17 JUL 2017 (12:37 UTC-07 Tango 06) 26 Tir 1396/22 Shawwal 1438/24 Ding Wei 4715
“All types of businesses , retail, restaurants, the tour boats, all the trips, everything. All types of workers are needed.”-Martha Searchfield, unAmerican Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce now forced to hire U.S. citizens
Surprise, surprise, surprise, the U.S. state of Maine ran out of foreign workers and is forced to start hiring their own citizens!
Turns out resort towns in the unAmerican state of Maine have been using H-2B visa workers instead of employing locals who are in desperate need of a job. Only those tourist traps have already maxed out their H-2B quota for the year!
The situation is so bad that for the first time the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce is holding job fairs to make it known that they are now hiring U.S. citizens!