23 October 2013 (13:17 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711
“The arithmetic is inescapable, no matter what people in Washington [DC] say.”-Patrick Johnston, California Association of Health Plans, commenting on the fact that people who already have insurance are being forced to switch to more expensive policies
According to Kaiser Health News, 500-thousand to one million people in the United States, who already have health insurance, are being sent cancellation notices!
Florida Blue terminating about 300-thousand policies, about 80% of their customers in Florida!
Kaiser Permanente cancelled policies for 160-thousand people, about 50% of its customer base in California! Blue Shield of California cancelled 60% of its polices! A rep from Blue Shield stated people who had insurance will pay more for the same coverage under Obama Care.
In Pennsylvania, Highmark canceled 20% of its policies. Independent Blue Cross, the biggest health insurance company in the state, canceled 45% of its polices!
It’s possible that the amount of people being kicked off their existing insurance could be at least one million!