All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

2 1/2 mile fire update, containment. More Idaho fires expected, warns officials.

03 July 2013 (23:12 UTC-07 Tango 02 July 2013)/24 Sha’ban 1434/12 Tir 1391/26 Ji-Wie (5th month) 4711

Blackened hill from 2 1/2 Mile Road fire. About 1048 acres (424 hectares) burned. During the night winds died down and firefighters got the upper hand.

Blackened hill from 2 1/2 Mile Road fire, northern Bannock County (as seen from Cotant Park, Chubbuck). About 1048 acres (424 hectares) burned. During the night winds died down and firefighters got the upper hand.

Eastern Idaho Interagency Fire Center reports the 2 1/2 Mile fire is contained.

EIIFC also reporting the lightning caused Beaver Pass fire in Butte County.   One of the fire crews that battled the 2 1/2 Mile fire are now working the Beaver Pass fire with other crews from federal agencies and the cities of Arco and Custer County’s Lost River.  50 acres burned so far.

In southern Idaho, several fires are burning federal Bureau of Land management property.   The Emery Fire has burned at least 600 acres (248.8 hectares), they hope to have it contained by Wednesday night.  Another fire 3 miles north of the city of Wendell has burned 1833 acres (741.7 hectares), and is considered contained.  The Point fire, near Rogerson, has burned at least 2500 acres (1011.7 hectares).  The Jim Brown fire has burned 13000 acres (5260.9 hectares), containment expected by Wednesday night.   The West Hollister fire is contained, and burned at least 3000 acres (1214 hectares).  All the mentioned fires are suspected of being caused by lightning.

In western Idaho, fire crews are fighting the Turner fire, near Lucky Peak.  It burned about 300 acres (121 hectares) and is suspected of being human caused.

“We saw what last year’s fire season did to Idaho. Right now, we are set up to have potentially a worse fire season than last year.”-Bob Shindelar, Boise National Forest

Back in June, analysts warned that the fire danger is extreme for Idaho mountain areas.

“They’re coming into their third year of really dry conditions. Even though we had a relatively good snowpack across most of Idaho this year, it hasn’t made up the deficit we’ve seen in the past.”-Ed Delgado, National Interagency Fire Center



June 2012:

Smoke seen from downtown Old Town Pocatello. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins, 28JUN2012.


World War 3, Martial Law U.S.A.: Russian troops to return to United States, in greater numbers!

02 July 2013 (14:21 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Sha’ban 1434/11 Tir 1391/25 Ji-Wie (5th month) 4711

In April 2012 I wrote about Russian airborne troops landing in the U.S. state of Colorado.  It was about domestic terror operations.

On 26 June 2013 the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry made the following announcement:

The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.

The document provides for expert cooperation in disaster response operations and to study the latest practices.

In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.

At the end of the meeting the parties expressed their satisfaction with the level of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United States in the area of emergency prevention and response and agreed to develop it in order to respond efficiently to all kinds of disasters.


World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 01 May 2013.

Aluminum maker, Alcoa, says it will reduce production even more.  Alcoa has already been shutting down operations world wide.  They blame the low price of aluminum.  Reduced production equals more layoffs.

In Rhode Island, Westerly Hospital eliminated 45 jobs.  It’s being blamed on the takeover by Lawrence + Memorial Hospital.

Schumacher Group shutting down its Patient Financial Management Services in Louisiana.  41 people laid off.   Blame Obama/Romney Care (Affordable Care Act).

In California, the not for profit doctor and hospital network known as Sutter Health announced 169 people losing their jobs!  There was no reason given, but apparently the network is consolidating 1000 jobs, so expect more layoffs.  The Paradise Unified School District wants to get rid of at least six jobs.  It all depends on Title 1 federal funds.  In Atascadero, Colby Jack Café & Bakery closed down.  The owners blame the bad economy: “We tried to make it work and couldn’t. We haven’t seen the economy get better.”-Natalie Dorris

The proposed budget for the city of Portland, Oregon, plans 182 layoffs, and increases the water/sewer rates!

Electronics/communications company Harris Corporation wants to layoff 150 people in Brevard County, Florida!  Company officials say they have to cut operating costs.

In North Carolina, Too Big to Jail Bank of America closed down its employee child care center in Charlotte.  In High Point, Tar Heel Lanes bowling alley closed after 42 years of business.  The owners were not able to get  new loans, so now the bowling alley is up for sale.  After 37 years Gaston County’s John Deere dealership, Briley’s Lawn and Leisure, closed down.  Blamed on death in the family.

Ecolab laying off 500 people across the U.S., mainly in Texas!  It’s blamed on restructuring after the takeover of a company called Champion Technologies.

In Maryland, Aramark laying off 202 people!  The dining service company lost a major contract.   In Bethesda, Zen Tara Tea shop shut down.   The owners blamed loss of business on major construction projects in the area.  In College Park, On Cloud 9 clothing store closed up.  Blamed on death in the family.  In Ellicott City, Mumbles and Squeaks toy store closed.  After 21 years the owners decided it was time to retire.

What automotive sector recovery?  In Indiana, Jay Products Company of Portland ceased operations.  61 people out-o-work.  The car parts maker blamed it on a reduction in production in the automotive industry.

In Missouri, the Affton Blockbuster video store closed down.

Update on ESCO Technologies closing its Aclara plant in Solon, Ohio.  At least 79 employees being laid off.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

2 1/2 mile fire update, approaching northern Pocatello

02 July 2013 (20:37 UTC-07 Tango 01 July 2013)/23 Sha’ban 1434/11 Tir 1391/25 Ji-Wie (5th month) 4711

Click pics to make bigger

New 2 and a half Mile fire northeast of Chubbuck, Idaho

01 July 2013 (22:07 UTC-07 Tango 30 June 2013)/22 Sha’ban 1434/10 Tir 1391/24 Ji-Wie (5th month) 4711

Click pics to make bigger

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: Karzai says Obama wants feudalism! More tax money down the hole! India reveals Great Game plans!

30 June 2013/21 Sha’ban 1434/09 Tir 1391/23 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Nangarhar Province, the Afghan National Army reports major battles with Mujahideen.   The ANA claims they killed 50 Mujahideen and wounded 70 others.

In Zabul Province, Sewri District, three people killed, two wounded, when their civilian vehicle drove over a landmine.

29 June 2013/20 Sha’ban 1434/08 Tir 1391/22 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Paktia Province, local government sources report a NATO/ISAF/ANA airborne assault on Mujahideen positions.  Four Mujahideen killed.

In Takhar Province, local government sources say a peaceful protest organized by a local Mujahideen Council was fired on by supporters of centralized government and local police forces.  Reports say there is now full on battles taking place between supporters of centralized government and Mujahideen.

President Hamid Karzai said the reason why the U.S. is now negotiating with Mujahideen is because they want to keep certain areas of Afghanistan in states of feudalism.  Karzai said the U.S. is willing to give Mujahideen total control of certain areas of Afghanistan.   Karzai also claims that the Obama administration is pushing him to sign a new military deal (Bilateral Security Agreement).  He says President Barack Obama gave him three months.   Apparently Obama wants the deal signed before the new President of Afghanistan is elected!

The External Affairs Minister of India, Salman Khurshid, accidentally revealed major war plans involving the domination of the energy resources of Central Asia.  He said the Great Game plan is to control the North-South corridor of Central Asia through domination of Iran and Afghanistan: “Of course, it does make Iran very critical… makes Afghanistan very critical……Afghanistan will then become a bridge for us to Central Asia and Iran as well.”

On the same day that United Kingdom’s Prime Minister David Cameron told afghans “there will be no British combat troops after the end of 2014”, an unnamed Ministry of Defence source says the U.K. has plans to keep troops incountry until 2020!  One source gave this statement: “We will leave our combat role next year, but we will still be needed for three to five years after that.”

United Kingdom’s top military man in Afghanistan, Brigadier General Nick Carter, says the U.S. should’ve started negotiations with Mujahideen (Taliban) when the U.S. first invaded in 2001: “Back in 2002, the Taliban were on the run. I think that at that stage, if we had been very prescient, we might have spotted that a final political solution to what started in 2001, from our perspective, would have involved getting all Afghans to sit at the table and talk about their future.”

The U.K. news media reporting that a memorial wall to Afghan veterans will be built using fines paid by Too Big to Jail banks caught in the LIBOR scandal.

28 June 2013/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, Panjwai District, local government sources say four Mujahideen were killed as they tried to ambush an ANA convoy.

In Farah Province, Bala Bolok District, local government sources said a suicide bomber tried to attack a military convoy.  Two civilians killed, six wounded.  However, Mujahideen said the attack was successful and two armored vehicles were destroyed and six NATO/ISAF personnel killed.

In Parwan Province, the U.S. Army is investigating the non-combat death of a Sergeant.  He was a construction engineer and was killed on Bagram air base.

Afghan Senator Belquis Roshan says the U.S. is supporting Mujahideen (Taliban) and peace is not what the U.S. wants: “In the presence of foreign troops, the people of Afghanistan would never have peace and independence. Now that the U.S. is trying to help the Taliban participate in the coming election, there would be no prosperity for our people too.”

The United States government is spending hundreds of millions of their taxpayer dollars (maybe it’s drug money, which would explain the massive increase in drug production?) on aircraft for the Afghan air force.  However, a Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) report said all that money, and all those aircraft will be wasted because Afghanistan does not have the support network to keep those aircraft flying.   This only means that the U.S. government will spend more money it supposedly doesn’t have trying to build up Afghanistan’s aircraft maintenance and support crews.

In a sure sign that the U.S. has only made Afghanistan a hell hole, German news media reporting that 100 Afghan diplomats have defected.   Apparently their tours of duty in Germany were over, but they did not want to return to Afghanistan.

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 19-20 April 2013. What automotive sector recovery? NSA domestic spying company hit by spending cuts!

In New Jersey, North Bergen recycling went bankrupt.  Company officials pled guilty to illegal dumping and got hit with massive fines.

AM General laid off at least 350 people in Indiana!  Company officials blame the bad global economy on crashing Hummer/Humvee orders!  Yet, at the same time they claim there is a big demand for their military type vehicle, it’s just that the expected orders haven’t come in.

In Kentucky, automotive parts supplier, GECOM, laid off 85 employees.  Company officials blamed it on “…current and projected business needs…”, adding that for the foreseeable future “…only a handful of employees…” will be kept working.

In Tennessee, Volkswagen laying off 500 people!  Last year VW thought they were going to add 800 jobs to their U.S. Passat factory, but sales crashed!  VW officials say sales are only good in major metro areas, in the rest of the country sales are down.  And in a bit-o-irony, the Department of of Labor and Workforce is restructuring its Career Centers, and as many as 125 people could lose their jobs!

At least 180 people lost their jobs with L3 Communication Systems-West in Utah!  Company officials blamed Department of Defense spending cuts.  Maybe this is a good thing, as L3 is “…a leading provider of networked communication solutions for high-performance intelligence collection, imagery processing and satellite communications for the Department of Defense (DoD) and other government agencies. We provide high-data rate, wideband, secure, real-time communication systems for surveillance and reconnaissance.”  In other words they’re being paid to spy on you!  (for some reason hi-tech spying operations are setting up shop in the heart of Mormon-land, soon the World’s largest personal information collection center will be operational. It’s located in the Utah Army National Guard’s Camp Williams)

Publicly funded (meaning donations) KCET TV, in California, laid off 22 employees and eliminated five vacant positions.  It’s the result of a merger with publicly funded (donations) Link Media.  In June 2012 KCET posted a loss of $7.4 million USD.

More bad news for Disney owned Lucasfilm.  20 more people laid off in what is supposedly the last round of layoffs since the Disney takeover.

In Maine, SPX Communications Technologies ended antenna operations, laying off 57 employees.

The Puma athletic store in Pennsylvania closed down.

In Oregon, The Elephant’s Trunk toy store closed at the Salem Center Mall.

267 people out-o-work in Ohio, after Turf Products closed its Streetsboro operations!  Another 23 people laid off in the company’s distribution center.   Apparently the company made too many products (like lawnmowers) at other factories, and is calling a production halt.  ESCO Technologies closing its Aclara plant in Solon.  The company saw a 85% drop in profits for its 2nd quarter this year.  No word on how many people will be unemployed.

In Little Rock, Arkansas, Faux Pas closed after 20 years in business.  The owners of the fashion store decided it was time to change careers.

Wonderland Books shut down in Connecticut. The owners blamed competition from big name stores and the internet.

In Mississippi, Bayside Furniture & Appliances shut down.  The longtime family owners (since 1970) blamed the bad economy.

After 64 years Smith’s Gardentown Farms closed in Wichita, Texas.   The family owners blame the long drought, and hope to re-open when the rains return: “The drought has everyone worried. I think there were some misunderstandings about the [city’s] watering rules, but the drought is a reality. Much of our business depends on selling bedding plants in the spring to help get us through the summer and into the fall. Business has just been way off because people are guarded about the future, and rightfully so.”-Steve Smith

In New Mexico, the Albuquerque Public Schools District has lost $100 million since 2010, and is now looking at closing down several schools.  The district has already laid off 1000 employees since 2010!  One plan is to get rid of Middle schools (Junior Highs).  The irony is that the district just built two new schools!

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.




Coronavirus MERS update: Face veils save lives! More warnings from United Nations! Blame camels?

30 June 2013 (14:16 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Sha’ban 1434/09 Tir 1391/23 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

With concerns over the estimated millions of people traveling to Mecca in the Gregorian month of October, it turns out that women who wear face veils might be saving their own lives, and preventing the spread of MERS!   That claim is based on data showing that 74% of the victims of Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome are men.

There is nothing that says men can’t wear veils (nomadic men do).  What about our equal rights?  In fact the Qur’an says to cover yourself modestly, which is generally accepted as covering as much of yourself as possible or practical.  In the case of fighting a disease face coverings are very practical, even mandatory.

A little super ancient history side note from Central Asia.  The ancient people of Central Asia (Aryans) had a myth that said when the creators first put humans on Earth, the humans were told not to expose any part of their body to the environment.  Ancient Mongolians said the horse was given to humans to help them travel without having to walk on the ground, because the ground was toxic.  In many super ancient societies ‘hell’ literally meant the ground/underground or Earth itself.  Perhaps when humans first appeared on Earth the environment was too dangerous, and that’s where the concept of being covered from head to toe came from (how did the first humans know how to make clothes?  the super ancient myths say the ‘creators’ gave them the clothes).

The UN World Health Organization has updated its plans for defending against a MERS pandemic.  MERS lodges itself in your lower respiratory system, where it can take up to 14 days before you get sick.  This explains why standard nose swabs (nasopharyngeal, or NP) have been showing up negative on people who turn out to be infected.

UNWHO is advising medical personnel to consider every person the infected patient could have seen in the 14 days prior to showing symptoms.

A German researcher has discovered that a UAE man, who died from MERS, was treating a sick camel when he got infected.  The camel recovered, however no tests were done on the camel to see if it had MERS.

Healthcare workers should use airborne and contact defense tactics to protect themselves when treating people infected with MERS.

The UNWHO reports there are now 77 confirmed cases, with 40 deaths.


World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 18 April 2013. Thousands of people losing their jobs!

Just one day after announcing 300 layoffs in California, Washington based (HQ now in Illinois) Boeing announced that 1700 engineering jobs will be eliminated by the end of the year!   This affects Boeing’s Commercial Airplane unit.   Boeing officials also revealed that they’ve laid off 700 people in other positions since October 2012, and that “…we will continue that effort.”

Cessna Aircraft has warned union employees in Kansas, that some of them will be out-o-work soon.  Company officials blamed the bad economy: “Cessna continues to operate within a challenging economic environment and is experiencing a slower-than-expected recovery….”  The QuikTrip store in the Sprint Center closed down.

The Asada restaurant in Laguna Beach, California, went bankrupt.   The company said the restaurant will stay open, the bankruptcy is to “preserve the business”.  The restaurant owes debts, wages and back rent.  The rent is $21630 per month.   In Modesto, the Memorial Medical Center laid off 39 office employees.  The hospital has consolidated its administrative operations.  In San Jose, two Bay Area Family Fitness centers shut down.  They had opened just 18 months prior!

IBM (International Business Machines, a U.S. company that got its start cataloging concentration camp victims for the NAZIs) warned of major layoffs.  Company officials blame their crashing sales on the bad economy.

In Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia School District is warning of massive job and program cuts, because it is short $304 million for the 2014 school year!

In New Hampshire, The Telegraph laid off about 24 employees, right before the newspaper was taken over by The Ogden Newspapers.

Too Big to Jail, Ohio’s KeyCorp (KeyBank) will increase layoffs and close at least 30 branches around the U.S.  In Youngstown, Cafe Cimmento closed down. The owner said his son left the Cafe for a better paying job.   7-Eleven closed three stores near Ohio State University.

In Cave Junction, Oregon, Rough & Ready Lumber closed down.  The owners of the saw mill blame a lack of logs coming from federal forests.

The Newsland store in Westminster, Colorado, shut down.   It’s the owner’s fifth and final Newsland store.  He started the magazine/book stands 28 years ago.   He blames electronic devices.

In Michigan, Why Not Costumes shut down after 26 years of business.  The owner blames the bad economy.  She’s put the business and her home up for sale.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

World War 3: United Nations increases military spending for 2014, and you’re paying for it!

29 June 2013 (02:52 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Sha’ban 1434/08 Tir 1391/22 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The member countries of the United Nations (which includes the United States) have agreed to spend $7.5 billion of their taxpayers’ money on military ‘peacekeeping’ operations for 2014.

That’s an increase of $200 million USD from the 2013 budget, mainly because of military operations in Africa and Syria.

The taxpayers of the U.S. are forced to provide 28% of the funding, while Japanese taxpayers provide 11% (in second place after the U.S.).