What Global Warming? Saudi Arabia hit with unprecedented Ice Storm, dozens killed or wounded!

02 November 2015 (07:29 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Aban 1394/19 Muharram 1437/21 Ding-Hai 4713

Perhaps it’s Allah’s vengeance for supporting such takfir Muslim (false Muslim) groups as the U.S. created Islamic State (DAIISH)?


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has been hit with massive hailstorms, so much so that it created Ice Flash Floods!  The unusual cold weather pattern began on 28 October and hit Kuwait and parts of Iraq and Iran as well.   News reports say at least 19 people were killed by the ice storm, more than 50 rescues were conducted.

Dizin ski resort, Iran.

I lived in Tehran, Iran, from 1970 to ’74 and it does get cold enough during winter to snow, in fact since the Revolution Iran now has nicely developed ski resorts.  Apparently the current cold front came further down south than normal, crossing the Persian Gulf into KSA.

Up until about 2012 the main streamers loved to push their Global Warming theory, except that from 2011-2012 global temps actually dropped.  Since then the main streamers now call their justification to kill all humans Climate Change.  During their Global Warming mantra they totally blamed it on humans, now they admit Mother Earth has cyclic warming and cooling periods but they claim we humans are making it worse.  Do research using geological data, the most reliable concerning the Earth’s past climate changes, some being catastrophic, and most occurring when there weren’t (supposedly) any humans on Earth!

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