims had SFTS.  He was suffering from fever, stomach problems and septicemia.  These symptoms could also been associated with meningitis.

The second Korean to die did so on 16 May, and has finally been confirmed to have been infected with SFTS.  He was a cattle farmer and reports say his body was covered in tick (a type of blood sucking spider/arachnid) bites.

The first Korean to die did so in August 2012.  She was only recently confirmed to have SFTS.  It took several blood tests to confirm SFTS.  She was bitten by a tick in July 2012.  One month later she suffered fever and stomach problems.  The tick bite had not healed and began swelling.  She died four days after being transferred to Seoul National University Hospital.

In Japan, at least 15 people have been infected, and eight have died from SFTS.  However, researchers were having trouble connecting the disease to ticks, because they couldn’t find any that were carrying the virus.  Finally, this past week they found a tiny 3mm tick on the latest human victim.  The tick tested positive for SFTS.

The last reports out of China said researchers were also having problems making definitive connections between ticks and humans, but assumed it was being caused by ticks.

Here’s the rub; as I’ve posted before, it seems this SFTS is evolving independently in the different countries where it’s being found (it evolved from the bunyavirus).  Japanese researchers have pointed out that their SFTS is slightly different than the SFTS in China.

The infected tick just found in Japan is reported to be the Haemaphysalis longicornis tick.  The same tick associated with Lyme disease.

Unconfirmed reports say SFTS has also been found in the Rhipicephalus microplus tick.  This tick was supposedly eradicated from the United States, but is still found in Mexico, Central America and parts of Austral/Asia and east Africa.

Breaking news update as of February 2019: Longhorn ticks are making their way back to North America!