15 May 2013 (01:08 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Rajab 1434/25 Ordibehest 1391/06 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711
In the U.S. state of Colorado, it’s been revealed that hundreds, if not thousands, of prisoners have had their sentences screwed up for years, supposedly because of a lack of communication between the courts and the prisons!
Some prisoners got out early, while others are still languishing in prison for minor offenses.
According to the Denver Post, the sentencing errors were revealed when a prisoners who should not have been released was so, and then allegedly committed murder.
Governor John Hickenlooper ordered an audit (investigation). Already massive amounts of improper sentencing has been found in 349 cases, another 8415 cases identified as needing review!
Judges are now scrambling to make corrections to the corrections facilities foul ups. Court clerks are being blamed for not properly communicating the court sentences to the prison officials (how can you screw that up?).
For decades, in past jobs I’ve had, I had co-workers who were ex-convicts and they all talked about this kind of bullshit. Most claiming to being treated as if they were murders when they committed minor crimes, like burglary. They would claim that prison officials ignored their pleas to check their court sentences, most could not afford an attorney. At first I though ‘yeah, typical ex-con’, but I’ve heard the same stories from California, to Arizona, to Idaho, and started to wounder why so many across several states had similar stories?
(when I was a local TV news producer in Arizona I would get calls from prisoners all the time asking for help because they were still in prison when they should have been released. But guess what folks, it’s an unwritten rule in U.S. TV journalism not to cover prisoner issues, that’s what my news director told me when I asked about investigating the prisoners’ claims!!!)
Now the state of Colorado admits to screwing up prisoners’ sentences. What was that about the U.S. justice system being the fairest in the World? Bull shit!
If you can’t trust the current justice system, how the hell can you trust Obama and the U.S. Congress (republicans & democrats) with their War on Terror, Gitmo, NDAA 2013, and virtual martial law?!